No Matches
HistoryEntryItemModel Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 HistoryEntryItemModel (QWidget *parent, BinaryViewRef data)
 ~HistoryEntryItemModel ()
virtual QModelIndex index (int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const override
virtual QModelIndex parent (const QModelIndex &child) const override
virtual int rowCount (const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const override
virtual int columnCount (const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const override
virtual QVariant data (const QModelIndex &index, int role=Qt::DisplayRole) const override
void toggleOption (HistoryOption option)
bool isOptionSet (HistoryOption option)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::BinaryDataNotification
 BinaryDataNotification ()
 BinaryDataNotification (NotificationTypes notifications)
virtual ~BinaryDataNotification ()
BNBinaryDataNotificationGetCallbacks ()
virtual uint64_t OnNotificationBarrier (BinaryView *view)
virtual void OnBinaryDataWritten (BinaryView *view, uint64_t offset, size_t len)
virtual void OnBinaryDataInserted (BinaryView *view, uint64_t offset, size_t len)
virtual void OnBinaryDataRemoved (BinaryView *view, uint64_t offset, uint64_t len)
virtual void OnAnalysisFunctionAdded (BinaryView *view, Function *func)
virtual void OnAnalysisFunctionRemoved (BinaryView *view, Function *func)
virtual void OnAnalysisFunctionUpdated (BinaryView *view, Function *func)
virtual void OnAnalysisFunctionUpdateRequested (BinaryView *view, Function *func)
virtual void OnDataVariableAdded (BinaryView *view, const DataVariable &var)
virtual void OnDataVariableRemoved (BinaryView *view, const DataVariable &var)
virtual void OnDataVariableUpdated (BinaryView *view, const DataVariable &var)
virtual void OnDataMetadataUpdated (BinaryView *view, uint64_t offset)
virtual void OnTagTypeUpdated (BinaryView *view, Ref< TagType > tagTypeRef)
virtual void OnTagAdded (BinaryView *view, const TagReference &tagRef)
virtual void OnTagRemoved (BinaryView *view, const TagReference &tagRef)
virtual void OnTagUpdated (BinaryView *view, const TagReference &tagRef)
virtual void OnSymbolAdded (BinaryView *view, Symbol *sym)
virtual void OnSymbolRemoved (BinaryView *view, Symbol *sym)
virtual void OnSymbolUpdated (BinaryView *view, Symbol *sym)
virtual void OnStringFound (BinaryView *data, BNStringType type, uint64_t offset, size_t len)
virtual void OnStringRemoved (BinaryView *data, BNStringType type, uint64_t offset, size_t len)
virtual void OnTypeDefined (BinaryView *data, const QualifiedName &name, Type *type)
virtual void OnTypeUndefined (BinaryView *data, const QualifiedName &name, Type *type)
virtual void OnTypeReferenceChanged (BinaryView *data, const QualifiedName &name, Type *type)
virtual void OnTypeFieldReferenceChanged (BinaryView *data, const QualifiedName &name, uint64_t offset)
virtual void OnSegmentAdded (BinaryView *data, Segment *segment)
virtual void OnSegmentRemoved (BinaryView *data, Segment *segment)
virtual void OnSegmentUpdated (BinaryView *data, Segment *segment)
virtual void OnSectionAdded (BinaryView *data, Section *section)
virtual void OnSectionRemoved (BinaryView *data, Section *section)
virtual void OnSectionUpdated (BinaryView *data, Section *section)
virtual void OnComponentNameUpdated (BinaryView *data, std::string &previousName, Component *component)
 This notification is posted after the display name for a component is updated.
virtual void OnComponentAdded (BinaryView *data, Component *component)
 This notification is posted after a Component is added to the tree.
virtual void OnComponentRemoved (BinaryView *data, Component *formerParent, Component *component)
 This notification is posted after a Component is removed from the tree.
virtual void OnComponentMoved (BinaryView *data, Component *formerParent, Component *newParent, Component *component)
 This notification is posted whenever a component is moved from one component to another.
virtual void OnComponentFunctionAdded (BinaryView *data, Component *component, Function *function)
 This notification is posted whenever a Function is added to a Component.
virtual void OnComponentFunctionRemoved (BinaryView *data, Component *component, Function *function)
 This notification is posted whenever a Function is removed from a Component.
virtual void OnComponentDataVariableAdded (BinaryView *data, Component *component, const DataVariable &var)
 This notification is posted whenever a DataVariable is added to a Component.
virtual void OnComponentDataVariableRemoved (BinaryView *data, Component *component, const DataVariable &var)
 This notification is posted whenever a DataVariable is removed from a Component.
virtual void OnExternalLibraryAdded (BinaryView *data, ExternalLibrary *library)
virtual void OnExternalLibraryRemoved (BinaryView *data, ExternalLibrary *library)
virtual void OnExternalLibraryUpdated (BinaryView *data, ExternalLibrary *library)
virtual void OnExternalLocationAdded (BinaryView *data, ExternalLocation *location)
virtual void OnExternalLocationRemoved (BinaryView *data, ExternalLocation *location)
virtual void OnExternalLocationUpdated (BinaryView *data, ExternalLocation *location)
virtual void OnTypeArchiveAttached (BinaryView *data, const std::string &id, const std::string &path)
 This notification is posted whenever a Type Archive is attached to a Binary View.
virtual void OnTypeArchiveDetached (BinaryView *data, const std::string &id, const std::string &path)
 This notification is posted whenever a Type Archive is detached to a Binary View.
virtual void OnTypeArchiveConnected (BinaryView *data, TypeArchive *archive)
 This notification is posted whenever a previously disconnected Type Archive attached to the Binary View is connected.
virtual void OnTypeArchiveDisconnected (BinaryView *data, TypeArchive *archive)
 This notification is posted whenever a previously connected Type Archive attached to the Binary View is disconnected.
virtual void OnRebased (BinaryView *oldView, BinaryView *newView)
 This notification is posted whenever a binary view is rebased.
- Public Member Functions inherited from UIContextNotification
virtual ~UIContextNotification ()
virtual void OnContextOpen (UIContext *context)
 Callback after a UIContext is opened (eg MainWindow)
virtual void OnContextClose (UIContext *context)
 Callback right before closing a UIContext.
virtual bool OnBeforeOpenDatabase (UIContext *context, FileMetadataRef metadata)
 Callback before a database (specifically a database, not a raw file) is opened.
virtual bool OnAfterOpenDatabase (UIContext *context, FileMetadataRef metadata, BinaryViewRef data)
 Callback after a database (specifically a database, not a raw file) is opened.
virtual void OnAfterOpenProject (UIContext *context, ProjectRef project)
 Callback after a project is opened.
virtual bool OnBeforeOpenProjectFile (UIContext *context, ProjectFileRef projectFile)
 Callback before a project file is opened.
virtual void OnAfterOpenProjectFile (UIContext *context, ProjectFileRef projectFile, ViewFrame *frame)
 Callback after a project file is opened.
virtual bool OnBeforeOpenFile (UIContext *context, FileContext *file)
 Callback before a file (raw or database) is opened (after OnAfterOpenDatabase if opening a database)
virtual void OnAfterOpenFile (UIContext *context, FileContext *file, ViewFrame *frame)
 Callback after a file (raw or database) is opened.
virtual bool OnBeforeSaveFile (UIContext *context, FileContext *file, ViewFrame *frame)
 Callback before a file is saved (either as a database or raw)
virtual bool OnBeforeCloseFile (UIContext *context, FileContext *file, ViewFrame *frame)
 Callback before a file is closed.
virtual void OnAfterCloseFile (UIContext *context, FileContext *file, ViewFrame *frame)
 Callback after a file is closed.
virtual void OnViewReplaced (UIContext *context, FileContext *file, ViewFrame *oldFrame, ViewFrame *newFrame)
 Callback after a ViewFrame is replaced in an open file (e.g.
virtual void OnDataViewReplaced (UIContext *context, FileContext *file, BinaryViewRef oldData, BinaryViewRef newData)
 Callback after a BinaryView is replaced in an open file (e.g.
virtual void OnViewChange (UIContext *context, ViewFrame *frame, const QString &type)
 Callback when the ui changes views.
virtual void OnAddressChange (UIContext *context, ViewFrame *frame, View *view, const ViewLocation &location)
 Callback when the ui changes address.
virtual bool GetNameForFile (UIContext *context, FileContext *file, QString &name)
 Callback to modify the displayed file name for a FileContext (eg in the window title or tab title) Note: Due to the out param &name, this is not usable from Python with PySide.
virtual bool GetNameForPath (UIContext *context, const QString &path, QString &name)
 Callback to modify the displayed file name for a file path (eg in the new tab widget) Note: Due to the out param &name, this is not usable from Python with PySide.
virtual void OnNewSelectionForXref (UIContext *context, ViewFrame *frame, View *view, const SelectionInfoForXref &selection)
 Callback when the ui changes selection and should update cross references.
virtual void OnActionExecuted (UIContext *context, UIActionHandler *handler, const QString &name, const UIActionContext &ctx, std::function< void(const UIActionContext &)> &action)
 Callback when an action is executed, allowing plugins to intercept and modify the behavior of the action.
virtual void OnContextMenuCreated (UIContext *context, View *view, Menu &menu)
 Callback when a context menu is created, allowing plugins to modify the menu, e.g., registering and adding new actions into it.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from BinaryNinja::BinaryDataNotification
enum  NotificationType : uint64_t {
  NotificationBarrier = 1ULL << 0 , DataWritten = 1ULL << 1 , DataInserted = 1ULL << 2 , DataRemoved = 1ULL << 3 ,
  FunctionAdded = 1ULL << 4 , FunctionRemoved = 1ULL << 5 , FunctionUpdated = 1ULL << 6 , FunctionUpdateRequested = 1ULL << 7 ,
  DataVariableAdded = 1ULL << 8 , DataVariableRemoved = 1ULL << 9 , DataVariableUpdated = 1ULL << 10 , DataMetadataUpdated = 1ULL << 11 ,
  TagTypeUpdated = 1ULL << 12 , TagAdded = 1ULL << 13 , TagRemoved = 1ULL << 14 , TagUpdated = 1ULL << 15 ,
  SymbolAdded = 1ULL << 16 , SymbolRemoved = 1ULL << 17 , SymbolUpdated = 1ULL << 18 , StringFound = 1ULL << 19 ,
  StringRemoved = 1ULL << 20 , TypeDefined = 1ULL << 21 , TypeUndefined = 1ULL << 22 , TypeReferenceChanged = 1ULL << 23 ,
  TypeFieldReferenceChanged = 1ULL << 24 , SegmentAdded = 1ULL << 25 , SegmentRemoved = 1ULL << 26 , SegmentUpdated = 1ULL << 27 ,
  SectionAdded = 1ULL << 28 , SectionRemoved = 1ULL << 29 , SectionUpdated = 1ULL << 30 , ComponentNameUpdated = 1ULL << 31 ,
  ComponentAdded = 1ULL << 32 , ComponentRemoved = 1ULL << 33 , ComponentMoved = 1ULL << 34 , ComponentFunctionAdded = 1ULL << 35 ,
  ComponentFunctionRemoved = 1ULL << 36 , ComponentDataVariableAdded = 1ULL << 37 , ComponentDataVariableRemoved = 1ULL << 38 , ExternalLibraryAdded = 1ULL << 39 ,
  ExternalLibraryRemoved = 1ULL << 40 , ExternalLibraryUpdated = 1ULL << 41 , ExternalLocationAdded = 1ULL << 42 , ExternalLocationRemoved = 1ULL << 43 ,
  ExternalLocationUpdated = 1ULL << 44 , TypeArchiveAttached = 1ULL << 45 , TypeArchiveDetached = 1ULL << 46 , TypeArchiveConnected = 1ULL << 47 ,
  TypeArchiveDisconnected = 1ULL << 48 , UndoEntryAdded = 1ULL << 49 , UndoEntryTaken = 1ULL << 50 , RedoEntryTaken = 1ULL << 51 ,
  Rebased = 1ULL << 52 , BinaryDataUpdates = DataWritten | DataInserted | DataRemoved , FunctionLifetime = FunctionAdded | FunctionRemoved , FunctionUpdates = FunctionLifetime | FunctionUpdated ,
  DataVariableLifetime = DataVariableAdded | DataVariableRemoved , DataVariableUpdates = DataVariableLifetime | DataVariableUpdated , TagLifetime = TagAdded | TagRemoved , TagUpdates = TagLifetime | TagUpdated ,
  SymbolLifetime = SymbolAdded | SymbolRemoved , SymbolUpdates = SymbolLifetime | SymbolUpdated , StringUpdates = StringFound | StringRemoved , TypeLifetime = TypeDefined | TypeUndefined ,
  TypeUpdates = TypeLifetime | TypeReferenceChanged | TypeFieldReferenceChanged , SegmentLifetime = SegmentAdded | SegmentRemoved , SegmentUpdates = SegmentLifetime | SegmentUpdated , SectionLifetime = SectionAdded | SectionRemoved ,
  SectionUpdates = SectionLifetime | SectionUpdated , ComponentUpdates = ComponentNameUpdated | ComponentAdded | ComponentRemoved | ComponentMoved | ComponentFunctionAdded | ComponentFunctionRemoved | ComponentDataVariableAdded | ComponentDataVariableRemoved , ExternalLibraryLifetime = ExternalLibraryAdded | ExternalLibraryRemoved , ExternalLibraryUpdates = ExternalLibraryLifetime | ExternalLibraryUpdated ,
  ExternalLocationLifetime = ExternalLocationAdded | ExternalLocationRemoved , ExternalLocationUpdates = ExternalLocationLifetime | ExternalLocationUpdated , TypeArchiveUpdates = TypeArchiveAttached | TypeArchiveDetached | TypeArchiveConnected | TypeArchiveDisconnected , UndoUpdates = UndoEntryAdded | UndoEntryTaken | RedoEntryTaken
using NotificationTypes = uint64_t

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HistoryEntryItemModel()

HistoryEntryItemModel::HistoryEntryItemModel ( QWidget * parent,
BinaryViewRef data )

◆ ~HistoryEntryItemModel()

HistoryEntryItemModel::~HistoryEntryItemModel ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ index()

virtual QModelIndex HistoryEntryItemModel::index ( int row,
int column,
const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() ) const

◆ parent()

virtual QModelIndex HistoryEntryItemModel::parent ( const QModelIndex & child) const

◆ rowCount()

virtual int HistoryEntryItemModel::rowCount ( const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const

◆ columnCount()

virtual int HistoryEntryItemModel::columnCount ( const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const

◆ data()

virtual QVariant HistoryEntryItemModel::data ( const QModelIndex & index,
int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const

◆ toggleOption()

void HistoryEntryItemModel::toggleOption ( HistoryOption option)

◆ isOptionSet()

bool HistoryEntryItemModel::isOptionSet ( HistoryOption option)