BinaryNinja::Collaboration Namespace Reference


class  AnalysisMergeConflict
class  CollabChangeset
class  CollabGroup
class  CollabPermission
class  CollabSnapshot
class  CollabUndoEntry
class  CollabUser
struct  DatabaseConflictHandlerContext
struct  NameChangesetContext
class  Remote
struct  RemoteException
class  RemoteFile
class  RemoteFolder
class  RemoteProject
struct  SyncException
struct  TypeArchiveConflictHandlerContext
class  TypeArchiveMergeConflict


typedef std::function< bool(Ref< CollabChangeset >)> NameChangesetFunction
typedef std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> ProgressFunction
typedef std::function< bool(const std::unordered_map< std::string, Ref< AnalysisMergeConflict > > &conflicts)> AnalysisConflictHandler
typedef std::function< bool(const std::vector< Ref< TypeArchiveMergeConflict > > &conflicts)> TypeArchiveConflictHandler


bool DatabaseConflictHandlerCallback (void *ctxt, const char **keys, BNAnalysisMergeConflict **conflicts, size_t count)
bool TypeArchiveConflictHandlerCallback (void *ctxt, BNTypeArchiveMergeConflict **conflicts, size_t count)
bool NameChangesetCallback (void *ctxt, BNCollaborationChangeset *changeset)
std::any AnalysisMergeConflict::GetPathItem< std::any > (const std::string &path)
std::string AnalysisMergeConflict::GetPathItem< std::string > (const std::string &path)
nlohmann::json AnalysisMergeConflict::GetPathItem< nlohmann::json > (const std::string &path)
Ref< RemoteGetActiveRemote ()
void SetActiveRemote (Ref< Remote > remote)
bool StoreDataInKeychain (const std::string &key, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &data)
bool HasDataInKeychain (const std::string &key)
std::optional< std::map< std::string, std::string > > GetDataFromKeychain (const std::string &key)
bool DeleteDataFromKeychain (const std::string &key)
void LoadRemotes ()
std::vector< Ref< Remote > > GetRemotes ()
Ref< RemoteGetRemoteById (const std::string &remoteId)
Ref< RemoteGetRemoteByAddress (const std::string &remoteAddress)
Ref< RemoteGetRemoteByName (const std::string &name)
Ref< RemoteCreateRemote (const std::string &name, const std::string &address)
void RemoveRemote (const Ref< Remote > &remote)
void SyncDatabase (Ref< Database > database, Ref< RemoteFile > file, AnalysisConflictHandler conflictHandler, std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)> progress={}, NameChangesetFunction nameChangeset=[](Ref< CollabChangeset >){ return true;})
 Completely sync a database, pushing/pulling/merging/applying changes. More...
void SyncTypeArchive (Ref< TypeArchive > archive, Ref< RemoteFile > file, TypeArchiveConflictHandler conflictHandler, ProgressFunction progress={})
 Completely sync a type archive, pushing/pulling/merging/applying changes. More...
Ref< SnapshotMergeSnapshots (Ref< Snapshot > first, Ref< Snapshot > second, AnalysisConflictHandler conflictHandler, ProgressFunction progress)
 Merge a pair of snapshots and create a new snapshot with the result. More...
std::string DefaultProjectPath (Ref< RemoteProject > project)
 Get the default directory path for a remote Project. More...
std::string DefaultFilePath (Ref< RemoteFile > file)
 Get the default filepath for a remote File. More...
Ref< FileMetadataDownloadFile (Ref< RemoteFile > file, const std::string &dbPath, ProgressFunction progress={})
 Download a file from its remote, saving all snapshots to a database in the specified location. More...
void AssignSnapshotMap (Ref< Snapshot > localSnapshot, Ref< CollabSnapshot > remoteSnapshot)
 Add a snapshot to the id map in a database. More...
Ref< RemoteFileUploadDatabase (Ref< FileMetadata > metadata, Ref< RemoteProject > project, Ref< RemoteFolder > folder, ProgressFunction progress, NameChangesetFunction nameChangeset={})
 Upload a file, with database, to the remote under the given project. More...
std::optional< std::string > GetSnapshotAuthor (Ref< Database > database, Ref< Snapshot > snapshot)
 Get the remote author of a local snapshot. More...
bool IsCollaborationDatabase (Ref< Database > database)
 Test if a database is valid for use in collaboration. More...
Ref< RemoteGetRemoteForLocalDatabase (Ref< Database > database)
 Get the Remote for a Database. More...
Ref< RemoteProjectGetRemoteProjectForLocalDatabase (Ref< Database > database)
 Get the Remote Project for a Database. More...
Ref< RemoteFileGetRemoteFileForLocalDatabase (Ref< Database > database)
 Get the Remote File for a Database. More...
size_t PullDatabase (Ref< Database > database, Ref< RemoteFile > file, AnalysisConflictHandler conflictHandler, ProgressFunction progress={}, NameChangesetFunction nameChangeset={})
 Pull updated snapshots from the remote. More...
void MergeDatabase (Ref< Database > database, AnalysisConflictHandler conflictHandler, ProgressFunction progress={})
 Merge all leaf snapshots in a database down to a single leaf snapshot. More...
size_t PushDatabase (Ref< Database > database, Ref< RemoteFile > file, ProgressFunction progress={})
 Push locally added snapshots to the remote. More...
void DumpDatabase (Ref< Database > database)
 Print debug information about a database to stdout. More...
void IgnoreSnapshot (Ref< Database > database, Ref< Snapshot > snapshot)
 Ignore a snapshot from database syncing operations TODO: This is in place of deleting differential snapshots (which is unimplemented) More...
bool IsSnapshotIgnored (Ref< Database > database, Ref< Snapshot > snapshot)
 Test if a snapshot is ignored from the database TODO: This is in place of deleting differential snapshots (which is unimplemented) More...
Ref< CollabSnapshotGetRemoteSnapshotFromLocal (Ref< Snapshot > snapshot)
 Get the remote snapshot associated with a local snapshot (if it exists) More...
Ref< SnapshotGetLocalSnapshotFromRemote (Ref< CollabSnapshot > snapshot, Ref< Database > database)
 Get the local snapshot associated with a remote snapshot (if it exists) More...
bool IsCollaborationTypeArchive (Ref< TypeArchive > archive)
 Test if a type archive is valid for use in collaboration. More...
Ref< RemoteGetRemoteForLocalTypeArchive (Ref< TypeArchive > archive)
 Get the Remote for a Type Archive. More...
Ref< RemoteProjectGetRemoteProjectForLocalTypeArchive (Ref< TypeArchive > archive)
 Get the Remote Project for a Type Archive. More...
Ref< RemoteFileGetRemoteFileForLocalTypeArchive (Ref< TypeArchive > archive)
 Get the Remote File for a Type Archive. More...
Ref< CollabSnapshotGetRemoteSnapshotFromLocalTypeArchive (Ref< TypeArchive > archive, const std::string &snapshotId)
 Get the remote snapshot associated with a local snapshot (if it exists) in a Type Archive. More...
std::optional< std::string > GetLocalSnapshotFromRemoteTypeArchive (Ref< CollabSnapshot > snapshot, Ref< TypeArchive > archive)
 Get the local snapshot associated with a remote snapshot (if it exists) in a Type Archive. More...
bool IsTypeArchiveSnapshotIgnored (Ref< TypeArchive > archive, const std::string &snapshot)
 Test if a snapshot is ignored from the archive. More...
Ref< TypeArchiveDownloadTypeArchive (Ref< RemoteFile > file, const std::string &dbPath, ProgressFunction progress={})
 Download a type archive from its remote, saving all snapshots to an archive in the specified location. More...
Ref< RemoteFileUploadTypeArchive (Ref< TypeArchive > archive, Ref< RemoteProject > project, Ref< RemoteFolder > folder=nullptr, ProgressFunction progress={}, Ref< ProjectFile > coreFile=nullptr)
 Upload a type archive. More...
size_t PushTypeArchive (Ref< TypeArchive > archive, Ref< RemoteFile > file, ProgressFunction progress={})
 Push locally added snapshots to the remote. More...
size_t PullTypeArchive (Ref< TypeArchive > archive, Ref< RemoteFile > file, std::function< bool(const std::vector< Ref< TypeArchiveMergeConflict > >)> conflictHandler, ProgressFunction progress={})
 Pull updated snapshots from the remote. More...
void DownloadDatabaseForFile (Ref< RemoteFile > file, const std::string &dbPath, bool force, ProgressFunction progress={})
void SetSnapshotAuthor (Ref< Database > database, Ref< Snapshot > snapshot, const std::string &author)
 Set the remote author of a local snapshot (does not upload) More...

Class Documentation

◆ BinaryNinja::Collaboration::DatabaseConflictHandlerContext

struct BinaryNinja::Collaboration::DatabaseConflictHandlerContext
Class Members
function< bool(const unordered_map< string, Ref< AnalysisMergeConflict > >)> callback

◆ BinaryNinja::Collaboration::NameChangesetContext

struct BinaryNinja::Collaboration::NameChangesetContext
Class Members
function< bool(Ref< CollabChangeset >)> callback

◆ BinaryNinja::Collaboration::TypeArchiveConflictHandlerContext

struct BinaryNinja::Collaboration::TypeArchiveConflictHandlerContext
Class Members
function< bool(const vector< Ref< TypeArchiveMergeConflict > >)> callback

Typedef Documentation

◆ NameChangesetFunction

◆ ProgressFunction

typedef std::function<bool(size_t, size_t)> BinaryNinja::Collaboration::ProgressFunction

◆ AnalysisConflictHandler

typedef std::function<bool(const std::unordered_map<std::string, Ref<AnalysisMergeConflict>>& conflicts)> BinaryNinja::Collaboration::AnalysisConflictHandler

◆ TypeArchiveConflictHandler

typedef std::function<bool(const std::vector<Ref<TypeArchiveMergeConflict>>& conflicts)> BinaryNinja::Collaboration::TypeArchiveConflictHandler

Function Documentation

◆ DatabaseConflictHandlerCallback()

bool BinaryNinja::Collaboration::DatabaseConflictHandlerCallback ( void *  ctxt,
const char **  keys,
BNAnalysisMergeConflict **  conflicts,
size_t  count 

◆ TypeArchiveConflictHandlerCallback()

bool BinaryNinja::Collaboration::TypeArchiveConflictHandlerCallback ( void *  ctxt,
BNTypeArchiveMergeConflict **  conflicts,
size_t  count 

◆ NameChangesetCallback()

bool BinaryNinja::Collaboration::NameChangesetCallback ( void *  ctxt,
BNCollaborationChangeset changeset 

◆ AnalysisMergeConflict::GetPathItem< std::any >()

std::any BinaryNinja::Collaboration::AnalysisMergeConflict::GetPathItem< std::any > ( const std::string &  path)

◆ AnalysisMergeConflict::GetPathItem< std::string >()

std::string BinaryNinja::Collaboration::AnalysisMergeConflict::GetPathItem< std::string > ( const std::string &  path)

◆ AnalysisMergeConflict::GetPathItem< nlohmann::json >()

nlohmann::json BinaryNinja::Collaboration::AnalysisMergeConflict::GetPathItem< nlohmann::json > ( const std::string &  path)

◆ GetActiveRemote()

Ref< Remote > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetActiveRemote ( )

◆ SetActiveRemote()

void BinaryNinja::Collaboration::SetActiveRemote ( Ref< Remote remote)

◆ StoreDataInKeychain()

bool BinaryNinja::Collaboration::StoreDataInKeychain ( const std::string &  key,
const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  data 

◆ HasDataInKeychain()

bool BinaryNinja::Collaboration::HasDataInKeychain ( const std::string &  key)

◆ GetDataFromKeychain()

std::optional< std::map< std::string, std::string > > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetDataFromKeychain ( const std::string &  key)

◆ DeleteDataFromKeychain()

bool BinaryNinja::Collaboration::DeleteDataFromKeychain ( const std::string &  key)

◆ LoadRemotes()

void BinaryNinja::Collaboration::LoadRemotes ( )

◆ GetRemotes()

std::vector< Ref< Remote > > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetRemotes ( )

◆ GetRemoteById()

Ref< Remote > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetRemoteById ( const std::string &  remoteId)

◆ GetRemoteByAddress()

Ref< Remote > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetRemoteByAddress ( const std::string &  remoteAddress)

◆ GetRemoteByName()

Ref< Remote > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetRemoteByName ( const std::string &  name)

◆ CreateRemote()

Ref< Remote > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::CreateRemote ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  address 

◆ RemoveRemote()

void BinaryNinja::Collaboration::RemoveRemote ( const Ref< Remote > &  remote)

◆ SyncDatabase()

void BinaryNinja::Collaboration::SyncDatabase ( Ref< Database database,
Ref< RemoteFile file,
AnalysisConflictHandler  conflictHandler,
std::function< bool(size_t, size_t)>  progress = {},
NameChangesetFunction  nameChangeset = [](RefCollabChangeset >){ return true;} 

Completely sync a database, pushing/pulling/merging/applying changes.

databaseDatabase to sync
fileRemote File to sync with
conflictHandlerFunction to call to resolve snapshot conflicts
progressFunction to call for progress updates
nameChangesetFunction to call for naming a pushed changeset, if necessary
SyncExceptionIf there is an error syncing

◆ SyncTypeArchive()

void BinaryNinja::Collaboration::SyncTypeArchive ( Ref< TypeArchive archive,
Ref< RemoteFile file,
TypeArchiveConflictHandler  conflictHandler,
ProgressFunction  progress = {} 

Completely sync a type archive, pushing/pulling/merging/applying changes.

archiveType archive
fileRemote file
progressFunction to call for progress updates

◆ MergeSnapshots()

Ref< Snapshot > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::MergeSnapshots ( Ref< Snapshot first,
Ref< Snapshot second,
AnalysisConflictHandler  conflictHandler,
ProgressFunction  progress 

Merge a pair of snapshots and create a new snapshot with the result.

firstFirst snapshot to merge
secondSecond snapshot to merge
conflictHandlerFunction to call when merge conflicts are encountered
progressFunction to call for progress updates and cancelling
SyncExceptionIf the snapshots have no common ancestor
Result snapshot

◆ DefaultProjectPath()

std::string BinaryNinja::Collaboration::DefaultProjectPath ( Ref< RemoteProject project)

Get the default directory path for a remote Project.

This is based off the Setting for, the project's id, and the project's remote's id.

projectRemote Project
Default project path

◆ DefaultFilePath()

std::string BinaryNinja::Collaboration::DefaultFilePath ( Ref< RemoteFile file)

Get the default filepath for a remote File.

This is based off the Setting for, the file's id, the file's project's id, and the file's remote's id.

fileRemote File
Default file path

◆ DownloadFile()

Ref< FileMetadata > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::DownloadFile ( Ref< RemoteFile file,
const std::string &  dbPath,
ProgressFunction  progress = {} 

Download a file from its remote, saving all snapshots to a database in the specified location.

Returns a FileContext for opening the file later.

fileRemote File to download and open
dbPathFile path for saved database
progressFunction to call for progress updates
FileContext for opening
SyncExceptionIf there was an error downloading

◆ AssignSnapshotMap()

void BinaryNinja::Collaboration::AssignSnapshotMap ( Ref< Snapshot localSnapshot,
Ref< CollabSnapshot remoteSnapshot 

Add a snapshot to the id map in a database.

localSnapshotLocal snapshot, will use this snapshot's database
remoteSnapshotRemote snapshot

◆ UploadDatabase()

Ref< RemoteFile > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::UploadDatabase ( Ref< FileMetadata metadata,
Ref< RemoteProject project,
Ref< RemoteFolder folder,
ProgressFunction  progress,
NameChangesetFunction  nameChangeset = {} 

Upload a file, with database, to the remote under the given project.

metadataLocal file with database
projectRemote project under which to place the new file
progressFunction to call for progress updates
nameChangesetFunction to call for naming a pushed changeset, if necessary
folderIdId of folder that will contain the resulting file
Remote File created
SyncExceptionIf there was an error uploading

◆ GetSnapshotAuthor()

std::optional< std::string > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetSnapshotAuthor ( Ref< Database database,
Ref< Snapshot snapshot 

Get the remote author of a local snapshot.

databaseParent database
snapshotSnapshot to query

◆ IsCollaborationDatabase()

bool BinaryNinja::Collaboration::IsCollaborationDatabase ( Ref< Database database)

Test if a database is valid for use in collaboration.

True if database is valid

◆ GetRemoteForLocalDatabase()

Ref< Remote > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetRemoteForLocalDatabase ( Ref< Database database)

Get the Remote for a Database.

databaseBN database, potentially with collaboration metadata
Remote from one of the connected remotes, or nullptr if not found

◆ GetRemoteProjectForLocalDatabase()

Ref< RemoteProject > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetRemoteProjectForLocalDatabase ( Ref< Database database)

Get the Remote Project for a Database.

databaseBN database, potentially with collaboration metadata
Remote project from one of the connected remotes, or nullptr if not found or if projects are not pulled

◆ GetRemoteFileForLocalDatabase()

Ref< RemoteFile > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetRemoteFileForLocalDatabase ( Ref< Database database)

Get the Remote File for a Database.

databaseBN database, potentially with collaboration metadata
Remote file from one of the connected remotes, or nullptr if not found or if files are not pulled

◆ PullDatabase()

size_t BinaryNinja::Collaboration::PullDatabase ( Ref< Database database,
Ref< RemoteFile file,
AnalysisConflictHandler  conflictHandler,
ProgressFunction  progress = {},
NameChangesetFunction  nameChangeset = {} 

Pull updated snapshots from the remote.

Merge local changes with remote changes and potentially create a new snapshot for unsaved changes, named via nameChangeset.

databaseDatabase to pull
fileRemote File to pull to
conflictHandlerFunction to call to resolve snapshot conflicts
progressFunction to call for progress updates
nameChangesetFunction to call for naming a pushed changeset, if necessary
Number of snapshots pulled
SyncExceptionIf there is an error pulling

◆ MergeDatabase()

void BinaryNinja::Collaboration::MergeDatabase ( Ref< Database database,
AnalysisConflictHandler  conflictHandler,
ProgressFunction  progress = {} 

Merge all leaf snapshots in a database down to a single leaf snapshot.

databaseDatabase to merge
progressFunction to call for progress updates
conflictHandlerFunction to call to resolve snapshot conflicts
SyncExceptionIf there was an error merging

◆ PushDatabase()

size_t BinaryNinja::Collaboration::PushDatabase ( Ref< Database database,
Ref< RemoteFile file,
ProgressFunction  progress = {} 

Push locally added snapshots to the remote.

databaseDatabase to push
fileRemote File to push to
progressFunction to call for progress updates
Number of snapshots pushed
SyncExceptionIf there is an error pushing

◆ DumpDatabase()

void BinaryNinja::Collaboration::DumpDatabase ( Ref< Database database)

Print debug information about a database to stdout.

databaseDatabase to dump

◆ IgnoreSnapshot()

void BinaryNinja::Collaboration::IgnoreSnapshot ( Ref< Database database,
Ref< Snapshot snapshot 

Ignore a snapshot from database syncing operations TODO: This is in place of deleting differential snapshots (which is unimplemented)

databaseParent database
snapshotSnapshot to ignore

◆ IsSnapshotIgnored()

bool BinaryNinja::Collaboration::IsSnapshotIgnored ( Ref< Database database,
Ref< Snapshot snapshot 

Test if a snapshot is ignored from the database TODO: This is in place of deleting differential snapshots (which is unimplemented)

databaseParent database
snapshotSnapshot to test
True if snapshot should be ignored

◆ GetRemoteSnapshotFromLocal()

Ref< CollabSnapshot > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetRemoteSnapshotFromLocal ( Ref< Snapshot snapshot)

Get the remote snapshot associated with a local snapshot (if it exists)

snapshotLocal snapshot
Remote snapshot if it exists, or nullptr if not

◆ GetLocalSnapshotFromRemote()

Ref< Snapshot > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetLocalSnapshotFromRemote ( Ref< CollabSnapshot snapshot,
Ref< Database database 

Get the local snapshot associated with a remote snapshot (if it exists)

snapshotRemote snapshot
databaseLocal database to search
Snapshot reference if it exists, or nullptr reference if not

◆ IsCollaborationTypeArchive()

bool BinaryNinja::Collaboration::IsCollaborationTypeArchive ( Ref< TypeArchive archive)

Test if a type archive is valid for use in collaboration.

archiveType archive
True if archive is valid

◆ GetRemoteForLocalTypeArchive()

Ref< Remote > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetRemoteForLocalTypeArchive ( Ref< TypeArchive archive)

Get the Remote for a Type Archive.

archiveLocal Type Archive, potentially with collaboration metadata
Remote from one of the connected remotes, or nullptr if not found

◆ GetRemoteProjectForLocalTypeArchive()

Ref< RemoteProject > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetRemoteProjectForLocalTypeArchive ( Ref< TypeArchive archive)

Get the Remote Project for a Type Archive.

archiveLocal Type Archive, potentially with collaboration metadata
Remote project from one of the connected remotes, or nullptr if not found or if projects are not pulled

◆ GetRemoteFileForLocalTypeArchive()

Ref< RemoteFile > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetRemoteFileForLocalTypeArchive ( Ref< TypeArchive archive)

Get the Remote File for a Type Archive.

archiveLocal Type Archive, potentially with collaboration metadata
Remote file from one of the connected remotes, or nullptr if not found or if files are not pulled

◆ GetRemoteSnapshotFromLocalTypeArchive()

Ref< CollabSnapshot > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetRemoteSnapshotFromLocalTypeArchive ( Ref< TypeArchive archive,
const std::string &  snapshotId 

Get the remote snapshot associated with a local snapshot (if it exists) in a Type Archive.

archiveLocal Type Archive
snapshotIdLocal snapshot id
Remote snapshot if it exists, or nullptr if not

◆ GetLocalSnapshotFromRemoteTypeArchive()

std::optional< std::string > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::GetLocalSnapshotFromRemoteTypeArchive ( Ref< CollabSnapshot snapshot,
Ref< TypeArchive archive 

Get the local snapshot associated with a remote snapshot (if it exists) in a Type Archive.

snapshotRemote snapshot
archiveLocal type archive to search
Snapshot id if it exists, or nullopt if not

◆ IsTypeArchiveSnapshotIgnored()

bool BinaryNinja::Collaboration::IsTypeArchiveSnapshotIgnored ( Ref< TypeArchive archive,
const std::string &  snapshot 

Test if a snapshot is ignored from the archive.

archiveType archive
snapshotSnapshot to test
True if snapshot should be ignored

◆ DownloadTypeArchive()

Ref< TypeArchive > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::DownloadTypeArchive ( Ref< RemoteFile file,
const std::string &  dbPath,
ProgressFunction  progress = {} 

Download a type archive from its remote, saving all snapshots to an archive in the specified location.

Returns a Ref<TypeArchive> for using later.

fileRemote Type Archive file to download and open
dbPathFile path for saved archive
progressFunction to call for progress updates
TypeArchive for using
SyncExceptionIf there was an error downloading

◆ UploadTypeArchive()

Ref< RemoteFile > BinaryNinja::Collaboration::UploadTypeArchive ( Ref< TypeArchive archive,
Ref< RemoteProject project,
Ref< RemoteFolder folder = nullptr,
ProgressFunction  progress = {},
Ref< ProjectFile coreFile = nullptr 

Upload a type archive.

archiveType archive
projectContaining project
folderContaining folder
progressFunction to call for progress updates
coreFileCore ProjectFile structure, if archive is in a project
Created file

◆ PushTypeArchive()

size_t BinaryNinja::Collaboration::PushTypeArchive ( Ref< TypeArchive archive,
Ref< RemoteFile file,
ProgressFunction  progress = {} 

Push locally added snapshots to the remote.

archiveType Archive to push
fileRemote File to push to
progressFunction to call for progress updates
Number of snapshots pushed
SyncExceptionIf there is an error pushing

◆ PullTypeArchive()

size_t BinaryNinja::Collaboration::PullTypeArchive ( Ref< TypeArchive archive,
Ref< RemoteFile file,
std::function< bool(const std::vector< Ref< TypeArchiveMergeConflict > >)>  conflictHandler,
ProgressFunction  progress = {} 

Pull updated snapshots from the remote.

Merge local changes with remote changes and potentially create a new snapshot for unsaved changes, named via nameChangeset.

archiveType Archive to pull
fileRemote File to pull to
conflictHandlerFunction to call to resolve snapshot conflicts
progressFunction to call for progress updates
nameChangesetFunction to call for naming a pushed changeset, if necessary
Number of snapshots pulled
SyncExceptionIf there is an error pulling

◆ DownloadDatabaseForFile()

void BinaryNinja::Collaboration::DownloadDatabaseForFile ( Ref< RemoteFile file,
const std::string &  dbPath,
bool  force,
ProgressFunction  progress = {} 

◆ SetSnapshotAuthor()

void BinaryNinja::Collaboration::SetSnapshotAuthor ( Ref< Database database,
Ref< Snapshot snapshot,
const std::string &  author 

Set the remote author of a local snapshot (does not upload)

databaseParent database
snapshotSnapshot to edit
authorTarget author