workflow module¶
The |
- class Activity(configuration: str = '', handle: LP_BNActivity | None = None, action: Callable[[Any], None] | None = None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
- class AnalysisContext(handle: LP_BNAnalysisContext)[source]¶
object is used to represent the current state of analysis for a given function. It allows direct modification of IL and other analysis information.- Parameters:
handle (LP_BNAnalysisContext) –
- property basic_blocks: BasicBlockList¶
function.BasicBlockList of BasicBlocks in the current function (writeable)
- property hlil: HighLevelILFunction¶
HighLevelILFunction used to represent High Level IL (writeable)
- property lifted_il: LowLevelILFunction¶
LowLevelILFunction used to represent lifted IL (writable)
- property llil: LowLevelILFunction¶
LowLevelILFunction used to represent Low Level IL (writeable)
- property mlil: MediumLevelILFunction¶
MediumLevelILFunction used to represent Medium Level IL (writeable)
- class Workflow(name: str = '', handle: LP_BNWorkflow | None = None, query_registry: bool = True, function_handle: LP_BNFunction | None = None)[source]¶
A Binary Ninja Workflow is an abstraction of a computational binary analysis pipeline and it provides the extensibility mechanism needed for tailored binary analysis and decompilation. More specifically, a Workflow is a repository of activities along with a unique strategy to execute them. Binary Ninja provides two Workflows namedcore.module.defaultAnalysis
which expose the core analysis.A Workflow starts in the unregistered state from either creating a new empty Workflow, or cloning an existing Workflow. While unregistered it’s possible to add and remove activities, as well as change the execution strategy. In order to use the Workflow on a binary it must be registered. Once registered the Workflow is immutable and available for use.
Currently, Workflows is disabled by default and can be enabled via Settings:
>>> Settings().set_bool('workflows.enable', True)
Retrieve the default Workflow by creating a Workflow object:
>>> Workflow() <Workflow: core.module.defaultAnalysis>
Retrieve any registered Workflow by name:
>>> list(Workflow) [<Workflow: core.function.defaultAnalysis>, <Workflow: core.module.defaultAnalysis>] >>> Workflow('core.module.defaultAnalysis') <Workflow: core.module.defaultAnalysis> >>> Workflow('core.function.defaultAnalysis') <Workflow: core.function.defaultAnalysis>
Create a new Workflow, show it in the UI, modify and then register it. Try it via Open with Options and selecting the new Workflow:
>>> pwf = Workflow().clone("PythonLogWarnWorkflow") >>> pwf.show_topology() >>> pwf.register_activity(Activity("PythonLogWarn", action=lambda analysis_context: log_warn("PythonLogWarn Called!"))) >>> pwf.insert("core.function.basicBlockAnalysis", ["PythonLogWarn"]) >>> pwf.register()
Binary Ninja Workflows is currently under development and available as an early feature preview. For additional documentation see Help / User Guide / Developer Guide / Workflows
- Parameters:
- activity_roots(activity: Activity | str = '') List[str] [source]¶
Retrieve the list of activity roots for the Workflow, or if specified just for the givenactivity
- assign_subactivities(activity: Activity, activities: List[str]) bool [source]¶
Assign the list ofactivities
as the new set of children for the specifiedactivity
- clear() bool [source]¶
Remove all Activity nodes from this Workflow.- Returns:
True on success, False otherwise
- Return type:
- clone(name: str, activity: Activity | str = '') Workflow [source]¶
Clone a new Workflow, copying all Activities and the execution strategy.
- configuration(activity: Activity | str = '') str [source]¶
Retrieve the configuration as an adjacency list in JSON for the Workflow, or if specified just for the givenactivity
.- Parameters:
activity (ActivityType) – if specified, return the configuration for the
- Returns:
an adjacency list representation of the configuration in JSON
- Return type:
- contains(activity: Activity | str) bool [source]¶
Determine if an Activity exists in this Workflow.- Parameters:
activity (ActivityType) – the Activity name
- Returns:
True if the Activity exists, False otherwise
- Return type:
- get_activity(activity: Activity | str) Activity | None [source]¶
Retrieve the Activity object for the specifiedactivity
- graph(activity: Activity | str = '', sequential: bool = False, show: bool = True) FlowGraph | None [source]¶
Generate a FlowGraph object for the current Workflow and optionally show it in the UI.- Parameters:
- Returns:
FlowGraph object on success, None on failure
- Return type:
- insert(activity: Activity | str, activities: List[str]) bool [source]¶
Insert the list ofactivities
before the specifiedactivity
and at the same level.
- register(configuration: str = '') bool [source]¶
Register this Workflow, making it immutable and available for use.
- register_activity(activity: Activity, subactivities: List[Activity | str] = []) Activity | None [source]¶
Register an Activity with this Workflow.
- replace(activity: Activity | str, new_activity: List[str]) bool [source]¶
Replace the specifiedactivity
- show_topology() None [source]¶
Show the Workflow topology in the UI.- Return type:
- subactivities(activity: Activity | str = '', immediate: bool = True) List[str] [source]¶
Retrieve the list of all activities, or optionally a filtered list.
- property machine¶
- class WorkflowMachine(handle: LP_BNFunction | None = None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
handle (LP_BNFunction) –
- class WorkflowMachineCLI(machine: WorkflowMachine)[source]¶
- Parameters:
machine (WorkflowMachine) –
- do_run(line)[source]¶
Run the workflow machine and generate a default configuration if the workflow is not configured.
- precmd(line)[source]¶
Hook method executed just before the command line is interpreted, but after the input prompt is generated and issued.
- aliases = {'a': 'abort', 'b': 'breakpoint', 'c': 'resume', 'd': 'dump', 'h': 'halt', 'l': 'log', 'm': 'metrics', 'o': 'override', 'q': 'quit', 'r': 'run', 's': 'step'}¶
- intro = "Welcome to the Workflow Orchestrator. Type 'help' to list available commands."¶
- prompt = '(dechora) '¶