
Classes related to interacting with, hooking, and implementing Architectures. More...

Detailed Description

Classes related to interacting with, hooking, and implementing Architectures.


class  BinaryNinja::Architecture
 The Architecture class is the base class for all CPU architectures. More...
class  BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture
class  BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension
class  BinaryNinja::ArchitectureHook

Class Documentation

◆ BinaryNinja::Architecture

class BinaryNinja::Architecture

The Architecture class is the base class for all CPU architectures.

This provides disassembly, assembly, patching, and IL translation lifting for a given architecture.

Public Member Functions

 Architecture (const std::string &name)
std::string GetName () const
 Get the name of this architecture. More...
virtual BNEndianness GetEndianness () const =0
 Get the default endianness for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetAddressSize () const =0
 Get the address size for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetDefaultIntegerSize () const
 Get the default integer size for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetInstructionAlignment () const
virtual size_t GetMaxInstructionLength () const
 Get the maximum instruction length. More...
virtual size_t GetOpcodeDisplayLength () const
virtual Ref< ArchitectureGetAssociatedArchitectureByAddress (uint64_t &addr)
virtual bool GetInstructionInfo (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t maxLen, InstructionInfo &result)=0
 Retrieves an InstructionInfo struct for the instruction at the given virtual address. More...
virtual bool GetInstructionText (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t &len, std::vector< InstructionTextToken > &result)=0
 Retrieves a list of InstructionTextTokens. More...
virtual bool GetInstructionLowLevelIL (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t &len, LowLevelILFunction &il)
 Translates an instruction at addr and appends it onto the LowLevelILFunction& il. More...
virtual std::string GetRegisterName (uint32_t reg)
 Gets a register name from a register index. More...
virtual std::string GetFlagName (uint32_t flag)
 Gets a flag name from a flag index. More...
virtual std::string GetFlagWriteTypeName (uint32_t flags)
 Gets the flag write type name for the given flag. More...
virtual std::string GetSemanticFlagClassName (uint32_t semClass)
 Gets the name of a semantic flag class from the index. More...
virtual std::string GetSemanticFlagGroupName (uint32_t semGroup)
 Gets the name of a semantic flag group from the index. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFullWidthRegisters ()
 Get the list of full width register indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllRegisters ()
 Get the list of all register indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllFlags ()
 Get the list of all flag indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllFlagWriteTypes ()
 Get the list of all flag write type indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllSemanticFlagClasses ()
 Get the list of all semantic flag class indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllSemanticFlagGroups ()
 Get the list of all semantic flag group indices. More...
virtual BNFlagRole GetFlagRole (uint32_t flag, uint32_t semClass=0)
 Get the role of a given flag. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass=0)
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup (uint32_t semGroup)
virtual std::map< uint32_t, BNLowLevelILFlagConditionGetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup (uint32_t semGroup)
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType (uint32_t writeType)
virtual uint32_t GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteType (uint32_t writeType)
virtual ExprId GetFlagWriteLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILOperation op, size_t size, uint32_t flagWriteType, uint32_t flag, BNRegisterOrConstant *operands, size_t operandCount, LowLevelILFunction &il)
ExprId GetDefaultFlagWriteLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILOperation op, size_t size, BNFlagRole role, BNRegisterOrConstant *operands, size_t operandCount, LowLevelILFunction &il)
virtual ExprId GetFlagConditionLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, LowLevelILFunction &il)
ExprId GetDefaultFlagConditionLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, LowLevelILFunction &il)
virtual ExprId GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelIL (uint32_t semGroup, LowLevelILFunction &il)
virtual BNRegisterInfo GetRegisterInfo (uint32_t reg)
 Get the register info for a given register index. More...
virtual uint32_t GetStackPointerRegister ()
 Get the register index corresponding to the stack pointer (SP) More...
virtual uint32_t GetLinkRegister ()
 Get the register index corresponding to the link register (LR) More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetGlobalRegisters ()
bool IsGlobalRegister (uint32_t reg)
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetSystemRegisters ()
 Get the list of system register indices. More...
bool IsSystemRegister (uint32_t reg)
 Check whether a register is a system register. More...
std::vector< uint32_t > GetModifiedRegistersOnWrite (uint32_t reg)
 Returns a list of register indices that are modified when reg is written to. More...
uint32_t GetRegisterByName (const std::string &name)
 Get a register index by its name. More...
virtual std::string GetRegisterStackName (uint32_t regStack)
 Get a register stack name from a register stack number. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllRegisterStacks ()
virtual BNRegisterStackInfo GetRegisterStackInfo (uint32_t regStack)
uint32_t GetRegisterStackForRegister (uint32_t reg)
virtual BNIntrinsicClass GetIntrinsicClass (uint32_t intrinsic)
virtual std::string GetIntrinsicName (uint32_t intrinsic)
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllIntrinsics ()
virtual std::vector< NameAndTypeGetIntrinsicInputs (uint32_t intrinsic)
virtual std::vector< Confidence< Ref< Type > > > GetIntrinsicOutputs (uint32_t intrinsic)
virtual bool CanAssemble ()
 Check whether this architecture can assemble instructions. More...
virtual bool Assemble (const std::string &code, uint64_t addr, DataBuffer &result, std::string &errors)
 Converts the string of assembly instructions code loaded at virtual address addr to the byte representation of those instructions. More...
virtual bool IsNeverBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to never branch. More...
virtual bool IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to always branch. More...
virtual bool IsInvertBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to invert the branch. More...
virtual bool IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return zero. More...
virtual bool IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return a value. More...
virtual bool ConvertToNop (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Converts the instruction at addr to a no-operation instruction. More...
virtual bool AlwaysBranch (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to an unconditional branch. More...
virtual bool InvertBranch (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 InvertBranch converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to its invert. More...
virtual bool SkipAndReturnValue (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len, uint64_t value)
 SkipAndReturnValue converts the call instruction at addr to an instruction that simulates that call returning a value. More...
void RegisterFunctionRecognizer (FunctionRecognizer *recog)
void RegisterRelocationHandler (const std::string &viewName, RelocationHandler *handler)
Ref< RelocationHandlerGetRelocationHandler (const std::string &viewName)
bool IsBinaryViewTypeConstantDefined (const std::string &type, const std::string &name)
uint64_t GetBinaryViewTypeConstant (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, uint64_t defaultValue=0)
void SetBinaryViewTypeConstant (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, uint64_t value)
void RegisterCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Register a calling convention with this architecture. More...
std::vector< Ref< CallingConvention > > GetCallingConventions ()
 List of registered calling conventions. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetCallingConventionByName (const std::string &name)
 Get a calling convention by name. More...
void SetDefaultCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Set the default calling convention. More...
void SetCdeclCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Set the cdecl calling convention. More...
void SetStdcallCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Set the stdcall calling convention. More...
void SetFastcallCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Set the fastcall calling convention. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetDefaultCallingConvention ()
 Get the default calling convention. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetCdeclCallingConvention ()
 Get the cdecl calling convention. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetStdcallCallingConvention ()
 Get the stdcall calling convention. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetFastcallCallingConvention ()
 Get the fastcall calling convention. More...
Ref< PlatformGetStandalonePlatform ()
 Get the Architecture standalone platform. More...
std::vector< Ref< TypeLibrary > > GetTypeLibraries ()
void AddArchitectureRedirection (Architecture *from, Architecture *to)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::StaticCoreRefCountObject< BNArchitecture >
 StaticCoreRefCountObject ()
virtual ~StaticCoreRefCountObject ()
BNArchitectureGetObject () const
void AddRef ()
void Release ()
void AddRefForRegistration ()
void AddRefForCallback ()
void ReleaseForCallback ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void Register (Architecture *arch)
 Register an architecture. More...
static Ref< ArchitectureGetByName (const std::string &name)
 Get an Architecture by name. More...
static std::vector< Ref< Architecture > > GetList ()
 Get the list of registered Architectures. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::StaticCoreRefCountObject< BNArchitecture >
static BNArchitectureGetObject (StaticCoreRefCountObject *obj)

Protected Member Functions

 Architecture (BNArchitecture *arch)
virtual void Register (BNCustomArchitecture *callbacks)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void InitCallback (void *ctxt, BNArchitecture *obj)
static BNEndianness GetEndiannessCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetAddressSizeCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetDefaultIntegerSizeCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetInstructionAlignmentCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetMaxInstructionLengthCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetOpcodeDisplayLengthCallback (void *ctxt)
static BNArchitectureGetAssociatedArchitectureByAddressCallback (void *ctxt, uint64_t *addr)
static bool GetInstructionInfoCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t maxLen, BNInstructionInfo *result)
static bool GetInstructionTextCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t *len, BNInstructionTextToken **result, size_t *count)
static void FreeInstructionTextCallback (BNInstructionTextToken *tokens, size_t count)
static bool GetInstructionLowLevelILCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t *len, BNLowLevelILFunction *il)
static char * GetRegisterNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t reg)
static char * GetFlagNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t flag)
static char * GetFlagWriteTypeNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t flags)
static char * GetSemanticFlagClassNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semClass)
static char * GetSemanticFlagGroupNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semGroup)
static uint32_t * GetFullWidthRegistersCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllRegistersCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllFlagsCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllFlagWriteTypesCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllSemanticFlagClassesCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllSemanticFlagGroupsCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static BNFlagRole GetFlagRoleCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t flag, uint32_t semClass)
static uint32_t * GetFlagsRequiredForFlagConditionCallback (void *ctxt, BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroupCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semGroup, size_t *count)
static BNFlagConditionForSemanticClassGetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroupCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semGroup, size_t *count)
static void FreeFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroupCallback (void *ctxt, BNFlagConditionForSemanticClass *conditions)
static uint32_t * GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteTypeCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t writeType, size_t *count)
static uint32_t GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteTypeCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t writeType)
static size_t GetFlagWriteLowLevelILCallback (void *ctxt, BNLowLevelILOperation op, size_t size, uint32_t flagWriteType, uint32_t flag, BNRegisterOrConstant *operands, size_t operandCount, BNLowLevelILFunction *il)
static size_t GetFlagConditionLowLevelILCallback (void *ctxt, BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, BNLowLevelILFunction *il)
static size_t GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelILCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semGroup, BNLowLevelILFunction *il)
static void FreeRegisterListCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t *regs)
static void GetRegisterInfoCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t reg, BNRegisterInfo *result)
static uint32_t GetStackPointerRegisterCallback (void *ctxt)
static uint32_t GetLinkRegisterCallback (void *ctxt)
static uint32_t * GetGlobalRegistersCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetSystemRegistersCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static char * GetRegisterStackNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t regStack)
static uint32_t * GetAllRegisterStacksCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static void GetRegisterStackInfoCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t regStack, BNRegisterStackInfo *result)
static BNIntrinsicClass GetIntrinsicClassCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t intrinsic)
static char * GetIntrinsicNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t intrinsic)
static uint32_t * GetAllIntrinsicsCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static BNNameAndTypeGetIntrinsicInputsCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t intrinsic, size_t *count)
static void FreeNameAndTypeListCallback (void *ctxt, BNNameAndType *nt, size_t count)
static BNTypeWithConfidenceGetIntrinsicOutputsCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t intrinsic, size_t *count)
static void FreeTypeListCallback (void *ctxt, BNTypeWithConfidence *types, size_t count)
static bool CanAssembleCallback (void *ctxt)
static bool AssembleCallback (void *ctxt, const char *code, uint64_t addr, BNDataBuffer *result, char **errors)
static bool IsNeverBranchPatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool IsInvertBranchPatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool ConvertToNopCallback (void *ctxt, uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool AlwaysBranchCallback (void *ctxt, uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool InvertBranchCallback (void *ctxt, uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool SkipAndReturnValueCallback (void *ctxt, uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len, uint64_t value)

Protected Attributes

std::string m_nameForRegister

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::StaticCoreRefCountObject< BNArchitecture >
std::atomic< int > m_refs

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Architecture() [1/2]

Architecture::Architecture ( BNArchitecture arch)

◆ Architecture() [2/2]

BinaryNinja::Architecture::Architecture ( const std::string &  name)

Member Function Documentation

◆ InitCallback()

void Architecture::InitCallback ( void *  ctxt,
BNArchitecture obj 

◆ GetEndiannessCallback()

BNEndianness Architecture::GetEndiannessCallback ( void *  ctxt)

◆ GetAddressSizeCallback()

size_t Architecture::GetAddressSizeCallback ( void *  ctxt)

◆ GetDefaultIntegerSizeCallback()

size_t Architecture::GetDefaultIntegerSizeCallback ( void *  ctxt)

◆ GetInstructionAlignmentCallback()

size_t Architecture::GetInstructionAlignmentCallback ( void *  ctxt)

◆ GetMaxInstructionLengthCallback()

size_t Architecture::GetMaxInstructionLengthCallback ( void *  ctxt)

◆ GetOpcodeDisplayLengthCallback()

size_t Architecture::GetOpcodeDisplayLengthCallback ( void *  ctxt)

◆ GetAssociatedArchitectureByAddressCallback()

BNArchitecture * Architecture::GetAssociatedArchitectureByAddressCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint64_t *  addr 

◆ GetInstructionInfoCallback()

bool Architecture::GetInstructionInfoCallback ( void *  ctxt,
const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  maxLen,
BNInstructionInfo result 

◆ GetInstructionTextCallback()

bool Architecture::GetInstructionTextCallback ( void *  ctxt,
const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t *  len,
BNInstructionTextToken **  result,
size_t *  count 

◆ FreeInstructionTextCallback()

void Architecture::FreeInstructionTextCallback ( BNInstructionTextToken tokens,
size_t  count 

◆ GetInstructionLowLevelILCallback()

bool Architecture::GetInstructionLowLevelILCallback ( void *  ctxt,
const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t *  len,
BNLowLevelILFunction il 

◆ GetRegisterNameCallback()

char * Architecture::GetRegisterNameCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  reg 

◆ GetFlagNameCallback()

char * Architecture::GetFlagNameCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  flag 

◆ GetFlagWriteTypeNameCallback()

char * Architecture::GetFlagWriteTypeNameCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  flags 

◆ GetSemanticFlagClassNameCallback()

char * Architecture::GetSemanticFlagClassNameCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  semClass 

◆ GetSemanticFlagGroupNameCallback()

char * Architecture::GetSemanticFlagGroupNameCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  semGroup 

◆ GetFullWidthRegistersCallback()

uint32_t * Architecture::GetFullWidthRegistersCallback ( void *  ctxt,
size_t *  count 

◆ GetAllRegistersCallback()

uint32_t * Architecture::GetAllRegistersCallback ( void *  ctxt,
size_t *  count 

◆ GetAllFlagsCallback()

uint32_t * Architecture::GetAllFlagsCallback ( void *  ctxt,
size_t *  count 

◆ GetAllFlagWriteTypesCallback()

uint32_t * Architecture::GetAllFlagWriteTypesCallback ( void *  ctxt,
size_t *  count 

◆ GetAllSemanticFlagClassesCallback()

uint32_t * Architecture::GetAllSemanticFlagClassesCallback ( void *  ctxt,
size_t *  count 

◆ GetAllSemanticFlagGroupsCallback()

uint32_t * Architecture::GetAllSemanticFlagGroupsCallback ( void *  ctxt,
size_t *  count 

◆ GetFlagRoleCallback()

BNFlagRole Architecture::GetFlagRoleCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  flag,
uint32_t  semClass 

◆ GetFlagsRequiredForFlagConditionCallback()

uint32_t * Architecture::GetFlagsRequiredForFlagConditionCallback ( void *  ctxt,
BNLowLevelILFlagCondition  cond,
uint32_t  semClass,
size_t *  count 

◆ GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroupCallback()

uint32_t * Architecture::GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroupCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  semGroup,
size_t *  count 

◆ GetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroupCallback()

BNFlagConditionForSemanticClass * Architecture::GetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroupCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  semGroup,
size_t *  count 

◆ FreeFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroupCallback()

void Architecture::FreeFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroupCallback ( void *  ctxt,
BNFlagConditionForSemanticClass conditions 

◆ GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteTypeCallback()

uint32_t * Architecture::GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteTypeCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  writeType,
size_t *  count 

◆ GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteTypeCallback()

uint32_t Architecture::GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteTypeCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  writeType 

◆ GetFlagWriteLowLevelILCallback()

size_t Architecture::GetFlagWriteLowLevelILCallback ( void *  ctxt,
BNLowLevelILOperation  op,
size_t  size,
uint32_t  flagWriteType,
uint32_t  flag,
BNRegisterOrConstant operands,
size_t  operandCount,
BNLowLevelILFunction il 

◆ GetFlagConditionLowLevelILCallback()

size_t Architecture::GetFlagConditionLowLevelILCallback ( void *  ctxt,
BNLowLevelILFlagCondition  cond,
uint32_t  semClass,
BNLowLevelILFunction il 

◆ GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelILCallback()

size_t Architecture::GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelILCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  semGroup,
BNLowLevelILFunction il 

◆ FreeRegisterListCallback()

void Architecture::FreeRegisterListCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t *  regs 

◆ GetRegisterInfoCallback()

void Architecture::GetRegisterInfoCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  reg,
BNRegisterInfo result 

◆ GetStackPointerRegisterCallback()

uint32_t Architecture::GetStackPointerRegisterCallback ( void *  ctxt)

◆ GetLinkRegisterCallback()

uint32_t Architecture::GetLinkRegisterCallback ( void *  ctxt)

◆ GetGlobalRegistersCallback()

uint32_t * Architecture::GetGlobalRegistersCallback ( void *  ctxt,
size_t *  count 

◆ GetSystemRegistersCallback()

uint32_t * Architecture::GetSystemRegistersCallback ( void *  ctxt,
size_t *  count 

◆ GetRegisterStackNameCallback()

char * Architecture::GetRegisterStackNameCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  regStack 

◆ GetAllRegisterStacksCallback()

uint32_t * Architecture::GetAllRegisterStacksCallback ( void *  ctxt,
size_t *  count 

◆ GetRegisterStackInfoCallback()

void Architecture::GetRegisterStackInfoCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  regStack,
BNRegisterStackInfo result 

◆ GetIntrinsicClassCallback()

BNIntrinsicClass Architecture::GetIntrinsicClassCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  intrinsic 

◆ GetIntrinsicNameCallback()

char * Architecture::GetIntrinsicNameCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  intrinsic 

◆ GetAllIntrinsicsCallback()

uint32_t * Architecture::GetAllIntrinsicsCallback ( void *  ctxt,
size_t *  count 

◆ GetIntrinsicInputsCallback()

BNNameAndType * Architecture::GetIntrinsicInputsCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  intrinsic,
size_t *  count 

◆ FreeNameAndTypeListCallback()

void Architecture::FreeNameAndTypeListCallback ( void *  ctxt,
BNNameAndType nt,
size_t  count 

◆ GetIntrinsicOutputsCallback()

BNTypeWithConfidence * Architecture::GetIntrinsicOutputsCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint32_t  intrinsic,
size_t *  count 

◆ FreeTypeListCallback()

void Architecture::FreeTypeListCallback ( void *  ctxt,
BNTypeWithConfidence types,
size_t  count 

◆ CanAssembleCallback()

bool Architecture::CanAssembleCallback ( void *  ctxt)

◆ AssembleCallback()

bool Architecture::AssembleCallback ( void *  ctxt,
const char *  code,
uint64_t  addr,
BNDataBuffer result,
char **  errors 

◆ IsNeverBranchPatchAvailableCallback()

bool Architecture::IsNeverBranchPatchAvailableCallback ( void *  ctxt,
const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

◆ IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailableCallback()

bool Architecture::IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailableCallback ( void *  ctxt,
const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

◆ IsInvertBranchPatchAvailableCallback()

bool Architecture::IsInvertBranchPatchAvailableCallback ( void *  ctxt,
const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

◆ IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailableCallback()

bool Architecture::IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailableCallback ( void *  ctxt,
const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

◆ IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailableCallback()

bool Architecture::IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailableCallback ( void *  ctxt,
const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

◆ ConvertToNopCallback()

bool Architecture::ConvertToNopCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

◆ AlwaysBranchCallback()

bool Architecture::AlwaysBranchCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

◆ InvertBranchCallback()

bool Architecture::InvertBranchCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

◆ SkipAndReturnValueCallback()

bool Architecture::SkipAndReturnValueCallback ( void *  ctxt,
uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len,
uint64_t  value 

◆ Register() [1/2]

void Architecture::Register ( BNCustomArchitecture callbacks)

◆ Register() [2/2]

void Architecture::Register ( Architecture arch)

Register an architecture.

archArchitecture to register

◆ GetByName()

Ref< Architecture > Architecture::GetByName ( const std::string &  name)

Get an Architecture by name.

nameName of the architecture
The architecture, if it was found.

◆ GetList()

vector< Ref< Architecture > > Architecture::GetList ( )

Get the list of registered Architectures.

The list of registered architectures

◆ GetName()

string Architecture::GetName ( ) const

Get the name of this architecture.

The name of this architecture

◆ GetEndianness()

virtual BNEndianness BinaryNinja::Architecture::GetEndianness ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the default endianness for this architecture.

The default endianness for this architecture

Implemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetAddressSize()

virtual size_t BinaryNinja::Architecture::GetAddressSize ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the address size for this architecture.

The address size for this architecture

Implemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetDefaultIntegerSize()

size_t Architecture::GetDefaultIntegerSize ( ) const

Get the default integer size for this architecture.

The default integer size for this architecture

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetInstructionAlignment()

size_t Architecture::GetInstructionAlignment ( ) const

◆ GetMaxInstructionLength()

size_t Architecture::GetMaxInstructionLength ( ) const

Get the maximum instruction length.

The maximum instruction length

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetOpcodeDisplayLength()

size_t Architecture::GetOpcodeDisplayLength ( ) const

◆ GetAssociatedArchitectureByAddress()

Ref< Architecture > Architecture::GetAssociatedArchitectureByAddress ( uint64_t &  addr)

◆ GetInstructionInfo()

virtual bool BinaryNinja::Architecture::GetInstructionInfo ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  maxLen,
InstructionInfo result 
pure virtual

Retrieves an InstructionInfo struct for the instruction at the given virtual address.

Architecture subclasses should implement this method.
The instruction info object should always set the InstructionInfo.length to the instruction length, \ and the branches of the proper types should be added if the instruction is a branch.

If the instruction is a branch instruction architecture plugins should add a branch of the proper type:

===================== =================================================== BNBranchType Description ===================== =================================================== UnconditionalBranch Branch will always be taken FalseBranch False branch condition TrueBranch True branch condition CallDestination Branch is a call instruction (Branch with Link) FunctionReturn Branch returns from a function SystemCall System call instruction IndirectBranch Branch destination is a memory address or register UnresolvedBranch Branch destination is an unknown address ===================== ===================================================

[in]datapointer to the instruction data to retrieve info for
[in]addraddress of the instruction data to retrieve info for
[in]maxLenMaximum length of the instruction data to read
[out]resultRetrieved instruction info
Whether instruction info was successfully retrieved.

Implemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetInstructionText()

virtual bool BinaryNinja::Architecture::GetInstructionText ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t &  len,
std::vector< InstructionTextToken > &  result 
pure virtual

Retrieves a list of InstructionTextTokens.

[in]datapointer to the instruction data to retrieve text for
[in]addraddress of the instruction data to retrieve text for
[out]lenwill be written to with the length of the instruction data which was translated
Whether instruction info was successfully retrieved.

Implemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetInstructionLowLevelIL()

bool Architecture::GetInstructionLowLevelIL ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t &  len,
LowLevelILFunction il 

Translates an instruction at addr and appends it onto the LowLevelILFunction& il.

Architecture subclasses should implement this method.
[in]datapointer to the instruction data to be translated
[in]addraddress of the instruction data to be translated
[out]lenwill be written to with the length of the instruction data which was translated
[in,out]ilthe LowLevelILFunction to appended to.

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetRegisterName()

string Architecture::GetRegisterName ( uint32_t  reg)

Gets a register name from a register index.

regRegister index
The register name

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetFlagName()

string Architecture::GetFlagName ( uint32_t  flag)

Gets a flag name from a flag index.

flagFlag index
Flag name

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetFlagWriteTypeName()

string Architecture::GetFlagWriteTypeName ( uint32_t  flags)

Gets the flag write type name for the given flag.

Flag name

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetSemanticFlagClassName()

string Architecture::GetSemanticFlagClassName ( uint32_t  semClass)

Gets the name of a semantic flag class from the index.

semClassSemantic class index
The name of the semantic flag class

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetSemanticFlagGroupName()

string Architecture::GetSemanticFlagGroupName ( uint32_t  semGroup)

Gets the name of a semantic flag group from the index.

semGroupSemantic flag group index
Semantic flag group name

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetFullWidthRegisters()

vector< uint32_t > Architecture::GetFullWidthRegisters ( )

Get the list of full width register indices.

The list of full width register indices

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetAllRegisters()

vector< uint32_t > Architecture::GetAllRegisters ( )

Get the list of all register indices.

The list of all register indices

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetAllFlags()

vector< uint32_t > Architecture::GetAllFlags ( )

Get the list of all flag indices.

The list of all flag indices

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetAllFlagWriteTypes()

vector< uint32_t > Architecture::GetAllFlagWriteTypes ( )

Get the list of all flag write type indices.

The list of all flag write type indices

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetAllSemanticFlagClasses()

vector< uint32_t > Architecture::GetAllSemanticFlagClasses ( )

Get the list of all semantic flag class indices.

The list of all semantic flag class indices

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetAllSemanticFlagGroups()

vector< uint32_t > Architecture::GetAllSemanticFlagGroups ( )

Get the list of all semantic flag group indices.

The list of all semantic flag group indices

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetFlagRole()

BNFlagRole Architecture::GetFlagRole ( uint32_t  flag,
uint32_t  semClass = 0 

Get the role of a given flag.

flagFlag index
semClassOptional semantic flag class
Flag role

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition()

vector< uint32_t > Architecture::GetFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition ( BNLowLevelILFlagCondition  cond,
uint32_t  semClass = 0 

◆ GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup()

vector< uint32_t > Architecture::GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup ( uint32_t  semGroup)

◆ GetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup()

map< uint32_t, BNLowLevelILFlagCondition > Architecture::GetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup ( uint32_t  semGroup)

◆ GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType()

vector< uint32_t > Architecture::GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType ( uint32_t  writeType)

◆ GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteType()

uint32_t Architecture::GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteType ( uint32_t  writeType)

◆ GetFlagWriteLowLevelIL()

size_t Architecture::GetFlagWriteLowLevelIL ( BNLowLevelILOperation  op,
size_t  size,
uint32_t  flagWriteType,
uint32_t  flag,
BNRegisterOrConstant operands,
size_t  operandCount,
LowLevelILFunction il 

◆ GetDefaultFlagWriteLowLevelIL()

size_t Architecture::GetDefaultFlagWriteLowLevelIL ( BNLowLevelILOperation  op,
size_t  size,
BNFlagRole  role,
BNRegisterOrConstant operands,
size_t  operandCount,
LowLevelILFunction il 

◆ GetFlagConditionLowLevelIL()

ExprId Architecture::GetFlagConditionLowLevelIL ( BNLowLevelILFlagCondition  cond,
uint32_t  semClass,
LowLevelILFunction il 

◆ GetDefaultFlagConditionLowLevelIL()

ExprId Architecture::GetDefaultFlagConditionLowLevelIL ( BNLowLevelILFlagCondition  cond,
uint32_t  semClass,
LowLevelILFunction il 

◆ GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelIL()

ExprId Architecture::GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelIL ( uint32_t  semGroup,
LowLevelILFunction il 

◆ GetRegisterInfo()

BNRegisterInfo Architecture::GetRegisterInfo ( uint32_t  reg)

Get the register info for a given register index.

regRegister index
Register info

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetStackPointerRegister()

uint32_t Architecture::GetStackPointerRegister ( )

Get the register index corresponding to the stack pointer (SP)

The register index corresponding to the stack pointer

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetLinkRegister()

uint32_t Architecture::GetLinkRegister ( )

Get the register index corresponding to the link register (LR)

The register index corresponding to the link register

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetGlobalRegisters()

vector< uint32_t > Architecture::GetGlobalRegisters ( )

◆ IsGlobalRegister()

bool Architecture::IsGlobalRegister ( uint32_t  reg)

◆ GetSystemRegisters()

vector< uint32_t > Architecture::GetSystemRegisters ( )

Get the list of system register indices.

The list of system register indices

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ IsSystemRegister()

bool Architecture::IsSystemRegister ( uint32_t  reg)

Check whether a register is a system register.

regRegister index
Whether a register is a system register

◆ GetModifiedRegistersOnWrite()

vector< uint32_t > Architecture::GetModifiedRegistersOnWrite ( uint32_t  reg)

Returns a list of register indices that are modified when reg is written to.

regRegister index
List of register indices modified on write.

◆ GetRegisterByName()

uint32_t Architecture::GetRegisterByName ( const std::string &  name)

Get a register index by its name.

nameName of the register
Index of the register

◆ GetRegisterStackName()

string Architecture::GetRegisterStackName ( uint32_t  regStack)

Get a register stack name from a register stack number.

regStackRegister stack number
The corresponding register string

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ GetAllRegisterStacks()

vector< uint32_t > Architecture::GetAllRegisterStacks ( )

◆ GetRegisterStackInfo()

BNRegisterStackInfo Architecture::GetRegisterStackInfo ( uint32_t  regStack)

◆ GetRegisterStackForRegister()

uint32_t Architecture::GetRegisterStackForRegister ( uint32_t  reg)

◆ GetIntrinsicClass()

BNIntrinsicClass Architecture::GetIntrinsicClass ( uint32_t  intrinsic)

◆ GetIntrinsicName()

string Architecture::GetIntrinsicName ( uint32_t  intrinsic)

◆ GetAllIntrinsics()

vector< uint32_t > Architecture::GetAllIntrinsics ( )

◆ GetIntrinsicInputs()

vector< NameAndType > Architecture::GetIntrinsicInputs ( uint32_t  intrinsic)

◆ GetIntrinsicOutputs()

vector< Confidence< Ref< Type > > > Architecture::GetIntrinsicOutputs ( uint32_t  intrinsic)

◆ CanAssemble()

bool Architecture::CanAssemble ( )

Check whether this architecture can assemble instructions.

Whether this architecture can assemble instructions

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ Assemble()

bool Architecture::Assemble ( const std::string &  code,
uint64_t  addr,
DataBuffer result,
std::string &  errors 

Converts the string of assembly instructions code loaded at virtual address addr to the byte representation of those instructions.

[in]codeString representation of the instructions to be assembled
[in]addrAddress of the instructions
[out]resultDataBuffer containing the compiled bytes
[out]errorsAny errors that occurred during assembly
Whether assembly was successful

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ IsNeverBranchPatchAvailable()

bool Architecture::IsNeverBranchPatchAvailable ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to never branch.

This is used in the UI to determine if "never branch" should be displayed in the right-click context menu when right-clicking on an instruction.
dataBuffer of bytes to check
addrthe virtual address of the bytes, to be used when assembling
lenamount of bytes to be checked
If the never branch patch is available

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailable()

bool Architecture::IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailable ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to always branch.

This is used in the UI to determine if "always branch" should be displayed in the right-click context menu when right-clicking on an instruction.
dataBuffer of bytes to check
addrthe address of the instruction in question
lenamount of bytes to be checked
If the always branch patch is available

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ IsInvertBranchPatchAvailable()

bool Architecture::IsInvertBranchPatchAvailable ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to invert the branch.

This is used in the UI to determine if "invert branch" should be displayed in the right-click context menu when right-clicking on an instruction.
dataBuffer of bytes to check
addrthe address of the instruction in question
lenamount of bytes to be checked
If the invert branch patch is available

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailable()

bool Architecture::IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailable ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return zero.

This is used in the UI to determine if "skip and return zero" should be displayed in the right-click context menu when right-clicking on an instruction.
dataBuffer of bytes to check
addrthe address of the instruction in question
lenamount of bytes to be checked
If the skip and return zero patch is available

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailable()

bool Architecture::IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailable ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return a value.

This is used in the UI to determine if "skip and return value" should be displayed in the right-click context menu when right-clicking on an instruction.
dataBuffer of bytes to check
addrthe address of the instruction in question
lenamount of bytes to be checked
If the skip and return value patch is available

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ ConvertToNop()

bool Architecture::ConvertToNop ( uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Converts the instruction at addr to a no-operation instruction.

[in,out]dataBuffer of bytes to convert
[in]addrthe address of the instruction to be converted
[in]lenLength of the bytes to be converted
Whether the conversion was successful

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ AlwaysBranch()

bool Architecture::AlwaysBranch ( uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to an unconditional branch.

This is called when the right-click context menu item "always branch" is selected in the UI.
[in,out]dataBuffer of bytes to convert
[in]addrthe address of the instruction to be converted
[in]lenLength of the bytes to be converted
Whether the conversion was successful

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ InvertBranch()

bool Architecture::InvertBranch ( uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

InvertBranch converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to its invert.

This is called when the right-click context menu item "invert branch" is selected in the UI.
[in,out]dataBuffer of bytes to convert
[in]addrthe address of the instruction to be converted
[in]lenLength of the bytes to be converted
Whether the conversion was successful

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ SkipAndReturnValue()

bool Architecture::SkipAndReturnValue ( uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len,
uint64_t  value 

SkipAndReturnValue converts the call instruction at addr to an instruction that simulates that call returning a value.

This is called when the right-click context menu item "skip and return value" is selected in the UI.
[in,out]dataBuffer of bytes to convert
[in]addrthe address of the instruction to be converted
[in]lenLength of the bytes to be converted
[in]valueValue to be returned
Whether the conversion was successful

Reimplemented in BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture, and BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension.

◆ RegisterFunctionRecognizer()

void Architecture::RegisterFunctionRecognizer ( FunctionRecognizer recog)

◆ RegisterRelocationHandler()

void Architecture::RegisterRelocationHandler ( const std::string &  viewName,
RelocationHandler handler 

◆ GetRelocationHandler()

Ref< RelocationHandler > Architecture::GetRelocationHandler ( const std::string &  viewName)

◆ IsBinaryViewTypeConstantDefined()

bool Architecture::IsBinaryViewTypeConstantDefined ( const std::string &  type,
const std::string &  name 
This API has been deprecated. The implementation has been removed, and this function no longer has any effect

◆ GetBinaryViewTypeConstant()

uint64_t Architecture::GetBinaryViewTypeConstant ( const std::string &  type,
const std::string &  name,
uint64_t  defaultValue = 0 
This API has been deprecated. The implementation has been removed, and this function no longer has any effect

◆ SetBinaryViewTypeConstant()

void Architecture::SetBinaryViewTypeConstant ( const std::string &  type,
const std::string &  name,
uint64_t  value 
This API has been deprecated. The implementation has been removed, and this function no longer has any effect

◆ RegisterCallingConvention()

void Architecture::RegisterCallingConvention ( CallingConvention cc)

Register a calling convention with this architecture.

cccalling convention to register

◆ GetCallingConventions()

vector< Ref< CallingConvention > > Architecture::GetCallingConventions ( )

List of registered calling conventions.

The list of registered calling conventions

◆ GetCallingConventionByName()

Ref< CallingConvention > Architecture::GetCallingConventionByName ( const std::string &  name)

Get a calling convention by name.

nameName of the calling convention
The calling convention

◆ SetDefaultCallingConvention()

void Architecture::SetDefaultCallingConvention ( CallingConvention cc)

Set the default calling convention.

ccThe default calling convention

◆ SetCdeclCallingConvention()

void Architecture::SetCdeclCallingConvention ( CallingConvention cc)

Set the cdecl calling convention.

ccThe cdecl calling convention

◆ SetStdcallCallingConvention()

void Architecture::SetStdcallCallingConvention ( CallingConvention cc)

Set the stdcall calling convention.

ccThe stdcall calling convention

◆ SetFastcallCallingConvention()

void Architecture::SetFastcallCallingConvention ( CallingConvention cc)

Set the fastcall calling convention.

ccThe fastcall calling convention

◆ GetDefaultCallingConvention()

Ref< CallingConvention > Architecture::GetDefaultCallingConvention ( )

Get the default calling convention.

The default calling convention

◆ GetCdeclCallingConvention()

Ref< CallingConvention > Architecture::GetCdeclCallingConvention ( )

Get the cdecl calling convention.

The cdecl calling convention

◆ GetStdcallCallingConvention()

Ref< CallingConvention > Architecture::GetStdcallCallingConvention ( )

Get the stdcall calling convention.

The stdcall calling convention

◆ GetFastcallCallingConvention()

Ref< CallingConvention > Architecture::GetFastcallCallingConvention ( )

Get the fastcall calling convention.

The fastcall calling convention

◆ GetStandalonePlatform()

Ref< Platform > Architecture::GetStandalonePlatform ( )

Get the Architecture standalone platform.

Architecture standalone platform

◆ GetTypeLibraries()

vector< Ref< TypeLibrary > > Architecture::GetTypeLibraries ( )

◆ AddArchitectureRedirection()

void Architecture::AddArchitectureRedirection ( Architecture from,
Architecture to 

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_nameForRegister

std::string BinaryNinja::Architecture::m_nameForRegister

◆ BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture

class BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture

Public Member Functions

 CoreArchitecture (BNArchitecture *arch)
virtual BNEndianness GetEndianness () const override
 Get the default endianness for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetAddressSize () const override
 Get the address size for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetDefaultIntegerSize () const override
 Get the default integer size for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetInstructionAlignment () const override
virtual size_t GetMaxInstructionLength () const override
 Get the maximum instruction length. More...
virtual size_t GetOpcodeDisplayLength () const override
virtual Ref< ArchitectureGetAssociatedArchitectureByAddress (uint64_t &addr) override
virtual bool GetInstructionInfo (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t maxLen, InstructionInfo &result) override
 Retrieves an InstructionInfo struct for the instruction at the given virtual address. More...
virtual bool GetInstructionText (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t &len, std::vector< InstructionTextToken > &result) override
 Retrieves a list of InstructionTextTokens. More...
virtual bool GetInstructionLowLevelIL (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t &len, LowLevelILFunction &il) override
 Translates an instruction at addr and appends it onto the LowLevelILFunction& il. More...
virtual std::string GetRegisterName (uint32_t reg) override
 Gets a register name from a register index. More...
virtual std::string GetFlagName (uint32_t flag) override
 Gets a flag name from a flag index. More...
virtual std::string GetFlagWriteTypeName (uint32_t flags) override
 Gets the flag write type name for the given flag. More...
virtual std::string GetSemanticFlagClassName (uint32_t semClass) override
 Gets the name of a semantic flag class from the index. More...
virtual std::string GetSemanticFlagGroupName (uint32_t semGroup) override
 Gets the name of a semantic flag group from the index. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFullWidthRegisters () override
 Get the list of full width register indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllRegisters () override
 Get the list of all register indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllFlags () override
 Get the list of all flag indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllFlagWriteTypes () override
 Get the list of all flag write type indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllSemanticFlagClasses () override
 Get the list of all semantic flag class indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllSemanticFlagGroups () override
 Get the list of all semantic flag group indices. More...
virtual BNFlagRole GetFlagRole (uint32_t flag, uint32_t semClass=0) override
 Get the role of a given flag. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass=0) override
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup (uint32_t semGroup) override
virtual std::map< uint32_t, BNLowLevelILFlagConditionGetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup (uint32_t semGroup) override
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType (uint32_t writeType) override
virtual uint32_t GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteType (uint32_t writeType) override
virtual ExprId GetFlagWriteLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILOperation op, size_t size, uint32_t flagWriteType, uint32_t flag, BNRegisterOrConstant *operands, size_t operandCount, LowLevelILFunction &il) override
virtual ExprId GetFlagConditionLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, LowLevelILFunction &il) override
virtual ExprId GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelIL (uint32_t semGroup, LowLevelILFunction &il) override
virtual BNRegisterInfo GetRegisterInfo (uint32_t reg) override
 Get the register info for a given register index. More...
virtual uint32_t GetStackPointerRegister () override
 Get the register index corresponding to the stack pointer (SP) More...
virtual uint32_t GetLinkRegister () override
 Get the register index corresponding to the link register (LR) More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetGlobalRegisters () override
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetSystemRegisters () override
 Get the list of system register indices. More...
virtual std::string GetRegisterStackName (uint32_t regStack) override
 Get a register stack name from a register stack number. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllRegisterStacks () override
virtual BNRegisterStackInfo GetRegisterStackInfo (uint32_t regStack) override
virtual BNIntrinsicClass GetIntrinsicClass (uint32_t intrinsic) override
virtual std::string GetIntrinsicName (uint32_t intrinsic) override
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllIntrinsics () override
virtual std::vector< NameAndTypeGetIntrinsicInputs (uint32_t intrinsic) override
virtual std::vector< Confidence< Ref< Type > > > GetIntrinsicOutputs (uint32_t intrinsic) override
virtual bool CanAssemble () override
 Check whether this architecture can assemble instructions. More...
virtual bool Assemble (const std::string &code, uint64_t addr, DataBuffer &result, std::string &errors) override
 Converts the string of assembly instructions code loaded at virtual address addr to the byte representation of those instructions. More...
virtual bool IsNeverBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to never branch. More...
virtual bool IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to always branch. More...
virtual bool IsInvertBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to invert the branch. More...
virtual bool IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return zero. More...
virtual bool IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return a value. More...
virtual bool ConvertToNop (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Converts the instruction at addr to a no-operation instruction. More...
virtual bool AlwaysBranch (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to an unconditional branch. More...
virtual bool InvertBranch (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 InvertBranch converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to its invert. More...
virtual bool SkipAndReturnValue (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len, uint64_t value) override
 SkipAndReturnValue converts the call instruction at addr to an instruction that simulates that call returning a value. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::Architecture
 Architecture (const std::string &name)
std::string GetName () const
 Get the name of this architecture. More...
virtual BNEndianness GetEndianness () const =0
 Get the default endianness for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetAddressSize () const =0
 Get the address size for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetDefaultIntegerSize () const
 Get the default integer size for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetInstructionAlignment () const
virtual size_t GetMaxInstructionLength () const
 Get the maximum instruction length. More...
virtual size_t GetOpcodeDisplayLength () const
virtual Ref< ArchitectureGetAssociatedArchitectureByAddress (uint64_t &addr)
virtual bool GetInstructionInfo (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t maxLen, InstructionInfo &result)=0
 Retrieves an InstructionInfo struct for the instruction at the given virtual address. More...
virtual bool GetInstructionText (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t &len, std::vector< InstructionTextToken > &result)=0
 Retrieves a list of InstructionTextTokens. More...
virtual bool GetInstructionLowLevelIL (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t &len, LowLevelILFunction &il)
 Translates an instruction at addr and appends it onto the LowLevelILFunction& il. More...
virtual std::string GetRegisterName (uint32_t reg)
 Gets a register name from a register index. More...
virtual std::string GetFlagName (uint32_t flag)
 Gets a flag name from a flag index. More...
virtual std::string GetFlagWriteTypeName (uint32_t flags)
 Gets the flag write type name for the given flag. More...
virtual std::string GetSemanticFlagClassName (uint32_t semClass)
 Gets the name of a semantic flag class from the index. More...
virtual std::string GetSemanticFlagGroupName (uint32_t semGroup)
 Gets the name of a semantic flag group from the index. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFullWidthRegisters ()
 Get the list of full width register indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllRegisters ()
 Get the list of all register indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllFlags ()
 Get the list of all flag indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllFlagWriteTypes ()
 Get the list of all flag write type indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllSemanticFlagClasses ()
 Get the list of all semantic flag class indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllSemanticFlagGroups ()
 Get the list of all semantic flag group indices. More...
virtual BNFlagRole GetFlagRole (uint32_t flag, uint32_t semClass=0)
 Get the role of a given flag. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass=0)
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup (uint32_t semGroup)
virtual std::map< uint32_t, BNLowLevelILFlagConditionGetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup (uint32_t semGroup)
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType (uint32_t writeType)
virtual uint32_t GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteType (uint32_t writeType)
virtual ExprId GetFlagWriteLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILOperation op, size_t size, uint32_t flagWriteType, uint32_t flag, BNRegisterOrConstant *operands, size_t operandCount, LowLevelILFunction &il)
ExprId GetDefaultFlagWriteLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILOperation op, size_t size, BNFlagRole role, BNRegisterOrConstant *operands, size_t operandCount, LowLevelILFunction &il)
virtual ExprId GetFlagConditionLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, LowLevelILFunction &il)
ExprId GetDefaultFlagConditionLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, LowLevelILFunction &il)
virtual ExprId GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelIL (uint32_t semGroup, LowLevelILFunction &il)
virtual BNRegisterInfo GetRegisterInfo (uint32_t reg)
 Get the register info for a given register index. More...
virtual uint32_t GetStackPointerRegister ()
 Get the register index corresponding to the stack pointer (SP) More...
virtual uint32_t GetLinkRegister ()
 Get the register index corresponding to the link register (LR) More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetGlobalRegisters ()
bool IsGlobalRegister (uint32_t reg)
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetSystemRegisters ()
 Get the list of system register indices. More...
bool IsSystemRegister (uint32_t reg)
 Check whether a register is a system register. More...
std::vector< uint32_t > GetModifiedRegistersOnWrite (uint32_t reg)
 Returns a list of register indices that are modified when reg is written to. More...
uint32_t GetRegisterByName (const std::string &name)
 Get a register index by its name. More...
virtual std::string GetRegisterStackName (uint32_t regStack)
 Get a register stack name from a register stack number. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllRegisterStacks ()
virtual BNRegisterStackInfo GetRegisterStackInfo (uint32_t regStack)
uint32_t GetRegisterStackForRegister (uint32_t reg)
virtual BNIntrinsicClass GetIntrinsicClass (uint32_t intrinsic)
virtual std::string GetIntrinsicName (uint32_t intrinsic)
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllIntrinsics ()
virtual std::vector< NameAndTypeGetIntrinsicInputs (uint32_t intrinsic)
virtual std::vector< Confidence< Ref< Type > > > GetIntrinsicOutputs (uint32_t intrinsic)
virtual bool CanAssemble ()
 Check whether this architecture can assemble instructions. More...
virtual bool Assemble (const std::string &code, uint64_t addr, DataBuffer &result, std::string &errors)
 Converts the string of assembly instructions code loaded at virtual address addr to the byte representation of those instructions. More...
virtual bool IsNeverBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to never branch. More...
virtual bool IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to always branch. More...
virtual bool IsInvertBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to invert the branch. More...
virtual bool IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return zero. More...
virtual bool IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return a value. More...
virtual bool ConvertToNop (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Converts the instruction at addr to a no-operation instruction. More...
virtual bool AlwaysBranch (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to an unconditional branch. More...
virtual bool InvertBranch (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 InvertBranch converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to its invert. More...
virtual bool SkipAndReturnValue (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len, uint64_t value)
 SkipAndReturnValue converts the call instruction at addr to an instruction that simulates that call returning a value. More...
void RegisterFunctionRecognizer (FunctionRecognizer *recog)
void RegisterRelocationHandler (const std::string &viewName, RelocationHandler *handler)
Ref< RelocationHandlerGetRelocationHandler (const std::string &viewName)
bool IsBinaryViewTypeConstantDefined (const std::string &type, const std::string &name)
uint64_t GetBinaryViewTypeConstant (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, uint64_t defaultValue=0)
void SetBinaryViewTypeConstant (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, uint64_t value)
void RegisterCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Register a calling convention with this architecture. More...
std::vector< Ref< CallingConvention > > GetCallingConventions ()
 List of registered calling conventions. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetCallingConventionByName (const std::string &name)
 Get a calling convention by name. More...
void SetDefaultCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Set the default calling convention. More...
void SetCdeclCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Set the cdecl calling convention. More...
void SetStdcallCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Set the stdcall calling convention. More...
void SetFastcallCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Set the fastcall calling convention. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetDefaultCallingConvention ()
 Get the default calling convention. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetCdeclCallingConvention ()
 Get the cdecl calling convention. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetStdcallCallingConvention ()
 Get the stdcall calling convention. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetFastcallCallingConvention ()
 Get the fastcall calling convention. More...
Ref< PlatformGetStandalonePlatform ()
 Get the Architecture standalone platform. More...
std::vector< Ref< TypeLibrary > > GetTypeLibraries ()
void AddArchitectureRedirection (Architecture *from, Architecture *to)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::StaticCoreRefCountObject< BNArchitecture >
 StaticCoreRefCountObject ()
virtual ~StaticCoreRefCountObject ()
BNArchitectureGetObject () const
void AddRef ()
void Release ()
void AddRefForRegistration ()
void AddRefForCallback ()
void ReleaseForCallback ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::Architecture
static void Register (Architecture *arch)
 Register an architecture. More...
static Ref< ArchitectureGetByName (const std::string &name)
 Get an Architecture by name. More...
static std::vector< Ref< Architecture > > GetList ()
 Get the list of registered Architectures. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::StaticCoreRefCountObject< BNArchitecture >
static BNArchitectureGetObject (StaticCoreRefCountObject *obj)
- Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::StaticCoreRefCountObject< BNArchitecture >
std::atomic< int > m_refs
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::Architecture
 Architecture (BNArchitecture *arch)
virtual void Register (BNCustomArchitecture *callbacks)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::Architecture
static void InitCallback (void *ctxt, BNArchitecture *obj)
static BNEndianness GetEndiannessCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetAddressSizeCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetDefaultIntegerSizeCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetInstructionAlignmentCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetMaxInstructionLengthCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetOpcodeDisplayLengthCallback (void *ctxt)
static BNArchitectureGetAssociatedArchitectureByAddressCallback (void *ctxt, uint64_t *addr)
static bool GetInstructionInfoCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t maxLen, BNInstructionInfo *result)
static bool GetInstructionTextCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t *len, BNInstructionTextToken **result, size_t *count)
static void FreeInstructionTextCallback (BNInstructionTextToken *tokens, size_t count)
static bool GetInstructionLowLevelILCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t *len, BNLowLevelILFunction *il)
static char * GetRegisterNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t reg)
static char * GetFlagNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t flag)
static char * GetFlagWriteTypeNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t flags)
static char * GetSemanticFlagClassNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semClass)
static char * GetSemanticFlagGroupNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semGroup)
static uint32_t * GetFullWidthRegistersCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllRegistersCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllFlagsCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllFlagWriteTypesCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllSemanticFlagClassesCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllSemanticFlagGroupsCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static BNFlagRole GetFlagRoleCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t flag, uint32_t semClass)
static uint32_t * GetFlagsRequiredForFlagConditionCallback (void *ctxt, BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroupCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semGroup, size_t *count)
static BNFlagConditionForSemanticClassGetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroupCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semGroup, size_t *count)
static void FreeFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroupCallback (void *ctxt, BNFlagConditionForSemanticClass *conditions)
static uint32_t * GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteTypeCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t writeType, size_t *count)
static uint32_t GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteTypeCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t writeType)
static size_t GetFlagWriteLowLevelILCallback (void *ctxt, BNLowLevelILOperation op, size_t size, uint32_t flagWriteType, uint32_t flag, BNRegisterOrConstant *operands, size_t operandCount, BNLowLevelILFunction *il)
static size_t GetFlagConditionLowLevelILCallback (void *ctxt, BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, BNLowLevelILFunction *il)
static size_t GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelILCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semGroup, BNLowLevelILFunction *il)
static void FreeRegisterListCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t *regs)
static void GetRegisterInfoCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t reg, BNRegisterInfo *result)
static uint32_t GetStackPointerRegisterCallback (void *ctxt)
static uint32_t GetLinkRegisterCallback (void *ctxt)
static uint32_t * GetGlobalRegistersCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetSystemRegistersCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static char * GetRegisterStackNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t regStack)
static uint32_t * GetAllRegisterStacksCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static void GetRegisterStackInfoCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t regStack, BNRegisterStackInfo *result)
static BNIntrinsicClass GetIntrinsicClassCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t intrinsic)
static char * GetIntrinsicNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t intrinsic)
static uint32_t * GetAllIntrinsicsCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static BNNameAndTypeGetIntrinsicInputsCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t intrinsic, size_t *count)
static void FreeNameAndTypeListCallback (void *ctxt, BNNameAndType *nt, size_t count)
static BNTypeWithConfidenceGetIntrinsicOutputsCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t intrinsic, size_t *count)
static void FreeTypeListCallback (void *ctxt, BNTypeWithConfidence *types, size_t count)
static bool CanAssembleCallback (void *ctxt)
static bool AssembleCallback (void *ctxt, const char *code, uint64_t addr, BNDataBuffer *result, char **errors)
static bool IsNeverBranchPatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool IsInvertBranchPatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool ConvertToNopCallback (void *ctxt, uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool AlwaysBranchCallback (void *ctxt, uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool InvertBranchCallback (void *ctxt, uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool SkipAndReturnValueCallback (void *ctxt, uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len, uint64_t value)
- Protected Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::Architecture
std::string m_nameForRegister

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CoreArchitecture()

CoreArchitecture::CoreArchitecture ( BNArchitecture arch)

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetEndianness()

BNEndianness CoreArchitecture::GetEndianness ( ) const

Get the default endianness for this architecture.

The default endianness for this architecture

Implements BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAddressSize()

size_t CoreArchitecture::GetAddressSize ( ) const

Get the address size for this architecture.

The address size for this architecture

Implements BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetDefaultIntegerSize()

size_t CoreArchitecture::GetDefaultIntegerSize ( ) const

Get the default integer size for this architecture.

The default integer size for this architecture

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetInstructionAlignment()

size_t CoreArchitecture::GetInstructionAlignment ( ) const

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetMaxInstructionLength()

size_t CoreArchitecture::GetMaxInstructionLength ( ) const

Get the maximum instruction length.

The maximum instruction length

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetOpcodeDisplayLength()

size_t CoreArchitecture::GetOpcodeDisplayLength ( ) const

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAssociatedArchitectureByAddress()

Ref< Architecture > CoreArchitecture::GetAssociatedArchitectureByAddress ( uint64_t &  addr)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetInstructionInfo()

bool CoreArchitecture::GetInstructionInfo ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  maxLen,
InstructionInfo result 

Retrieves an InstructionInfo struct for the instruction at the given virtual address.

Architecture subclasses should implement this method.
The instruction info object should always set the InstructionInfo.length to the instruction length, \ and the branches of the proper types should be added if the instruction is a branch.

If the instruction is a branch instruction architecture plugins should add a branch of the proper type:

===================== =================================================== BNBranchType Description ===================== =================================================== UnconditionalBranch Branch will always be taken FalseBranch False branch condition TrueBranch True branch condition CallDestination Branch is a call instruction (Branch with Link) FunctionReturn Branch returns from a function SystemCall System call instruction IndirectBranch Branch destination is a memory address or register UnresolvedBranch Branch destination is an unknown address ===================== ===================================================

[in]datapointer to the instruction data to retrieve info for
[in]addraddress of the instruction data to retrieve info for
[in]maxLenMaximum length of the instruction data to read
[out]resultRetrieved instruction info
Whether instruction info was successfully retrieved.

Implements BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetInstructionText()

bool CoreArchitecture::GetInstructionText ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t &  len,
std::vector< InstructionTextToken > &  result 

Retrieves a list of InstructionTextTokens.

[in]datapointer to the instruction data to retrieve text for
[in]addraddress of the instruction data to retrieve text for
[out]lenwill be written to with the length of the instruction data which was translated
Whether instruction info was successfully retrieved.

Implements BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetInstructionLowLevelIL()

bool CoreArchitecture::GetInstructionLowLevelIL ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t &  len,
LowLevelILFunction il 

Translates an instruction at addr and appends it onto the LowLevelILFunction& il.

Architecture subclasses should implement this method.
[in]datapointer to the instruction data to be translated
[in]addraddress of the instruction data to be translated
[out]lenwill be written to with the length of the instruction data which was translated
[in,out]ilthe LowLevelILFunction to appended to.

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetRegisterName()

string CoreArchitecture::GetRegisterName ( uint32_t  reg)

Gets a register name from a register index.

regRegister index
The register name

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagName()

string CoreArchitecture::GetFlagName ( uint32_t  flag)

Gets a flag name from a flag index.

flagFlag index
Flag name

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagWriteTypeName()

string CoreArchitecture::GetFlagWriteTypeName ( uint32_t  flags)

Gets the flag write type name for the given flag.

Flag name

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetSemanticFlagClassName()

string CoreArchitecture::GetSemanticFlagClassName ( uint32_t  semClass)

Gets the name of a semantic flag class from the index.

semClassSemantic class index
The name of the semantic flag class

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetSemanticFlagGroupName()

string CoreArchitecture::GetSemanticFlagGroupName ( uint32_t  semGroup)

Gets the name of a semantic flag group from the index.

semGroupSemantic flag group index
Semantic flag group name

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFullWidthRegisters()

vector< uint32_t > CoreArchitecture::GetFullWidthRegisters ( )

Get the list of full width register indices.

The list of full width register indices

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAllRegisters()

vector< uint32_t > CoreArchitecture::GetAllRegisters ( )

Get the list of all register indices.

The list of all register indices

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAllFlags()

vector< uint32_t > CoreArchitecture::GetAllFlags ( )

Get the list of all flag indices.

The list of all flag indices

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAllFlagWriteTypes()

vector< uint32_t > CoreArchitecture::GetAllFlagWriteTypes ( )

Get the list of all flag write type indices.

The list of all flag write type indices

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAllSemanticFlagClasses()

vector< uint32_t > CoreArchitecture::GetAllSemanticFlagClasses ( )

Get the list of all semantic flag class indices.

The list of all semantic flag class indices

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAllSemanticFlagGroups()

vector< uint32_t > CoreArchitecture::GetAllSemanticFlagGroups ( )

Get the list of all semantic flag group indices.

The list of all semantic flag group indices

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagRole()

BNFlagRole CoreArchitecture::GetFlagRole ( uint32_t  flag,
uint32_t  semClass = 0 

Get the role of a given flag.

flagFlag index
semClassOptional semantic flag class
Flag role

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition()

vector< uint32_t > CoreArchitecture::GetFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition ( BNLowLevelILFlagCondition  cond,
uint32_t  semClass = 0 

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup()

vector< uint32_t > CoreArchitecture::GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup ( uint32_t  semGroup)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup()

map< uint32_t, BNLowLevelILFlagCondition > CoreArchitecture::GetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup ( uint32_t  semGroup)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType()

vector< uint32_t > CoreArchitecture::GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType ( uint32_t  writeType)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteType()

uint32_t CoreArchitecture::GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteType ( uint32_t  writeType)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagWriteLowLevelIL()

size_t CoreArchitecture::GetFlagWriteLowLevelIL ( BNLowLevelILOperation  op,
size_t  size,
uint32_t  flagWriteType,
uint32_t  flag,
BNRegisterOrConstant operands,
size_t  operandCount,
LowLevelILFunction il 

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagConditionLowLevelIL()

ExprId CoreArchitecture::GetFlagConditionLowLevelIL ( BNLowLevelILFlagCondition  cond,
uint32_t  semClass,
LowLevelILFunction il 

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelIL()

ExprId CoreArchitecture::GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelIL ( uint32_t  semGroup,
LowLevelILFunction il 

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetRegisterInfo()

BNRegisterInfo CoreArchitecture::GetRegisterInfo ( uint32_t  reg)

Get the register info for a given register index.

regRegister index
Register info

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetStackPointerRegister()

uint32_t CoreArchitecture::GetStackPointerRegister ( )

Get the register index corresponding to the stack pointer (SP)

The register index corresponding to the stack pointer

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetLinkRegister()

uint32_t CoreArchitecture::GetLinkRegister ( )

Get the register index corresponding to the link register (LR)

The register index corresponding to the link register

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetGlobalRegisters()

vector< uint32_t > CoreArchitecture::GetGlobalRegisters ( )

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetSystemRegisters()

vector< uint32_t > CoreArchitecture::GetSystemRegisters ( )

Get the list of system register indices.

The list of system register indices

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetRegisterStackName()

string CoreArchitecture::GetRegisterStackName ( uint32_t  regStack)

Get a register stack name from a register stack number.

regStackRegister stack number
The corresponding register string

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAllRegisterStacks()

vector< uint32_t > CoreArchitecture::GetAllRegisterStacks ( )

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetRegisterStackInfo()

BNRegisterStackInfo CoreArchitecture::GetRegisterStackInfo ( uint32_t  regStack)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetIntrinsicClass()

BNIntrinsicClass CoreArchitecture::GetIntrinsicClass ( uint32_t  intrinsic)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetIntrinsicName()

string CoreArchitecture::GetIntrinsicName ( uint32_t  intrinsic)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAllIntrinsics()

vector< uint32_t > CoreArchitecture::GetAllIntrinsics ( )

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetIntrinsicInputs()

vector< NameAndType > CoreArchitecture::GetIntrinsicInputs ( uint32_t  intrinsic)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetIntrinsicOutputs()

vector< Confidence< Ref< Type > > > CoreArchitecture::GetIntrinsicOutputs ( uint32_t  intrinsic)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ CanAssemble()

bool CoreArchitecture::CanAssemble ( )

Check whether this architecture can assemble instructions.

Whether this architecture can assemble instructions

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ Assemble()

bool CoreArchitecture::Assemble ( const std::string &  code,
uint64_t  addr,
DataBuffer result,
std::string &  errors 

Converts the string of assembly instructions code loaded at virtual address addr to the byte representation of those instructions.

[in]codeString representation of the instructions to be assembled
[in]addrAddress of the instructions
[out]resultDataBuffer containing the compiled bytes
[out]errorsAny errors that occurred during assembly
Whether assembly was successful

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ IsNeverBranchPatchAvailable()

bool CoreArchitecture::IsNeverBranchPatchAvailable ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to never branch.

This is used in the UI to determine if "never branch" should be displayed in the right-click context menu when right-clicking on an instruction.
dataBuffer of bytes to check
addrthe virtual address of the bytes, to be used when assembling
lenamount of bytes to be checked
If the never branch patch is available

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailable()

bool CoreArchitecture::IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailable ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to always branch.

This is used in the UI to determine if "always branch" should be displayed in the right-click context menu when right-clicking on an instruction.
dataBuffer of bytes to check
addrthe address of the instruction in question
lenamount of bytes to be checked
If the always branch patch is available

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ IsInvertBranchPatchAvailable()

bool CoreArchitecture::IsInvertBranchPatchAvailable ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to invert the branch.

This is used in the UI to determine if "invert branch" should be displayed in the right-click context menu when right-clicking on an instruction.
dataBuffer of bytes to check
addrthe address of the instruction in question
lenamount of bytes to be checked
If the invert branch patch is available

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailable()

bool CoreArchitecture::IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailable ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return zero.

This is used in the UI to determine if "skip and return zero" should be displayed in the right-click context menu when right-clicking on an instruction.
dataBuffer of bytes to check
addrthe address of the instruction in question
lenamount of bytes to be checked
If the skip and return zero patch is available

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailable()

bool CoreArchitecture::IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailable ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return a value.

This is used in the UI to determine if "skip and return value" should be displayed in the right-click context menu when right-clicking on an instruction.
dataBuffer of bytes to check
addrthe address of the instruction in question
lenamount of bytes to be checked
If the skip and return value patch is available

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ ConvertToNop()

bool CoreArchitecture::ConvertToNop ( uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Converts the instruction at addr to a no-operation instruction.

[in,out]dataBuffer of bytes to convert
[in]addrthe address of the instruction to be converted
[in]lenLength of the bytes to be converted
Whether the conversion was successful

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ AlwaysBranch()

bool CoreArchitecture::AlwaysBranch ( uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to an unconditional branch.

This is called when the right-click context menu item "always branch" is selected in the UI.
[in,out]dataBuffer of bytes to convert
[in]addrthe address of the instruction to be converted
[in]lenLength of the bytes to be converted
Whether the conversion was successful

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ InvertBranch()

bool CoreArchitecture::InvertBranch ( uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

InvertBranch converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to its invert.

This is called when the right-click context menu item "invert branch" is selected in the UI.
[in,out]dataBuffer of bytes to convert
[in]addrthe address of the instruction to be converted
[in]lenLength of the bytes to be converted
Whether the conversion was successful

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ SkipAndReturnValue()

bool CoreArchitecture::SkipAndReturnValue ( uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len,
uint64_t  value 

SkipAndReturnValue converts the call instruction at addr to an instruction that simulates that call returning a value.

This is called when the right-click context menu item "skip and return value" is selected in the UI.
[in,out]dataBuffer of bytes to convert
[in]addrthe address of the instruction to be converted
[in]lenLength of the bytes to be converted
[in]valueValue to be returned
Whether the conversion was successful

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension

class BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension

Public Member Functions

 ArchitectureExtension (const std::string &name, Architecture *base)
Ref< ArchitectureGetBaseArchitecture () const
virtual BNEndianness GetEndianness () const override
 Get the default endianness for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetAddressSize () const override
 Get the address size for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetDefaultIntegerSize () const override
 Get the default integer size for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetInstructionAlignment () const override
virtual size_t GetMaxInstructionLength () const override
 Get the maximum instruction length. More...
virtual size_t GetOpcodeDisplayLength () const override
virtual Ref< ArchitectureGetAssociatedArchitectureByAddress (uint64_t &addr) override
virtual bool GetInstructionInfo (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t maxLen, InstructionInfo &result) override
 Retrieves an InstructionInfo struct for the instruction at the given virtual address. More...
virtual bool GetInstructionText (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t &len, std::vector< InstructionTextToken > &result) override
 Retrieves a list of InstructionTextTokens. More...
virtual bool GetInstructionLowLevelIL (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t &len, LowLevelILFunction &il) override
 Translates an instruction at addr and appends it onto the LowLevelILFunction& il. More...
virtual std::string GetRegisterName (uint32_t reg) override
 Gets a register name from a register index. More...
virtual std::string GetFlagName (uint32_t flag) override
 Gets a flag name from a flag index. More...
virtual std::string GetFlagWriteTypeName (uint32_t flags) override
 Gets the flag write type name for the given flag. More...
virtual std::string GetSemanticFlagClassName (uint32_t semClass) override
 Gets the name of a semantic flag class from the index. More...
virtual std::string GetSemanticFlagGroupName (uint32_t semGroup) override
 Gets the name of a semantic flag group from the index. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFullWidthRegisters () override
 Get the list of full width register indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllRegisters () override
 Get the list of all register indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllFlags () override
 Get the list of all flag indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllFlagWriteTypes () override
 Get the list of all flag write type indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllSemanticFlagClasses () override
 Get the list of all semantic flag class indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllSemanticFlagGroups () override
 Get the list of all semantic flag group indices. More...
virtual BNFlagRole GetFlagRole (uint32_t flag, uint32_t semClass=0) override
 Get the role of a given flag. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass=0) override
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup (uint32_t semGroup) override
virtual std::map< uint32_t, BNLowLevelILFlagConditionGetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup (uint32_t semGroup) override
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType (uint32_t writeType) override
virtual uint32_t GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteType (uint32_t writeType) override
virtual ExprId GetFlagWriteLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILOperation op, size_t size, uint32_t flagWriteType, uint32_t flag, BNRegisterOrConstant *operands, size_t operandCount, LowLevelILFunction &il) override
virtual ExprId GetFlagConditionLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, LowLevelILFunction &il) override
virtual ExprId GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelIL (uint32_t semGroup, LowLevelILFunction &il) override
virtual BNRegisterInfo GetRegisterInfo (uint32_t reg) override
 Get the register info for a given register index. More...
virtual uint32_t GetStackPointerRegister () override
 Get the register index corresponding to the stack pointer (SP) More...
virtual uint32_t GetLinkRegister () override
 Get the register index corresponding to the link register (LR) More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetGlobalRegisters () override
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetSystemRegisters () override
 Get the list of system register indices. More...
virtual std::string GetRegisterStackName (uint32_t regStack) override
 Get a register stack name from a register stack number. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllRegisterStacks () override
virtual BNRegisterStackInfo GetRegisterStackInfo (uint32_t regStack) override
virtual BNIntrinsicClass GetIntrinsicClass (uint32_t intrinsic) override
virtual std::string GetIntrinsicName (uint32_t intrinsic) override
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllIntrinsics () override
virtual std::vector< NameAndTypeGetIntrinsicInputs (uint32_t intrinsic) override
virtual std::vector< Confidence< Ref< Type > > > GetIntrinsicOutputs (uint32_t intrinsic) override
virtual bool CanAssemble () override
 Check whether this architecture can assemble instructions. More...
virtual bool Assemble (const std::string &code, uint64_t addr, DataBuffer &result, std::string &errors) override
 Converts the string of assembly instructions code loaded at virtual address addr to the byte representation of those instructions. More...
virtual bool IsNeverBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to never branch. More...
virtual bool IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to always branch. More...
virtual bool IsInvertBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to invert the branch. More...
virtual bool IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return zero. More...
virtual bool IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return a value. More...
virtual bool ConvertToNop (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Converts the instruction at addr to a no-operation instruction. More...
virtual bool AlwaysBranch (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to an unconditional branch. More...
virtual bool InvertBranch (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 InvertBranch converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to its invert. More...
virtual bool SkipAndReturnValue (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len, uint64_t value) override
 SkipAndReturnValue converts the call instruction at addr to an instruction that simulates that call returning a value. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::Architecture
 Architecture (const std::string &name)
std::string GetName () const
 Get the name of this architecture. More...
virtual BNEndianness GetEndianness () const =0
 Get the default endianness for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetAddressSize () const =0
 Get the address size for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetDefaultIntegerSize () const
 Get the default integer size for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetInstructionAlignment () const
virtual size_t GetMaxInstructionLength () const
 Get the maximum instruction length. More...
virtual size_t GetOpcodeDisplayLength () const
virtual Ref< ArchitectureGetAssociatedArchitectureByAddress (uint64_t &addr)
virtual bool GetInstructionInfo (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t maxLen, InstructionInfo &result)=0
 Retrieves an InstructionInfo struct for the instruction at the given virtual address. More...
virtual bool GetInstructionText (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t &len, std::vector< InstructionTextToken > &result)=0
 Retrieves a list of InstructionTextTokens. More...
virtual bool GetInstructionLowLevelIL (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t &len, LowLevelILFunction &il)
 Translates an instruction at addr and appends it onto the LowLevelILFunction& il. More...
virtual std::string GetRegisterName (uint32_t reg)
 Gets a register name from a register index. More...
virtual std::string GetFlagName (uint32_t flag)
 Gets a flag name from a flag index. More...
virtual std::string GetFlagWriteTypeName (uint32_t flags)
 Gets the flag write type name for the given flag. More...
virtual std::string GetSemanticFlagClassName (uint32_t semClass)
 Gets the name of a semantic flag class from the index. More...
virtual std::string GetSemanticFlagGroupName (uint32_t semGroup)
 Gets the name of a semantic flag group from the index. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFullWidthRegisters ()
 Get the list of full width register indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllRegisters ()
 Get the list of all register indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllFlags ()
 Get the list of all flag indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllFlagWriteTypes ()
 Get the list of all flag write type indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllSemanticFlagClasses ()
 Get the list of all semantic flag class indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllSemanticFlagGroups ()
 Get the list of all semantic flag group indices. More...
virtual BNFlagRole GetFlagRole (uint32_t flag, uint32_t semClass=0)
 Get the role of a given flag. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass=0)
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup (uint32_t semGroup)
virtual std::map< uint32_t, BNLowLevelILFlagConditionGetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup (uint32_t semGroup)
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType (uint32_t writeType)
virtual uint32_t GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteType (uint32_t writeType)
virtual ExprId GetFlagWriteLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILOperation op, size_t size, uint32_t flagWriteType, uint32_t flag, BNRegisterOrConstant *operands, size_t operandCount, LowLevelILFunction &il)
ExprId GetDefaultFlagWriteLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILOperation op, size_t size, BNFlagRole role, BNRegisterOrConstant *operands, size_t operandCount, LowLevelILFunction &il)
virtual ExprId GetFlagConditionLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, LowLevelILFunction &il)
ExprId GetDefaultFlagConditionLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, LowLevelILFunction &il)
virtual ExprId GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelIL (uint32_t semGroup, LowLevelILFunction &il)
virtual BNRegisterInfo GetRegisterInfo (uint32_t reg)
 Get the register info for a given register index. More...
virtual uint32_t GetStackPointerRegister ()
 Get the register index corresponding to the stack pointer (SP) More...
virtual uint32_t GetLinkRegister ()
 Get the register index corresponding to the link register (LR) More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetGlobalRegisters ()
bool IsGlobalRegister (uint32_t reg)
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetSystemRegisters ()
 Get the list of system register indices. More...
bool IsSystemRegister (uint32_t reg)
 Check whether a register is a system register. More...
std::vector< uint32_t > GetModifiedRegistersOnWrite (uint32_t reg)
 Returns a list of register indices that are modified when reg is written to. More...
uint32_t GetRegisterByName (const std::string &name)
 Get a register index by its name. More...
virtual std::string GetRegisterStackName (uint32_t regStack)
 Get a register stack name from a register stack number. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllRegisterStacks ()
virtual BNRegisterStackInfo GetRegisterStackInfo (uint32_t regStack)
uint32_t GetRegisterStackForRegister (uint32_t reg)
virtual BNIntrinsicClass GetIntrinsicClass (uint32_t intrinsic)
virtual std::string GetIntrinsicName (uint32_t intrinsic)
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllIntrinsics ()
virtual std::vector< NameAndTypeGetIntrinsicInputs (uint32_t intrinsic)
virtual std::vector< Confidence< Ref< Type > > > GetIntrinsicOutputs (uint32_t intrinsic)
virtual bool CanAssemble ()
 Check whether this architecture can assemble instructions. More...
virtual bool Assemble (const std::string &code, uint64_t addr, DataBuffer &result, std::string &errors)
 Converts the string of assembly instructions code loaded at virtual address addr to the byte representation of those instructions. More...
virtual bool IsNeverBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to never branch. More...
virtual bool IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to always branch. More...
virtual bool IsInvertBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to invert the branch. More...
virtual bool IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return zero. More...
virtual bool IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return a value. More...
virtual bool ConvertToNop (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Converts the instruction at addr to a no-operation instruction. More...
virtual bool AlwaysBranch (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to an unconditional branch. More...
virtual bool InvertBranch (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 InvertBranch converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to its invert. More...
virtual bool SkipAndReturnValue (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len, uint64_t value)
 SkipAndReturnValue converts the call instruction at addr to an instruction that simulates that call returning a value. More...
void RegisterFunctionRecognizer (FunctionRecognizer *recog)
void RegisterRelocationHandler (const std::string &viewName, RelocationHandler *handler)
Ref< RelocationHandlerGetRelocationHandler (const std::string &viewName)
bool IsBinaryViewTypeConstantDefined (const std::string &type, const std::string &name)
uint64_t GetBinaryViewTypeConstant (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, uint64_t defaultValue=0)
void SetBinaryViewTypeConstant (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, uint64_t value)
void RegisterCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Register a calling convention with this architecture. More...
std::vector< Ref< CallingConvention > > GetCallingConventions ()
 List of registered calling conventions. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetCallingConventionByName (const std::string &name)
 Get a calling convention by name. More...
void SetDefaultCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Set the default calling convention. More...
void SetCdeclCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Set the cdecl calling convention. More...
void SetStdcallCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Set the stdcall calling convention. More...
void SetFastcallCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Set the fastcall calling convention. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetDefaultCallingConvention ()
 Get the default calling convention. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetCdeclCallingConvention ()
 Get the cdecl calling convention. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetStdcallCallingConvention ()
 Get the stdcall calling convention. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetFastcallCallingConvention ()
 Get the fastcall calling convention. More...
Ref< PlatformGetStandalonePlatform ()
 Get the Architecture standalone platform. More...
std::vector< Ref< TypeLibrary > > GetTypeLibraries ()
void AddArchitectureRedirection (Architecture *from, Architecture *to)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::StaticCoreRefCountObject< BNArchitecture >
 StaticCoreRefCountObject ()
virtual ~StaticCoreRefCountObject ()
BNArchitectureGetObject () const
void AddRef ()
void Release ()
void AddRefForRegistration ()
void AddRefForCallback ()
void ReleaseForCallback ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Register (BNCustomArchitecture *callbacks) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::Architecture
 Architecture (BNArchitecture *arch)
virtual void Register (BNCustomArchitecture *callbacks)

Protected Attributes

Ref< Architecturem_base
- Protected Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::Architecture
std::string m_nameForRegister

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::Architecture
static void Register (Architecture *arch)
 Register an architecture. More...
static Ref< ArchitectureGetByName (const std::string &name)
 Get an Architecture by name. More...
static std::vector< Ref< Architecture > > GetList ()
 Get the list of registered Architectures. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::StaticCoreRefCountObject< BNArchitecture >
static BNArchitectureGetObject (StaticCoreRefCountObject *obj)
- Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::StaticCoreRefCountObject< BNArchitecture >
std::atomic< int > m_refs
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::Architecture
static void InitCallback (void *ctxt, BNArchitecture *obj)
static BNEndianness GetEndiannessCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetAddressSizeCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetDefaultIntegerSizeCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetInstructionAlignmentCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetMaxInstructionLengthCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetOpcodeDisplayLengthCallback (void *ctxt)
static BNArchitectureGetAssociatedArchitectureByAddressCallback (void *ctxt, uint64_t *addr)
static bool GetInstructionInfoCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t maxLen, BNInstructionInfo *result)
static bool GetInstructionTextCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t *len, BNInstructionTextToken **result, size_t *count)
static void FreeInstructionTextCallback (BNInstructionTextToken *tokens, size_t count)
static bool GetInstructionLowLevelILCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t *len, BNLowLevelILFunction *il)
static char * GetRegisterNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t reg)
static char * GetFlagNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t flag)
static char * GetFlagWriteTypeNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t flags)
static char * GetSemanticFlagClassNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semClass)
static char * GetSemanticFlagGroupNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semGroup)
static uint32_t * GetFullWidthRegistersCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllRegistersCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllFlagsCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllFlagWriteTypesCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllSemanticFlagClassesCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllSemanticFlagGroupsCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static BNFlagRole GetFlagRoleCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t flag, uint32_t semClass)
static uint32_t * GetFlagsRequiredForFlagConditionCallback (void *ctxt, BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroupCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semGroup, size_t *count)
static BNFlagConditionForSemanticClassGetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroupCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semGroup, size_t *count)
static void FreeFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroupCallback (void *ctxt, BNFlagConditionForSemanticClass *conditions)
static uint32_t * GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteTypeCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t writeType, size_t *count)
static uint32_t GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteTypeCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t writeType)
static size_t GetFlagWriteLowLevelILCallback (void *ctxt, BNLowLevelILOperation op, size_t size, uint32_t flagWriteType, uint32_t flag, BNRegisterOrConstant *operands, size_t operandCount, BNLowLevelILFunction *il)
static size_t GetFlagConditionLowLevelILCallback (void *ctxt, BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, BNLowLevelILFunction *il)
static size_t GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelILCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semGroup, BNLowLevelILFunction *il)
static void FreeRegisterListCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t *regs)
static void GetRegisterInfoCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t reg, BNRegisterInfo *result)
static uint32_t GetStackPointerRegisterCallback (void *ctxt)
static uint32_t GetLinkRegisterCallback (void *ctxt)
static uint32_t * GetGlobalRegistersCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetSystemRegistersCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static char * GetRegisterStackNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t regStack)
static uint32_t * GetAllRegisterStacksCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static void GetRegisterStackInfoCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t regStack, BNRegisterStackInfo *result)
static BNIntrinsicClass GetIntrinsicClassCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t intrinsic)
static char * GetIntrinsicNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t intrinsic)
static uint32_t * GetAllIntrinsicsCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static BNNameAndTypeGetIntrinsicInputsCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t intrinsic, size_t *count)
static void FreeNameAndTypeListCallback (void *ctxt, BNNameAndType *nt, size_t count)
static BNTypeWithConfidenceGetIntrinsicOutputsCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t intrinsic, size_t *count)
static void FreeTypeListCallback (void *ctxt, BNTypeWithConfidence *types, size_t count)
static bool CanAssembleCallback (void *ctxt)
static bool AssembleCallback (void *ctxt, const char *code, uint64_t addr, BNDataBuffer *result, char **errors)
static bool IsNeverBranchPatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool IsInvertBranchPatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool ConvertToNopCallback (void *ctxt, uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool AlwaysBranchCallback (void *ctxt, uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool InvertBranchCallback (void *ctxt, uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool SkipAndReturnValueCallback (void *ctxt, uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len, uint64_t value)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ArchitectureExtension()

ArchitectureExtension::ArchitectureExtension ( const std::string &  name,
Architecture base 

Member Function Documentation

◆ Register()

void ArchitectureExtension::Register ( BNCustomArchitecture callbacks)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetBaseArchitecture()

Ref< Architecture > BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension::GetBaseArchitecture ( ) const

◆ GetEndianness()

BNEndianness ArchitectureExtension::GetEndianness ( ) const

Get the default endianness for this architecture.

The default endianness for this architecture

Implements BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAddressSize()

size_t ArchitectureExtension::GetAddressSize ( ) const

Get the address size for this architecture.

The address size for this architecture

Implements BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetDefaultIntegerSize()

size_t ArchitectureExtension::GetDefaultIntegerSize ( ) const

Get the default integer size for this architecture.

The default integer size for this architecture

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetInstructionAlignment()

size_t ArchitectureExtension::GetInstructionAlignment ( ) const

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetMaxInstructionLength()

size_t ArchitectureExtension::GetMaxInstructionLength ( ) const

Get the maximum instruction length.

The maximum instruction length

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetOpcodeDisplayLength()

size_t ArchitectureExtension::GetOpcodeDisplayLength ( ) const

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAssociatedArchitectureByAddress()

Ref< Architecture > ArchitectureExtension::GetAssociatedArchitectureByAddress ( uint64_t &  addr)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetInstructionInfo()

bool ArchitectureExtension::GetInstructionInfo ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  maxLen,
InstructionInfo result 

Retrieves an InstructionInfo struct for the instruction at the given virtual address.

Architecture subclasses should implement this method.
The instruction info object should always set the InstructionInfo.length to the instruction length, \ and the branches of the proper types should be added if the instruction is a branch.

If the instruction is a branch instruction architecture plugins should add a branch of the proper type:

===================== =================================================== BNBranchType Description ===================== =================================================== UnconditionalBranch Branch will always be taken FalseBranch False branch condition TrueBranch True branch condition CallDestination Branch is a call instruction (Branch with Link) FunctionReturn Branch returns from a function SystemCall System call instruction IndirectBranch Branch destination is a memory address or register UnresolvedBranch Branch destination is an unknown address ===================== ===================================================

[in]datapointer to the instruction data to retrieve info for
[in]addraddress of the instruction data to retrieve info for
[in]maxLenMaximum length of the instruction data to read
[out]resultRetrieved instruction info
Whether instruction info was successfully retrieved.

Implements BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetInstructionText()

bool ArchitectureExtension::GetInstructionText ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t &  len,
std::vector< InstructionTextToken > &  result 

Retrieves a list of InstructionTextTokens.

[in]datapointer to the instruction data to retrieve text for
[in]addraddress of the instruction data to retrieve text for
[out]lenwill be written to with the length of the instruction data which was translated
Whether instruction info was successfully retrieved.

Implements BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetInstructionLowLevelIL()

bool ArchitectureExtension::GetInstructionLowLevelIL ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t &  len,
LowLevelILFunction il 

Translates an instruction at addr and appends it onto the LowLevelILFunction& il.

Architecture subclasses should implement this method.
[in]datapointer to the instruction data to be translated
[in]addraddress of the instruction data to be translated
[out]lenwill be written to with the length of the instruction data which was translated
[in,out]ilthe LowLevelILFunction to appended to.

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetRegisterName()

string ArchitectureExtension::GetRegisterName ( uint32_t  reg)

Gets a register name from a register index.

regRegister index
The register name

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagName()

string ArchitectureExtension::GetFlagName ( uint32_t  flag)

Gets a flag name from a flag index.

flagFlag index
Flag name

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagWriteTypeName()

string ArchitectureExtension::GetFlagWriteTypeName ( uint32_t  flags)

Gets the flag write type name for the given flag.

Flag name

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetSemanticFlagClassName()

string ArchitectureExtension::GetSemanticFlagClassName ( uint32_t  semClass)

Gets the name of a semantic flag class from the index.

semClassSemantic class index
The name of the semantic flag class

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetSemanticFlagGroupName()

string ArchitectureExtension::GetSemanticFlagGroupName ( uint32_t  semGroup)

Gets the name of a semantic flag group from the index.

semGroupSemantic flag group index
Semantic flag group name

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFullWidthRegisters()

vector< uint32_t > ArchitectureExtension::GetFullWidthRegisters ( )

Get the list of full width register indices.

The list of full width register indices

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAllRegisters()

vector< uint32_t > ArchitectureExtension::GetAllRegisters ( )

Get the list of all register indices.

The list of all register indices

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAllFlags()

vector< uint32_t > ArchitectureExtension::GetAllFlags ( )

Get the list of all flag indices.

The list of all flag indices

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAllFlagWriteTypes()

vector< uint32_t > ArchitectureExtension::GetAllFlagWriteTypes ( )

Get the list of all flag write type indices.

The list of all flag write type indices

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAllSemanticFlagClasses()

vector< uint32_t > ArchitectureExtension::GetAllSemanticFlagClasses ( )

Get the list of all semantic flag class indices.

The list of all semantic flag class indices

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAllSemanticFlagGroups()

vector< uint32_t > ArchitectureExtension::GetAllSemanticFlagGroups ( )

Get the list of all semantic flag group indices.

The list of all semantic flag group indices

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagRole()

BNFlagRole ArchitectureExtension::GetFlagRole ( uint32_t  flag,
uint32_t  semClass = 0 

Get the role of a given flag.

flagFlag index
semClassOptional semantic flag class
Flag role

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition()

vector< uint32_t > ArchitectureExtension::GetFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition ( BNLowLevelILFlagCondition  cond,
uint32_t  semClass = 0 

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup()

vector< uint32_t > ArchitectureExtension::GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup ( uint32_t  semGroup)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup()

map< uint32_t, BNLowLevelILFlagCondition > ArchitectureExtension::GetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup ( uint32_t  semGroup)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType()

vector< uint32_t > ArchitectureExtension::GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType ( uint32_t  writeType)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteType()

uint32_t ArchitectureExtension::GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteType ( uint32_t  writeType)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagWriteLowLevelIL()

ExprId ArchitectureExtension::GetFlagWriteLowLevelIL ( BNLowLevelILOperation  op,
size_t  size,
uint32_t  flagWriteType,
uint32_t  flag,
BNRegisterOrConstant operands,
size_t  operandCount,
LowLevelILFunction il 

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetFlagConditionLowLevelIL()

ExprId ArchitectureExtension::GetFlagConditionLowLevelIL ( BNLowLevelILFlagCondition  cond,
uint32_t  semClass,
LowLevelILFunction il 

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelIL()

ExprId ArchitectureExtension::GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelIL ( uint32_t  semGroup,
LowLevelILFunction il 

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetRegisterInfo()

BNRegisterInfo ArchitectureExtension::GetRegisterInfo ( uint32_t  reg)

Get the register info for a given register index.

regRegister index
Register info

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetStackPointerRegister()

uint32_t ArchitectureExtension::GetStackPointerRegister ( )

Get the register index corresponding to the stack pointer (SP)

The register index corresponding to the stack pointer

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetLinkRegister()

uint32_t ArchitectureExtension::GetLinkRegister ( )

Get the register index corresponding to the link register (LR)

The register index corresponding to the link register

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetGlobalRegisters()

vector< uint32_t > ArchitectureExtension::GetGlobalRegisters ( )

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetSystemRegisters()

vector< uint32_t > ArchitectureExtension::GetSystemRegisters ( )

Get the list of system register indices.

The list of system register indices

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetRegisterStackName()

string ArchitectureExtension::GetRegisterStackName ( uint32_t  regStack)

Get a register stack name from a register stack number.

regStackRegister stack number
The corresponding register string

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAllRegisterStacks()

vector< uint32_t > ArchitectureExtension::GetAllRegisterStacks ( )

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetRegisterStackInfo()

BNRegisterStackInfo ArchitectureExtension::GetRegisterStackInfo ( uint32_t  regStack)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetIntrinsicClass()

BNIntrinsicClass ArchitectureExtension::GetIntrinsicClass ( uint32_t  intrinsic)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetIntrinsicName()

string ArchitectureExtension::GetIntrinsicName ( uint32_t  intrinsic)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetAllIntrinsics()

vector< uint32_t > ArchitectureExtension::GetAllIntrinsics ( )

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetIntrinsicInputs()

vector< NameAndType > ArchitectureExtension::GetIntrinsicInputs ( uint32_t  intrinsic)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ GetIntrinsicOutputs()

vector< Confidence< Ref< Type > > > ArchitectureExtension::GetIntrinsicOutputs ( uint32_t  intrinsic)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ CanAssemble()

bool ArchitectureExtension::CanAssemble ( )

Check whether this architecture can assemble instructions.

Whether this architecture can assemble instructions

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ Assemble()

bool ArchitectureExtension::Assemble ( const std::string &  code,
uint64_t  addr,
DataBuffer result,
std::string &  errors 

Converts the string of assembly instructions code loaded at virtual address addr to the byte representation of those instructions.

[in]codeString representation of the instructions to be assembled
[in]addrAddress of the instructions
[out]resultDataBuffer containing the compiled bytes
[out]errorsAny errors that occurred during assembly
Whether assembly was successful

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ IsNeverBranchPatchAvailable()

bool ArchitectureExtension::IsNeverBranchPatchAvailable ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to never branch.

This is used in the UI to determine if "never branch" should be displayed in the right-click context menu when right-clicking on an instruction.
dataBuffer of bytes to check
addrthe virtual address of the bytes, to be used when assembling
lenamount of bytes to be checked
If the never branch patch is available

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailable()

bool ArchitectureExtension::IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailable ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to always branch.

This is used in the UI to determine if "always branch" should be displayed in the right-click context menu when right-clicking on an instruction.
dataBuffer of bytes to check
addrthe address of the instruction in question
lenamount of bytes to be checked
If the always branch patch is available

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ IsInvertBranchPatchAvailable()

bool ArchitectureExtension::IsInvertBranchPatchAvailable ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to invert the branch.

This is used in the UI to determine if "invert branch" should be displayed in the right-click context menu when right-clicking on an instruction.
dataBuffer of bytes to check
addrthe address of the instruction in question
lenamount of bytes to be checked
If the invert branch patch is available

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailable()

bool ArchitectureExtension::IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailable ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return zero.

This is used in the UI to determine if "skip and return zero" should be displayed in the right-click context menu when right-clicking on an instruction.
dataBuffer of bytes to check
addrthe address of the instruction in question
lenamount of bytes to be checked
If the skip and return zero patch is available

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailable()

bool ArchitectureExtension::IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailable ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return a value.

This is used in the UI to determine if "skip and return value" should be displayed in the right-click context menu when right-clicking on an instruction.
dataBuffer of bytes to check
addrthe address of the instruction in question
lenamount of bytes to be checked
If the skip and return value patch is available

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ ConvertToNop()

bool ArchitectureExtension::ConvertToNop ( uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Converts the instruction at addr to a no-operation instruction.

[in,out]dataBuffer of bytes to convert
[in]addrthe address of the instruction to be converted
[in]lenLength of the bytes to be converted
Whether the conversion was successful

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ AlwaysBranch()

bool ArchitectureExtension::AlwaysBranch ( uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

Converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to an unconditional branch.

This is called when the right-click context menu item "always branch" is selected in the UI.
[in,out]dataBuffer of bytes to convert
[in]addrthe address of the instruction to be converted
[in]lenLength of the bytes to be converted
Whether the conversion was successful

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ InvertBranch()

bool ArchitectureExtension::InvertBranch ( uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len 

InvertBranch converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to its invert.

This is called when the right-click context menu item "invert branch" is selected in the UI.
[in,out]dataBuffer of bytes to convert
[in]addrthe address of the instruction to be converted
[in]lenLength of the bytes to be converted
Whether the conversion was successful

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

◆ SkipAndReturnValue()

bool ArchitectureExtension::SkipAndReturnValue ( uint8_t *  data,
uint64_t  addr,
size_t  len,
uint64_t  value 

SkipAndReturnValue converts the call instruction at addr to an instruction that simulates that call returning a value.

This is called when the right-click context menu item "skip and return value" is selected in the UI.
[in,out]dataBuffer of bytes to convert
[in]addrthe address of the instruction to be converted
[in]lenLength of the bytes to be converted
[in]valueValue to be returned
Whether the conversion was successful

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_base

Ref<Architecture> BinaryNinja::ArchitectureExtension::m_base

◆ BinaryNinja::ArchitectureHook

class BinaryNinja::ArchitectureHook

Public Member Functions

 ArchitectureHook (Architecture *base)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::CoreArchitecture
 CoreArchitecture (BNArchitecture *arch)
virtual BNEndianness GetEndianness () const override
 Get the default endianness for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetAddressSize () const override
 Get the address size for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetDefaultIntegerSize () const override
 Get the default integer size for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetInstructionAlignment () const override
virtual size_t GetMaxInstructionLength () const override
 Get the maximum instruction length. More...
virtual size_t GetOpcodeDisplayLength () const override
virtual Ref< ArchitectureGetAssociatedArchitectureByAddress (uint64_t &addr) override
virtual bool GetInstructionInfo (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t maxLen, InstructionInfo &result) override
 Retrieves an InstructionInfo struct for the instruction at the given virtual address. More...
virtual bool GetInstructionText (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t &len, std::vector< InstructionTextToken > &result) override
 Retrieves a list of InstructionTextTokens. More...
virtual bool GetInstructionLowLevelIL (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t &len, LowLevelILFunction &il) override
 Translates an instruction at addr and appends it onto the LowLevelILFunction& il. More...
virtual std::string GetRegisterName (uint32_t reg) override
 Gets a register name from a register index. More...
virtual std::string GetFlagName (uint32_t flag) override
 Gets a flag name from a flag index. More...
virtual std::string GetFlagWriteTypeName (uint32_t flags) override
 Gets the flag write type name for the given flag. More...
virtual std::string GetSemanticFlagClassName (uint32_t semClass) override
 Gets the name of a semantic flag class from the index. More...
virtual std::string GetSemanticFlagGroupName (uint32_t semGroup) override
 Gets the name of a semantic flag group from the index. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFullWidthRegisters () override
 Get the list of full width register indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllRegisters () override
 Get the list of all register indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllFlags () override
 Get the list of all flag indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllFlagWriteTypes () override
 Get the list of all flag write type indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllSemanticFlagClasses () override
 Get the list of all semantic flag class indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllSemanticFlagGroups () override
 Get the list of all semantic flag group indices. More...
virtual BNFlagRole GetFlagRole (uint32_t flag, uint32_t semClass=0) override
 Get the role of a given flag. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass=0) override
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup (uint32_t semGroup) override
virtual std::map< uint32_t, BNLowLevelILFlagConditionGetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup (uint32_t semGroup) override
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType (uint32_t writeType) override
virtual uint32_t GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteType (uint32_t writeType) override
virtual ExprId GetFlagWriteLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILOperation op, size_t size, uint32_t flagWriteType, uint32_t flag, BNRegisterOrConstant *operands, size_t operandCount, LowLevelILFunction &il) override
virtual ExprId GetFlagConditionLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, LowLevelILFunction &il) override
virtual ExprId GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelIL (uint32_t semGroup, LowLevelILFunction &il) override
virtual BNRegisterInfo GetRegisterInfo (uint32_t reg) override
 Get the register info for a given register index. More...
virtual uint32_t GetStackPointerRegister () override
 Get the register index corresponding to the stack pointer (SP) More...
virtual uint32_t GetLinkRegister () override
 Get the register index corresponding to the link register (LR) More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetGlobalRegisters () override
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetSystemRegisters () override
 Get the list of system register indices. More...
virtual std::string GetRegisterStackName (uint32_t regStack) override
 Get a register stack name from a register stack number. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllRegisterStacks () override
virtual BNRegisterStackInfo GetRegisterStackInfo (uint32_t regStack) override
virtual BNIntrinsicClass GetIntrinsicClass (uint32_t intrinsic) override
virtual std::string GetIntrinsicName (uint32_t intrinsic) override
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllIntrinsics () override
virtual std::vector< NameAndTypeGetIntrinsicInputs (uint32_t intrinsic) override
virtual std::vector< Confidence< Ref< Type > > > GetIntrinsicOutputs (uint32_t intrinsic) override
virtual bool CanAssemble () override
 Check whether this architecture can assemble instructions. More...
virtual bool Assemble (const std::string &code, uint64_t addr, DataBuffer &result, std::string &errors) override
 Converts the string of assembly instructions code loaded at virtual address addr to the byte representation of those instructions. More...
virtual bool IsNeverBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to never branch. More...
virtual bool IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to always branch. More...
virtual bool IsInvertBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to invert the branch. More...
virtual bool IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return zero. More...
virtual bool IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return a value. More...
virtual bool ConvertToNop (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Converts the instruction at addr to a no-operation instruction. More...
virtual bool AlwaysBranch (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 Converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to an unconditional branch. More...
virtual bool InvertBranch (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len) override
 InvertBranch converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to its invert. More...
virtual bool SkipAndReturnValue (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len, uint64_t value) override
 SkipAndReturnValue converts the call instruction at addr to an instruction that simulates that call returning a value. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::Architecture
 Architecture (const std::string &name)
std::string GetName () const
 Get the name of this architecture. More...
virtual BNEndianness GetEndianness () const =0
 Get the default endianness for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetAddressSize () const =0
 Get the address size for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetDefaultIntegerSize () const
 Get the default integer size for this architecture. More...
virtual size_t GetInstructionAlignment () const
virtual size_t GetMaxInstructionLength () const
 Get the maximum instruction length. More...
virtual size_t GetOpcodeDisplayLength () const
virtual Ref< ArchitectureGetAssociatedArchitectureByAddress (uint64_t &addr)
virtual bool GetInstructionInfo (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t maxLen, InstructionInfo &result)=0
 Retrieves an InstructionInfo struct for the instruction at the given virtual address. More...
virtual bool GetInstructionText (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t &len, std::vector< InstructionTextToken > &result)=0
 Retrieves a list of InstructionTextTokens. More...
virtual bool GetInstructionLowLevelIL (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t &len, LowLevelILFunction &il)
 Translates an instruction at addr and appends it onto the LowLevelILFunction& il. More...
virtual std::string GetRegisterName (uint32_t reg)
 Gets a register name from a register index. More...
virtual std::string GetFlagName (uint32_t flag)
 Gets a flag name from a flag index. More...
virtual std::string GetFlagWriteTypeName (uint32_t flags)
 Gets the flag write type name for the given flag. More...
virtual std::string GetSemanticFlagClassName (uint32_t semClass)
 Gets the name of a semantic flag class from the index. More...
virtual std::string GetSemanticFlagGroupName (uint32_t semGroup)
 Gets the name of a semantic flag group from the index. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFullWidthRegisters ()
 Get the list of full width register indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllRegisters ()
 Get the list of all register indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllFlags ()
 Get the list of all flag indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllFlagWriteTypes ()
 Get the list of all flag write type indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllSemanticFlagClasses ()
 Get the list of all semantic flag class indices. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllSemanticFlagGroups ()
 Get the list of all semantic flag group indices. More...
virtual BNFlagRole GetFlagRole (uint32_t flag, uint32_t semClass=0)
 Get the role of a given flag. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass=0)
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup (uint32_t semGroup)
virtual std::map< uint32_t, BNLowLevelILFlagConditionGetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup (uint32_t semGroup)
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType (uint32_t writeType)
virtual uint32_t GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteType (uint32_t writeType)
virtual ExprId GetFlagWriteLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILOperation op, size_t size, uint32_t flagWriteType, uint32_t flag, BNRegisterOrConstant *operands, size_t operandCount, LowLevelILFunction &il)
ExprId GetDefaultFlagWriteLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILOperation op, size_t size, BNFlagRole role, BNRegisterOrConstant *operands, size_t operandCount, LowLevelILFunction &il)
virtual ExprId GetFlagConditionLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, LowLevelILFunction &il)
ExprId GetDefaultFlagConditionLowLevelIL (BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, LowLevelILFunction &il)
virtual ExprId GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelIL (uint32_t semGroup, LowLevelILFunction &il)
virtual BNRegisterInfo GetRegisterInfo (uint32_t reg)
 Get the register info for a given register index. More...
virtual uint32_t GetStackPointerRegister ()
 Get the register index corresponding to the stack pointer (SP) More...
virtual uint32_t GetLinkRegister ()
 Get the register index corresponding to the link register (LR) More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetGlobalRegisters ()
bool IsGlobalRegister (uint32_t reg)
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetSystemRegisters ()
 Get the list of system register indices. More...
bool IsSystemRegister (uint32_t reg)
 Check whether a register is a system register. More...
std::vector< uint32_t > GetModifiedRegistersOnWrite (uint32_t reg)
 Returns a list of register indices that are modified when reg is written to. More...
uint32_t GetRegisterByName (const std::string &name)
 Get a register index by its name. More...
virtual std::string GetRegisterStackName (uint32_t regStack)
 Get a register stack name from a register stack number. More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllRegisterStacks ()
virtual BNRegisterStackInfo GetRegisterStackInfo (uint32_t regStack)
uint32_t GetRegisterStackForRegister (uint32_t reg)
virtual BNIntrinsicClass GetIntrinsicClass (uint32_t intrinsic)
virtual std::string GetIntrinsicName (uint32_t intrinsic)
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetAllIntrinsics ()
virtual std::vector< NameAndTypeGetIntrinsicInputs (uint32_t intrinsic)
virtual std::vector< Confidence< Ref< Type > > > GetIntrinsicOutputs (uint32_t intrinsic)
virtual bool CanAssemble ()
 Check whether this architecture can assemble instructions. More...
virtual bool Assemble (const std::string &code, uint64_t addr, DataBuffer &result, std::string &errors)
 Converts the string of assembly instructions code loaded at virtual address addr to the byte representation of those instructions. More...
virtual bool IsNeverBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to never branch. More...
virtual bool IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to always branch. More...
virtual bool IsInvertBranchPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Returns true if the instruction at addr can be patched to invert the branch. More...
virtual bool IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return zero. More...
virtual bool IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailable (const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Checks if the instruction at addr is a call that can be patched to return a value. More...
virtual bool ConvertToNop (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Converts the instruction at addr to a no-operation instruction. More...
virtual bool AlwaysBranch (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 Converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to an unconditional branch. More...
virtual bool InvertBranch (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
 InvertBranch converts the conditional branch instruction at addr to its invert. More...
virtual bool SkipAndReturnValue (uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len, uint64_t value)
 SkipAndReturnValue converts the call instruction at addr to an instruction that simulates that call returning a value. More...
void RegisterFunctionRecognizer (FunctionRecognizer *recog)
void RegisterRelocationHandler (const std::string &viewName, RelocationHandler *handler)
Ref< RelocationHandlerGetRelocationHandler (const std::string &viewName)
bool IsBinaryViewTypeConstantDefined (const std::string &type, const std::string &name)
uint64_t GetBinaryViewTypeConstant (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, uint64_t defaultValue=0)
void SetBinaryViewTypeConstant (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, uint64_t value)
void RegisterCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Register a calling convention with this architecture. More...
std::vector< Ref< CallingConvention > > GetCallingConventions ()
 List of registered calling conventions. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetCallingConventionByName (const std::string &name)
 Get a calling convention by name. More...
void SetDefaultCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Set the default calling convention. More...
void SetCdeclCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Set the cdecl calling convention. More...
void SetStdcallCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Set the stdcall calling convention. More...
void SetFastcallCallingConvention (CallingConvention *cc)
 Set the fastcall calling convention. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetDefaultCallingConvention ()
 Get the default calling convention. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetCdeclCallingConvention ()
 Get the cdecl calling convention. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetStdcallCallingConvention ()
 Get the stdcall calling convention. More...
Ref< CallingConventionGetFastcallCallingConvention ()
 Get the fastcall calling convention. More...
Ref< PlatformGetStandalonePlatform ()
 Get the Architecture standalone platform. More...
std::vector< Ref< TypeLibrary > > GetTypeLibraries ()
void AddArchitectureRedirection (Architecture *from, Architecture *to)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::StaticCoreRefCountObject< BNArchitecture >
 StaticCoreRefCountObject ()
virtual ~StaticCoreRefCountObject ()
BNArchitectureGetObject () const
void AddRef ()
void Release ()
void AddRefForRegistration ()
void AddRefForCallback ()
void ReleaseForCallback ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Register (BNCustomArchitecture *callbacks) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::Architecture
 Architecture (BNArchitecture *arch)
virtual void Register (BNCustomArchitecture *callbacks)

Protected Attributes

Ref< Architecturem_base
- Protected Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::Architecture
std::string m_nameForRegister

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::Architecture
static void Register (Architecture *arch)
 Register an architecture. More...
static Ref< ArchitectureGetByName (const std::string &name)
 Get an Architecture by name. More...
static std::vector< Ref< Architecture > > GetList ()
 Get the list of registered Architectures. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::StaticCoreRefCountObject< BNArchitecture >
static BNArchitectureGetObject (StaticCoreRefCountObject *obj)
- Public Attributes inherited from BinaryNinja::StaticCoreRefCountObject< BNArchitecture >
std::atomic< int > m_refs
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from BinaryNinja::Architecture
static void InitCallback (void *ctxt, BNArchitecture *obj)
static BNEndianness GetEndiannessCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetAddressSizeCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetDefaultIntegerSizeCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetInstructionAlignmentCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetMaxInstructionLengthCallback (void *ctxt)
static size_t GetOpcodeDisplayLengthCallback (void *ctxt)
static BNArchitectureGetAssociatedArchitectureByAddressCallback (void *ctxt, uint64_t *addr)
static bool GetInstructionInfoCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t maxLen, BNInstructionInfo *result)
static bool GetInstructionTextCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t *len, BNInstructionTextToken **result, size_t *count)
static void FreeInstructionTextCallback (BNInstructionTextToken *tokens, size_t count)
static bool GetInstructionLowLevelILCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t *len, BNLowLevelILFunction *il)
static char * GetRegisterNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t reg)
static char * GetFlagNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t flag)
static char * GetFlagWriteTypeNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t flags)
static char * GetSemanticFlagClassNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semClass)
static char * GetSemanticFlagGroupNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semGroup)
static uint32_t * GetFullWidthRegistersCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllRegistersCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllFlagsCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllFlagWriteTypesCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllSemanticFlagClassesCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetAllSemanticFlagGroupsCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static BNFlagRole GetFlagRoleCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t flag, uint32_t semClass)
static uint32_t * GetFlagsRequiredForFlagConditionCallback (void *ctxt, BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroupCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semGroup, size_t *count)
static BNFlagConditionForSemanticClassGetFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroupCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semGroup, size_t *count)
static void FreeFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroupCallback (void *ctxt, BNFlagConditionForSemanticClass *conditions)
static uint32_t * GetFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteTypeCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t writeType, size_t *count)
static uint32_t GetSemanticClassForFlagWriteTypeCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t writeType)
static size_t GetFlagWriteLowLevelILCallback (void *ctxt, BNLowLevelILOperation op, size_t size, uint32_t flagWriteType, uint32_t flag, BNRegisterOrConstant *operands, size_t operandCount, BNLowLevelILFunction *il)
static size_t GetFlagConditionLowLevelILCallback (void *ctxt, BNLowLevelILFlagCondition cond, uint32_t semClass, BNLowLevelILFunction *il)
static size_t GetSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelILCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t semGroup, BNLowLevelILFunction *il)
static void FreeRegisterListCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t *regs)
static void GetRegisterInfoCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t reg, BNRegisterInfo *result)
static uint32_t GetStackPointerRegisterCallback (void *ctxt)
static uint32_t GetLinkRegisterCallback (void *ctxt)
static uint32_t * GetGlobalRegistersCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static uint32_t * GetSystemRegistersCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static char * GetRegisterStackNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t regStack)
static uint32_t * GetAllRegisterStacksCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static void GetRegisterStackInfoCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t regStack, BNRegisterStackInfo *result)
static BNIntrinsicClass GetIntrinsicClassCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t intrinsic)
static char * GetIntrinsicNameCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t intrinsic)
static uint32_t * GetAllIntrinsicsCallback (void *ctxt, size_t *count)
static BNNameAndTypeGetIntrinsicInputsCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t intrinsic, size_t *count)
static void FreeNameAndTypeListCallback (void *ctxt, BNNameAndType *nt, size_t count)
static BNTypeWithConfidenceGetIntrinsicOutputsCallback (void *ctxt, uint32_t intrinsic, size_t *count)
static void FreeTypeListCallback (void *ctxt, BNTypeWithConfidence *types, size_t count)
static bool CanAssembleCallback (void *ctxt)
static bool AssembleCallback (void *ctxt, const char *code, uint64_t addr, BNDataBuffer *result, char **errors)
static bool IsNeverBranchPatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool IsAlwaysBranchPatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool IsInvertBranchPatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool IsSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool IsSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailableCallback (void *ctxt, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool ConvertToNopCallback (void *ctxt, uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool AlwaysBranchCallback (void *ctxt, uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool InvertBranchCallback (void *ctxt, uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len)
static bool SkipAndReturnValueCallback (void *ctxt, uint8_t *data, uint64_t addr, size_t len, uint64_t value)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ArchitectureHook()

ArchitectureHook::ArchitectureHook ( Architecture base)

Member Function Documentation

◆ Register()

void ArchitectureHook::Register ( BNCustomArchitecture callbacks)

Reimplemented from BinaryNinja::Architecture.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_base

Ref<Architecture> BinaryNinja::ArchitectureHook::m_base