http.h File Reference


struct  BinaryNinja::Http::Response
 Basic HTTP response structure. More...
struct  BinaryNinja::Http::MultipartField
 Structure for multipart form fields. More...
struct  BinaryNinja::Http::Request
 Structure containing HTTP metadata for requests. More...


namespace  BinaryNinja
namespace  BinaryNinja::Http


#define _STD_STRING   std::string
#define _STD_VECTOR   std::vector
#define _STD_UNORDERED_MAP   std::unordered_map


enum  BinaryNinja::Http::ResponseCode {
  BinaryNinja::Http::Continue = 100 , BinaryNinja::Http::SwitchingProtocols = 101 , BinaryNinja::Http::OK = 200 , BinaryNinja::Http::Created = 201 ,
  BinaryNinja::Http::Accepted = 202 , BinaryNinja::Http::NonAuthoritativeInformation = 203 , BinaryNinja::Http::NoContent = 204 , BinaryNinja::Http::ResetContent = 205 ,
  BinaryNinja::Http::PartialContent = 206 , BinaryNinja::Http::MultipleChoices = 300 , BinaryNinja::Http::MovedPermanently = 301 , BinaryNinja::Http::Found = 302 ,
  BinaryNinja::Http::SeeOther = 303 , BinaryNinja::Http::NotModified = 304 , BinaryNinja::Http::UseProxy = 305 , BinaryNinja::Http::TemporaryRedirect = 307 ,
  BinaryNinja::Http::BadRequest = 400 , BinaryNinja::Http::Unauthorized = 401 , BinaryNinja::Http::PaymentRequired = 402 , BinaryNinja::Http::Forbidden = 403 ,
  BinaryNinja::Http::NotFound = 404 , BinaryNinja::Http::MethodNotAllowed = 405 , BinaryNinja::Http::NotAcceptable = 406 , BinaryNinja::Http::ProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407 ,
  BinaryNinja::Http::RequestTimeout = 408 , BinaryNinja::Http::Conflict = 409 , BinaryNinja::Http::Gone = 410 , BinaryNinja::Http::LengthRequired = 411 ,
  BinaryNinja::Http::PreconditionFailed = 412 , BinaryNinja::Http::RequestEntityTooLarge = 413 , BinaryNinja::Http::RequestURITooLong = 414 , BinaryNinja::Http::UnsupportedMediaType = 415 ,
  BinaryNinja::Http::RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416 , BinaryNinja::Http::ExpectationFailed = 417 , BinaryNinja::Http::ImATeapot = 418 , BinaryNinja::Http::InternalServerError = 500 ,
  BinaryNinja::Http::NotImplemented = 501 , BinaryNinja::Http::BadGateway = 502 , BinaryNinja::Http::ServiceUnavailable = 503 , BinaryNinja::Http::GatewayTimeout = 504 ,
  BinaryNinja::Http::HTTPVersionNotSupported = 505


std::string BinaryNinja::Http::UrlEncode (const std::string &str)
 Convert a string to a URLEncoded form-field safe form. More...
std::string BinaryNinja::Http::UrlEncode (const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &fields)
 Convert a list of key/value pair strings into a URLEncoded form body. More...
std::vector< uint8_t > BinaryNinja::Http::MultipartEncode (const std::vector< MultipartField > &fields, std::string &boundary)
int BinaryNinja::Http::Perform (const Ref< DownloadInstance > &instance, const Request &request, Response &response)
 Perform an HTTP request as specified by a Request, storing results in a Response. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define _STD_STRING   std::string


#define _STD_UNORDERED_MAP   std::unordered_map


#define _STD_VECTOR   std::vector