High Level IL

Detailed Description


class  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILFunction
class  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionAccessException
class  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILIntegerList
class  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILIndexList
class  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionList
class  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILSSAVariableList
struct  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
struct  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction
class  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILOperand
class  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILOperandList
struct  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILConstantInstruction
struct  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILConstantDataInstruction
struct  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILOneOperandInstruction
struct  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILTwoOperandInstruction
struct  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstruction


enum  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILOperandType {
  BinaryNinja::IntegerHighLevelOperand , BinaryNinja::ConstantDataHighLevelOperand , BinaryNinja::IndexHighLevelOperand , BinaryNinja::IntrinsicHighLevelOperand ,
  BinaryNinja::ExprHighLevelOperand , BinaryNinja::VariableHighLevelOperand , BinaryNinja::SSAVariableHighLevelOperand , BinaryNinja::ExprListHighLevelOperand ,
  BinaryNinja::SSAVariableListHighLevelOperand , BinaryNinja::IndexListHighLevelOperand
enum  BinaryNinja::HighLevelILOperandUsage {
  BinaryNinja::SourceExprHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::VariableHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::DestVariableHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::SSAVariableHighLevelOperandUsage ,
  BinaryNinja::DestSSAVariableHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::DestExprHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::LeftExprHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::RightExprHighLevelOperandUsage ,
  BinaryNinja::CarryExprHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::IndexExprHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::ConditionExprHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::ConditionPhiExprHighLevelOperandUsage ,
  BinaryNinja::TrueExprHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::FalseExprHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::LoopExprHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::InitExprHighLevelOperandUsage ,
  BinaryNinja::UpdateExprHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::DefaultExprHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::HighExprHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::LowExprHighLevelOperandUsage ,
  BinaryNinja::OffsetHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::MemberIndexHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::ConstantHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::ConstantDataHighLevelOperandUsage ,
  BinaryNinja::VectorHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::IntrinsicHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::TargetHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::ParameterExprsHighLevelOperandUsage ,
  BinaryNinja::SourceExprsHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::DestExprsHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::BlockExprsHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::CasesHighLevelOperandUsage ,
  BinaryNinja::ValueExprsHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::SourceSSAVariablesHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::SourceMemoryVersionHighLevelOperandUsage , BinaryNinja::SourceMemoryVersionsHighLevelOperandUsage ,

Class Documentation

◆ BinaryNinja::HighLevelILFunction

class BinaryNinja::HighLevelILFunction

Public Member Functions

 HighLevelILFunction (Architecture *arch, Function *func=nullptr)
 HighLevelILFunction (BNHighLevelILFunction *func)
Ref< FunctionGetFunction () const
Ref< ArchitectureGetArchitecture () const
uint64_t GetCurrentAddress () const
void SetCurrentAddress (Architecture *arch, uint64_t addr)
HighLevelILInstruction GetRootExpr ()
void SetRootExpr (ExprId expr)
void SetRootExpr (const HighLevelILInstruction &expr)
ExprId AddExpr (BNHighLevelILOperation operation, size_t size, ExprId a=0, ExprId b=0, ExprId c=0, ExprId d=0, ExprId e=0)
ExprId AddExprWithLocation (BNHighLevelILOperation operation, uint64_t addr, uint32_t sourceOperand, size_t size, ExprId a=0, ExprId b=0, ExprId c=0, ExprId d=0, ExprId e=0)
ExprId AddExprWithLocation (BNHighLevelILOperation operation, const ILSourceLocation &loc, size_t size, ExprId a=0, ExprId b=0, ExprId c=0, ExprId d=0, ExprId e=0)
ExprId Nop (const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Block (const std::vector< ExprId > &exprs, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId If (ExprId condition, ExprId trueExpr, ExprId falseExpr, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId While (ExprId condition, ExprId loopExpr, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId WhileSSA (ExprId conditionPhi, ExprId condition, ExprId loopExpr, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId DoWhile (ExprId loopExpr, ExprId condition, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId DoWhileSSA (ExprId loopExpr, ExprId conditionPhi, ExprId condition, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId For (ExprId initExpr, ExprId condition, ExprId updateExpr, ExprId loopExpr, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId ForSSA (ExprId initExpr, ExprId conditionPhi, ExprId condition, ExprId updateExpr, ExprId loopExpr, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Switch (ExprId condition, ExprId defaultExpr, const std::vector< ExprId > &cases, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Case (const std::vector< ExprId > &condition, ExprId expr, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Break (const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Continue (const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Jump (ExprId dest, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Return (const std::vector< ExprId > &sources, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId NoReturn (const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Unreachable (const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Goto (uint64_t target, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Label (uint64_t target, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId VarDeclare (const Variable &var, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId VarInit (size_t size, const Variable &dest, ExprId src, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId VarInitSSA (size_t size, const SSAVariable &dest, ExprId src, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Assign (size_t size, ExprId dest, ExprId src, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId AssignUnpack (const std::vector< ExprId > &output, ExprId src, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId AssignMemSSA (size_t size, ExprId dest, size_t destMemVersion, ExprId src, size_t srcMemVersion, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId AssignUnpackMemSSA (const std::vector< ExprId > &output, size_t destMemVersion, ExprId src, size_t srcMemVersion, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Var (size_t size, const Variable &src, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId VarSSA (size_t size, const SSAVariable &src, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId VarPhi (const SSAVariable &dest, const std::vector< SSAVariable > &sources, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId MemPhi (size_t dest, const std::vector< size_t > &sources, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId StructField (size_t size, ExprId src, uint64_t offset, size_t memberIndex, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId ArrayIndex (size_t size, ExprId src, ExprId idx, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId ArrayIndexSSA (size_t size, ExprId src, size_t srcMemVersion, ExprId idx, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Split (size_t size, ExprId high, ExprId low, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Deref (size_t size, ExprId src, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId DerefField (size_t size, ExprId src, uint64_t offset, size_t memberIndex, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId DerefSSA (size_t size, ExprId src, size_t srcMemVersion, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId DerefFieldSSA (size_t size, ExprId src, size_t srcMemVersion, uint64_t offset, size_t memberIndex, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId AddressOf (ExprId src, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Const (size_t size, uint64_t val, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId ConstPointer (size_t size, uint64_t val, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId ExternPointer (size_t size, uint64_t val, uint64_t offset, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatConstRaw (size_t size, uint64_t val, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatConstSingle (float val, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatConstDouble (double val, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId ImportedAddress (size_t size, uint64_t val, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId ConstData (size_t size, const ConstantData &data, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Add (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId AddWithCarry (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, ExprId carry, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Sub (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId SubWithBorrow (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, ExprId carry, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId And (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Or (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Xor (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId ShiftLeft (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId LogicalShiftRight (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId ArithShiftRight (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId RotateLeft (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId RotateLeftCarry (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, ExprId carry, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId RotateRight (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId RotateRightCarry (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, ExprId carry, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Mult (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId MultDoublePrecSigned (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId MultDoublePrecUnsigned (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId DivSigned (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId DivUnsigned (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId DivDoublePrecSigned (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId DivDoublePrecUnsigned (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId ModSigned (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId ModUnsigned (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId ModDoublePrecSigned (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId ModDoublePrecUnsigned (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Neg (size_t size, ExprId src, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Not (size_t size, ExprId src, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId SignExtend (size_t size, ExprId src, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId ZeroExtend (size_t size, ExprId src, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId LowPart (size_t size, ExprId src, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Call (ExprId dest, const std::vector< ExprId > &params, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Syscall (const std::vector< ExprId > &params, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId TailCall (ExprId dest, const std::vector< ExprId > &params, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId CallSSA (ExprId dest, const std::vector< ExprId > &params, size_t destMemVersion, size_t srcMemVersion, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId SyscallSSA (const std::vector< ExprId > &params, size_t destMemVersion, size_t srcMemVersion, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId CompareEqual (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId CompareNotEqual (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId CompareSignedLessThan (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId CompareUnsignedLessThan (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId CompareSignedLessEqual (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId CompareUnsignedLessEqual (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId CompareSignedGreaterEqual (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId CompareUnsignedGreaterEqual (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId CompareSignedGreaterThan (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId CompareUnsignedGreaterThan (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId TestBit (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId BoolToInt (size_t size, ExprId src, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId AddOverflow (size_t size, ExprId left, ExprId right, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Breakpoint (const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Trap (int64_t vector, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Intrinsic (uint32_t intrinsic, const std::vector< ExprId > &params, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId IntrinsicSSA (uint32_t intrinsic, const std::vector< ExprId > &params, size_t destMemVersion, size_t srcMemVersion, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Undefined (const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Unimplemented (const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId UnimplementedMemoryRef (size_t size, ExprId target, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatAdd (size_t size, ExprId a, ExprId b, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatSub (size_t size, ExprId a, ExprId b, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatMult (size_t size, ExprId a, ExprId b, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatDiv (size_t size, ExprId a, ExprId b, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatSqrt (size_t size, ExprId a, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatNeg (size_t size, ExprId a, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatAbs (size_t size, ExprId a, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatToInt (size_t size, ExprId a, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId IntToFloat (size_t size, ExprId a, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatConvert (size_t size, ExprId a, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId RoundToInt (size_t size, ExprId a, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Floor (size_t size, ExprId a, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId Ceil (size_t size, ExprId a, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatTrunc (size_t size, ExprId a, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatCompareEqual (size_t size, ExprId a, ExprId b, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatCompareNotEqual (size_t size, ExprId a, ExprId b, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatCompareLessThan (size_t size, ExprId a, ExprId b, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatCompareLessEqual (size_t size, ExprId a, ExprId b, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatCompareGreaterEqual (size_t size, ExprId a, ExprId b, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatCompareGreaterThan (size_t size, ExprId a, ExprId b, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatCompareOrdered (size_t size, ExprId a, ExprId b, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
ExprId FloatCompareUnordered (size_t size, ExprId a, ExprId b, const ILSourceLocation &loc=ILSourceLocation())
std::vector< uint64_t > GetOperandList (ExprId i, size_t listOperand)
ExprId AddOperandList (const std::vector< ExprId > &operands)
ExprId AddIndexList (const std::vector< size_t > &operands)
ExprId AddSSAVariableList (const std::vector< SSAVariable > &vars)
BNHighLevelILInstruction GetRawExpr (size_t i) const
BNHighLevelILInstruction GetRawNonASTExpr (size_t i) const
HighLevelILInstruction operator[] (size_t i)
HighLevelILInstruction GetInstruction (size_t i)
HighLevelILInstruction GetExpr (size_t i, bool asFullAst=true)
size_t GetIndexForInstruction (size_t i) const
size_t GetInstructionForExpr (size_t expr) const
size_t GetInstructionCount () const
size_t GetExprCount () const
std::vector< Ref< BasicBlock > > GetBasicBlocks () const
Ref< BasicBlockGetBasicBlockForInstruction (size_t i) const
Ref< HighLevelILFunctionGetSSAForm () const
Ref< HighLevelILFunctionGetNonSSAForm () const
size_t GetSSAInstructionIndex (size_t instr) const
size_t GetNonSSAInstructionIndex (size_t instr) const
size_t GetSSAExprIndex (size_t instr) const
size_t GetNonSSAExprIndex (size_t instr) const
size_t GetSSAVarDefinition (const SSAVariable &var) const
size_t GetSSAMemoryDefinition (size_t version) const
std::set< size_t > GetSSAVarUses (const SSAVariable &var) const
std::set< size_t > GetSSAMemoryUses (size_t version) const
bool IsSSAVarLive (const SSAVariable &var) const
bool IsSSAVarLiveAt (const SSAVariable &var, const size_t instr) const
bool IsVarLiveAt (const Variable &var, const size_t instr) const
std::set< size_t > GetVariableSSAVersions (const Variable &var) const
std::set< size_t > GetVariableDefinitions (const Variable &var) const
std::set< size_t > GetVariableUses (const Variable &var) const
size_t GetSSAVarVersionAtInstruction (const Variable &var, size_t instr) const
size_t GetSSAMemoryVersionAtInstruction (size_t instr) const
Ref< MediumLevelILFunctionGetMediumLevelIL () const
size_t GetMediumLevelILExprIndex (size_t expr) const
std::set< size_t > GetMediumLevelILExprIndexes (size_t expr) const
void UpdateInstructionOperand (size_t i, size_t operandIndex, ExprId value)
void ReplaceExpr (size_t expr, size_t newExpr)
void SetExprAttributes (size_t expr, uint32_t attributes)
void Finalize ()
void GenerateSSAForm (const std::set< Variable > &aliases=std::set< Variable >())
std::vector< DisassemblyTextLineGetExprText (ExprId expr, bool asFullAst=true, DisassemblySettings *settings=nullptr)
std::vector< DisassemblyTextLineGetExprText (const HighLevelILInstruction &instr, bool asFullAst=true, DisassemblySettings *settings=nullptr)
std::vector< DisassemblyTextLineGetInstructionText (size_t i, bool asFullAst=true, DisassemblySettings *settings=nullptr)
Confidence< Ref< Type > > GetExprType (size_t expr)
Confidence< Ref< Type > > GetExprType (const HighLevelILInstruction &expr)
void SetExprType (size_t expr, const Confidence< Ref< Type > > &type)
 SetExprType sets the type of a given expression. More...
void SetExprType (const HighLevelILInstruction &expr, const Confidence< Ref< Type > > &type)
void VisitAllExprs (const std::function< bool(const HighLevelILInstruction &expr)> &func)
Ref< FlowGraphCreateFunctionGraph (DisassemblySettings *settings=nullptr)
size_t GetExprIndexForLabel (uint64_t label)
std::set< size_t > GetUsesForLabel (uint64_t label)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::CoreRefCountObject< BNHighLevelILFunction, BNNewHighLevelILFunctionReference, BNFreeHighLevelILFunction >
 CoreRefCountObject ()
virtual ~CoreRefCountObject ()
BNHighLevelILFunctionGetObject () const
void AddRef ()
void Release ()
void AddRefForRegistration ()
void ReleaseForRegistration ()
void AddRefForCallback ()
void ReleaseForCallback ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::CoreRefCountObject< BNHighLevelILFunction, BNNewHighLevelILFunctionReference, BNFreeHighLevelILFunction >
static BNHighLevelILFunctionGetObject (CoreRefCountObject *obj)
static BNHighLevelILFunctionGetObject (const CoreRefCountObject *obj)
- Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::CoreRefCountObject< BNHighLevelILFunction, BNNewHighLevelILFunctionReference, BNFreeHighLevelILFunction >
std::atomic< int > m_refs
bool m_registeredRef

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HighLevelILFunction() [1/2]

HighLevelILFunction::HighLevelILFunction ( Architecture arch,
Function func = nullptr 

◆ HighLevelILFunction() [2/2]

HighLevelILFunction::HighLevelILFunction ( BNHighLevelILFunction func)

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetFunction()

Ref< Function > HighLevelILFunction::GetFunction ( ) const

◆ GetArchitecture()

Ref< Architecture > HighLevelILFunction::GetArchitecture ( ) const

◆ GetCurrentAddress()

uint64_t HighLevelILFunction::GetCurrentAddress ( ) const

◆ SetCurrentAddress()

void HighLevelILFunction::SetCurrentAddress ( Architecture arch,
uint64_t  addr 

◆ GetRootExpr()

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILFunction::GetRootExpr ( )

◆ SetRootExpr() [1/2]

void HighLevelILFunction::SetRootExpr ( ExprId  expr)

◆ SetRootExpr() [2/2]

void HighLevelILFunction::SetRootExpr ( const HighLevelILInstruction expr)

◆ AddExpr()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::AddExpr ( BNHighLevelILOperation  operation,
size_t  size,
ExprId  a = 0,
ExprId  b = 0,
ExprId  c = 0,
ExprId  d = 0,
ExprId  e = 0 

◆ AddExprWithLocation() [1/2]

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::AddExprWithLocation ( BNHighLevelILOperation  operation,
uint64_t  addr,
uint32_t  sourceOperand,
size_t  size,
ExprId  a = 0,
ExprId  b = 0,
ExprId  c = 0,
ExprId  d = 0,
ExprId  e = 0 

◆ AddExprWithLocation() [2/2]

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::AddExprWithLocation ( BNHighLevelILOperation  operation,
const ILSourceLocation loc,
size_t  size,
ExprId  a = 0,
ExprId  b = 0,
ExprId  c = 0,
ExprId  d = 0,
ExprId  e = 0 

◆ Nop()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Nop ( const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation())

◆ Block()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Block ( const std::vector< ExprId > &  exprs,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ If()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::If ( ExprId  condition,
ExprId  trueExpr,
ExprId  falseExpr,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ While()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::While ( ExprId  condition,
ExprId  loopExpr,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ WhileSSA()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::WhileSSA ( ExprId  conditionPhi,
ExprId  condition,
ExprId  loopExpr,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ DoWhile()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::DoWhile ( ExprId  loopExpr,
ExprId  condition,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ DoWhileSSA()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::DoWhileSSA ( ExprId  loopExpr,
ExprId  conditionPhi,
ExprId  condition,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ For()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::For ( ExprId  initExpr,
ExprId  condition,
ExprId  updateExpr,
ExprId  loopExpr,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ ForSSA()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::ForSSA ( ExprId  initExpr,
ExprId  conditionPhi,
ExprId  condition,
ExprId  updateExpr,
ExprId  loopExpr,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Switch()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Switch ( ExprId  condition,
ExprId  defaultExpr,
const std::vector< ExprId > &  cases,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Case()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Case ( const std::vector< ExprId > &  condition,
ExprId  expr,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Break()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Break ( const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation())

◆ Continue()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Continue ( const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation())

◆ Jump()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Jump ( ExprId  dest,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Return()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Return ( const std::vector< ExprId > &  sources,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ NoReturn()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::NoReturn ( const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation())

◆ Unreachable()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Unreachable ( const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation())

◆ Goto()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Goto ( uint64_t  target,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Label()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Label ( uint64_t  target,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ VarDeclare()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::VarDeclare ( const Variable var,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ VarInit()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::VarInit ( size_t  size,
const Variable dest,
ExprId  src,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ VarInitSSA()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::VarInitSSA ( size_t  size,
const SSAVariable dest,
ExprId  src,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Assign()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Assign ( size_t  size,
ExprId  dest,
ExprId  src,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ AssignUnpack()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::AssignUnpack ( const std::vector< ExprId > &  output,
ExprId  src,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ AssignMemSSA()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::AssignMemSSA ( size_t  size,
ExprId  dest,
size_t  destMemVersion,
ExprId  src,
size_t  srcMemVersion,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ AssignUnpackMemSSA()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::AssignUnpackMemSSA ( const std::vector< ExprId > &  output,
size_t  destMemVersion,
ExprId  src,
size_t  srcMemVersion,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Var()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Var ( size_t  size,
const Variable src,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ VarSSA()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::VarSSA ( size_t  size,
const SSAVariable src,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ VarPhi()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::VarPhi ( const SSAVariable dest,
const std::vector< SSAVariable > &  sources,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ MemPhi()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::MemPhi ( size_t  dest,
const std::vector< size_t > &  sources,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ StructField()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::StructField ( size_t  size,
ExprId  src,
uint64_t  offset,
size_t  memberIndex,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ ArrayIndex()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::ArrayIndex ( size_t  size,
ExprId  src,
ExprId  idx,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ ArrayIndexSSA()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::ArrayIndexSSA ( size_t  size,
ExprId  src,
size_t  srcMemVersion,
ExprId  idx,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Split()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Split ( size_t  size,
ExprId  high,
ExprId  low,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Deref()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Deref ( size_t  size,
ExprId  src,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ DerefField()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::DerefField ( size_t  size,
ExprId  src,
uint64_t  offset,
size_t  memberIndex,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ DerefSSA()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::DerefSSA ( size_t  size,
ExprId  src,
size_t  srcMemVersion,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ DerefFieldSSA()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::DerefFieldSSA ( size_t  size,
ExprId  src,
size_t  srcMemVersion,
uint64_t  offset,
size_t  memberIndex,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ AddressOf()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::AddressOf ( ExprId  src,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Const()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Const ( size_t  size,
uint64_t  val,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ ConstPointer()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::ConstPointer ( size_t  size,
uint64_t  val,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ ExternPointer()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::ExternPointer ( size_t  size,
uint64_t  val,
uint64_t  offset,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatConstRaw()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatConstRaw ( size_t  size,
uint64_t  val,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatConstSingle()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatConstSingle ( float  val,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatConstDouble()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatConstDouble ( double  val,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ ImportedAddress()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::ImportedAddress ( size_t  size,
uint64_t  val,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ ConstData()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::ConstData ( size_t  size,
const ConstantData data,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Add()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Add ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ AddWithCarry()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::AddWithCarry ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
ExprId  carry,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Sub()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Sub ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ SubWithBorrow()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::SubWithBorrow ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
ExprId  carry,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ And()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::And ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Or()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Or ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Xor()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Xor ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ ShiftLeft()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::ShiftLeft ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ LogicalShiftRight()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::LogicalShiftRight ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ ArithShiftRight()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::ArithShiftRight ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ RotateLeft()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::RotateLeft ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ RotateLeftCarry()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::RotateLeftCarry ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
ExprId  carry,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ RotateRight()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::RotateRight ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ RotateRightCarry()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::RotateRightCarry ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
ExprId  carry,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Mult()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Mult ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ MultDoublePrecSigned()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::MultDoublePrecSigned ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ MultDoublePrecUnsigned()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::MultDoublePrecUnsigned ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ DivSigned()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::DivSigned ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ DivUnsigned()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::DivUnsigned ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ DivDoublePrecSigned()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::DivDoublePrecSigned ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ DivDoublePrecUnsigned()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::DivDoublePrecUnsigned ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ ModSigned()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::ModSigned ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ ModUnsigned()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::ModUnsigned ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ ModDoublePrecSigned()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::ModDoublePrecSigned ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ ModDoublePrecUnsigned()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::ModDoublePrecUnsigned ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Neg()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Neg ( size_t  size,
ExprId  src,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Not()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Not ( size_t  size,
ExprId  src,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ SignExtend()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::SignExtend ( size_t  size,
ExprId  src,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ ZeroExtend()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::ZeroExtend ( size_t  size,
ExprId  src,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ LowPart()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::LowPart ( size_t  size,
ExprId  src,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Call()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Call ( ExprId  dest,
const std::vector< ExprId > &  params,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Syscall()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Syscall ( const std::vector< ExprId > &  params,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ TailCall()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::TailCall ( ExprId  dest,
const std::vector< ExprId > &  params,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ CallSSA()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::CallSSA ( ExprId  dest,
const std::vector< ExprId > &  params,
size_t  destMemVersion,
size_t  srcMemVersion,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ SyscallSSA()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::SyscallSSA ( const std::vector< ExprId > &  params,
size_t  destMemVersion,
size_t  srcMemVersion,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ CompareEqual()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::CompareEqual ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ CompareNotEqual()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::CompareNotEqual ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ CompareSignedLessThan()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::CompareSignedLessThan ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ CompareUnsignedLessThan()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::CompareUnsignedLessThan ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ CompareSignedLessEqual()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::CompareSignedLessEqual ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ CompareUnsignedLessEqual()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::CompareUnsignedLessEqual ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ CompareSignedGreaterEqual()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::CompareSignedGreaterEqual ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ CompareUnsignedGreaterEqual()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::CompareUnsignedGreaterEqual ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ CompareSignedGreaterThan()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::CompareSignedGreaterThan ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ CompareUnsignedGreaterThan()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::CompareUnsignedGreaterThan ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ TestBit()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::TestBit ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ BoolToInt()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::BoolToInt ( size_t  size,
ExprId  src,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ AddOverflow()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::AddOverflow ( size_t  size,
ExprId  left,
ExprId  right,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Breakpoint()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Breakpoint ( const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation())

◆ Trap()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Trap ( int64_t  vector,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Intrinsic()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Intrinsic ( uint32_t  intrinsic,
const std::vector< ExprId > &  params,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ IntrinsicSSA()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::IntrinsicSSA ( uint32_t  intrinsic,
const std::vector< ExprId > &  params,
size_t  destMemVersion,
size_t  srcMemVersion,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Undefined()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Undefined ( const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation())

◆ Unimplemented()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Unimplemented ( const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation())

◆ UnimplementedMemoryRef()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::UnimplementedMemoryRef ( size_t  size,
ExprId  target,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatAdd()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatAdd ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
ExprId  b,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatSub()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatSub ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
ExprId  b,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatMult()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatMult ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
ExprId  b,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatDiv()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatDiv ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
ExprId  b,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatSqrt()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatSqrt ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatNeg()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatNeg ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatAbs()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatAbs ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatToInt()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatToInt ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ IntToFloat()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::IntToFloat ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatConvert()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatConvert ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ RoundToInt()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::RoundToInt ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Floor()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Floor ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ Ceil()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::Ceil ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatTrunc()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatTrunc ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatCompareEqual()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatCompareEqual ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
ExprId  b,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatCompareNotEqual()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatCompareNotEqual ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
ExprId  b,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatCompareLessThan()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatCompareLessThan ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
ExprId  b,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatCompareLessEqual()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatCompareLessEqual ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
ExprId  b,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatCompareGreaterEqual()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatCompareGreaterEqual ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
ExprId  b,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatCompareGreaterThan()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatCompareGreaterThan ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
ExprId  b,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatCompareOrdered()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatCompareOrdered ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
ExprId  b,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ FloatCompareUnordered()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::FloatCompareUnordered ( size_t  size,
ExprId  a,
ExprId  b,
const ILSourceLocation loc = ILSourceLocation() 

◆ GetOperandList()

vector< uint64_t > HighLevelILFunction::GetOperandList ( ExprId  i,
size_t  listOperand 

◆ AddOperandList()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::AddOperandList ( const std::vector< ExprId > &  operands)

◆ AddIndexList()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::AddIndexList ( const std::vector< size_t > &  operands)

◆ AddSSAVariableList()

ExprId HighLevelILFunction::AddSSAVariableList ( const std::vector< SSAVariable > &  vars)

◆ GetRawExpr()

BNHighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILFunction::GetRawExpr ( size_t  i) const

◆ GetRawNonASTExpr()

BNHighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILFunction::GetRawNonASTExpr ( size_t  i) const

◆ operator[]()

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILFunction::operator[] ( size_t  i)

◆ GetInstruction()

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILFunction::GetInstruction ( size_t  i)

◆ GetExpr()

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILFunction::GetExpr ( size_t  i,
bool  asFullAst = true 

◆ GetIndexForInstruction()

size_t HighLevelILFunction::GetIndexForInstruction ( size_t  i) const

◆ GetInstructionForExpr()

size_t HighLevelILFunction::GetInstructionForExpr ( size_t  expr) const

◆ GetInstructionCount()

size_t HighLevelILFunction::GetInstructionCount ( ) const

◆ GetExprCount()

size_t HighLevelILFunction::GetExprCount ( ) const

◆ GetBasicBlocks()

vector< Ref< BasicBlock > > HighLevelILFunction::GetBasicBlocks ( ) const

◆ GetBasicBlockForInstruction()

Ref< BasicBlock > HighLevelILFunction::GetBasicBlockForInstruction ( size_t  i) const

◆ GetSSAForm()

Ref< HighLevelILFunction > HighLevelILFunction::GetSSAForm ( ) const

◆ GetNonSSAForm()

Ref< HighLevelILFunction > HighLevelILFunction::GetNonSSAForm ( ) const

◆ GetSSAInstructionIndex()

size_t HighLevelILFunction::GetSSAInstructionIndex ( size_t  instr) const

◆ GetNonSSAInstructionIndex()

size_t HighLevelILFunction::GetNonSSAInstructionIndex ( size_t  instr) const

◆ GetSSAExprIndex()

size_t HighLevelILFunction::GetSSAExprIndex ( size_t  instr) const

◆ GetNonSSAExprIndex()

size_t HighLevelILFunction::GetNonSSAExprIndex ( size_t  instr) const

◆ GetSSAVarDefinition()

size_t HighLevelILFunction::GetSSAVarDefinition ( const SSAVariable var) const

◆ GetSSAMemoryDefinition()

size_t HighLevelILFunction::GetSSAMemoryDefinition ( size_t  version) const

◆ GetSSAVarUses()

set< size_t > HighLevelILFunction::GetSSAVarUses ( const SSAVariable var) const

◆ GetSSAMemoryUses()

set< size_t > HighLevelILFunction::GetSSAMemoryUses ( size_t  version) const

◆ IsSSAVarLive()

bool HighLevelILFunction::IsSSAVarLive ( const SSAVariable var) const

◆ IsSSAVarLiveAt()

bool HighLevelILFunction::IsSSAVarLiveAt ( const SSAVariable var,
const size_t  instr 
) const

◆ IsVarLiveAt()

bool HighLevelILFunction::IsVarLiveAt ( const Variable var,
const size_t  instr 
) const

◆ GetVariableSSAVersions()

set< size_t > HighLevelILFunction::GetVariableSSAVersions ( const Variable var) const

◆ GetVariableDefinitions()

set< size_t > HighLevelILFunction::GetVariableDefinitions ( const Variable var) const

◆ GetVariableUses()

set< size_t > HighLevelILFunction::GetVariableUses ( const Variable var) const

◆ GetSSAVarVersionAtInstruction()

size_t HighLevelILFunction::GetSSAVarVersionAtInstruction ( const Variable var,
size_t  instr 
) const

◆ GetSSAMemoryVersionAtInstruction()

size_t HighLevelILFunction::GetSSAMemoryVersionAtInstruction ( size_t  instr) const

◆ GetMediumLevelIL()

Ref< MediumLevelILFunction > HighLevelILFunction::GetMediumLevelIL ( ) const

◆ GetMediumLevelILExprIndex()

size_t HighLevelILFunction::GetMediumLevelILExprIndex ( size_t  expr) const

◆ GetMediumLevelILExprIndexes()

set< size_t > HighLevelILFunction::GetMediumLevelILExprIndexes ( size_t  expr) const

◆ UpdateInstructionOperand()

void HighLevelILFunction::UpdateInstructionOperand ( size_t  i,
size_t  operandIndex,
ExprId  value 

◆ ReplaceExpr()

void HighLevelILFunction::ReplaceExpr ( size_t  expr,
size_t  newExpr 

◆ SetExprAttributes()

void HighLevelILFunction::SetExprAttributes ( size_t  expr,
uint32_t  attributes 

◆ Finalize()

void HighLevelILFunction::Finalize ( )

◆ GenerateSSAForm()

void HighLevelILFunction::GenerateSSAForm ( const std::set< Variable > &  aliases = std::set<Variable>())

◆ GetExprText() [1/2]

vector< DisassemblyTextLine > HighLevelILFunction::GetExprText ( ExprId  expr,
bool  asFullAst = true,
DisassemblySettings settings = nullptr 

◆ GetExprText() [2/2]

vector< DisassemblyTextLine > HighLevelILFunction::GetExprText ( const HighLevelILInstruction instr,
bool  asFullAst = true,
DisassemblySettings settings = nullptr 

◆ GetInstructionText()

vector< DisassemblyTextLine > HighLevelILFunction::GetInstructionText ( size_t  i,
bool  asFullAst = true,
DisassemblySettings settings = nullptr 

◆ GetExprType() [1/2]

Confidence< Ref< Type > > HighLevelILFunction::GetExprType ( size_t  expr)

◆ GetExprType() [2/2]

Confidence< Ref< Type > > HighLevelILFunction::GetExprType ( const HighLevelILInstruction expr)

◆ SetExprType() [1/2]

void HighLevelILFunction::SetExprType ( size_t  expr,
const Confidence< Ref< Type > > &  type 

SetExprType sets the type of a given expression.

This method is only meant for workflows or for debugging purposes, since the changes they make are not persistent and get lost after a database save and reload. To make persistent changes to the analysis, one should use other APIs to, for example, change the type of variables. The analysis will then propagate the type of the variable and update the type of related expressions.
exprindex of the expression to set
typenew type of the expression

◆ SetExprType() [2/2]

void HighLevelILFunction::SetExprType ( const HighLevelILInstruction expr,
const Confidence< Ref< Type > > &  type 

◆ VisitAllExprs()

void HighLevelILFunction::VisitAllExprs ( const std::function< bool(const HighLevelILInstruction &expr)> &  func)

◆ CreateFunctionGraph()

Ref< FlowGraph > HighLevelILFunction::CreateFunctionGraph ( DisassemblySettings settings = nullptr)

◆ GetExprIndexForLabel()

size_t HighLevelILFunction::GetExprIndexForLabel ( uint64_t  label)

◆ GetUsesForLabel()

set< size_t > HighLevelILFunction::GetUsesForLabel ( uint64_t  label)

◆ BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionAccessException

class BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionAccessException

Public Member Functions

 HighLevelILInstructionAccessException ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::ExceptionWithStackTrace
 ExceptionWithStackTrace (const std::string &message)
 ExceptionWithStackTrace (std::exception_ptr exc1, std::exception_ptr exc2)
const char * what () const noexcept override

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::ExceptionWithStackTrace
std::string m_originalMessage
std::string m_message
std::string m_stackTrace

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HighLevelILInstructionAccessException()

BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionAccessException::HighLevelILInstructionAccessException ( )

◆ BinaryNinja::HighLevelILIntegerList

class BinaryNinja::HighLevelILIntegerList

Public Types

typedef ListIterator const_iterator

Public Member Functions

 HighLevelILIntegerList (HighLevelILFunction *func, const BNHighLevelILInstruction &instr, size_t count)
const_iterator begin () const
const_iterator end () const
size_t size () const
uint64_t operator[] (size_t i) const
 operator std::vector< uint64_t > () const

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ const_iterator

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HighLevelILIntegerList()

HighLevelILIntegerList::HighLevelILIntegerList ( HighLevelILFunction func,
const BNHighLevelILInstruction instr,
size_t  count 

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin()

HighLevelILIntegerList::const_iterator HighLevelILIntegerList::begin ( ) const

◆ end()

HighLevelILIntegerList::const_iterator HighLevelILIntegerList::end ( ) const

◆ size()

size_t HighLevelILIntegerList::size ( ) const

◆ operator[]()

uint64_t HighLevelILIntegerList::operator[] ( size_t  i) const

◆ operator std::vector< uint64_t >()

BinaryNinja::HighLevelILIntegerList::operator std::vector< uint64_t > ( ) const

◆ BinaryNinja::HighLevelILIndexList

class BinaryNinja::HighLevelILIndexList

Public Types

typedef ListIterator const_iterator

Public Member Functions

 HighLevelILIndexList (HighLevelILFunction *func, const BNHighLevelILInstruction &instr, size_t count)
const_iterator begin () const
const_iterator end () const
size_t size () const
size_t operator[] (size_t i) const
 operator std::vector< size_t > () const

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ const_iterator

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HighLevelILIndexList()

HighLevelILIndexList::HighLevelILIndexList ( HighLevelILFunction func,
const BNHighLevelILInstruction instr,
size_t  count 

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin()

HighLevelILIndexList::const_iterator HighLevelILIndexList::begin ( ) const

◆ end()

HighLevelILIndexList::const_iterator HighLevelILIndexList::end ( ) const

◆ size()

size_t HighLevelILIndexList::size ( ) const

◆ operator[]()

size_t HighLevelILIndexList::operator[] ( size_t  i) const

◆ operator std::vector< size_t >()

BinaryNinja::HighLevelILIndexList::operator std::vector< size_t > ( ) const

◆ BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionList

class BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionList

Public Types

typedef ListIterator const_iterator

Public Member Functions

 HighLevelILInstructionList (HighLevelILFunction *func, const BNHighLevelILInstruction &instr, size_t count, bool asFullAst, size_t instructionIndex)
const_iterator begin () const
const_iterator end () const
size_t size () const
const HighLevelILInstruction operator[] (size_t i) const
 operator std::vector< HighLevelILInstruction > () const

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ const_iterator

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HighLevelILInstructionList()

HighLevelILInstructionList::HighLevelILInstructionList ( HighLevelILFunction func,
const BNHighLevelILInstruction instr,
size_t  count,
bool  asFullAst,
size_t  instructionIndex 

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin()

HighLevelILInstructionList::const_iterator HighLevelILInstructionList::begin ( ) const

◆ end()

HighLevelILInstructionList::const_iterator HighLevelILInstructionList::end ( ) const

◆ size()

size_t HighLevelILInstructionList::size ( ) const

◆ operator[]()

const HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstructionList::operator[] ( size_t  i) const

◆ operator std::vector< HighLevelILInstruction >()

BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionList::operator std::vector< HighLevelILInstruction > ( ) const

◆ BinaryNinja::HighLevelILSSAVariableList

class BinaryNinja::HighLevelILSSAVariableList

Public Types

typedef ListIterator const_iterator

Public Member Functions

 HighLevelILSSAVariableList (HighLevelILFunction *func, const BNHighLevelILInstruction &instr, size_t count)
const_iterator begin () const
const_iterator end () const
size_t size () const
const SSAVariable operator[] (size_t i) const
 operator std::vector< SSAVariable > () const

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ const_iterator

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HighLevelILSSAVariableList()

HighLevelILSSAVariableList::HighLevelILSSAVariableList ( HighLevelILFunction func,
const BNHighLevelILInstruction instr,
size_t  count 

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin()

HighLevelILSSAVariableList::const_iterator HighLevelILSSAVariableList::begin ( ) const

◆ end()

HighLevelILSSAVariableList::const_iterator HighLevelILSSAVariableList::end ( ) const

◆ size()

size_t HighLevelILSSAVariableList::size ( ) const

◆ operator[]()

const SSAVariable HighLevelILSSAVariableList::operator[] ( size_t  i) const

◆ operator std::vector< SSAVariable >()

BinaryNinja::HighLevelILSSAVariableList::operator std::vector< SSAVariable > ( ) const

◆ BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase

struct BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase

Public Member Functions

HighLevelILOperandList GetOperands () const
uint64_t GetRawOperandAsInteger (size_t operand) const
ConstantData GetRawOperandAsConstantData (size_t operand) const
size_t GetRawOperandAsIndex (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILInstruction GetRawOperandAsExpr (size_t operand) const
Variable GetRawOperandAsVariable (size_t operand) const
SSAVariable GetRawOperandAsSSAVariable (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILInstructionList GetRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILSSAVariableList GetRawOperandAsSSAVariableList (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILIndexList GetRawOperandAsIndexList (size_t operand) const
void UpdateRawOperand (size_t operandIndex, ExprId value)
void UpdateRawOperandAsInteger (size_t operandIndex, uint64_t value)
void UpdateRawOperandAsSSAVariableList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< SSAVariable > &vars)
void UpdateRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< HighLevelILInstruction > &exprs)
void UpdateRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< size_t > &exprs)
RegisterValue GetValue () const
PossibleValueSet GetPossibleValues (const std::set< BNDataFlowQueryOption > &options=std::set< BNDataFlowQueryOption >()) const
Confidence< Ref< Type > > GetType () const
size_t GetSSAExprIndex () const
size_t GetNonSSAExprIndex () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetSSAForm () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetNonSSAForm () const
size_t GetMediumLevelILExprIndex () const
bool HasMediumLevelIL () const
MediumLevelILInstruction GetMediumLevelIL () const
MediumLevelILInstruction GetMediumLevelILSSAForm () const
char * Dump () const
void Replace (ExprId expr)
void SetAttributes (uint32_t attributes)
void SetAttribute (BNILInstructionAttribute attribute, bool state=true)
void ClearAttribute (BNILInstructionAttribute attribute)
size_t GetInstructionIndex () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetInstruction () const
HighLevelILInstruction AsAST () const
HighLevelILInstruction AsNonAST () const
bool HasParent () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetParent () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< N > & As ()
HighLevelILOneOperandInstructionAsOneOperand ()
HighLevelILTwoOperandInstructionAsTwoOperand ()
HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstructionAsTwoOperandWithCarry ()
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
const HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< N > & As () const
const HighLevelILConstantInstructionAsConstant () const
const HighLevelILConstantDataInstructionAsConstantData () const
const HighLevelILOneOperandInstructionAsOneOperand () const
const HighLevelILTwoOperandInstructionAsTwoOperand () const
const HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstructionAsTwoOperandWithCarry () const

Public Attributes

Ref< HighLevelILFunctionfunction = nullptr
size_t exprIndex
size_t instructionIndex
bool ast
- Public Attributes inherited from BNHighLevelILInstruction
BNHighLevelILOperation operation
uint32_t attributes
uint32_t sourceOperand
size_t size
uint64_t operands [5]
uint64_t address
size_t parent

Static Public Attributes

static std::unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, HighLevelILOperandTypeoperandTypeForUsage
static std::unordered_map< BNHighLevelILOperation, std::vector< HighLevelILOperandUsage > > operationOperandUsage
static std::unordered_map< BNHighLevelILOperation, std::unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, size_t > > operationOperandIndex = GetOperandIndexForOperandUsages()

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetOperands()

HighLevelILOperandList HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetOperands ( ) const

◆ GetRawOperandAsInteger()

uint64_t HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetRawOperandAsInteger ( size_t  operand) const

◆ GetRawOperandAsConstantData()

ConstantData HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetRawOperandAsConstantData ( size_t  operand) const

◆ GetRawOperandAsIndex()

size_t HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetRawOperandAsIndex ( size_t  operand) const

◆ GetRawOperandAsExpr()

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetRawOperandAsExpr ( size_t  operand) const

◆ GetRawOperandAsVariable()

Variable HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetRawOperandAsVariable ( size_t  operand) const

◆ GetRawOperandAsSSAVariable()

SSAVariable HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetRawOperandAsSSAVariable ( size_t  operand) const

◆ GetRawOperandAsExprList()

HighLevelILInstructionList HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetRawOperandAsExprList ( size_t  operand) const

◆ GetRawOperandAsSSAVariableList()

HighLevelILSSAVariableList HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetRawOperandAsSSAVariableList ( size_t  operand) const

◆ GetRawOperandAsIndexList()

HighLevelILIndexList HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetRawOperandAsIndexList ( size_t  operand) const

◆ UpdateRawOperand()

void HighLevelILInstructionBase::UpdateRawOperand ( size_t  operandIndex,
ExprId  value 

◆ UpdateRawOperandAsInteger()

void HighLevelILInstructionBase::UpdateRawOperandAsInteger ( size_t  operandIndex,
uint64_t  value 

◆ UpdateRawOperandAsSSAVariableList()

void HighLevelILInstructionBase::UpdateRawOperandAsSSAVariableList ( size_t  operandIndex,
const std::vector< SSAVariable > &  vars 

◆ UpdateRawOperandAsExprList() [1/2]

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase::UpdateRawOperandAsExprList ( size_t  operandIndex,
const std::vector< HighLevelILInstruction > &  exprs 

◆ UpdateRawOperandAsExprList() [2/2]

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase::UpdateRawOperandAsExprList ( size_t  operandIndex,
const std::vector< size_t > &  exprs 

◆ GetValue()

RegisterValue HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetValue ( ) const

◆ GetPossibleValues()

PossibleValueSet HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetPossibleValues ( const std::set< BNDataFlowQueryOption > &  options = std::set <BNDataFlowQueryOption>()) const

◆ GetType()

Confidence< Ref< Type > > HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetType ( ) const

◆ GetSSAExprIndex()

size_t HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetSSAExprIndex ( ) const

◆ GetNonSSAExprIndex()

size_t HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetNonSSAExprIndex ( ) const

◆ GetSSAForm()

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetSSAForm ( ) const

◆ GetNonSSAForm()

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetNonSSAForm ( ) const

◆ GetMediumLevelILExprIndex()

size_t HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetMediumLevelILExprIndex ( ) const

◆ HasMediumLevelIL()

bool HighLevelILInstructionBase::HasMediumLevelIL ( ) const

◆ GetMediumLevelIL()

MediumLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetMediumLevelIL ( ) const

◆ GetMediumLevelILSSAForm()

MediumLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetMediumLevelILSSAForm ( ) const

◆ Dump()

char * HighLevelILInstructionBase::Dump ( ) const

◆ Replace()

void HighLevelILInstructionBase::Replace ( ExprId  expr)

◆ SetAttributes()

void HighLevelILInstructionBase::SetAttributes ( uint32_t  attributes)

◆ SetAttribute()

void HighLevelILInstructionBase::SetAttribute ( BNILInstructionAttribute  attribute,
bool  state = true 

◆ ClearAttribute()

void HighLevelILInstructionBase::ClearAttribute ( BNILInstructionAttribute  attribute)

◆ GetInstructionIndex()

size_t HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetInstructionIndex ( ) const

◆ GetInstruction()

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetInstruction ( ) const

◆ AsAST()

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstructionBase::AsAST ( ) const

◆ AsNonAST()

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstructionBase::AsNonAST ( ) const

◆ HasParent()

bool HighLevelILInstructionBase::HasParent ( ) const

◆ GetParent()

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstructionBase::GetParent ( ) const

◆ As() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< N > & BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase::As ( )

◆ AsOneOperand() [1/2]

HighLevelILOneOperandInstruction & BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase::AsOneOperand ( )

◆ AsTwoOperand() [1/2]

HighLevelILTwoOperandInstruction & BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase::AsTwoOperand ( )

◆ AsTwoOperandWithCarry() [1/2]

HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstruction & BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase::AsTwoOperandWithCarry ( )

◆ As() [2/2]

const HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< N > & BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase::As ( ) const

◆ AsConstant()

const HighLevelILConstantInstruction & BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase::AsConstant ( ) const

◆ AsConstantData()

const HighLevelILConstantDataInstruction & BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase::AsConstantData ( ) const

◆ AsOneOperand() [2/2]

const HighLevelILOneOperandInstruction & BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase::AsOneOperand ( ) const

◆ AsTwoOperand() [2/2]

const HighLevelILTwoOperandInstruction & BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase::AsTwoOperand ( ) const

◆ AsTwoOperandWithCarry() [2/2]

const HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstruction & BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase::AsTwoOperandWithCarry ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ function

Ref<HighLevelILFunction> BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase::function = nullptr

◆ exprIndex

size_t BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase::exprIndex

◆ instructionIndex

size_t BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase::instructionIndex

◆ ast

bool BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase::ast

◆ operandTypeForUsage

unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, HighLevelILOperandType > HighLevelILInstructionBase::operandTypeForUsage

◆ operationOperandUsage

unordered_map< BNHighLevelILOperation, vector< HighLevelILOperandUsage > > HighLevelILInstructionBase::operationOperandUsage

◆ operationOperandIndex

unordered_map< BNHighLevelILOperation, unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, size_t > > HighLevelILInstructionBase::operationOperandIndex = GetOperandIndexForOperandUsages()

◆ BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction

struct BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction

Public Member Functions

 HighLevelILInstruction ()
 HighLevelILInstruction (HighLevelILFunction *func, const BNHighLevelILInstruction &instr, size_t expr, bool asFullAst, size_t instructionIndex)
 HighLevelILInstruction (const HighLevelILInstructionBase &instr)
void CollectSubExprs (std::stack< size_t > &toProcess) const
void VisitExprs (const std::function< bool(const HighLevelILInstruction &expr)> &func) const
void VisitExprs (const std::function< bool(const HighLevelILInstruction &expr)> &preFunc, const std::function< void(const HighLevelILInstruction &expr)> &postFunc) const
ExprId CopyTo (HighLevelILFunction *dest) const
ExprId CopyTo (HighLevelILFunction *dest, const std::function< ExprId(const HighLevelILInstruction &subExpr)> &subExprHandler) const
bool operator< (const HighLevelILInstruction &other) const
bool operator== (const HighLevelILInstruction &other) const
bool operator!= (const HighLevelILInstruction &other) const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstruction GetSourceExpr () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
Variable GetVariable () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
Variable GetDestVariable () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
SSAVariable GetSSAVariable () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
SSAVariable GetDestSSAVariable () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstruction GetDestExpr () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstruction GetLeftExpr () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstruction GetRightExpr () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstruction GetCarryExpr () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstruction GetIndexExpr () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstruction GetConditionPhiExpr () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstruction GetConditionExpr () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstruction GetTrueExpr () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstruction GetFalseExpr () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstruction GetLoopExpr () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstruction GetInitExpr () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstruction GetUpdateExpr () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstruction GetDefaultExpr () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstruction GetHighExpr () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstruction GetLowExpr () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
uint64_t GetOffset () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
size_t GetMemberIndex () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
int64_t GetConstant () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
ConstantData GetConstantData () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
int64_t GetVector () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
uint32_t GetIntrinsic () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
uint64_t GetTarget () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstructionList GetParameterExprs () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstructionList GetSourceExprs () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstructionList GetDestExprs () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstructionList GetBlockExprs () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstructionList GetCases () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstructionList GetValueExprs () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILSSAVariableList GetSourceSSAVariables () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
size_t GetSourceMemoryVersion () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILIndexList GetSourceMemoryVersions () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
size_t GetDestMemoryVersion () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
void SetSSAVersion (size_t version)
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
void SetDestSSAVersion (size_t version)
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
void SetParameterExprs (const std::vector< MediumLevelILInstruction > &params)
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
void SetParameterExprs (const std::vector< ExprId > &params)
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
void SetSourceExprs (const std::vector< MediumLevelILInstruction > &params)
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
void SetSourceExprs (const std::vector< ExprId > &params)
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
void SetDestExprs (const std::vector< MediumLevelILInstruction > &params)
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
void SetDestExprs (const std::vector< ExprId > &params)
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
void SetBlockExprs (const std::vector< MediumLevelILInstruction > &params)
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
void SetBlockExprs (const std::vector< ExprId > &params)
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
void SetCases (const std::vector< MediumLevelILInstruction > &params)
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
void SetCases (const std::vector< ExprId > &params)
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
void SetSourceSSAVariables (const std::vector< SSAVariable > &vars)
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
void SetSourceMemoryVersion (size_t version)
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
void SetDestMemoryVersion (size_t version)
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
void SetTarget (uint64_t target)
bool GetOperandIndexForUsage (HighLevelILOperandUsage usage, size_t &operandIndex) const
HighLevelILInstruction GetSourceExpr () const
Variable GetVariable () const
Variable GetDestVariable () const
SSAVariable GetSSAVariable () const
SSAVariable GetDestSSAVariable () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetDestExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetLeftExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetRightExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetCarryExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetIndexExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetConditionExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetConditionPhiExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetTrueExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetFalseExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetLoopExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetInitExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetUpdateExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetDefaultExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetHighExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetLowExpr () const
uint64_t GetOffset () const
size_t GetMemberIndex () const
int64_t GetConstant () const
ConstantData GetConstantData () const
int64_t GetVector () const
uint32_t GetIntrinsic () const
uint64_t GetTarget () const
HighLevelILInstructionList GetParameterExprs () const
HighLevelILInstructionList GetSourceExprs () const
HighLevelILInstructionList GetDestExprs () const
HighLevelILInstructionList GetBlockExprs () const
HighLevelILInstructionList GetCases () const
HighLevelILInstructionList GetValueExprs () const
HighLevelILSSAVariableList GetSourceSSAVariables () const
size_t GetSourceMemoryVersion () const
HighLevelILIndexList GetSourceMemoryVersions () const
size_t GetDestMemoryVersion () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
HighLevelILOperandList GetOperands () const
uint64_t GetRawOperandAsInteger (size_t operand) const
ConstantData GetRawOperandAsConstantData (size_t operand) const
size_t GetRawOperandAsIndex (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILInstruction GetRawOperandAsExpr (size_t operand) const
Variable GetRawOperandAsVariable (size_t operand) const
SSAVariable GetRawOperandAsSSAVariable (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILInstructionList GetRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILSSAVariableList GetRawOperandAsSSAVariableList (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILIndexList GetRawOperandAsIndexList (size_t operand) const
void UpdateRawOperand (size_t operandIndex, ExprId value)
void UpdateRawOperandAsInteger (size_t operandIndex, uint64_t value)
void UpdateRawOperandAsSSAVariableList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< SSAVariable > &vars)
void UpdateRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< HighLevelILInstruction > &exprs)
void UpdateRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< size_t > &exprs)
RegisterValue GetValue () const
PossibleValueSet GetPossibleValues (const std::set< BNDataFlowQueryOption > &options=std::set< BNDataFlowQueryOption >()) const
Confidence< Ref< Type > > GetType () const
size_t GetSSAExprIndex () const
size_t GetNonSSAExprIndex () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetSSAForm () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetNonSSAForm () const
size_t GetMediumLevelILExprIndex () const
bool HasMediumLevelIL () const
MediumLevelILInstruction GetMediumLevelIL () const
MediumLevelILInstruction GetMediumLevelILSSAForm () const
char * Dump () const
void Replace (ExprId expr)
void SetAttributes (uint32_t attributes)
void SetAttribute (BNILInstructionAttribute attribute, bool state=true)
void ClearAttribute (BNILInstructionAttribute attribute)
size_t GetInstructionIndex () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetInstruction () const
HighLevelILInstruction AsAST () const
HighLevelILInstruction AsNonAST () const
bool HasParent () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetParent () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< N > & As ()
HighLevelILOneOperandInstructionAsOneOperand ()
HighLevelILTwoOperandInstructionAsTwoOperand ()
HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstructionAsTwoOperandWithCarry ()
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
const HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< N > & As () const
const HighLevelILConstantInstructionAsConstant () const
const HighLevelILConstantDataInstructionAsConstantData () const
const HighLevelILOneOperandInstructionAsOneOperand () const
const HighLevelILTwoOperandInstructionAsTwoOperand () const
const HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstructionAsTwoOperandWithCarry () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
Ref< HighLevelILFunctionfunction = nullptr
size_t exprIndex
size_t instructionIndex
bool ast
- Public Attributes inherited from BNHighLevelILInstruction
BNHighLevelILOperation operation
uint32_t attributes
uint32_t sourceOperand
size_t size
uint64_t operands [5]
uint64_t address
size_t parent
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
static std::unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, HighLevelILOperandTypeoperandTypeForUsage
static std::unordered_map< BNHighLevelILOperation, std::vector< HighLevelILOperandUsage > > operationOperandUsage
static std::unordered_map< BNHighLevelILOperation, std::unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, size_t > > operationOperandIndex = GetOperandIndexForOperandUsages()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HighLevelILInstruction() [1/3]

HighLevelILInstruction::HighLevelILInstruction ( )

◆ HighLevelILInstruction() [2/3]

HighLevelILInstruction::HighLevelILInstruction ( HighLevelILFunction func,
const BNHighLevelILInstruction instr,
size_t  expr,
bool  asFullAst,
size_t  instructionIndex 

◆ HighLevelILInstruction() [3/3]

HighLevelILInstruction::HighLevelILInstruction ( const HighLevelILInstructionBase instr)

Member Function Documentation

◆ CollectSubExprs()

void HighLevelILInstruction::CollectSubExprs ( std::stack< size_t > &  toProcess) const

◆ VisitExprs() [1/2]

void HighLevelILInstruction::VisitExprs ( const std::function< bool(const HighLevelILInstruction &expr)> &  func) const

◆ VisitExprs() [2/2]

void HighLevelILInstruction::VisitExprs ( const std::function< bool(const HighLevelILInstruction &expr)> &  preFunc,
const std::function< void(const HighLevelILInstruction &expr)> &  postFunc 
) const

◆ CopyTo() [1/2]

ExprId HighLevelILInstruction::CopyTo ( HighLevelILFunction dest) const

◆ CopyTo() [2/2]

ExprId HighLevelILInstruction::CopyTo ( HighLevelILFunction dest,
const std::function< ExprId(const HighLevelILInstruction &subExpr)> &  subExprHandler 
) const

◆ operator<()

bool HighLevelILInstruction::operator< ( const HighLevelILInstruction other) const

◆ operator==()

bool HighLevelILInstruction::operator== ( const HighLevelILInstruction other) const

◆ operator!=()

bool HighLevelILInstruction::operator!= ( const HighLevelILInstruction other) const

◆ GetSourceExpr() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetSourceExpr ( ) const

◆ GetVariable() [1/2]

Variable BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetVariable ( ) const

◆ GetDestVariable() [1/2]

Variable BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetDestVariable ( ) const

◆ GetSSAVariable() [1/2]

SSAVariable BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetSSAVariable ( ) const

◆ GetDestSSAVariable() [1/2]

SSAVariable BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetDestSSAVariable ( ) const

◆ GetDestExpr() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetDestExpr ( ) const

◆ GetLeftExpr() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetLeftExpr ( ) const

◆ GetRightExpr() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetRightExpr ( ) const

◆ GetCarryExpr() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetCarryExpr ( ) const

◆ GetIndexExpr() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetIndexExpr ( ) const

◆ GetConditionPhiExpr() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetConditionPhiExpr ( ) const

◆ GetConditionExpr() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetConditionExpr ( ) const

◆ GetTrueExpr() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetTrueExpr ( ) const

◆ GetFalseExpr() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetFalseExpr ( ) const

◆ GetLoopExpr() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetLoopExpr ( ) const

◆ GetInitExpr() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetInitExpr ( ) const

◆ GetUpdateExpr() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetUpdateExpr ( ) const

◆ GetDefaultExpr() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetDefaultExpr ( ) const

◆ GetHighExpr() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetHighExpr ( ) const

◆ GetLowExpr() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetLowExpr ( ) const

◆ GetOffset() [1/2]

uint64_t BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetOffset ( ) const

◆ GetMemberIndex() [1/2]

size_t BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetMemberIndex ( ) const

◆ GetConstant() [1/2]

int64_t BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetConstant ( ) const

◆ GetConstantData() [1/2]

ConstantData BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetConstantData ( ) const

◆ GetVector() [1/2]

int64_t BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetVector ( ) const

◆ GetIntrinsic() [1/2]

uint32_t BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetIntrinsic ( ) const

◆ GetTarget() [1/2]

uint64_t BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetTarget ( ) const

◆ GetParameterExprs() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstructionList BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetParameterExprs ( ) const

◆ GetSourceExprs() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstructionList BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetSourceExprs ( ) const

◆ GetDestExprs() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstructionList BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetDestExprs ( ) const

◆ GetBlockExprs() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstructionList BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetBlockExprs ( ) const

◆ GetCases() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstructionList BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetCases ( ) const

◆ GetValueExprs() [1/2]

HighLevelILInstructionList BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetValueExprs ( ) const

◆ GetSourceSSAVariables() [1/2]

HighLevelILSSAVariableList BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetSourceSSAVariables ( ) const

◆ GetSourceMemoryVersion() [1/2]

size_t BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetSourceMemoryVersion ( ) const

◆ GetSourceMemoryVersions() [1/2]

HighLevelILIndexList BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetSourceMemoryVersions ( ) const

◆ GetDestMemoryVersion() [1/2]

size_t BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::GetDestMemoryVersion ( ) const

◆ SetSSAVersion()

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::SetSSAVersion ( size_t  version)

◆ SetDestSSAVersion()

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::SetDestSSAVersion ( size_t  version)

◆ SetParameterExprs() [1/2]

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::SetParameterExprs ( const std::vector< MediumLevelILInstruction > &  params)

◆ SetParameterExprs() [2/2]

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::SetParameterExprs ( const std::vector< ExprId > &  params)

◆ SetSourceExprs() [1/2]

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::SetSourceExprs ( const std::vector< MediumLevelILInstruction > &  params)

◆ SetSourceExprs() [2/2]

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::SetSourceExprs ( const std::vector< ExprId > &  params)

◆ SetDestExprs() [1/2]

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::SetDestExprs ( const std::vector< MediumLevelILInstruction > &  params)

◆ SetDestExprs() [2/2]

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::SetDestExprs ( const std::vector< ExprId > &  params)

◆ SetBlockExprs() [1/2]

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::SetBlockExprs ( const std::vector< MediumLevelILInstruction > &  params)

◆ SetBlockExprs() [2/2]

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::SetBlockExprs ( const std::vector< ExprId > &  params)

◆ SetCases() [1/2]

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::SetCases ( const std::vector< MediumLevelILInstruction > &  params)

◆ SetCases() [2/2]

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::SetCases ( const std::vector< ExprId > &  params)

◆ SetSourceSSAVariables()

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::SetSourceSSAVariables ( const std::vector< SSAVariable > &  vars)

◆ SetSourceMemoryVersion()

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::SetSourceMemoryVersion ( size_t  version)

◆ SetDestMemoryVersion()

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::SetDestMemoryVersion ( size_t  version)

◆ SetTarget()

void BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstruction::SetTarget ( uint64_t  target)

◆ GetOperandIndexForUsage()

bool HighLevelILInstruction::GetOperandIndexForUsage ( HighLevelILOperandUsage  usage,
size_t &  operandIndex 
) const

◆ GetSourceExpr() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstruction::GetSourceExpr ( ) const

◆ GetVariable() [2/2]

Variable HighLevelILInstruction::GetVariable ( ) const

◆ GetDestVariable() [2/2]

Variable HighLevelILInstruction::GetDestVariable ( ) const

◆ GetSSAVariable() [2/2]

SSAVariable HighLevelILInstruction::GetSSAVariable ( ) const

◆ GetDestSSAVariable() [2/2]

SSAVariable HighLevelILInstruction::GetDestSSAVariable ( ) const

◆ GetDestExpr() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstruction::GetDestExpr ( ) const

◆ GetLeftExpr() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstruction::GetLeftExpr ( ) const

◆ GetRightExpr() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstruction::GetRightExpr ( ) const

◆ GetCarryExpr() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstruction::GetCarryExpr ( ) const

◆ GetIndexExpr() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstruction::GetIndexExpr ( ) const

◆ GetConditionExpr() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstruction::GetConditionExpr ( ) const

◆ GetConditionPhiExpr() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstruction::GetConditionPhiExpr ( ) const

◆ GetTrueExpr() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstruction::GetTrueExpr ( ) const

◆ GetFalseExpr() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstruction::GetFalseExpr ( ) const

◆ GetLoopExpr() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstruction::GetLoopExpr ( ) const

◆ GetInitExpr() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstruction::GetInitExpr ( ) const

◆ GetUpdateExpr() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstruction::GetUpdateExpr ( ) const

◆ GetDefaultExpr() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstruction::GetDefaultExpr ( ) const

◆ GetHighExpr() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstruction::GetHighExpr ( ) const

◆ GetLowExpr() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILInstruction::GetLowExpr ( ) const

◆ GetOffset() [2/2]

uint64_t HighLevelILInstruction::GetOffset ( ) const

◆ GetMemberIndex() [2/2]

size_t HighLevelILInstruction::GetMemberIndex ( ) const

◆ GetConstant() [2/2]

int64_t HighLevelILInstruction::GetConstant ( ) const

◆ GetConstantData() [2/2]

ConstantData HighLevelILInstruction::GetConstantData ( ) const

◆ GetVector() [2/2]

int64_t HighLevelILInstruction::GetVector ( ) const

◆ GetIntrinsic() [2/2]

uint32_t HighLevelILInstruction::GetIntrinsic ( ) const

◆ GetTarget() [2/2]

uint64_t HighLevelILInstruction::GetTarget ( ) const

◆ GetParameterExprs() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstructionList HighLevelILInstruction::GetParameterExprs ( ) const

◆ GetSourceExprs() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstructionList HighLevelILInstruction::GetSourceExprs ( ) const

◆ GetDestExprs() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstructionList HighLevelILInstruction::GetDestExprs ( ) const

◆ GetBlockExprs() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstructionList HighLevelILInstruction::GetBlockExprs ( ) const

◆ GetCases() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstructionList HighLevelILInstruction::GetCases ( ) const

◆ GetValueExprs() [2/2]

HighLevelILInstructionList HighLevelILInstruction::GetValueExprs ( ) const

◆ GetSourceSSAVariables() [2/2]

HighLevelILSSAVariableList HighLevelILInstruction::GetSourceSSAVariables ( ) const

◆ GetSourceMemoryVersion() [2/2]

size_t HighLevelILInstruction::GetSourceMemoryVersion ( ) const

◆ GetSourceMemoryVersions() [2/2]

HighLevelILIndexList HighLevelILInstruction::GetSourceMemoryVersions ( ) const

◆ GetDestMemoryVersion() [2/2]

size_t HighLevelILInstruction::GetDestMemoryVersion ( ) const

◆ BinaryNinja::HighLevelILOperand

class BinaryNinja::HighLevelILOperand

Public Member Functions

 HighLevelILOperand (const HighLevelILInstruction &instr, HighLevelILOperandUsage usage, size_t operandIndex)
HighLevelILOperandType GetType () const
HighLevelILOperandUsage GetUsage () const
uint64_t GetInteger () const
ConstantData GetConstantData () const
size_t GetIndex () const
uint32_t GetIntrinsic () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetExpr () const
Variable GetVariable () const
SSAVariable GetSSAVariable () const
HighLevelILInstructionList GetExprList () const
HighLevelILSSAVariableList GetSSAVariableList () const
HighLevelILIndexList GetIndexList () const

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HighLevelILOperand()

HighLevelILOperand::HighLevelILOperand ( const HighLevelILInstruction instr,
HighLevelILOperandUsage  usage,
size_t  operandIndex 

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetType()

HighLevelILOperandType BinaryNinja::HighLevelILOperand::GetType ( ) const

◆ GetUsage()

HighLevelILOperandUsage BinaryNinja::HighLevelILOperand::GetUsage ( ) const

◆ GetInteger()

uint64_t HighLevelILOperand::GetInteger ( ) const

◆ GetConstantData()

ConstantData HighLevelILOperand::GetConstantData ( ) const

◆ GetIndex()

size_t HighLevelILOperand::GetIndex ( ) const

◆ GetIntrinsic()

uint32_t HighLevelILOperand::GetIntrinsic ( ) const

◆ GetExpr()

HighLevelILInstruction HighLevelILOperand::GetExpr ( ) const

◆ GetVariable()

Variable HighLevelILOperand::GetVariable ( ) const

◆ GetSSAVariable()

SSAVariable HighLevelILOperand::GetSSAVariable ( ) const

◆ GetExprList()

HighLevelILInstructionList HighLevelILOperand::GetExprList ( ) const

◆ GetSSAVariableList()

HighLevelILSSAVariableList HighLevelILOperand::GetSSAVariableList ( ) const

◆ GetIndexList()

HighLevelILIndexList HighLevelILOperand::GetIndexList ( ) const

◆ BinaryNinja::HighLevelILOperandList

class BinaryNinja::HighLevelILOperandList

Public Types

typedef ListIterator const_iterator

Public Member Functions

 HighLevelILOperandList (const HighLevelILInstruction &instr, const std::vector< HighLevelILOperandUsage > &usageList, const std::unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, size_t > &operandIndexMap)
const_iterator begin () const
const_iterator end () const
size_t size () const
const HighLevelILOperand operator[] (size_t i) const
 operator std::vector< HighLevelILOperand > () const

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ const_iterator

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HighLevelILOperandList()

HighLevelILOperandList::HighLevelILOperandList ( const HighLevelILInstruction instr,
const std::vector< HighLevelILOperandUsage > &  usageList,
const std::unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, size_t > &  operandIndexMap 

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin()

HighLevelILOperandList::const_iterator HighLevelILOperandList::begin ( ) const

◆ end()

HighLevelILOperandList::const_iterator HighLevelILOperandList::end ( ) const

◆ size()

size_t HighLevelILOperandList::size ( ) const

◆ operator[]()

const HighLevelILOperand HighLevelILOperandList::operator[] ( size_t  i) const

◆ operator std::vector< HighLevelILOperand >()

BinaryNinja::HighLevelILOperandList::operator std::vector< HighLevelILOperand > ( ) const

◆ BinaryNinja::HighLevelILConstantInstruction

struct BinaryNinja::HighLevelILConstantInstruction

Public Member Functions

int64_t GetConstant () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
HighLevelILOperandList GetOperands () const
uint64_t GetRawOperandAsInteger (size_t operand) const
ConstantData GetRawOperandAsConstantData (size_t operand) const
size_t GetRawOperandAsIndex (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILInstruction GetRawOperandAsExpr (size_t operand) const
Variable GetRawOperandAsVariable (size_t operand) const
SSAVariable GetRawOperandAsSSAVariable (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILInstructionList GetRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILSSAVariableList GetRawOperandAsSSAVariableList (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILIndexList GetRawOperandAsIndexList (size_t operand) const
void UpdateRawOperand (size_t operandIndex, ExprId value)
void UpdateRawOperandAsInteger (size_t operandIndex, uint64_t value)
void UpdateRawOperandAsSSAVariableList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< SSAVariable > &vars)
void UpdateRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< HighLevelILInstruction > &exprs)
void UpdateRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< size_t > &exprs)
RegisterValue GetValue () const
PossibleValueSet GetPossibleValues (const std::set< BNDataFlowQueryOption > &options=std::set< BNDataFlowQueryOption >()) const
Confidence< Ref< Type > > GetType () const
size_t GetSSAExprIndex () const
size_t GetNonSSAExprIndex () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetSSAForm () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetNonSSAForm () const
size_t GetMediumLevelILExprIndex () const
bool HasMediumLevelIL () const
MediumLevelILInstruction GetMediumLevelIL () const
MediumLevelILInstruction GetMediumLevelILSSAForm () const
char * Dump () const
void Replace (ExprId expr)
void SetAttributes (uint32_t attributes)
void SetAttribute (BNILInstructionAttribute attribute, bool state=true)
void ClearAttribute (BNILInstructionAttribute attribute)
size_t GetInstructionIndex () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetInstruction () const
HighLevelILInstruction AsAST () const
HighLevelILInstruction AsNonAST () const
bool HasParent () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetParent () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< N > & As ()
HighLevelILOneOperandInstructionAsOneOperand ()
HighLevelILTwoOperandInstructionAsTwoOperand ()
HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstructionAsTwoOperandWithCarry ()
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
const HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< N > & As () const
const HighLevelILConstantInstructionAsConstant () const
const HighLevelILConstantDataInstructionAsConstantData () const
const HighLevelILOneOperandInstructionAsOneOperand () const
const HighLevelILTwoOperandInstructionAsTwoOperand () const
const HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstructionAsTwoOperandWithCarry () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
Ref< HighLevelILFunctionfunction = nullptr
size_t exprIndex
size_t instructionIndex
bool ast
- Public Attributes inherited from BNHighLevelILInstruction
BNHighLevelILOperation operation
uint32_t attributes
uint32_t sourceOperand
size_t size
uint64_t operands [5]
uint64_t address
size_t parent
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
static std::unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, HighLevelILOperandTypeoperandTypeForUsage
static std::unordered_map< BNHighLevelILOperation, std::vector< HighLevelILOperandUsage > > operationOperandUsage
static std::unordered_map< BNHighLevelILOperation, std::unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, size_t > > operationOperandIndex = GetOperandIndexForOperandUsages()

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetConstant()

int64_t BinaryNinja::HighLevelILConstantInstruction::GetConstant ( ) const

◆ BinaryNinja::HighLevelILConstantDataInstruction

struct BinaryNinja::HighLevelILConstantDataInstruction

Public Member Functions

ConstantData GetConstantData () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
HighLevelILOperandList GetOperands () const
uint64_t GetRawOperandAsInteger (size_t operand) const
ConstantData GetRawOperandAsConstantData (size_t operand) const
size_t GetRawOperandAsIndex (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILInstruction GetRawOperandAsExpr (size_t operand) const
Variable GetRawOperandAsVariable (size_t operand) const
SSAVariable GetRawOperandAsSSAVariable (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILInstructionList GetRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILSSAVariableList GetRawOperandAsSSAVariableList (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILIndexList GetRawOperandAsIndexList (size_t operand) const
void UpdateRawOperand (size_t operandIndex, ExprId value)
void UpdateRawOperandAsInteger (size_t operandIndex, uint64_t value)
void UpdateRawOperandAsSSAVariableList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< SSAVariable > &vars)
void UpdateRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< HighLevelILInstruction > &exprs)
void UpdateRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< size_t > &exprs)
RegisterValue GetValue () const
PossibleValueSet GetPossibleValues (const std::set< BNDataFlowQueryOption > &options=std::set< BNDataFlowQueryOption >()) const
Confidence< Ref< Type > > GetType () const
size_t GetSSAExprIndex () const
size_t GetNonSSAExprIndex () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetSSAForm () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetNonSSAForm () const
size_t GetMediumLevelILExprIndex () const
bool HasMediumLevelIL () const
MediumLevelILInstruction GetMediumLevelIL () const
MediumLevelILInstruction GetMediumLevelILSSAForm () const
char * Dump () const
void Replace (ExprId expr)
void SetAttributes (uint32_t attributes)
void SetAttribute (BNILInstructionAttribute attribute, bool state=true)
void ClearAttribute (BNILInstructionAttribute attribute)
size_t GetInstructionIndex () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetInstruction () const
HighLevelILInstruction AsAST () const
HighLevelILInstruction AsNonAST () const
bool HasParent () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetParent () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< N > & As ()
HighLevelILOneOperandInstructionAsOneOperand ()
HighLevelILTwoOperandInstructionAsTwoOperand ()
HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstructionAsTwoOperandWithCarry ()
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
const HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< N > & As () const
const HighLevelILConstantInstructionAsConstant () const
const HighLevelILConstantDataInstructionAsConstantData () const
const HighLevelILOneOperandInstructionAsOneOperand () const
const HighLevelILTwoOperandInstructionAsTwoOperand () const
const HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstructionAsTwoOperandWithCarry () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
Ref< HighLevelILFunctionfunction = nullptr
size_t exprIndex
size_t instructionIndex
bool ast
- Public Attributes inherited from BNHighLevelILInstruction
BNHighLevelILOperation operation
uint32_t attributes
uint32_t sourceOperand
size_t size
uint64_t operands [5]
uint64_t address
size_t parent
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
static std::unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, HighLevelILOperandTypeoperandTypeForUsage
static std::unordered_map< BNHighLevelILOperation, std::vector< HighLevelILOperandUsage > > operationOperandUsage
static std::unordered_map< BNHighLevelILOperation, std::unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, size_t > > operationOperandIndex = GetOperandIndexForOperandUsages()

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetConstantData()

ConstantData BinaryNinja::HighLevelILConstantDataInstruction::GetConstantData ( ) const

◆ BinaryNinja::HighLevelILOneOperandInstruction

struct BinaryNinja::HighLevelILOneOperandInstruction

Public Member Functions

HighLevelILInstruction GetSourceExpr () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
HighLevelILOperandList GetOperands () const
uint64_t GetRawOperandAsInteger (size_t operand) const
ConstantData GetRawOperandAsConstantData (size_t operand) const
size_t GetRawOperandAsIndex (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILInstruction GetRawOperandAsExpr (size_t operand) const
Variable GetRawOperandAsVariable (size_t operand) const
SSAVariable GetRawOperandAsSSAVariable (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILInstructionList GetRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILSSAVariableList GetRawOperandAsSSAVariableList (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILIndexList GetRawOperandAsIndexList (size_t operand) const
void UpdateRawOperand (size_t operandIndex, ExprId value)
void UpdateRawOperandAsInteger (size_t operandIndex, uint64_t value)
void UpdateRawOperandAsSSAVariableList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< SSAVariable > &vars)
void UpdateRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< HighLevelILInstruction > &exprs)
void UpdateRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< size_t > &exprs)
RegisterValue GetValue () const
PossibleValueSet GetPossibleValues (const std::set< BNDataFlowQueryOption > &options=std::set< BNDataFlowQueryOption >()) const
Confidence< Ref< Type > > GetType () const
size_t GetSSAExprIndex () const
size_t GetNonSSAExprIndex () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetSSAForm () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetNonSSAForm () const
size_t GetMediumLevelILExprIndex () const
bool HasMediumLevelIL () const
MediumLevelILInstruction GetMediumLevelIL () const
MediumLevelILInstruction GetMediumLevelILSSAForm () const
char * Dump () const
void Replace (ExprId expr)
void SetAttributes (uint32_t attributes)
void SetAttribute (BNILInstructionAttribute attribute, bool state=true)
void ClearAttribute (BNILInstructionAttribute attribute)
size_t GetInstructionIndex () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetInstruction () const
HighLevelILInstruction AsAST () const
HighLevelILInstruction AsNonAST () const
bool HasParent () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetParent () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< N > & As ()
HighLevelILOneOperandInstructionAsOneOperand ()
HighLevelILTwoOperandInstructionAsTwoOperand ()
HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstructionAsTwoOperandWithCarry ()
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
const HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< N > & As () const
const HighLevelILConstantInstructionAsConstant () const
const HighLevelILConstantDataInstructionAsConstantData () const
const HighLevelILOneOperandInstructionAsOneOperand () const
const HighLevelILTwoOperandInstructionAsTwoOperand () const
const HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstructionAsTwoOperandWithCarry () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
Ref< HighLevelILFunctionfunction = nullptr
size_t exprIndex
size_t instructionIndex
bool ast
- Public Attributes inherited from BNHighLevelILInstruction
BNHighLevelILOperation operation
uint32_t attributes
uint32_t sourceOperand
size_t size
uint64_t operands [5]
uint64_t address
size_t parent
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
static std::unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, HighLevelILOperandTypeoperandTypeForUsage
static std::unordered_map< BNHighLevelILOperation, std::vector< HighLevelILOperandUsage > > operationOperandUsage
static std::unordered_map< BNHighLevelILOperation, std::unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, size_t > > operationOperandIndex = GetOperandIndexForOperandUsages()

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetSourceExpr()

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILOneOperandInstruction::GetSourceExpr ( ) const

◆ BinaryNinja::HighLevelILTwoOperandInstruction

struct BinaryNinja::HighLevelILTwoOperandInstruction

Public Member Functions

HighLevelILInstruction GetLeftExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetRightExpr () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
HighLevelILOperandList GetOperands () const
uint64_t GetRawOperandAsInteger (size_t operand) const
ConstantData GetRawOperandAsConstantData (size_t operand) const
size_t GetRawOperandAsIndex (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILInstruction GetRawOperandAsExpr (size_t operand) const
Variable GetRawOperandAsVariable (size_t operand) const
SSAVariable GetRawOperandAsSSAVariable (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILInstructionList GetRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILSSAVariableList GetRawOperandAsSSAVariableList (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILIndexList GetRawOperandAsIndexList (size_t operand) const
void UpdateRawOperand (size_t operandIndex, ExprId value)
void UpdateRawOperandAsInteger (size_t operandIndex, uint64_t value)
void UpdateRawOperandAsSSAVariableList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< SSAVariable > &vars)
void UpdateRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< HighLevelILInstruction > &exprs)
void UpdateRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< size_t > &exprs)
RegisterValue GetValue () const
PossibleValueSet GetPossibleValues (const std::set< BNDataFlowQueryOption > &options=std::set< BNDataFlowQueryOption >()) const
Confidence< Ref< Type > > GetType () const
size_t GetSSAExprIndex () const
size_t GetNonSSAExprIndex () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetSSAForm () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetNonSSAForm () const
size_t GetMediumLevelILExprIndex () const
bool HasMediumLevelIL () const
MediumLevelILInstruction GetMediumLevelIL () const
MediumLevelILInstruction GetMediumLevelILSSAForm () const
char * Dump () const
void Replace (ExprId expr)
void SetAttributes (uint32_t attributes)
void SetAttribute (BNILInstructionAttribute attribute, bool state=true)
void ClearAttribute (BNILInstructionAttribute attribute)
size_t GetInstructionIndex () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetInstruction () const
HighLevelILInstruction AsAST () const
HighLevelILInstruction AsNonAST () const
bool HasParent () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetParent () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< N > & As ()
HighLevelILOneOperandInstructionAsOneOperand ()
HighLevelILTwoOperandInstructionAsTwoOperand ()
HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstructionAsTwoOperandWithCarry ()
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
const HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< N > & As () const
const HighLevelILConstantInstructionAsConstant () const
const HighLevelILConstantDataInstructionAsConstantData () const
const HighLevelILOneOperandInstructionAsOneOperand () const
const HighLevelILTwoOperandInstructionAsTwoOperand () const
const HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstructionAsTwoOperandWithCarry () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
Ref< HighLevelILFunctionfunction = nullptr
size_t exprIndex
size_t instructionIndex
bool ast
- Public Attributes inherited from BNHighLevelILInstruction
BNHighLevelILOperation operation
uint32_t attributes
uint32_t sourceOperand
size_t size
uint64_t operands [5]
uint64_t address
size_t parent
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
static std::unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, HighLevelILOperandTypeoperandTypeForUsage
static std::unordered_map< BNHighLevelILOperation, std::vector< HighLevelILOperandUsage > > operationOperandUsage
static std::unordered_map< BNHighLevelILOperation, std::unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, size_t > > operationOperandIndex = GetOperandIndexForOperandUsages()

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetLeftExpr()

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILTwoOperandInstruction::GetLeftExpr ( ) const

◆ GetRightExpr()

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILTwoOperandInstruction::GetRightExpr ( ) const

◆ BinaryNinja::HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstruction

struct BinaryNinja::HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstruction

Public Member Functions

HighLevelILInstruction GetLeftExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetRightExpr () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetCarryExpr () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
HighLevelILOperandList GetOperands () const
uint64_t GetRawOperandAsInteger (size_t operand) const
ConstantData GetRawOperandAsConstantData (size_t operand) const
size_t GetRawOperandAsIndex (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILInstruction GetRawOperandAsExpr (size_t operand) const
Variable GetRawOperandAsVariable (size_t operand) const
SSAVariable GetRawOperandAsSSAVariable (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILInstructionList GetRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILSSAVariableList GetRawOperandAsSSAVariableList (size_t operand) const
HighLevelILIndexList GetRawOperandAsIndexList (size_t operand) const
void UpdateRawOperand (size_t operandIndex, ExprId value)
void UpdateRawOperandAsInteger (size_t operandIndex, uint64_t value)
void UpdateRawOperandAsSSAVariableList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< SSAVariable > &vars)
void UpdateRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< HighLevelILInstruction > &exprs)
void UpdateRawOperandAsExprList (size_t operandIndex, const std::vector< size_t > &exprs)
RegisterValue GetValue () const
PossibleValueSet GetPossibleValues (const std::set< BNDataFlowQueryOption > &options=std::set< BNDataFlowQueryOption >()) const
Confidence< Ref< Type > > GetType () const
size_t GetSSAExprIndex () const
size_t GetNonSSAExprIndex () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetSSAForm () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetNonSSAForm () const
size_t GetMediumLevelILExprIndex () const
bool HasMediumLevelIL () const
MediumLevelILInstruction GetMediumLevelIL () const
MediumLevelILInstruction GetMediumLevelILSSAForm () const
char * Dump () const
void Replace (ExprId expr)
void SetAttributes (uint32_t attributes)
void SetAttribute (BNILInstructionAttribute attribute, bool state=true)
void ClearAttribute (BNILInstructionAttribute attribute)
size_t GetInstructionIndex () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetInstruction () const
HighLevelILInstruction AsAST () const
HighLevelILInstruction AsNonAST () const
bool HasParent () const
HighLevelILInstruction GetParent () const
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< N > & As ()
HighLevelILOneOperandInstructionAsOneOperand ()
HighLevelILTwoOperandInstructionAsTwoOperand ()
HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstructionAsTwoOperandWithCarry ()
template<BNHighLevelILOperation N>
const HighLevelILInstructionAccessor< N > & As () const
const HighLevelILConstantInstructionAsConstant () const
const HighLevelILConstantDataInstructionAsConstantData () const
const HighLevelILOneOperandInstructionAsOneOperand () const
const HighLevelILTwoOperandInstructionAsTwoOperand () const
const HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstructionAsTwoOperandWithCarry () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
Ref< HighLevelILFunctionfunction = nullptr
size_t exprIndex
size_t instructionIndex
bool ast
- Public Attributes inherited from BNHighLevelILInstruction
BNHighLevelILOperation operation
uint32_t attributes
uint32_t sourceOperand
size_t size
uint64_t operands [5]
uint64_t address
size_t parent
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::HighLevelILInstructionBase
static std::unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, HighLevelILOperandTypeoperandTypeForUsage
static std::unordered_map< BNHighLevelILOperation, std::vector< HighLevelILOperandUsage > > operationOperandUsage
static std::unordered_map< BNHighLevelILOperation, std::unordered_map< HighLevelILOperandUsage, size_t > > operationOperandIndex = GetOperandIndexForOperandUsages()

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetLeftExpr()

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstruction::GetLeftExpr ( ) const

◆ GetRightExpr()

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstruction::GetRightExpr ( ) const

◆ GetCarryExpr()

HighLevelILInstruction BinaryNinja::HighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstruction::GetCarryExpr ( ) const

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ HighLevelILOperandType


◆ HighLevelILOperandUsage
