
Detailed Description


class  TagListModel
class  TagItemDelegate
class  TagList
class  TagListWidget
class  TagListDialog
class  TagListSidebarWidgetType

Class Documentation

◆ TagListModel

class TagListModel

Public Member Functions

 TagListModel (QWidget *parent, BinaryViewRef data)
virtual ~TagListModel ()
BinaryNinja::TagReferenceGetRef (const QModelIndex &index)
const BinaryNinja::TagReferenceGetRef (const QModelIndex &index) const
void SetSectionSizeHints (const std::map< int, QSize > &sizes)
TagTypeRef GetTypeRef (const QModelIndex &index)
const TagTypeRef GetTypeRef (const QModelIndex &index) const
virtual QModelIndex index (int row, int col, const QModelIndex &parent) const override
virtual QModelIndex parent (const QModelIndex &i) const override
virtual bool hasChildren (const QModelIndex &parent) const override
virtual int rowCount (const QModelIndex &parent) const override
virtual int columnCount (const QModelIndex &parent) const override
virtual QVariant headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const override
virtual QVariant data (const QModelIndex &i, int role) const override
virtual bool setData (const QModelIndex &i, const QVariant &value, int role=Qt::EditRole) override
virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags (const QModelIndex &i) const override
virtual void sort (int column, Qt::SortOrder order) override
virtual void OnTagAdded (BinaryNinja::BinaryView *, const BinaryNinja::TagReference &) override
virtual void OnTagRemoved (BinaryNinja::BinaryView *, const BinaryNinja::TagReference &) override
bool setModelData (const std::vector< std::pair< TagTypeRef, std::vector< BinaryNinja::TagReference > > > &refs, QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel, int sortColumn, Qt::SortOrder sortOrder, bool &selectionUpdated)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::BinaryDataNotification
 BinaryDataNotification ()
 BinaryDataNotification (NotificationTypes notifications)
virtual ~BinaryDataNotification ()
BNBinaryDataNotificationGetCallbacks ()
virtual uint64_t OnNotificationBarrier (BinaryView *view)
virtual void OnBinaryDataWritten (BinaryView *view, uint64_t offset, size_t len)
virtual void OnBinaryDataInserted (BinaryView *view, uint64_t offset, size_t len)
virtual void OnBinaryDataRemoved (BinaryView *view, uint64_t offset, uint64_t len)
virtual void OnAnalysisFunctionAdded (BinaryView *view, Function *func)
virtual void OnAnalysisFunctionRemoved (BinaryView *view, Function *func)
virtual void OnAnalysisFunctionUpdated (BinaryView *view, Function *func)
virtual void OnAnalysisFunctionUpdateRequested (BinaryView *view, Function *func)
virtual void OnDataVariableAdded (BinaryView *view, const DataVariable &var)
virtual void OnDataVariableRemoved (BinaryView *view, const DataVariable &var)
virtual void OnDataVariableUpdated (BinaryView *view, const DataVariable &var)
virtual void OnDataMetadataUpdated (BinaryView *view, uint64_t offset)
virtual void OnTagTypeUpdated (BinaryView *view, Ref< TagType > tagTypeRef)
virtual void OnTagAdded (BinaryView *view, const TagReference &tagRef)
virtual void OnTagRemoved (BinaryView *view, const TagReference &tagRef)
virtual void OnTagUpdated (BinaryView *view, const TagReference &tagRef)
virtual void OnSymbolAdded (BinaryView *view, Symbol *sym)
virtual void OnSymbolRemoved (BinaryView *view, Symbol *sym)
virtual void OnSymbolUpdated (BinaryView *view, Symbol *sym)
virtual void OnStringFound (BinaryView *data, BNStringType type, uint64_t offset, size_t len)
virtual void OnStringRemoved (BinaryView *data, BNStringType type, uint64_t offset, size_t len)
virtual void OnTypeDefined (BinaryView *data, const QualifiedName &name, Type *type)
virtual void OnTypeUndefined (BinaryView *data, const QualifiedName &name, Type *type)
virtual void OnTypeReferenceChanged (BinaryView *data, const QualifiedName &name, Type *type)
virtual void OnTypeFieldReferenceChanged (BinaryView *data, const QualifiedName &name, uint64_t offset)
virtual void OnSegmentAdded (BinaryView *data, Segment *segment)
virtual void OnSegmentRemoved (BinaryView *data, Segment *segment)
virtual void OnSegmentUpdated (BinaryView *data, Segment *segment)
virtual void OnSectionAdded (BinaryView *data, Section *section)
virtual void OnSectionRemoved (BinaryView *data, Section *section)
virtual void OnSectionUpdated (BinaryView *data, Section *section)
virtual void OnComponentNameUpdated (BinaryView *data, std::string &previousName, Component *component)
 This notification is posted after the display name for a component is updated. More...
virtual void OnComponentAdded (BinaryView *data, Component *component)
 This notification is posted after a Component is added to the tree. More...
virtual void OnComponentRemoved (BinaryView *data, Component *formerParent, Component *component)
 This notification is posted after a Component is removed from the tree. More...
virtual void OnComponentMoved (BinaryView *data, Component *formerParent, Component *newParent, Component *component)
 This notification is posted whenever a component is moved from one component to another. More...
virtual void OnComponentFunctionAdded (BinaryView *data, Component *component, Function *function)
 This notification is posted whenever a Function is added to a Component. More...
virtual void OnComponentFunctionRemoved (BinaryView *data, Component *component, Function *function)
 This notification is posted whenever a Function is removed from a Component. More...
virtual void OnComponentDataVariableAdded (BinaryView *data, Component *component, const DataVariable &var)
 This notification is posted whenever a DataVariable is added to a Component. More...
virtual void OnComponentDataVariableRemoved (BinaryView *data, Component *component, const DataVariable &var)
 This notification is posted whenever a DataVariable is removed from a Component. More...
virtual void OnExternalLibraryAdded (BinaryView *data, ExternalLibrary *library)
virtual void OnExternalLibraryRemoved (BinaryView *data, ExternalLibrary *library)
virtual void OnExternalLibraryUpdated (BinaryView *data, ExternalLibrary *library)
virtual void OnExternalLocationAdded (BinaryView *data, ExternalLocation *location)
virtual void OnExternalLocationRemoved (BinaryView *data, ExternalLocation *location)
virtual void OnExternalLocationUpdated (BinaryView *data, ExternalLocation *location)
virtual void OnTypeArchiveAttached (BinaryView *data, const std::string &id, const std::string &path)
 This notification is posted whenever a Type Archive is attached to a Binary View. More...
virtual void OnTypeArchiveDetached (BinaryView *data, const std::string &id, const std::string &path)
 This notification is posted whenever a Type Archive is detached to a Binary View. More...
virtual void OnTypeArchiveConnected (BinaryView *data, TypeArchive *archive)
 This notification is posted whenever a previously disconnected Type Archive attached to the Binary View is connected. More...
virtual void OnTypeArchiveDisconnected (BinaryView *data, TypeArchive *archive)
 This notification is posted whenever a previously connected Type Archive attached to the Binary View is disconnected. More...
virtual void OnUndoEntryAdded (BinaryView *data, UndoEntry *entry)
 This notification is posted whenever an entry is added to undo history. More...
virtual void OnUndoEntryTaken (BinaryView *data, UndoEntry *entry)
 This notification is posted whenever an action is undone. More...
virtual void OnRedoEntryTaken (BinaryView *data, UndoEntry *entry)
 This notification is posted whenever an action is redone. More...
virtual void OnRebased (BinaryView *oldView, BinaryView *newView)
 This notification is posted whenever a binary view is rebased. More...

Protected Attributes

QWidget * m_owner
BinaryViewRef m_data
std::map< TagTypeRef, size_t > m_typeIndexes
std::vector< std::pair< TagTypeRef, std::vector< BinaryNinja::TagReference > > > m_refs
std::map< int, QSize > m_sectionSizeHints
std::map< std::string, uint64_t > m_count
DisassemblySettingsRef m_settings

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from BinaryNinja::BinaryDataNotification
enum  NotificationType : uint64_t {
  NotificationBarrier = 1ULL << 0 , DataWritten = 1ULL << 1 , DataInserted = 1ULL << 2 , DataRemoved = 1ULL << 3 ,
  FunctionAdded = 1ULL << 4 , FunctionRemoved = 1ULL << 5 , FunctionUpdated = 1ULL << 6 , FunctionUpdateRequested = 1ULL << 7 ,
  DataVariableAdded = 1ULL << 8 , DataVariableRemoved = 1ULL << 9 , DataVariableUpdated = 1ULL << 10 , DataMetadataUpdated = 1ULL << 11 ,
  TagTypeUpdated = 1ULL << 12 , TagAdded = 1ULL << 13 , TagRemoved = 1ULL << 14 , TagUpdated = 1ULL << 15 ,
  SymbolAdded = 1ULL << 16 , SymbolRemoved = 1ULL << 17 , SymbolUpdated = 1ULL << 18 , StringFound = 1ULL << 19 ,
  StringRemoved = 1ULL << 20 , TypeDefined = 1ULL << 21 , TypeUndefined = 1ULL << 22 , TypeReferenceChanged = 1ULL << 23 ,
  TypeFieldReferenceChanged = 1ULL << 24 , SegmentAdded = 1ULL << 25 , SegmentRemoved = 1ULL << 26 , SegmentUpdated = 1ULL << 27 ,
  SectionAdded = 1ULL << 28 , SectionRemoved = 1ULL << 29 , SectionUpdated = 1ULL << 30 , ComponentNameUpdated = 1ULL << 31 ,
  ComponentAdded = 1ULL << 32 , ComponentRemoved = 1ULL << 33 , ComponentMoved = 1ULL << 34 , ComponentFunctionAdded = 1ULL << 35 ,
  ComponentFunctionRemoved = 1ULL << 36 , ComponentDataVariableAdded = 1ULL << 37 , ComponentDataVariableRemoved = 1ULL << 38 , ExternalLibraryAdded = 1ULL << 39 ,
  ExternalLibraryRemoved = 1ULL << 40 , ExternalLibraryUpdated = 1ULL << 41 , ExternalLocationAdded = 1ULL << 42 , ExternalLocationRemoved = 1ULL << 43 ,
  ExternalLocationUpdated = 1ULL << 44 , TypeArchiveAttached = 1ULL << 45 , TypeArchiveDetached = 1ULL << 46 , TypeArchiveConnected = 1ULL << 47 ,
  TypeArchiveDisconnected = 1ULL << 48 , UndoEntryAdded = 1ULL << 49 , UndoEntryTaken = 1ULL << 50 , RedoEntryTaken = 1ULL << 51 ,
  Rebased = 1ULL << 52 , BinaryDataUpdates = DataWritten | DataInserted | DataRemoved , FunctionLifetime = FunctionAdded | FunctionRemoved , FunctionUpdates = FunctionLifetime | FunctionUpdated ,
  DataVariableLifetime = DataVariableAdded | DataVariableRemoved , DataVariableUpdates = DataVariableLifetime | DataVariableUpdated , TagLifetime = TagAdded | TagRemoved , TagUpdates = TagLifetime | TagUpdated ,
  SymbolLifetime = SymbolAdded | SymbolRemoved , SymbolUpdates = SymbolLifetime | SymbolUpdated , StringUpdates = StringFound | StringRemoved , TypeLifetime = TypeDefined | TypeUndefined ,
  TypeUpdates = TypeLifetime | TypeReferenceChanged | TypeFieldReferenceChanged , SegmentLifetime = SegmentAdded | SegmentRemoved , SegmentUpdates = SegmentLifetime | SegmentUpdated , SectionLifetime = SectionAdded | SectionRemoved ,
  SectionUpdates = SectionLifetime | SectionUpdated , ComponentUpdates = ComponentNameUpdated | ComponentAdded | ComponentRemoved | ComponentMoved | ComponentFunctionAdded | ComponentFunctionRemoved | ComponentDataVariableAdded | ComponentDataVariableRemoved , ExternalLibraryLifetime = ExternalLibraryAdded | ExternalLibraryRemoved , ExternalLibraryUpdates = ExternalLibraryLifetime | ExternalLibraryUpdated ,
  ExternalLocationLifetime = ExternalLocationAdded | ExternalLocationRemoved , ExternalLocationUpdates = ExternalLocationLifetime | ExternalLocationUpdated , TypeArchiveUpdates = TypeArchiveAttached | TypeArchiveDetached | TypeArchiveConnected | TypeArchiveDisconnected , UndoUpdates = UndoEntryAdded | UndoEntryTaken | RedoEntryTaken
using NotificationTypes = uint64_t

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TagListModel()

TagListModel::TagListModel ( QWidget *  parent,
BinaryViewRef  data 

◆ ~TagListModel()

virtual TagListModel::~TagListModel ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetRef() [1/2]

BinaryNinja::TagReference & TagListModel::GetRef ( const QModelIndex &  index)

◆ GetRef() [2/2]

const BinaryNinja::TagReference & TagListModel::GetRef ( const QModelIndex &  index) const

◆ SetSectionSizeHints()

void TagListModel::SetSectionSizeHints ( const std::map< int, QSize > &  sizes)

◆ GetTypeRef() [1/2]

TagTypeRef TagListModel::GetTypeRef ( const QModelIndex &  index)

◆ GetTypeRef() [2/2]

const TagTypeRef TagListModel::GetTypeRef ( const QModelIndex &  index) const

◆ index()

virtual QModelIndex TagListModel::index ( int  row,
int  col,
const QModelIndex &  parent 
) const

◆ parent()

virtual QModelIndex TagListModel::parent ( const QModelIndex &  i) const

◆ hasChildren()

virtual bool TagListModel::hasChildren ( const QModelIndex &  parent) const

◆ rowCount()

virtual int TagListModel::rowCount ( const QModelIndex &  parent) const

◆ columnCount()

virtual int TagListModel::columnCount ( const QModelIndex &  parent) const

◆ headerData()

virtual QVariant TagListModel::headerData ( int  section,
Qt::Orientation  orientation,
int  role 
) const

◆ data()

virtual QVariant TagListModel::data ( const QModelIndex &  i,
int  role 
) const

◆ setData()

virtual bool TagListModel::setData ( const QModelIndex &  i,
const QVariant &  value,
int  role = Qt::EditRole 

◆ flags()

virtual Qt::ItemFlags TagListModel::flags ( const QModelIndex &  i) const

◆ sort()

virtual void TagListModel::sort ( int  column,
Qt::SortOrder  order 

◆ OnTagAdded()

virtual void TagListModel::OnTagAdded ( BinaryNinja::BinaryView ,
const BinaryNinja::TagReference  

◆ OnTagRemoved()

virtual void TagListModel::OnTagRemoved ( BinaryNinja::BinaryView ,
const BinaryNinja::TagReference  

◆ setModelData()

bool TagListModel::setModelData ( const std::vector< std::pair< TagTypeRef, std::vector< BinaryNinja::TagReference > > > &  refs,
QItemSelectionModel *  selectionModel,
int  sortColumn,
Qt::SortOrder  sortOrder,
bool &  selectionUpdated 

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_owner

QWidget* TagListModel::m_owner

◆ m_data

BinaryViewRef TagListModel::m_data

◆ m_typeIndexes

std::map<TagTypeRef, size_t> TagListModel::m_typeIndexes

◆ m_refs

std::vector<std::pair<TagTypeRef, std::vector<BinaryNinja::TagReference> > > TagListModel::m_refs

◆ m_sectionSizeHints

std::map<int, QSize> TagListModel::m_sectionSizeHints

◆ m_count

std::map<std::string, uint64_t> TagListModel::m_count

◆ m_settings

DisassemblySettingsRef TagListModel::m_settings

◆ TagItemDelegate

class TagItemDelegate

Public Member Functions

 TagItemDelegate (QWidget *parent)
void updateFonts ()
virtual QSize sizeHint (const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &idx) const override
virtual void paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &idx) const override
virtual void setEditorData (QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index) const override

Protected Member Functions

void initFont ()

Protected Attributes

QFont m_font
QFont m_monospaceFont
QFont m_emojiFont
int m_baseline
int m_charWidth
int m_charHeight
int m_charOffset

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TagItemDelegate()

TagItemDelegate::TagItemDelegate ( QWidget *  parent)

Member Function Documentation

◆ initFont()

void TagItemDelegate::initFont ( )

◆ updateFonts()

void TagItemDelegate::updateFonts ( )

◆ sizeHint()

virtual QSize TagItemDelegate::sizeHint ( const QStyleOptionViewItem &  option,
const QModelIndex &  idx 
) const

◆ paint()

virtual void TagItemDelegate::paint ( QPainter *  painter,
const QStyleOptionViewItem &  option,
const QModelIndex &  idx 
) const

◆ setEditorData()

virtual void TagItemDelegate::setEditorData ( QWidget *  editor,
const QModelIndex &  index 
) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_font

QFont TagItemDelegate::m_font

◆ m_monospaceFont

QFont TagItemDelegate::m_monospaceFont

◆ m_emojiFont

QFont TagItemDelegate::m_emojiFont

◆ m_baseline

int TagItemDelegate::m_baseline

◆ m_charWidth

int TagItemDelegate::m_charWidth

◆ m_charHeight

int TagItemDelegate::m_charHeight

◆ m_charOffset

int TagItemDelegate::m_charOffset

◆ TagList

class TagList

Public Types

typedef std::function< bool(const BinaryNinja::TagReference &)> FilterFn
- Public Types inherited from BinaryNinja::BinaryDataNotification
enum  NotificationType : uint64_t {
  NotificationBarrier = 1ULL << 0 , DataWritten = 1ULL << 1 , DataInserted = 1ULL << 2 , DataRemoved = 1ULL << 3 ,
  FunctionAdded = 1ULL << 4 , FunctionRemoved = 1ULL << 5 , FunctionUpdated = 1ULL << 6 , FunctionUpdateRequested = 1ULL << 7 ,
  DataVariableAdded = 1ULL << 8 , DataVariableRemoved = 1ULL << 9 , DataVariableUpdated = 1ULL << 10 , DataMetadataUpdated = 1ULL << 11 ,
  TagTypeUpdated = 1ULL << 12 , TagAdded = 1ULL << 13 , TagRemoved = 1ULL << 14 , TagUpdated = 1ULL << 15 ,
  SymbolAdded = 1ULL << 16 , SymbolRemoved = 1ULL << 17 , SymbolUpdated = 1ULL << 18 , StringFound = 1ULL << 19 ,
  StringRemoved = 1ULL << 20 , TypeDefined = 1ULL << 21 , TypeUndefined = 1ULL << 22 , TypeReferenceChanged = 1ULL << 23 ,
  TypeFieldReferenceChanged = 1ULL << 24 , SegmentAdded = 1ULL << 25 , SegmentRemoved = 1ULL << 26 , SegmentUpdated = 1ULL << 27 ,
  SectionAdded = 1ULL << 28 , SectionRemoved = 1ULL << 29 , SectionUpdated = 1ULL << 30 , ComponentNameUpdated = 1ULL << 31 ,
  ComponentAdded = 1ULL << 32 , ComponentRemoved = 1ULL << 33 , ComponentMoved = 1ULL << 34 , ComponentFunctionAdded = 1ULL << 35 ,
  ComponentFunctionRemoved = 1ULL << 36 , ComponentDataVariableAdded = 1ULL << 37 , ComponentDataVariableRemoved = 1ULL << 38 , ExternalLibraryAdded = 1ULL << 39 ,
  ExternalLibraryRemoved = 1ULL << 40 , ExternalLibraryUpdated = 1ULL << 41 , ExternalLocationAdded = 1ULL << 42 , ExternalLocationRemoved = 1ULL << 43 ,
  ExternalLocationUpdated = 1ULL << 44 , TypeArchiveAttached = 1ULL << 45 , TypeArchiveDetached = 1ULL << 46 , TypeArchiveConnected = 1ULL << 47 ,
  TypeArchiveDisconnected = 1ULL << 48 , UndoEntryAdded = 1ULL << 49 , UndoEntryTaken = 1ULL << 50 , RedoEntryTaken = 1ULL << 51 ,
  Rebased = 1ULL << 52 , BinaryDataUpdates = DataWritten | DataInserted | DataRemoved , FunctionLifetime = FunctionAdded | FunctionRemoved , FunctionUpdates = FunctionLifetime | FunctionUpdated ,
  DataVariableLifetime = DataVariableAdded | DataVariableRemoved , DataVariableUpdates = DataVariableLifetime | DataVariableUpdated , TagLifetime = TagAdded | TagRemoved , TagUpdates = TagLifetime | TagUpdated ,
  SymbolLifetime = SymbolAdded | SymbolRemoved , SymbolUpdates = SymbolLifetime | SymbolUpdated , StringUpdates = StringFound | StringRemoved , TypeLifetime = TypeDefined | TypeUndefined ,
  TypeUpdates = TypeLifetime | TypeReferenceChanged | TypeFieldReferenceChanged , SegmentLifetime = SegmentAdded | SegmentRemoved , SegmentUpdates = SegmentLifetime | SegmentUpdated , SectionLifetime = SectionAdded | SectionRemoved ,
  SectionUpdates = SectionLifetime | SectionUpdated , ComponentUpdates = ComponentNameUpdated | ComponentAdded | ComponentRemoved | ComponentMoved | ComponentFunctionAdded | ComponentFunctionRemoved | ComponentDataVariableAdded | ComponentDataVariableRemoved , ExternalLibraryLifetime = ExternalLibraryAdded | ExternalLibraryRemoved , ExternalLibraryUpdates = ExternalLibraryLifetime | ExternalLibraryUpdated ,
  ExternalLocationLifetime = ExternalLocationAdded | ExternalLocationRemoved , ExternalLocationUpdates = ExternalLocationLifetime | ExternalLocationUpdated , TypeArchiveUpdates = TypeArchiveAttached | TypeArchiveDetached | TypeArchiveConnected | TypeArchiveDisconnected , UndoUpdates = UndoEntryAdded | UndoEntryTaken | RedoEntryTaken
using NotificationTypes = uint64_t

Public Slots

void showContextMenu ()

Public Member Functions

 TagList (QWidget *parent, ViewFrame *view, BinaryViewRef data, TagListModel *model=nullptr, Menu *menu=nullptr)
virtual ~TagList ()
virtual void setModel (QAbstractItemModel *model) override
void notifyFontChanged ()
void removeSelection ()
void copySelection ()
void clearFilter ()
void setFilter (FilterFn filter)
void setFilterView (FilteredView *filterView)
void updateTags ()
bool hasSelection ()
void navigateToNext ()
void navigateToPrev ()
void scrollToFirstItem () override
void scrollToCurrentItem () override
void selectFirstItem () override
void activateFirstItem () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::BinaryDataNotification
 BinaryDataNotification ()
 BinaryDataNotification (NotificationTypes notifications)
virtual ~BinaryDataNotification ()
BNBinaryDataNotificationGetCallbacks ()
virtual uint64_t OnNotificationBarrier (BinaryView *view)
virtual void OnBinaryDataWritten (BinaryView *view, uint64_t offset, size_t len)
virtual void OnBinaryDataInserted (BinaryView *view, uint64_t offset, size_t len)
virtual void OnBinaryDataRemoved (BinaryView *view, uint64_t offset, uint64_t len)
virtual void OnAnalysisFunctionAdded (BinaryView *view, Function *func)
virtual void OnAnalysisFunctionRemoved (BinaryView *view, Function *func)
virtual void OnAnalysisFunctionUpdated (BinaryView *view, Function *func)
virtual void OnAnalysisFunctionUpdateRequested (BinaryView *view, Function *func)
virtual void OnDataVariableAdded (BinaryView *view, const DataVariable &var)
virtual void OnDataVariableRemoved (BinaryView *view, const DataVariable &var)
virtual void OnDataVariableUpdated (BinaryView *view, const DataVariable &var)
virtual void OnDataMetadataUpdated (BinaryView *view, uint64_t offset)
virtual void OnTagTypeUpdated (BinaryView *view, Ref< TagType > tagTypeRef)
virtual void OnTagAdded (BinaryView *view, const TagReference &tagRef)
virtual void OnTagRemoved (BinaryView *view, const TagReference &tagRef)
virtual void OnTagUpdated (BinaryView *view, const TagReference &tagRef)
virtual void OnSymbolAdded (BinaryView *view, Symbol *sym)
virtual void OnSymbolRemoved (BinaryView *view, Symbol *sym)
virtual void OnSymbolUpdated (BinaryView *view, Symbol *sym)
virtual void OnStringFound (BinaryView *data, BNStringType type, uint64_t offset, size_t len)
virtual void OnStringRemoved (BinaryView *data, BNStringType type, uint64_t offset, size_t len)
virtual void OnTypeDefined (BinaryView *data, const QualifiedName &name, Type *type)
virtual void OnTypeUndefined (BinaryView *data, const QualifiedName &name, Type *type)
virtual void OnTypeReferenceChanged (BinaryView *data, const QualifiedName &name, Type *type)
virtual void OnTypeFieldReferenceChanged (BinaryView *data, const QualifiedName &name, uint64_t offset)
virtual void OnSegmentAdded (BinaryView *data, Segment *segment)
virtual void OnSegmentRemoved (BinaryView *data, Segment *segment)
virtual void OnSegmentUpdated (BinaryView *data, Segment *segment)
virtual void OnSectionAdded (BinaryView *data, Section *section)
virtual void OnSectionRemoved (BinaryView *data, Section *section)
virtual void OnSectionUpdated (BinaryView *data, Section *section)
virtual void OnComponentNameUpdated (BinaryView *data, std::string &previousName, Component *component)
 This notification is posted after the display name for a component is updated. More...
virtual void OnComponentAdded (BinaryView *data, Component *component)
 This notification is posted after a Component is added to the tree. More...
virtual void OnComponentRemoved (BinaryView *data, Component *formerParent, Component *component)
 This notification is posted after a Component is removed from the tree. More...
virtual void OnComponentMoved (BinaryView *data, Component *formerParent, Component *newParent, Component *component)
 This notification is posted whenever a component is moved from one component to another. More...
virtual void OnComponentFunctionAdded (BinaryView *data, Component *component, Function *function)
 This notification is posted whenever a Function is added to a Component. More...
virtual void OnComponentFunctionRemoved (BinaryView *data, Component *component, Function *function)
 This notification is posted whenever a Function is removed from a Component. More...
virtual void OnComponentDataVariableAdded (BinaryView *data, Component *component, const DataVariable &var)
 This notification is posted whenever a DataVariable is added to a Component. More...
virtual void OnComponentDataVariableRemoved (BinaryView *data, Component *component, const DataVariable &var)
 This notification is posted whenever a DataVariable is removed from a Component. More...
virtual void OnExternalLibraryAdded (BinaryView *data, ExternalLibrary *library)
virtual void OnExternalLibraryRemoved (BinaryView *data, ExternalLibrary *library)
virtual void OnExternalLibraryUpdated (BinaryView *data, ExternalLibrary *library)
virtual void OnExternalLocationAdded (BinaryView *data, ExternalLocation *location)
virtual void OnExternalLocationRemoved (BinaryView *data, ExternalLocation *location)
virtual void OnExternalLocationUpdated (BinaryView *data, ExternalLocation *location)
virtual void OnTypeArchiveAttached (BinaryView *data, const std::string &id, const std::string &path)
 This notification is posted whenever a Type Archive is attached to a Binary View. More...
virtual void OnTypeArchiveDetached (BinaryView *data, const std::string &id, const std::string &path)
 This notification is posted whenever a Type Archive is detached to a Binary View. More...
virtual void OnTypeArchiveConnected (BinaryView *data, TypeArchive *archive)
 This notification is posted whenever a previously disconnected Type Archive attached to the Binary View is connected. More...
virtual void OnTypeArchiveDisconnected (BinaryView *data, TypeArchive *archive)
 This notification is posted whenever a previously connected Type Archive attached to the Binary View is disconnected. More...
virtual void OnUndoEntryAdded (BinaryView *data, UndoEntry *entry)
 This notification is posted whenever an entry is added to undo history. More...
virtual void OnUndoEntryTaken (BinaryView *data, UndoEntry *entry)
 This notification is posted whenever an action is undone. More...
virtual void OnRedoEntryTaken (BinaryView *data, UndoEntry *entry)
 This notification is posted whenever an action is redone. More...
virtual void OnRebased (BinaryView *oldView, BinaryView *newView)
 This notification is posted whenever a binary view is rebased. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FilterTarget
virtual ~FilterTarget ()
virtual void setFilter (const std::string &filter)=0
virtual void scrollToFirstItem ()=0
virtual void scrollToCurrentItem ()=0
virtual void selectFirstItem ()=0
virtual void activateFirstItem ()=0
virtual void closeFilter ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void registerActions ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent *event) override
virtual void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *e) override
virtual void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *e) override
virtual void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *e) override
virtual void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *e) override
virtual void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event) override
void goToReference (const QModelIndex &idx)
void setFilter (const std::string &filter) override
virtual void OnAnalysisFunctionUpdated (BinaryNinja::BinaryView *view, BinaryNinja::Function *func) override
virtual void OnTagAdded (BinaryNinja::BinaryView *, const BinaryNinja::TagReference &) override
virtual void OnTagUpdated (BinaryNinja::BinaryView *, const BinaryNinja::TagReference &) override
virtual void OnTagRemoved (BinaryNinja::BinaryView *, const BinaryNinja::TagReference &) override
virtual void OnTagTypeUpdated (BinaryNinja::BinaryView *, TagTypeRef) override
virtual void showEvent (QShowEvent *event) override
virtual void hideEvent (QHideEvent *event) override

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ FilterFn

typedef std::function<bool(const BinaryNinja::TagReference&)> TagList::FilterFn

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TagList()

TagList::TagList ( QWidget *  parent,
ViewFrame view,
BinaryViewRef  data,
TagListModel model = nullptr,
Menu menu = nullptr 

◆ ~TagList()

virtual TagList::~TagList ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ contextMenuEvent()

virtual void TagList::contextMenuEvent ( QContextMenuEvent *  event)

◆ keyPressEvent()

virtual void TagList::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *  e)

◆ mouseMoveEvent()

virtual void TagList::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent *  e)

◆ mousePressEvent()

virtual void TagList::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent *  e)

◆ wheelEvent()

virtual void TagList::wheelEvent ( QWheelEvent *  e)

◆ resizeEvent()

virtual void TagList::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *  event)

◆ goToReference()

void TagList::goToReference ( const QModelIndex &  idx)

◆ setFilter() [1/2]

void TagList::setFilter ( const std::string &  filter)

Implements FilterTarget.

◆ OnAnalysisFunctionUpdated()

virtual void TagList::OnAnalysisFunctionUpdated ( BinaryNinja::BinaryView view,
BinaryNinja::Function func 

◆ OnTagAdded()

virtual void TagList::OnTagAdded ( BinaryNinja::BinaryView ,
const BinaryNinja::TagReference  

◆ OnTagUpdated()

virtual void TagList::OnTagUpdated ( BinaryNinja::BinaryView ,
const BinaryNinja::TagReference  

◆ OnTagRemoved()

virtual void TagList::OnTagRemoved ( BinaryNinja::BinaryView ,
const BinaryNinja::TagReference  

◆ OnTagTypeUpdated()

virtual void TagList::OnTagTypeUpdated ( BinaryNinja::BinaryView ,

◆ showEvent()

virtual void TagList::showEvent ( QShowEvent *  event)

◆ hideEvent()

virtual void TagList::hideEvent ( QHideEvent *  event)

◆ showContextMenu

void TagList::showContextMenu ( )

◆ registerActions()

static void TagList::registerActions ( )

◆ setModel()

virtual void TagList::setModel ( QAbstractItemModel *  model)

◆ notifyFontChanged()

void TagList::notifyFontChanged ( )

◆ removeSelection()

void TagList::removeSelection ( )

◆ copySelection()

void TagList::copySelection ( )

◆ clearFilter()

void TagList::clearFilter ( )

◆ setFilter() [2/2]

void TagList::setFilter ( FilterFn  filter)

◆ setFilterView()

void TagList::setFilterView ( FilteredView filterView)

◆ updateTags()

void TagList::updateTags ( )

◆ hasSelection()

bool TagList::hasSelection ( )

◆ navigateToNext()

void TagList::navigateToNext ( )

◆ navigateToPrev()

void TagList::navigateToPrev ( )

◆ scrollToFirstItem()

void TagList::scrollToFirstItem ( )

Implements FilterTarget.

◆ scrollToCurrentItem()

void TagList::scrollToCurrentItem ( )

Implements FilterTarget.

◆ selectFirstItem()

void TagList::selectFirstItem ( )

Implements FilterTarget.

◆ activateFirstItem()

void TagList::activateFirstItem ( )

Implements FilterTarget.

◆ TagListWidget

class TagListWidget

Public Member Functions

TagListGetList ()
void editTag (TagRef tag)
TagListgetNotificationList ()
FilteredViewgetNotificationFilter ()
 TagListWidget (ViewFrame *view, BinaryViewRef data)
virtual ~TagListWidget ()
virtual void focus () override
virtual QWidget * headerWidget () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from SidebarWidget
 SidebarWidget (const QString &title)
 ~SidebarWidget ()
const QString & title () const
void enableRefreshTimer (int interval)
void setRefreshQuiesce (bool enable)
bool isQuiesced () const
virtual void notifyRefresh ()
virtual void notifyQuiesce (bool)
virtual void notifyFontChanged ()
virtual void notifyOffsetChanged (uint64_t)
virtual void notifyThemeChanged ()
virtual void notifyViewChanged (ViewFrame *)
virtual void notifyViewLocationChanged (View *, const ViewLocation &)
virtual void focus ()
virtual void closing ()
virtual void setPrimaryOrientation (Qt::Orientation)
virtual QWidget * headerWidget ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void notifyFontChanged () override

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from SidebarWidget
QString m_title
UIActionHandler m_actionHandler
ContextMenuManagerm_contextMenuManager = nullptr
Menum_menu = nullptr
bool m_quiesceState = true
QTimer * m_updateTimer = nullptr

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TagListWidget()

TagListWidget::TagListWidget ( ViewFrame view,
BinaryViewRef  data 

◆ ~TagListWidget()

virtual TagListWidget::~TagListWidget ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ notifyFontChanged()

virtual void TagListWidget::notifyFontChanged ( )

Reimplemented from SidebarWidget.

◆ GetList()

TagList * TagListWidget::GetList ( )

◆ editTag()

void TagListWidget::editTag ( TagRef  tag)

◆ getNotificationList()

TagList * TagListWidget::getNotificationList ( )

◆ getNotificationFilter()

FilteredView * TagListWidget::getNotificationFilter ( )

◆ focus()

virtual void TagListWidget::focus ( )

Reimplemented from SidebarWidget.

◆ headerWidget()

virtual QWidget * TagListWidget::headerWidget ( )

Reimplemented from SidebarWidget.

◆ TagListDialog

class TagListDialog

Public Types

typedef std::function< void(const TagRef &)> AddFn

Public Member Functions

 TagListDialog (QWidget *parent, ViewFrame *frame, BinaryViewRef data, AddFn addFn)
void setFilter (TagList::FilterFn filter)

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AddFn

typedef std::function<void(const TagRef&)> TagListDialog::AddFn

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TagListDialog()

TagListDialog::TagListDialog ( QWidget *  parent,
ViewFrame frame,
BinaryViewRef  data,
AddFn  addFn 

Member Function Documentation

◆ setFilter()

void TagListDialog::setFilter ( TagList::FilterFn  filter)

◆ TagListSidebarWidgetType

class TagListSidebarWidgetType

Public Member Functions

 TagListSidebarWidgetType ()
virtual SidebarWidgetcreateWidget (ViewFrame *frame, BinaryViewRef data) override
SidebarWidgetLocation defaultLocation () const override
SidebarContextSensitivity contextSensitivity () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from SidebarWidgetType
 SidebarWidgetType (const QImage &icon, const QString &name)
virtual ~SidebarWidgetType ()
const SidebarIconicon () const
const QString & name () const
virtual bool isInReferenceArea () const
virtual bool viewSensitive () const
virtual SidebarWidgetLocation defaultLocation () const
virtual SidebarContextSensitivity contextSensitivity () const
virtual bool alwaysShowTabs () const
virtual bool hideIfNoContent () const
virtual SidebarWidgetcreateWidget (ViewFrame *, BinaryViewRef)
virtual SidebarWidgetcreateInvalidContextWidget ()
virtual QWidget * headerWidget (SplitPaneWidget *, ViewFrame *, BinaryViewRef)
virtual bool focusHeaderWidget () const
virtual QString noWidgetMessage () const
virtual DockableTabStyletabStyle () const
virtual bool canUseAsPane (SplitPaneWidget *, BinaryViewRef) const
virtual PanecreatePane (SplitPaneWidget *, BinaryViewRef)
void updateTheme ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TagListSidebarWidgetType()

TagListSidebarWidgetType::TagListSidebarWidgetType ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ createWidget()

virtual SidebarWidget * TagListSidebarWidgetType::createWidget ( ViewFrame frame,
BinaryViewRef  data 

Reimplemented from SidebarWidgetType.

◆ defaultLocation()

SidebarWidgetLocation TagListSidebarWidgetType::defaultLocation ( ) const

Reimplemented from SidebarWidgetType.

◆ contextSensitivity()

SidebarContextSensitivity TagListSidebarWidgetType::contextSensitivity ( ) const

Reimplemented from SidebarWidgetType.