BinaryNinja Namespace Reference


namespace  Collaboration
namespace  Enterprise
 API for interacting with Enterprise features, such as communicating with the Enterprise server.
namespace  Http


struct  ActiveAnalysisInfo
class  Activity
class  AdvancedFunctionAnalysisDataRequestor
class  AnalysisCompletionEvent
class  AnalysisContext
struct  AnalysisInfo
struct  ArchAndAddr
class  Architecture
 The Architecture class is the base class for all CPU architectures. More...
class  ArchitectureExtension
class  ArchitectureHook
class  BackgroundTask
class  BaseAddressDetection
struct  BaseAddressDetectionSettings
struct  BaseStructure
class  BasicBlock
struct  BasicBlockEdge
class  BinaryData
class  BinaryDataNotification
class  BinaryReader
 BinaryReader is a convenience class for reading binary data. More...
class  BinaryView
 BinaryView implements a view on binary data, and presents a queryable interface of a binary file. More...
class  BinaryViewType
 The BinaryViewType object is used internally and should not be directly instantiated. More...
class  BinaryWriter
 BinaryWriter is a convenience class for writing binary data. More...
class  CallbackRef
class  CallingConvention
class  Component
 Components are objects that can contain Functions and other Components. More...
class  Confidence
class  Confidence< Ref< T > >
class  ConfidenceBase
struct  ConstantData
class  CoreArchitecture
class  CoreBinaryViewType
class  CoreCallingConvention
class  CoreDownloadInstance
class  CoreDownloadProvider
class  CoreFileAccessor
class  CoreFlowGraph
class  CorePlatform
class  CoreRefCountObject
class  CoreRelocationHandler
class  CoreScriptingInstance
class  CoreScriptingProvider
class  CoreSecretsProvider
class  CoreTransform
class  CoreTypeParser
class  CoreTypePrinter
class  CoreWebsocketClient
class  CoreWebsocketProvider
class  CustomDebugInfoParser
class  Database
 Provides lower level access to raw snapshot data used to construct analysis data. More...
struct  DatabaseException
class  DataBuffer
class  DataRenderer
 DataRenderer objects tell the Linear View how to render specific types. More...
class  DataRendererContainer
 Used for registering DataRenderers. More...
struct  DataVariable
struct  DataVariableAndName
struct  DebugFunctionInfo
class  DebugInfo
class  DebugInfoParser
class  DisassemblySettings
struct  DisassemblyTextLine
struct  DisassemblyTextLineTypeInfo
class  DisassemblyTextRenderer
class  DownloadInstance
class  DownloadProvider
class  Enumeration
class  EnumerationBuilder
 EnumerationBuilder is a convenience class used for building Enumeration Types. More...
struct  EnumerationMember
struct  ExceptionWithStackTrace
class  ExternalLibrary
class  ExternalLocation
class  FileAccessor
struct  FindParameters
class  FlowGraph
 FlowGraph implements a directed flow graph to be shown in the UI. More...
struct  FlowGraphEdge
class  FlowGraphLayoutRequest
class  FlowGraphNode
struct  FormInputField
class  Function
struct  FunctionParameter
class  FunctionRecognizer
struct  HighLevelILConstantDataInstruction
struct  HighLevelILConstantInstruction
class  HighLevelILFunction
class  HighLevelILIndexList
struct  HighLevelILInstruction
class  HighLevelILInstructionAccessException
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_ADC >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_ADD >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_ADD_OVERFLOW >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_ADDRESS_OF >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_AND >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_ARRAY_INDEX >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_ARRAY_INDEX_SSA >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_ASR >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_ASSIGN >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_ASSIGN_MEM_SSA >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_ASSIGN_UNPACK >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_ASSIGN_UNPACK_MEM_SSA >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_BLOCK >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_BOOL_TO_INT >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_BP >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_BREAK >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CALL >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CALL_SSA >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CASE >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CEIL >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CMP_E >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CMP_NE >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CMP_SGE >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CMP_SGT >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CMP_SLE >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CMP_SLT >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CMP_UGE >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CMP_UGT >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CMP_ULE >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CMP_ULT >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CONST >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CONST_DATA >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CONST_PTR >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_CONTINUE >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_DEREF >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_DEREF_FIELD >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_DEREF_FIELD_SSA >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_DEREF_SSA >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_DIVS >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_DIVS_DP >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_DIVU >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_DIVU_DP >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_DO_WHILE >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_DO_WHILE_SSA >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_EXTERN_PTR >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FABS >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FADD >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FCMP_E >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FCMP_GE >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FCMP_GT >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FCMP_LE >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FCMP_LT >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FCMP_NE >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FCMP_O >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FCMP_UO >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FDIV >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FLOAT_CONST >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FLOAT_CONV >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FLOAT_TO_INT >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FLOOR >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FMUL >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FNEG >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FOR >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FOR_SSA >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FSQRT >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FSUB >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_FTRUNC >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_GOTO >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_IF >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_IMPORT >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_INT_TO_FLOAT >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_INTRINSIC >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_INTRINSIC_SSA >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_JUMP >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_LABEL >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_LOW_PART >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_LSL >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_LSR >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_MEM_PHI >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_MODS >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_MODS_DP >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_MODU >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_MODU_DP >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_MUL >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_MULS_DP >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_MULU_DP >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_NEG >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_NOP >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_NORET >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_NOT >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_OR >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_RET >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_RLC >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_ROL >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_ROR >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_ROUND_TO_INT >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_RRC >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_SBB >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_SPLIT >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_STRUCT_FIELD >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_SUB >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_SWITCH >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_SX >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_SYSCALL >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_SYSCALL_SSA >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_TAILCALL >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_TEST_BIT >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_TRAP >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_UNDEF >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_UNIMPL >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_UNIMPL_MEM >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_UNREACHABLE >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_VAR >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_VAR_DECLARE >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_VAR_INIT >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_VAR_INIT_SSA >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_VAR_PHI >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_VAR_SSA >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_WHILE >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_WHILE_SSA >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_XOR >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< HLIL_ZX >
struct  HighLevelILInstructionBase
class  HighLevelILInstructionList
class  HighLevelILIntegerList
struct  HighLevelILOneOperandInstruction
class  HighLevelILOperand
class  HighLevelILOperandList
class  HighLevelILSSAVariableList
struct  HighLevelILTwoOperandInstruction
struct  HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstruction
struct  ILReferenceSource
struct  ILSourceLocation
struct  IndirectBranchInfo
struct  InheritedStructureMember
struct  InstructionInfo
struct  InstructionTextToken
 `InstructionTextToken` is used to tell the core about the various components in the disassembly views. More...
class  InteractionHandler
class  KeyValueStore
 Maintains access to the raw data stored in Snapshots and various other Database-related structures. More...
class  LanguageRepresentationFunction
struct  LinearDisassemblyLine
class  LinearViewCursor
class  LinearViewObject
struct  LinearViewObjectIdentifier
class  Logger
 Logger is a class allowing scoped logging to the console. More...
class  LogListener
class  LogRegistry
 A class allowing registering and retrieving Loggers. More...
struct  LookupTableEntry
struct  LowLevelILConstantInstruction
class  LowLevelILFunction
class  LowLevelILIndexList
class  LowLevelILIndexMap
struct  LowLevelILInstruction
class  LowLevelILInstructionAccessException
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_ADC >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_ADD >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_ADD_OVERFLOW >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_AND >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_ASR >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_BOOL_TO_INT >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_BP >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_CALL >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_CALL_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_CALL_STACK_ADJUST >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_CEIL >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_CMP_E >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_CMP_NE >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_CMP_SGE >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_CMP_SGT >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_CMP_SLE >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_CMP_SLT >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_CMP_UGE >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_CMP_UGT >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_CMP_ULE >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_CMP_ULT >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_CONST >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_CONST_PTR >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_DIVS >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_DIVS_DP >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_DIVU >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_DIVU_DP >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_EXTERN_PTR >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FABS >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FADD >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FCMP_E >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FCMP_GE >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FCMP_GT >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FCMP_LE >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FCMP_LT >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FCMP_NE >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FCMP_O >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FCMP_UO >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FDIV >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FLAG >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FLAG_BIT >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FLAG_BIT_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FLAG_COND >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FLAG_GROUP >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FLAG_PHI >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FLAG_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FLOAT_CONST >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FLOAT_CONV >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FLOAT_TO_INT >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FLOOR >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FMUL >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FNEG >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FSQRT >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FSUB >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_FTRUNC >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_GOTO >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_IF >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_INT_TO_FLOAT >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_INTRINSIC >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_INTRINSIC_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_JUMP >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_JUMP_TO >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_LOAD >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_LOAD_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_LOW_PART >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_LSL >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_LSR >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_MEM_PHI >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_MEMORY_INTRINSIC_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_MODS >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_MODS_DP >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_MODU >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_MODU_DP >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_MUL >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_MULS_DP >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_MULU_DP >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_NEG >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_NOP >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_NORET >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_NOT >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_OR >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_POP >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_PUSH >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_REG >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_REG_PHI >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_REG_SPLIT >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_REG_SPLIT_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_REG_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_REG_SSA_PARTIAL >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_REG_STACK_ABS_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_REG_STACK_FREE_ABS_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_REG_STACK_FREE_REG >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_REG_STACK_FREE_REL >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_REG_STACK_FREE_REL_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_REG_STACK_PHI >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_REG_STACK_POP >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_REG_STACK_PUSH >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_REG_STACK_REL >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_REG_STACK_REL_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_RET >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_RLC >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_ROL >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_ROR >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_ROUND_TO_INT >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_RRC >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SBB >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SEPARATE_PARAM_LIST_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SET_FLAG >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SET_FLAG_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SET_REG >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SET_REG_SPLIT >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SET_REG_SPLIT_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SET_REG_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SET_REG_SSA_PARTIAL >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SET_REG_STACK_ABS_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SET_REG_STACK_REL >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SET_REG_STACK_REL_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SHARED_PARAM_SLOT_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_STORE >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_STORE_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SUB >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SX >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SYSCALL >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_SYSCALL_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_TAILCALL >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_TAILCALL_SSA >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_TEST_BIT >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_TRAP >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_UNDEF >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_UNIMPL >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_UNIMPL_MEM >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_XOR >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionAccessor< LLIL_ZX >
struct  LowLevelILInstructionBase
class  LowLevelILInstructionList
class  LowLevelILIntegerList
struct  LowLevelILLabel
struct  LowLevelILOffsetInstruction
struct  LowLevelILOneOperandInstruction
class  LowLevelILOperand
class  LowLevelILOperandList
class  LowLevelILRegisterOrFlagList
class  LowLevelILSSAFlagList
class  LowLevelILSSARegisterList
class  LowLevelILSSARegisterOrFlagList
class  LowLevelILSSARegisterStackList
struct  LowLevelILTwoOperandInstruction
struct  LowLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstruction
class  MainThreadAction
class  MainThreadActionHandler
struct  MediumLevelILConstantDataInstruction
struct  MediumLevelILConstantInstruction
class  MediumLevelILFunction
class  MediumLevelILIndexList
class  MediumLevelILIndexMap
struct  MediumLevelILInstruction
class  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessException
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_ADC >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_ADD >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_ADD_OVERFLOW >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_ADDRESS_OF >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_ADDRESS_OF_FIELD >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_AND >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_ASR >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_BOOL_TO_INT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_BP >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CALL >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CALL_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CALL_UNTYPED >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CALL_UNTYPED_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CEIL >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CMP_E >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CMP_NE >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CMP_SGE >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CMP_SGT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CMP_SLE >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CMP_SLT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CMP_UGE >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CMP_UGT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CMP_ULE >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CMP_ULT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CONST >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CONST_DATA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_CONST_PTR >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_DIVS >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_DIVS_DP >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_DIVU >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_DIVU_DP >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_EXTERN_PTR >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FABS >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FADD >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FCMP_E >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FCMP_GE >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FCMP_GT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FCMP_LE >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FCMP_LT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FCMP_NE >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FCMP_O >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FCMP_UO >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FDIV >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FLOAT_CONST >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FLOAT_CONV >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FLOAT_TO_INT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FLOOR >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FMUL >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FNEG >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FREE_VAR_SLOT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FREE_VAR_SLOT_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FSQRT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FSUB >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_FTRUNC >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_GOTO >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_IF >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_IMPORT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_INT_TO_FLOAT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_INTRINSIC >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_INTRINSIC_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_JUMP >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_JUMP_TO >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_LOAD >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_LOAD_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_LOAD_STRUCT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_LOAD_STRUCT_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_LOW_PART >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_LSL >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_LSR >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_MEM_PHI >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_MEMORY_INTRINSIC_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_MODS >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_MODS_DP >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_MODU >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_MODU_DP >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_MUL >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_MULS_DP >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_MULU_DP >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_NEG >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_NOP >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_NORET >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_NOT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_OR >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_RET >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_RET_HINT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_RLC >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_ROL >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_ROR >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_ROUND_TO_INT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_RRC >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SBB >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SEPARATE_PARAM_LIST >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SET_VAR >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SET_VAR_ALIASED >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SET_VAR_ALIASED_FIELD >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SET_VAR_FIELD >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SET_VAR_SPLIT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SET_VAR_SPLIT_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SET_VAR_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SET_VAR_SSA_FIELD >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SHARED_PARAM_SLOT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_STORE >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_STORE_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_STORE_STRUCT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_STORE_STRUCT_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SUB >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SX >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SYSCALL >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SYSCALL_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SYSCALL_UNTYPED >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_SYSCALL_UNTYPED_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_TAILCALL >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_TAILCALL_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_TAILCALL_UNTYPED >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_TAILCALL_UNTYPED_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_TEST_BIT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_TRAP >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_UNDEF >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_UNIMPL >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_UNIMPL_MEM >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_VAR >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_VAR_ALIASED >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_VAR_ALIASED_FIELD >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_VAR_FIELD >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_VAR_PHI >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_VAR_SPLIT >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_VAR_SPLIT_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_VAR_SSA >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_VAR_SSA_FIELD >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_XOR >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionAccessor< MLIL_ZX >
struct  MediumLevelILInstructionBase
class  MediumLevelILInstructionList
class  MediumLevelILIntegerList
struct  MediumLevelILLabel
struct  MediumLevelILOneOperandInstruction
class  MediumLevelILOperand
class  MediumLevelILOperandList
class  MediumLevelILSSAVariableList
struct  MediumLevelILTwoOperandInstruction
struct  MediumLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstruction
class  MediumLevelILVariableList
class  MemoryMap
struct  NameAndType
class  NamedTypeReference
class  NamedTypeReferenceBuilder
class  NameList
class  NameSpace
class  NavigationHandler
struct  ParsedType
class  Platform
 Platform base class. More...
class  PluginCommand
 The PluginCommand class is used for registering "commands" for Plugins, corresponding to code in those plugins to be executed. More...
struct  PluginCommandContext
struct  PossibleValueSet
struct  ProgressContext
class  Project
struct  ProjectException
class  ProjectFile
class  ProjectFolder
class  ProjectNotification
class  QualifiedName
struct  QualifiedNameAndType
class  QueryMetadataException
class  ReadException
 Thrown whenever a read is performed out of bounds. More...
class  Ref
class  RefCountObject
struct  ReferenceSource
struct  RegisterOrFlag
struct  RegisterValue
class  Relocation
class  RelocationHandler
class  RepoPlugin
class  ReportCollection
class  Repository
class  RepositoryManager
class  SaveSettings
class  ScriptingInstance
class  ScriptingOutputListener
class  ScriptingProvider
class  SecretsProvider
 Class for storing secrets (e.g. More...
class  Section
 The Section object is returned during BinaryView creation and should not be directly instantiated. More...
class  Segment
 The Segment object is returned during BinaryView creation and should not be directly instantiated. More...
class  Settings
 Settings provides a way to define and access settings in a hierarchical fashion. More...
class  SimplifyName
class  Snapshot
 A model of an individual database snapshot, created on save. More...
struct  SSAFlag
struct  SSARegister
struct  SSARegisterOrFlag
struct  SSARegisterStack
struct  SSAVariable
struct  StackVariableReference
class  StaticCoreRefCountObject
class  Structure
 Structure is a class that wraps built structures and retrieves info about them. More...
class  StructureBuilder
 StructureBuilder is a convenience class used for building Structure Types. More...
struct  StructureMember
class  Symbol
class  SymbolQueue
class  Tag
struct  TagReference
class  TagType
class  TemporaryFile
 TemporaryFile is used for creating temporary files, stored (temporarily) in the system's default temporary file directory. More...
class  Transform
 Allows users to implement custom transformations. More...
struct  TransformParameter
class  Type
struct  TypeAndId
class  TypeArchive
 Type Archives are a collection of types which can be shared between different analysis sessions and are backed by a database file on disk. More...
class  TypeArchiveNotification
class  TypeBuilder
class  TypeContainer
 A TypeContainer is a generic interface to access various Binary Ninja models that contain types. More...
struct  TypeDefinitionLine
struct  TypeFieldReference
class  TypeLibrary
class  TypeParser
struct  TypeParserError
struct  TypeParserResult
class  TypePrinter
struct  TypeReferenceSource
class  UndoAction
class  UndoEntry
struct  UpdateChannel
class  UpdateException
struct  UpdateProgress
struct  UpdateVersion
 UpdateVersion documentation. More...
class  User
struct  Variable
struct  VariableNameAndType
struct  VariableReferenceSource
class  WebsocketClient
class  WebsocketProvider
class  Workflow
 A Binary Ninja Workflow is an abstraction of a computational binary analysis pipeline and it provides the extensibility mechanism needed for tailored binary analysis and decompilation. More...
class  WriteException
 Raised whenever a write is performed out of bounds. More...


typedef BNMetadataType MetadataType
typedef size_t ExprId
typedef BNPluginOrigin PluginOrigin
typedef BNPluginStatus PluginStatus
typedef BNPluginType PluginType


enum  ReferenceType {
  UnspecifiedReferenceType = 0x0 , ReadReferenceType = 0x1 , WriteReferenceType = 0x2 , ExecuteReferenceType = 0x4 ,
  DataVariableReferenceType = 0x8 , DirectTypeReferenceType = 0x10 , IndirectTypeReferenceType = 0x20
enum  HighLevelILOperandType {
  IntegerHighLevelOperand , ConstantDataHighLevelOperand , IndexHighLevelOperand , IntrinsicHighLevelOperand ,
  ExprHighLevelOperand , VariableHighLevelOperand , SSAVariableHighLevelOperand , ExprListHighLevelOperand ,
  SSAVariableListHighLevelOperand , IndexListHighLevelOperand
enum  HighLevelILOperandUsage {
  SourceExprHighLevelOperandUsage , VariableHighLevelOperandUsage , DestVariableHighLevelOperandUsage , SSAVariableHighLevelOperandUsage ,
  DestSSAVariableHighLevelOperandUsage , DestExprHighLevelOperandUsage , LeftExprHighLevelOperandUsage , RightExprHighLevelOperandUsage ,
  CarryExprHighLevelOperandUsage , IndexExprHighLevelOperandUsage , ConditionExprHighLevelOperandUsage , ConditionPhiExprHighLevelOperandUsage ,
  TrueExprHighLevelOperandUsage , FalseExprHighLevelOperandUsage , LoopExprHighLevelOperandUsage , InitExprHighLevelOperandUsage ,
  UpdateExprHighLevelOperandUsage , DefaultExprHighLevelOperandUsage , HighExprHighLevelOperandUsage , LowExprHighLevelOperandUsage ,
  OffsetHighLevelOperandUsage , MemberIndexHighLevelOperandUsage , ConstantHighLevelOperandUsage , ConstantDataHighLevelOperandUsage ,
  VectorHighLevelOperandUsage , IntrinsicHighLevelOperandUsage , TargetHighLevelOperandUsage , ParameterExprsHighLevelOperandUsage ,
  SourceExprsHighLevelOperandUsage , DestExprsHighLevelOperandUsage , BlockExprsHighLevelOperandUsage , CasesHighLevelOperandUsage ,
  ValueExprsHighLevelOperandUsage , SourceSSAVariablesHighLevelOperandUsage , SourceMemoryVersionHighLevelOperandUsage , SourceMemoryVersionsHighLevelOperandUsage ,
enum  LowLevelILOperandType {
  IntegerLowLevelOperand , IndexLowLevelOperand , ExprLowLevelOperand , RegisterLowLevelOperand ,
  RegisterStackLowLevelOperand , FlagLowLevelOperand , FlagConditionLowLevelOperand , IntrinsicLowLevelOperand ,
  SemanticFlagClassLowLevelOperand , SemanticFlagGroupLowLevelOperand , SSARegisterLowLevelOperand , SSARegisterStackLowLevelOperand ,
  SSAFlagLowLevelOperand , IndexListLowLevelOperand , IndexMapLowLevelOperand , ExprListLowLevelOperand ,
  RegisterOrFlagListLowLevelOperand , SSARegisterListLowLevelOperand , SSARegisterStackListLowLevelOperand , SSAFlagListLowLevelOperand ,
  SSARegisterOrFlagListLowLevelOperand , RegisterStackAdjustmentsLowLevelOperand
enum  LowLevelILOperandUsage {
  SourceExprLowLevelOperandUsage , SourceRegisterLowLevelOperandUsage , SourceRegisterStackLowLevelOperandUsage , SourceFlagLowLevelOperandUsage ,
  SourceSSARegisterLowLevelOperandUsage , SourceSSARegisterStackLowLevelOperandUsage , SourceSSAFlagLowLevelOperandUsage , DestExprLowLevelOperandUsage ,
  DestRegisterLowLevelOperandUsage , DestRegisterStackLowLevelOperandUsage , DestFlagLowLevelOperandUsage , DestSSARegisterLowLevelOperandUsage ,
  DestSSARegisterStackLowLevelOperandUsage , DestSSAFlagLowLevelOperandUsage , SemanticFlagClassLowLevelOperandUsage , SemanticFlagGroupLowLevelOperandUsage ,
  PartialRegisterLowLevelOperandUsage , PartialSSARegisterStackSourceLowLevelOperandUsage , StackSSARegisterLowLevelOperandUsage , StackMemoryVersionLowLevelOperandUsage ,
  TopSSARegisterLowLevelOperandUsage , LeftExprLowLevelOperandUsage , RightExprLowLevelOperandUsage , CarryExprLowLevelOperandUsage ,
  ConditionExprLowLevelOperandUsage , HighRegisterLowLevelOperandUsage , HighSSARegisterLowLevelOperandUsage , LowRegisterLowLevelOperandUsage ,
  LowSSARegisterLowLevelOperandUsage , IntrinsicLowLevelOperandUsage , ConstantLowLevelOperandUsage , VectorLowLevelOperandUsage ,
  StackAdjustmentLowLevelOperandUsage , TargetLowLevelOperandUsage , TrueTargetLowLevelOperandUsage , FalseTargetLowLevelOperandUsage ,
  BitIndexLowLevelOperandUsage , SourceMemoryVersionLowLevelOperandUsage , DestMemoryVersionLowLevelOperandUsage , FlagConditionLowLevelOperandUsage ,
  OutputSSARegistersLowLevelOperandUsage , OutputMemoryVersionLowLevelOperandUsage , ParameterExprsLowLevelOperandUsage , SourceSSARegistersLowLevelOperandUsage ,
  SourceSSARegisterStacksLowLevelOperandUsage , SourceSSAFlagsLowLevelOperandUsage , OutputRegisterOrFlagListLowLevelOperandUsage , OutputSSARegisterOrFlagListLowLevelOperandUsage ,
  OutputMemoryIntrinsicLowLevelOperandUsage , SourceMemoryVersionsLowLevelOperandUsage , TargetsLowLevelOperandUsage , RegisterStackAdjustmentsLowLevelOperandUsage ,
enum  MediumLevelILOperandType {
  IntegerMediumLevelOperand , ConstantDataMediumLevelOperand , IndexMediumLevelOperand , IntrinsicMediumLevelOperand ,
  ExprMediumLevelOperand , VariableMediumLevelOperand , SSAVariableMediumLevelOperand , IndexListMediumLevelOperand ,
  IndexMapMediumLevelOperand , VariableListMediumLevelOperand , SSAVariableListMediumLevelOperand , ExprListMediumLevelOperand
enum  MediumLevelILOperandUsage {
  SourceExprMediumLevelOperandUsage , SourceVariableMediumLevelOperandUsage , SourceSSAVariableMediumLevelOperandUsage , PartialSSAVariableSourceMediumLevelOperandUsage ,
  DestExprMediumLevelOperandUsage , DestVariableMediumLevelOperandUsage , DestSSAVariableMediumLevelOperandUsage , LeftExprMediumLevelOperandUsage ,
  RightExprMediumLevelOperandUsage , CarryExprMediumLevelOperandUsage , StackExprMediumLevelOperandUsage , ConditionExprMediumLevelOperandUsage ,
  HighVariableMediumLevelOperandUsage , LowVariableMediumLevelOperandUsage , HighSSAVariableMediumLevelOperandUsage , LowSSAVariableMediumLevelOperandUsage ,
  OffsetMediumLevelOperandUsage , ConstantMediumLevelOperandUsage , ConstantDataMediumLevelOperandUsage , VectorMediumLevelOperandUsage ,
  IntrinsicMediumLevelOperandUsage , TargetMediumLevelOperandUsage , TrueTargetMediumLevelOperandUsage , FalseTargetMediumLevelOperandUsage ,
  DestMemoryVersionMediumLevelOperandUsage , SourceMemoryVersionMediumLevelOperandUsage , TargetsMediumLevelOperandUsage , SourceMemoryVersionsMediumLevelOperandUsage ,
  OutputVariablesMediumLevelOperandUsage , OutputVariablesSubExprMediumLevelOperandUsage , OutputSSAVariablesMediumLevelOperandUsage , OutputSSAVariablesSubExprMediumLevelOperandUsage ,
  OutputSSAMemoryVersionMediumLevelOperandUsage , ParameterExprsMediumLevelOperandUsage , SourceExprsMediumLevelOperandUsage , UntypedParameterExprsMediumLevelOperandUsage ,
  UntypedParameterSSAExprsMediumLevelOperandUsage , ParameterSSAMemoryVersionMediumLevelOperandUsage , SourceSSAVariablesMediumLevelOperandUsages


void Log (BNLogLevel level, const char *fmt,...)
 Logs to the error console with the given BNLogLevel. More...
void LogTrace (const char *fmt,...)
 LogTrace only writes text to the error console if the console is set to log level: DebugLog Log level and the build is not a DEBUG build (i.e. More...
void LogDebug (const char *fmt,...)
 LogDebug only writes text to the error console if the console is set to log level: DebugLog Log level DebugLog is the most verbose logging level in release builds. More...
void LogInfo (const char *fmt,...)
 LogInfo always writes text to the error console, and corresponds to the log level: InfoLog. More...
void LogWarn (const char *fmt,...)
 LogWarn writes text to the error console including a warning icon, and also shows a warning icon in the bottom pane. More...
void LogError (const char *fmt,...)
 LogError writes text to the error console and pops up the error console. More...
void LogAlert (const char *fmt,...)
 LogAlert pops up a message box displaying the alert message and logs to the error console. More...
void LogFV (BNLogLevel level, fmt::string_view format, fmt::format_args args)
void LogTraceFV (fmt::string_view format, fmt::format_args args)
void LogDebugFV (fmt::string_view format, fmt::format_args args)
void LogInfoFV (fmt::string_view format, fmt::format_args args)
void LogWarnFV (fmt::string_view format, fmt::format_args args)
void LogErrorFV (fmt::string_view format, fmt::format_args args)
void LogAlertFV (fmt::string_view format, fmt::format_args args)
template<typename... T>
void LogF (BNLogLevel level, fmt::format_string< T... > format, T &&... args)
 Logs to the error console with the given BNLogLevel. More...
template<typename... T>
void LogTraceF (fmt::format_string< T... > format, T &&... args)
 LogTrace only writes text to the error console if the console is set to log level: DebugLog Log level and the build is not a DEBUG build (i.e. More...
template<typename... T>
void LogDebugF (fmt::format_string< T... > format, T &&... args)
 LogDebug only writes text to the error console if the console is set to log level: DebugLog Log level DebugLog is the most verbose logging level in release builds. More...
template<typename... T>
void LogInfoF (fmt::format_string< T... > format, T &&... args)
 LogInfo always writes text to the error console, and corresponds to the log level: InfoLog. More...
template<typename... T>
void LogWarnF (fmt::format_string< T... > format, T &&... args)
 LogWarn writes text to the error console including a warning icon, and also shows a warning icon in the bottom pane. More...
template<typename... T>
void LogErrorF (fmt::format_string< T... > format, T &&... args)
 LogError writes text to the error console and pops up the error console. More...
template<typename... T>
void LogAlertF (fmt::format_string< T... > format, T &&... args)
 LogAlert pops up a message box displaying the alert message and logs to the error console. More...
void LogToStdout (BNLogLevel minimumLevel)
 Redirects the minimum level passed to standard out. More...
void LogToStderr (BNLogLevel minimumLevel)
 Redirects the minimum level passed to standard error. More...
bool LogToFile (BNLogLevel minimumLevel, const std::string &path, bool append=false)
 Redirects minimum log level to the file at `path`, optionally appending rather than overwriting. More...
void CloseLogs ()
 Close all log files. More...
std::string EscapeString (const std::string &s)
std::string UnescapeString (const std::string &s)
bool PreprocessSource (const std::string &source, const std::string &fileName, std::string &output, std::string &errors, const std::vector< std::string > &includeDirs=std::vector< std::string >())
void DisablePlugins ()
bool IsPluginsEnabled ()
bool InitPlugins (bool allowUserPlugins=true)
void InitCorePlugins ()
void InitUserPlugins ()
void InitRepoPlugins ()
std::string GetBundledPluginDirectory ()
void SetBundledPluginDirectory (const std::string &path)
std::string GetUserDirectory ()
std::string GetSettingsFileName ()
std::string GetRepositoriesDirectory ()
std::string GetInstallDirectory ()
std::string GetUserPluginDirectory ()
std::string GetPathRelativeToBundledPluginDirectory (const std::string &path)
std::string GetPathRelativeToUserPluginDirectory (const std::string &path)
std::string GetPathRelativeToUserDirectory (const std::string &path)
bool ExecuteWorkerProcess (const std::string &path, const std::vector< std::string > &args, const DataBuffer &input, std::string &output, std::string &errors, bool stdoutIsText=false, bool stderrIsText=true)
std::string GetVersionString ()
std::string GetLicensedUserEmail ()
std::string GetProduct ()
std::string GetProductType ()
std::string GetSerialNumber ()
int GetLicenseCount ()
bool IsUIEnabled ()
uint32_t GetBuildId ()
bool AreAutoUpdatesEnabled ()
void SetAutoUpdatesEnabled (bool enabled)
uint64_t GetTimeSinceLastUpdateCheck ()
void UpdatesChecked ()
std::string GetActiveUpdateChannel ()
void SetActiveUpdateChannel (const std::string &channel)
void SetCurrentPluginLoadOrder (BNPluginLoadOrder order)
void AddRequiredPluginDependency (const std::string &name)
void AddOptionalPluginDependency (const std::string &name)
template<typename T >
std::string CoreEnumName ()
template<typename T >
std::optional< std::string > CoreEnumToString (T value)
template<typename T >
std::optional< T > CoreEnumFromString (const std::string &value)
Ref< BinaryViewLoad (const std::string &filename, bool updateAnalysis=true, const std::string &options="{}", std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> progress={})
 OpenView opens a file on disk and returns a BinaryView, attempting to use the most relevant BinaryViewType and generating default load options (which are overridable). More...
Ref< BinaryViewLoad (const DataBuffer &rawData, bool updateAnalysis=true, const std::string &options="{}", std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> progress={})
 Open a BinaryView from a raw data buffer, initializing data views and loading settings. More...
Ref< BinaryViewLoad (Ref< BinaryView > rawData, bool updateAnalysis=true, const std::string &options="{}", std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> progress={})
 Open a BinaryView from a raw BinaryView, initializing data views and loading settings. More...
Ref< BinaryViewLoad (const std::string &filename, bool updateAnalysis, std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> progress, Ref< Metadata > options=new Metadata(MetadataType::KeyValueDataType))
 Deprecated. More...
Ref< BinaryViewLoad (const DataBuffer &rawData, bool updateAnalysis, std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> progress, Ref< Metadata > options=new Metadata(MetadataType::KeyValueDataType))
 Deprecated. More...
Ref< BinaryViewLoad (Ref< BinaryView > rawData, bool updateAnalysis, std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> progress, Ref< Metadata > options=new Metadata(MetadataType::KeyValueDataType), bool isDatabase=false)
 Deprecated. More...
bool DemangleLLVM (const std::string &mangledName, QualifiedName &outVarName, const bool simplify=false)
 Demangles using LLVM's demangler. More...
bool DemangleLLVM (const std::string &mangledName, QualifiedName &outVarName, BinaryView *view)
 Demangles using LLVM's demangler. More...
bool DemangleMS (Architecture *arch, const std::string &mangledName, Ref< Type > &outType, QualifiedName &outVarName, const bool simplify=false)
 Demangles a Microsoft Visual Studio C++ name. More...
bool DemangleMS (Architecture *arch, const std::string &mangledName, Ref< Type > &outType, QualifiedName &outVarName, BinaryView *view)
 Demangles a Microsoft Visual Studio C++ name. More...
bool DemangleGNU3 (Ref< Architecture > arch, const std::string &mangledName, Ref< Type > &outType, QualifiedName &outVarName, const bool simplify=false)
 Demangles a GNU3 name. More...
bool DemangleGNU3 (Ref< Architecture > arch, const std::string &mangledName, Ref< Type > &outType, QualifiedName &outVarName, BinaryView *view)
 Demangles a GNU3 name. More...
bool IsGNU3MangledString (const std::string &mangledName)
 Determines if a symbol name is a mangled GNU3 name. More...
void RegisterMainThread (MainThreadActionHandler *handler)
Ref< MainThreadActionExecuteOnMainThread (const std::function< void()> &action)
void ExecuteOnMainThreadAndWait (const std::function< void()> &action)
bool IsMainThread ()
void WorkerEnqueue (const std::function< void()> &action, const std::string &name="")
void WorkerEnqueue (RefCountObject *owner, const std::function< void()> &action, const std::string &name="")
void WorkerPriorityEnqueue (const std::function< void()> &action, const std::string &name="")
void WorkerPriorityEnqueue (RefCountObject *owner, const std::function< void()> &action, const std::string &name="")
void WorkerInteractiveEnqueue (const std::function< void()> &action, const std::string &name="")
void WorkerInteractiveEnqueue (RefCountObject *owner, const std::function< void()> &action, const std::string &name="")
size_t GetWorkerThreadCount ()
void SetWorkerThreadCount (size_t count)
std::string MarkdownToHTML (const std::string &contents)
void RegisterInteractionHandler (InteractionHandler *handler)
void ShowPlainTextReport (const std::string &title, const std::string &contents)
 Displays contents to the user in the UI or on the command-line. More...
void ShowMarkdownReport (const std::string &title, const std::string &contents, const std::string &plainText="")
 Displays markdown contents to the user in the UI or on the command-line. More...
void ShowHTMLReport (const std::string &title, const std::string &contents, const std::string &plainText="")
 Displays HTML contents to the user in the UI or on the command-line. More...
void ShowGraphReport (const std::string &title, FlowGraph *graph)
 Displays a flow graph in UI applications and nothing in command-line applications. More...
void ShowReportCollection (const std::string &title, ReportCollection *reports)
 Show a collection of reports. More...
bool GetTextLineInput (std::string &result, const std::string &prompt, const std::string &title)
 Prompts the user to input a string with the given prompt and title. More...
bool GetIntegerInput (int64_t &result, const std::string &prompt, const std::string &title)
 Prompts the user to input an integer with the given prompt and title. More...
bool GetAddressInput (uint64_t &result, const std::string &prompt, const std::string &title)
 Prompts the user to input an unsigned integer with the given prompt and title. More...
bool GetChoiceInput (size_t &idx, const std::string &prompt, const std::string &title, const std::vector< std::string > &choices)
 Prompts the user to select the one of the provided choices. More...
bool GetLargeChoiceInput (size_t &idx, const std::string &title, const std::string &prompt, const std::vector< std::string > &choices)
 Prompts the user to select the one of the provided choices out of a large list, with the option to filter choices. More...
bool GetOpenFileNameInput (std::string &result, const std::string &prompt, const std::string &ext="")
 Prompts the user for a file name to open. More...
bool GetSaveFileNameInput (std::string &result, const std::string &prompt, const std::string &ext="", const std::string &defaultName="")
 Prompts the user for a file name to save as, optionally providing a file extension and defaultName. More...
bool GetDirectoryNameInput (std::string &result, const std::string &prompt, const std::string &defaultName="")
 Prompts the user for a directory name to save as, optionally providing a default_name. More...
bool GetFormInput (std::vector< FormInputField > &fields, const std::string &title)
 Prompts the user for a set of inputs specified in `fields` with given title. More...
BNMessageBoxButtonResult ShowMessageBox (const std::string &title, const std::string &text, BNMessageBoxButtonSet buttons=OKButtonSet, BNMessageBoxIcon icon=InformationIcon)
 Displays a configurable message box in the UI, or prompts on the console as appropriate. More...
bool OpenUrl (const std::string &url)
 Opens a given url in the user's web browser, if available. More...
bool RunProgressDialog (const std::string &title, bool canCancel, std::function< void(std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> progress)> task)
 Run a given task in a background thread, and show an updating progress bar which the user can cancel. More...
std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> SplitProgress (std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> originalFn, size_t subpart, size_t subpartCount)
 Split a single progress function into equally sized subparts. More...
std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> SplitProgress (std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> originalFn, size_t subpart, std::vector< double > subpartWeights)
 Split a single progress function into subparts. More...
bool ProgressCallback (void *ctxt, size_t current, size_t total)
std::string GetUniqueIdentifierString ()
std::map< std::string, uint64_t > GetMemoryUsageInfo ()
string SimplifyToString (const string &input)
string SimplifyToString (const QualifiedName &input)
QualifiedName SimplifyToQualifiedName (const string &input, bool simplify)
QualifiedName SimplifyToQualifiedName (const QualifiedName &input)

Class Documentation

◆ BinaryNinja::BaseAddressDetectionSettings

struct BinaryNinja::BaseAddressDetectionSettings
Class Members
string Architecture
string Analysis
uint32_t MinStrlen
uint32_t Alignment
uint64_t LowerBoundary
uint64_t UpperBoundary
BNBaseAddressDetectionPOISetting POIAnalysis
uint32_t MaxPointersPerCluster

◆ BinaryNinja::FindParameters

struct BinaryNinja::FindParameters
Class Members
BNFindType type
BNFindRangeType rangeType
BNFunctionGraphType ilType
string string
BNFindFlag flags
bool findAll
bool advancedSearch
bool overlap
int alignment
uint64_t findConstant
DataBuffer findBuffer
vector< BNAddressRange > ranges
uint64_t totalLength

◆ BinaryNinja::ILReferenceSource

struct BinaryNinja::ILReferenceSource
Class Members
Ref< Function > func
Ref< Architecture > arch
uint64_t addr
BNFunctionGraphType type
size_t exprId

◆ BinaryNinja::ProgressContext

struct BinaryNinja::ProgressContext
Class Members
function< bool(size_t, size_t)> callback

◆ BinaryNinja::ReferenceSource

struct BinaryNinja::ReferenceSource
Class Members
Ref< Function > func
Ref< Architecture > arch
uint64_t addr

◆ BinaryNinja::TypeFieldReference

struct BinaryNinja::TypeFieldReference
Class Members
Ref< Function > func
Ref< Architecture > arch
uint64_t addr
size_t size
Confidence< Ref< Type > > incomingType

◆ BinaryNinja::TypeReferenceSource

struct BinaryNinja::TypeReferenceSource
Class Members
QualifiedName name
uint64_t offset
BNTypeReferenceType type

◆ BinaryNinja::VariableReferenceSource

struct BinaryNinja::VariableReferenceSource
Class Members
Variable var
ILReferenceSource source

Typedef Documentation

◆ MetadataType

◆ ExprId

typedef size_t BinaryNinja::ExprId

◆ PluginOrigin

◆ PluginStatus

◆ PluginType

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ReferenceType


Function Documentation

◆ LogFV()

void BinaryNinja::LogFV ( BNLogLevel  level,
fmt::string_view  format,
fmt::format_args  args 

◆ LogTraceFV()

void BinaryNinja::LogTraceFV ( fmt::string_view  format,
fmt::format_args  args 

◆ LogDebugFV()

void BinaryNinja::LogDebugFV ( fmt::string_view  format,
fmt::format_args  args 

◆ LogInfoFV()

void BinaryNinja::LogInfoFV ( fmt::string_view  format,
fmt::format_args  args 

◆ LogWarnFV()

void BinaryNinja::LogWarnFV ( fmt::string_view  format,
fmt::format_args  args 

◆ LogErrorFV()

void BinaryNinja::LogErrorFV ( fmt::string_view  format,
fmt::format_args  args 

◆ LogAlertFV()

void BinaryNinja::LogAlertFV ( fmt::string_view  format,
fmt::format_args  args 

◆ Load() [1/6]

Ref< BinaryView > BinaryNinja::Load ( const std::string &  filename,
bool  updateAnalysis = true,
const std::string &  options = "{}",
std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)>  progress = {} 

OpenView opens a file on disk and returns a BinaryView, attempting to use the most relevant BinaryViewType and generating default load options (which are overridable).

Thread Safe:
Main Thread Only

If there is any error loading the file, nullptr will be returned and a log error will be printed.

\warn You will need to call bv->GetFile()->Close() when you are finished using the view returned by this function to free the resources it opened.

If no BinaryViewType is available to load the file, the `Mapped` view type will attempt to load it, and will try to auto-detect the architecture. If no architecture is detected or specified in the load options, the `Mapped` type will fail and this function will also return nullptr.

Although general container file support is not complete, support for Universal archives exists. It's possible to control the architecture preference with the `files.universal.architecturePreference` setting. This setting is scoped to SettingsUserScope and can be modified as follows:
Metadata options = {{"files.universal.architecturePreference", Metadata({"arm64"})}};
Ref<BinaryView> bv = Load("/bin/ls", true, {}, options);
Definition: binaryninjaapi.h:1229
Ref< BinaryView > Load(const std::string &filename, bool updateAnalysis=true, const std::string &options="{}", std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> progress={})
OpenView opens a file on disk and returns a BinaryView, attempting to use the most relevant BinaryVie...
Definition: binaryview.cpp:5372
filenamePath to filename or BNDB to open.
updateAnalysisIf true, UpdateAnalysisAndWait() will be called after opening a BinaryView.
optionsA Json string whose keys are setting identifiers and whose values are the desired settings.
progressOptional function to be called with progress updates as the view is being loaded. If the function returns false, it will cancel Load.
Constructed view, or a nullptr Ref<BinaryView>

◆ Load() [2/6]

Ref< BinaryView > BinaryNinja::Load ( const DataBuffer rawData,
bool  updateAnalysis = true,
const std::string &  options = "{}",
std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)>  progress = {} 

Open a BinaryView from a raw data buffer, initializing data views and loading settings.

Thread Safe:
Main Thread Only
See also
BinaryNinja::Load(const std::string&, bool, std::function<bool(size_t, size_t)>, Json::Value) for discussion of this Function.
rawDataBuffer with raw binary data to load (cannot load from bndb)
updateAnalysisIf true, UpdateAnalysisAndWait() will be called after opening a BinaryView.
optionsA Json string whose keys are setting identifiers and whose values are the desired settings.
progressOptional function to be called with progress updates as the view is being loaded. If the function returns false, it will cancel Load.
Constructed view, or a nullptr Ref<BinaryView>

◆ Load() [3/6]

Ref< BinaryView > BinaryNinja::Load ( Ref< BinaryView rawData,
bool  updateAnalysis = true,
const std::string &  options = "{}",
std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)>  progress = {} 

Open a BinaryView from a raw BinaryView, initializing data views and loading settings.

Thread Safe:
Main Thread Only
See also
BinaryNinja::Load(const std::string&, bool, std::function<bool(size_t, size_t)>, Json::Value) for discussion of this Function.
rawDataBinaryView with raw binary data to load
updateAnalysisIf true, UpdateAnalysisAndWait() will be called after opening a BinaryView.
optionsA Json string whose keys are setting identifiers and whose values are the desired settings.
progressOptional function to be called with progress updates as the view is being loaded. If the function returns false, it will cancel Load.
Constructed view, or a nullptr Ref<BinaryView>

◆ Load() [4/6]

Ref< BinaryView > BinaryNinja::Load ( const std::string &  filename,
bool  updateAnalysis,
std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)>  progress,
Ref< Metadata options = new Metadata(MetadataType::KeyValueDataType) 


Use non-metadata version.

◆ Load() [5/6]

Ref< BinaryView > BinaryNinja::Load ( const DataBuffer rawData,
bool  updateAnalysis,
std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)>  progress,
Ref< Metadata options = new Metadata(MetadataType::KeyValueDataType) 


Use non-metadata version.

◆ Load() [6/6]

Ref< BinaryView > BinaryNinja::Load ( Ref< BinaryView rawData,
bool  updateAnalysis,
std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)>  progress,
Ref< Metadata options = new Metadata(MetadataType::KeyValueDataType),
bool  isDatabase = false 


Use non-metadata version.

◆ MarkdownToHTML()

std::string BinaryNinja::MarkdownToHTML ( const std::string &  contents)
Thread Safe:

◆ RegisterInteractionHandler()

void BinaryNinja::RegisterInteractionHandler ( InteractionHandler handler)

◆ RunProgressDialog()

bool BinaryNinja::RunProgressDialog ( const std::string &  title,
bool  canCancel,
std::function< void(std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> progress)>  task 

Run a given task in a background thread, and show an updating progress bar which the user can cancel.

Thread Safe:
titleDialog title
canCancelIf the task can be cancelled
taskFunction to perform the task, taking as a parameter a function which should be called to report progress updates and check for cancellation. If the progress function returns false, the user has requested to cancel, and the task should handle this appropriately.
True if not cancelled

◆ SplitProgress() [1/2]

std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> BinaryNinja::SplitProgress ( std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)>  originalFn,
size_t  subpart,
size_t  subpartCount 

Split a single progress function into equally sized subparts.

This function takes the original progress function and returns a new function whose signature is the same but whose output is shortened to correspond to the specified subparts.

Thread Safe:

E.g. If subpart = 0 and subpartCount = 3, this returns a function that calls originalFn and has all of its progress multiplied by 1/3 and 0/3 added.

Internally this works by calling originalFn with total = 1000000 and doing math on the current value

originalFnOriginal progress function (usually updates a UI)
subpartIndex of subpart whose function to return, from 0 to (subpartCount - 1)
subpartCountTotal number of subparts
A function that will call originalFn() within a modified progress region

◆ SplitProgress() [2/2]

std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> BinaryNinja::SplitProgress ( std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)>  originalFn,
size_t  subpart,
std::vector< double >  subpartWeights 

Split a single progress function into subparts.

This function takes the original progress function and returns a new function whose signature is the same but whose output is shortened to correspond to the specified subparts.

Thread Safe:

The length of a subpart is proportional to the sum of all the weights. E.g. If subpart = 1 and subpartWeights = { 0.25, 0.5, 0.25 }, this will return a function that calls originalFn and maps its progress to the range [0.25, 0.75]

Internally this works by calling originalFn with total = 1000000 and doing math on the current value

originalFnOriginal progress function (usually updates a UI)
subpartIndex of subpart whose function to return, from 0 to (subpartWeights.size() - 1)
subpartWeightsWeights of subparts, described above
A function that will call originalFn() within a modified progress region

◆ ProgressCallback()

bool BinaryNinja::ProgressCallback ( void *  ctxt,
size_t  current,
size_t  total 

◆ GetUniqueIdentifierString()

string BinaryNinja::GetUniqueIdentifierString ( )

◆ GetMemoryUsageInfo()

map< string, uint64_t > BinaryNinja::GetMemoryUsageInfo ( )

◆ SimplifyToString() [1/2]

string BinaryNinja::SimplifyToString ( const string &  input)

◆ SimplifyToString() [2/2]

string BinaryNinja::SimplifyToString ( const QualifiedName input)

◆ SimplifyToQualifiedName() [1/2]

QualifiedName BinaryNinja::SimplifyToQualifiedName ( const string &  input,
bool  simplify 

◆ SimplifyToQualifiedName() [2/2]

QualifiedName BinaryNinja::SimplifyToQualifiedName ( const QualifiedName input)