Source code for binaryninja.architecture

# Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Vector 35 Inc
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
# deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
# rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
# sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
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# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

import traceback
import ctypes
from typing import Generator, Union, List, Optional, Mapping, Tuple, NewType, Dict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

# Binary Ninja components
import binaryninja
from . import _binaryninjacore as core
from .enums import (
    Endianness, ImplicitRegisterExtend, BranchType, LowLevelILFlagCondition, FlagRole, LowLevelILOperation,
    InstructionTextTokenType, InstructionTextTokenContext, IntrinsicClass
from .log import log_error
from . import lowlevelil
from . import types
from . import databuffer
from . import platform
from . import callingconvention
from . import typelibrary
from . import function
from . import binaryview
from . import deprecation

RegisterIndex = NewType('RegisterIndex', int)
RegisterStackIndex = NewType('RegisterStackIndex', int)
FlagIndex = NewType('FlagIndex', int)
SemanticClassIndex = NewType('SemanticClassIndex', int)
SemanticGroupIndex = NewType('SemanticGroupIndex', int)
IntrinsicIndex = NewType('IntrinsicIndex', int)
FlagWriteTypeIndex = NewType('FlagWriteTypeIndex', int)

RegisterName = NewType('RegisterName', str)
RegisterStackName = NewType('RegisterStackName', str)
FlagName = NewType('FlagName', str)
SemanticClassName = NewType('SemanticClassName', str)
SemanticGroupName = NewType('SemanticGroupName', str)
IntrinsicName = NewType('IntrinsicName', str)
FlagWriteTypeName = NewType('FlagWriteTypeName', str)

RegisterType = Union[RegisterName, 'lowlevelil.ILRegister', RegisterIndex]
FlagType = Union[FlagName, 'lowlevelil.ILFlag', FlagIndex]
RegisterStackType = Union[RegisterStackName, 'lowlevelil.ILRegisterStack', RegisterStackIndex]
SemanticClassType = Union[SemanticClassName, 'lowlevelil.ILSemanticFlagClass', SemanticClassIndex]
SemanticGroupType = Union[SemanticGroupName, 'lowlevelil.ILSemanticFlagGroup', SemanticGroupIndex]
IntrinsicType = Union[IntrinsicName, 'lowlevelil.ILIntrinsic', IntrinsicIndex]

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class RegisterInfo: full_width_reg: RegisterName size: int offset: int = 0 extend: ImplicitRegisterExtend = ImplicitRegisterExtend.NoExtend index: Optional[RegisterIndex] = None def __repr__(self): if self.extend == ImplicitRegisterExtend.ZeroExtendToFullWidth: extend = ", zero extend" elif self.extend == ImplicitRegisterExtend.SignExtendToFullWidth: extend = ", sign extend" else: extend = "" return f"<reg: size {self.size}, offset {self.offset} in {self.full_width_reg}{extend}>"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class RegisterStackInfo: storage_regs: List[RegisterName] top_relative_regs: List[RegisterName] stack_top_reg: RegisterName index: Optional[RegisterStackIndex] = None def __repr__(self): return f"<reg stack: {len(self.storage_regs)} regs, stack top in {self.stack_top_reg}>"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class IntrinsicInput: type: 'types.Type' name: str = "" def __repr__(self): if len( == 0: return f"<input: {self.type}>" return f"<input: {self.type} {}>"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class IntrinsicInfo: inputs: List[IntrinsicInput] outputs: List['types.Type'] index: Optional[int] = None def __repr__(self): return f"<intrinsic: {repr(self.inputs)} -> {repr(self.outputs)}>"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class InstructionBranch: type: BranchType target: int arch: Optional['Architecture'] def __repr__(self): if self.arch is not None: return f"<{}: {}@{}>" return f"<{self.type}: {}>"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=False) class InstructionInfo: length: int = 0 arch_transition_by_target_addr: bool = False branch_delay: int = 0 branches: List[InstructionBranch] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] def add_branch(self, branch_type: BranchType, target: int = 0, arch: Optional['Architecture'] = None) -> None: self.branches.append(InstructionBranch(branch_type, target, arch))
def __len__(self): return self.length def __repr__(self): branch_delay = "" if self.branch_delay: branch_delay = ", delay slot" return f"<instr: {self.length} bytes{branch_delay}, {repr(self.branches)}>"
class _ArchitectureMetaClass(type): def __iter__(self) -> Generator['Architecture', None, None]: binaryninja._init_plugins() count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() archs = core.BNGetArchitectureList(count) if archs is None: return try: for i in range(0, count.value): yield CoreArchitecture._from_cache(archs[i]) finally: core.BNFreeArchitectureList(archs) def __getitem__(cls: '_ArchitectureMetaClass', name: str) -> 'Architecture': binaryninja._init_plugins() arch = core.BNGetArchitectureByName(name) if arch is None: raise KeyError(f"'{name}' is not a valid architecture") return CoreArchitecture._from_cache(arch)
[docs] class Architecture(metaclass=_ArchitectureMetaClass): """ ``class Architecture`` is the parent class for all CPU architectures. Subclasses of Architecture implement assembly, disassembly, IL lifting, and patching. ``class Architecture`` has a metaclass with the additional methods ``register``, and supports iteration:: >>> #List the architectures >>> list(Architecture) [<arch: aarch64>, <arch: armv7>, <arch: thumb2>, <arch: armv7eb>, <arch: thumb2eb>, <arch: mipsel32>, <arch: mips32>, <arch: ppc>, <arch: ppc64>, <arch: ppc_le>, <arch: ppc64_le>, <arch: x86_16>, <arch: x86>, <arch: x86_64>] >>> #Register a new Architecture >>> class MyArch(Architecture): ... name = "MyArch" ... >>> MyArch.register() >>> list(Architecture) [<arch: aarch64>, <arch: armv7>, <arch: thumb2>, <arch: armv7eb>, <arch: thumb2eb>, <arch: mipsel32>, <arch: mips32>, <arch: ppc>, <arch: ppc64>, <arch: ppc_le>, <arch: ppc64_le>, <arch: x86_16>, <arch: x86>, <arch: x86_64>, <arch: MyArch>] >>> For the purposes of this documentation the variable ``arch`` will be used in the following context :: >>> from binaryninja import * >>> arch = Architecture['x86'] .. note:: The `max_instr_length` property of an architecture is not necessarily representative of the maximum instruction size of the associated CPU architecture. Rather, it represents the maximum size of a potential instruction that the architecture plugin can handle. So for example, the value for x86 is 16 despite the lagest valid instruction being only 15 bytes long, and the value for mips32 is currently 8 because multiple instrutions are decoded looking for delay slots so they can be reordered. """ name = None endianness = Endianness.LittleEndian address_size = 8 default_int_size = 4 instr_alignment = 1 max_instr_length = 16 opcode_display_length = 8 regs: Dict[RegisterName, RegisterInfo] = {} stack_pointer = None link_reg = None global_regs = [] system_regs = [] flags = [] flag_write_types: List[FlagWriteTypeName] = [] semantic_flag_classes = [] semantic_flag_groups = [] flag_roles = {} flags_required_for_flag_condition = {} flags_required_for_semantic_flag_group = {} flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group = {} flags_written_by_flag_write_type = {} semantic_class_for_flag_write_type = {} reg_stacks: Dict[RegisterStackName, RegisterStackInfo] = {} intrinsics = {} next_address = 0 def __init__(self): binaryninja._init_plugins() if self.__class__.opcode_display_length > self.__class__.max_instr_length: self.__class__.opcode_display_length = self.__class__.max_instr_length self._cb = core.BNCustomArchitecture() self._cb.context = 0 self._cb.init = self._cb.init.__class__(self._init) self._cb.getEndianness = self._cb.getEndianness.__class__(self._get_endianness) self._cb.getAddressSize = self._cb.getAddressSize.__class__(self._get_address_size) self._cb.getDefaultIntegerSize = self._cb.getDefaultIntegerSize.__class__(self._get_default_integer_size) self._cb.getInstructionAlignment = self._cb.getInstructionAlignment.__class__(self._get_instruction_alignment) self._cb.getMaxInstructionLength = self._cb.getMaxInstructionLength.__class__(self._get_max_instruction_length) self._cb.getOpcodeDisplayLength = self._cb.getOpcodeDisplayLength.__class__(self._get_opcode_display_length) self._cb.getAssociatedArchitectureByAddress = self._cb.getAssociatedArchitectureByAddress.__class__( self._get_associated_arch_by_address ) self._cb.getInstructionInfo = self._cb.getInstructionInfo.__class__(self._get_instruction_info) self._cb.getInstructionText = self._cb.getInstructionText.__class__(self._get_instruction_text) self._cb.freeInstructionText = self._cb.freeInstructionText.__class__(self._free_instruction_text) self._cb.getInstructionLowLevelIL = self._cb.getInstructionLowLevelIL.__class__( self._get_instruction_low_level_il ) self._cb.getRegisterName = self._cb.getRegisterName.__class__(self._get_register_name) self._cb.getFlagName = self._cb.getFlagName.__class__(self._get_flag_name) self._cb.getFlagWriteTypeName = self._cb.getFlagWriteTypeName.__class__(self._get_flag_write_type_name) self._cb.getSemanticFlagClassName = self._cb.getSemanticFlagClassName.__class__( self._get_semantic_flag_class_name ) self._cb.getSemanticFlagGroupName = self._cb.getSemanticFlagGroupName.__class__( self._get_semantic_flag_group_name ) self._cb.getFullWidthRegisters = self._cb.getFullWidthRegisters.__class__(self._get_full_width_registers) self._cb.getAllRegisters = self._cb.getAllRegisters.__class__(self._get_all_registers) self._cb.getAllFlags = self._cb.getAllRegisters.__class__(self._get_all_flags) self._cb.getAllFlagWriteTypes = self._cb.getAllRegisters.__class__(self._get_all_flag_write_types) self._cb.getAllSemanticFlagClasses = self._cb.getAllSemanticFlagClasses.__class__( self._get_all_semantic_flag_classes ) self._cb.getAllSemanticFlagGroups = self._cb.getAllSemanticFlagGroups.__class__( self._get_all_semantic_flag_groups ) self._cb.getFlagRole = self._cb.getFlagRole.__class__(self._get_flag_role) self._cb.getFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition = self._cb.getFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition.__class__( self._get_flags_required_for_flag_condition ) self._cb.getFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup = self._cb.getFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup.__class__( self._get_flags_required_for_semantic_flag_group ) self._cb.getFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup = self._cb.getFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup.__class__( self._get_flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group ) self._cb.freeFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup = self._cb.freeFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup.__class__( self._free_flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group ) self._cb.getFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType = self._cb.getFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType.__class__( self._get_flags_written_by_flag_write_type ) self._cb.getSemanticClassForFlagWriteType = self._cb.getSemanticClassForFlagWriteType.__class__( self._get_semantic_class_for_flag_write_type ) self._cb.getFlagWriteLowLevelIL = self._cb.getFlagWriteLowLevelIL.__class__(self._get_flag_write_low_level_il) self._cb.getFlagConditionLowLevelIL = self._cb.getFlagConditionLowLevelIL.__class__( self._get_flag_condition_low_level_il ) self._cb.getSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelIL = self._cb.getSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelIL.__class__( self._get_semantic_flag_group_low_level_il ) self._cb.freeRegisterList = self._cb.freeRegisterList.__class__(self._free_register_list) self._cb.getRegisterInfo = self._cb.getRegisterInfo.__class__(self._get_register_info) self._cb.getStackPointerRegister = self._cb.getStackPointerRegister.__class__(self._get_stack_pointer_register) self._cb.getLinkRegister = self._cb.getLinkRegister.__class__(self._get_link_register) self._cb.getGlobalRegisters = self._cb.getGlobalRegisters.__class__(self._get_global_registers) self._cb.getSystemRegisters = self._cb.getSystemRegisters.__class__(self._get_system_registers) self._cb.getRegisterStackName = self._cb.getRegisterStackName.__class__(self._get_register_stack_name) self._cb.getAllRegisterStacks = self._cb.getAllRegisterStacks.__class__(self._get_all_register_stacks) self._cb.getRegisterStackInfo = self._cb.getRegisterStackInfo.__class__(self._get_register_stack_info) self._cb.getIntrinsicClass = self._cb.getIntrinsicClass.__class__(self._get_intrinsic_class) self._cb.getIntrinsicName = self._cb.getIntrinsicName.__class__(self._get_intrinsic_name) self._cb.getAllIntrinsics = self._cb.getAllIntrinsics.__class__(self._get_all_intrinsics) self._cb.getIntrinsicInputs = self._cb.getIntrinsicInputs.__class__(self._get_intrinsic_inputs) self._cb.freeNameAndTypeList = self._cb.freeNameAndTypeList.__class__(self._free_name_and_type_list) self._cb.getIntrinsicOutputs = self._cb.getIntrinsicOutputs.__class__(self._get_intrinsic_outputs) self._cb.freeTypeList = self._cb.freeTypeList.__class__(self._free_type_list) self._cb.assemble = self._cb.assemble.__class__(self._assemble) self._cb.isNeverBranchPatchAvailable = self._cb.isNeverBranchPatchAvailable.__class__( self._is_never_branch_patch_available ) self._cb.isAlwaysBranchPatchAvailable = self._cb.isAlwaysBranchPatchAvailable.__class__( self._is_always_branch_patch_available ) self._cb.isInvertBranchPatchAvailable = self._cb.isInvertBranchPatchAvailable.__class__( self._is_invert_branch_patch_available ) self._cb.isSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailable = self._cb.isSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailable.__class__( self._is_skip_and_return_zero_patch_available ) self._cb.isSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailable = self._cb.isSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailable.__class__( self._is_skip_and_return_value_patch_available ) self._cb.convertToNop = self._cb.convertToNop.__class__(self._convert_to_nop) self._cb.alwaysBranch = self._cb.alwaysBranch.__class__(self._always_branch) self._cb.invertBranch = self._cb.invertBranch.__class__(self._invert_branch) self._cb.skipAndReturnValue = self._cb.skipAndReturnValue.__class__(self._skip_and_return_value) self.__dict__['endianness'] = self.__class__.endianness self.__dict__['address_size'] = self.__class__.address_size self.__dict__['default_int_size'] = self.__class__.default_int_size self.__dict__['instr_alignment'] = self.__class__.instr_alignment self.__dict__['max_instr_length'] = self.__class__.max_instr_length self.__dict__['opcode_display_length'] = self.__class__.opcode_display_length self.__dict__['stack_pointer'] = self.__class__.stack_pointer self.__dict__['link_reg'] = self.__class__.link_reg self._all_regs: Dict[RegisterName, RegisterIndex] = {} self._full_width_regs: Dict[RegisterName, RegisterIndex] = {} self._regs_by_index: Dict[RegisterIndex, RegisterName] = {} self.regs = self.__class__.regs assert self.regs is not None, "Custom Architecture doesn't specify a register map" reg_index = RegisterIndex(0) # Registers used for storage in register stacks must be sequential, so allocate these in order first self._all_reg_stacks: Dict[RegisterStackName, RegisterStackIndex] = {} self._reg_stacks_by_index: Dict[RegisterStackIndex, RegisterStackName] = {} self.reg_stacks = self.__class__.reg_stacks assert self.regs is not None, "Custom Architecture doesn't specify a reg_stacks map" reg_stack_index = RegisterStackIndex(0) for reg_stack, info in self.reg_stacks.items(): for reg in info.storage_regs: self._all_regs[reg] = reg_index self._regs_by_index[reg_index] = reg r = self.regs[reg] self.regs[reg] = RegisterInfo(r.full_width_reg, r.size, r.offset, r.extend, reg_index) reg_index = RegisterIndex(reg_index + 1) for reg in info.top_relative_regs: self._all_regs[reg] = reg_index self._regs_by_index[reg_index] = reg r = self.regs[reg] self.regs[reg] = RegisterInfo(r.full_width_reg, r.size, r.offset, r.extend, reg_index) reg_index = RegisterIndex(reg_index + 1) if reg_stack not in self._all_reg_stacks: self._all_reg_stacks[reg_stack] = reg_stack_index self._reg_stacks_by_index[reg_stack_index] = reg_stack rs = self.reg_stacks[reg_stack] self.reg_stacks[reg_stack] = RegisterStackInfo( rs.storage_regs, rs.top_relative_regs, rs.stack_top_reg, reg_stack_index ) reg_stack_index = RegisterStackIndex(reg_stack_index + 1) for reg, info in self.regs.items(): if reg not in self._all_regs: self._all_regs[reg] = reg_index self._regs_by_index[reg_index] = reg r = self.regs[reg] self.regs[reg] = RegisterInfo(r.full_width_reg, r.size, r.offset, r.extend, reg_index) reg_index = RegisterIndex(reg_index + 1) if info.full_width_reg not in self._all_regs: self._all_regs[info.full_width_reg] = reg_index self._regs_by_index[reg_index] = info.full_width_reg r = self.regs[reg] self.regs[info.full_width_reg] = RegisterInfo(r.full_width_reg, r.size, r.offset, r.extend, reg_index) reg_index = RegisterIndex(reg_index + 1) if info.full_width_reg not in self._full_width_regs: self._full_width_regs[info.full_width_reg] = self._all_regs[info.full_width_reg] self._flags: Dict[FlagName, FlagIndex] = {} self._flags_by_index: Dict[FlagIndex, FlagName] = {} self.flags: List[FlagName] = self.__class__.flags flag_index = FlagIndex(0) for flag in self.__class__.flags: if flag not in self._flags: self._flags[flag] = flag_index self._flags_by_index[flag_index] = flag flag_index = FlagIndex(flag_index + 1) self._flag_write_types: Dict[FlagWriteTypeName, FlagWriteTypeIndex] = {} self._flag_write_types_by_index: Dict[FlagWriteTypeIndex, FlagWriteTypeName] = {} self.flag_write_types: List[FlagWriteTypeName] = self.__class__.flag_write_types write_type_index = FlagWriteTypeIndex(1) for write_type in self.__class__.flag_write_types: if write_type not in self._flag_write_types: self._flag_write_types[write_type] = write_type_index self._flag_write_types_by_index[write_type_index] = write_type write_type_index = FlagWriteTypeIndex(write_type_index + 1) self._semantic_flag_classes: Dict[SemanticClassName, SemanticClassIndex] = {} self._semantic_flag_classes_by_index: Dict[SemanticClassIndex, SemanticClassName] = {} self.semantic_flag_classes: List[SemanticClassName] = self.__class__.semantic_flag_classes semantic_class_index = SemanticClassIndex(1) for sem_class in self.__class__.semantic_flag_classes: if sem_class not in self._semantic_flag_classes: self._semantic_flag_classes[sem_class] = semantic_class_index self._semantic_flag_classes_by_index[semantic_class_index] = sem_class semantic_class_index = SemanticClassIndex(semantic_class_index + 1) self._semantic_flag_groups: Dict[SemanticGroupName, SemanticGroupIndex] = {} self._semantic_flag_groups_by_index: Dict[SemanticGroupIndex, SemanticGroupName] = {} self.semantic_flag_groups: List[SemanticGroupName] = self.__class__.semantic_flag_groups semantic_group_index = SemanticGroupIndex(0) for sem_group in self.__class__.semantic_flag_groups: if sem_group not in self._semantic_flag_groups: self._semantic_flag_groups[sem_group] = semantic_group_index self._semantic_flag_groups_by_index[semantic_group_index] = sem_group semantic_group_index = SemanticGroupIndex(semantic_group_index + 1) self._flag_roles: Dict[FlagIndex, FlagRole] = {} self.flag_roles: Dict[FlagName, FlagRole] = self.__class__.flag_roles for flag in self.__class__.flag_roles: role = self.__class__.flag_roles[flag] if isinstance(role, str): role = FlagRole[role] self._flag_roles[self._flags[flag]] = role self.flags_required_for_flag_condition: Dict['lowlevelil.LowLevelILFlagCondition', List[FlagName]] = self.__class__.flags_required_for_flag_condition self._flags_required_by_semantic_flag_group: Dict[SemanticGroupIndex, List[FlagIndex]] = {} self.flags_required_for_semantic_flag_group: Dict[ SemanticGroupName, List[FlagName]] = self.__class__.flags_required_for_semantic_flag_group for group in self.__class__.flags_required_for_semantic_flag_group: flags: List[FlagIndex] = [] for flag in self.__class__.flags_required_for_semantic_flag_group[group]: flags.append(self._flags[flag]) self._flags_required_by_semantic_flag_group[self._semantic_flag_groups[group]] = flags self._flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group = {} self.flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group = self.__class__.flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group for group in self.__class__.flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group: class_cond = {} for sem_class in self.__class__.flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group[group]: if sem_class is None: class_cond[0] = self.__class__.flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group[group][sem_class] else: class_cond[self._semantic_flag_classes[sem_class] ] = self.__class__.flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group[group][sem_class] self._flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group[self._semantic_flag_groups[group]] = class_cond self._flags_written_by_flag_write_type = {} self.flags_written_by_flag_write_type = self.__class__.flags_written_by_flag_write_type for write_type in self.__class__.flags_written_by_flag_write_type: flags = [] for flag in self.__class__.flags_written_by_flag_write_type[write_type]: flags.append(self._flags[flag]) self._flags_written_by_flag_write_type[self._flag_write_types[write_type]] = flags self._semantic_class_for_flag_write_type = {} self.semantic_class_for_flag_write_type = self.__class__.semantic_class_for_flag_write_type for write_type in self.__class__.semantic_class_for_flag_write_type: sem_class = self.__class__.semantic_class_for_flag_write_type[write_type] if sem_class in self._semantic_flag_classes: sem_class_index = self._semantic_flag_classes[sem_class] else: sem_class_index = 0 self._semantic_class_for_flag_write_type[self._flag_write_types[write_type]] = sem_class_index self.global_regs = self.__class__.global_regs self.system_regs = self.__class__.system_regs self._intrinsics: Dict[IntrinsicName, IntrinsicIndex] = {} self._intrinsic_class_by_index: Dict[IntrinsicIndex, IntrinsicClass] = {} self._intrinsics_by_index: Dict[IntrinsicIndex, Tuple[IntrinsicName, IntrinsicInfo]] = {} intrinsic_index = IntrinsicIndex(0) for intrinsic in self.__class__.intrinsics.keys(): if intrinsic not in self._intrinsics: info = self.__class__.intrinsics[intrinsic] for i in range(0, len(info.inputs)): if isinstance(info.inputs[i], types.Type): info.inputs[i] = IntrinsicInput(info.inputs[i]) elif isinstance(info.inputs[i], tuple): info.inputs[i] = IntrinsicInput(info.inputs[i][0], info.inputs[i][1]) info = IntrinsicInfo(info.inputs, info.outputs, intrinsic_index) self._intrinsics[intrinsic] = intrinsic_index self._intrinsics_by_index[intrinsic_index] = (intrinsic, info) intrinsic_index = IntrinsicIndex(intrinsic_index + 1) self._pending_reg_lists = {} self._pending_token_lists = {} self._pending_condition_lists = {} self._pending_name_and_type_lists = {} self._pending_type_lists = {} def __repr__(self): return f"<arch: {}>" def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return ctypes.addressof(self.handle.contents) == ctypes.addressof(other.handle.contents) def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return not (self == other) def __hash__(self): return hash(ctypes.addressof(self.handle.contents)) def __str__(self): return
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls) -> 'Architecture': binaryninja._init_plugins() if is None: raise ValueError("architecture 'name' is not defined") arch = cls() cls._registered_cb = arch._cb arch.handle = core.BNRegisterArchitecture(, arch._cb) return arch
@property def full_width_regs(self) -> List[RegisterName]: """List of full width register strings (read-only)""" count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() regs = core.BNGetFullWidthArchitectureRegisters(self.handle, count) assert regs is not None, "core.BNGetFullWidthArchitectureRegisters returned None" result: List[RegisterName] = [] try: for i in range(0, count.value): result.append(RegisterName(core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterName(self.handle, regs[i]))) finally: core.BNFreeRegisterList(regs) return result @property def calling_conventions(self) -> Mapping[str, 'callingconvention.CallingConvention']: """Dict of CallingConvention objects (read-only)""" count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() cc = core.BNGetArchitectureCallingConventions(self.handle, count) assert cc is not None, "core.BNGetArchitectureCallingConventions returned None" result = {} try: for i in range(0, count.value): obj = callingconvention.CallingConvention(handle=core.BNNewCallingConventionReference(cc[i])) result[] = obj finally: core.BNFreeCallingConventionList(cc, count.value) return result @property def standalone_platform(self) -> 'platform.Platform': """Architecture standalone platform (read-only)""" pl = core.BNGetArchitectureStandalonePlatform(self.handle) return platform.CorePlatform._from_cache(pl) @property def type_libraries(self) -> List['typelibrary.TypeLibrary']: """Architecture type libraries""" count = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0) result = [] handles = core.BNGetArchitectureTypeLibraries(self.handle, count) assert handles is not None, "core.BNGetArchitectureTypeLibraries returned None" for i in range(0, count.value): result.append(typelibrary.TypeLibrary(core.BNNewTypeLibraryReference(handles[i]))) core.BNFreeTypeLibraryList(handles, count.value) return result @property def can_assemble(self) -> bool: """returns if the architecture can assemble instructions (read-only)""" return core.BNCanArchitectureAssemble(self.handle) def _init(self, ctxt, handle): self.handle = handle def _get_endianness(self, ctxt): try: return self.endianness except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return Endianness.LittleEndian def _get_address_size(self, ctxt): try: return self.address_size except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return 8 def _get_default_integer_size(self, ctxt): try: return self.default_int_size except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return 4 def _get_instruction_alignment(self, ctxt): try: return self.instr_alignment except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return 1 def _get_max_instruction_length(self, ctxt): try: return self.max_instr_length except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return 16 def _get_opcode_display_length(self, ctxt): try: return self.opcode_display_length except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return 8 def _get_associated_arch_by_address(self, ctxt, addr): try: result, new_addr = self.get_associated_arch_by_address(addr[0]) addr[0] = new_addr return ctypes.cast(result.handle, ctypes.c_void_p).value except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return ctypes.cast(self.handle, ctypes.c_void_p).value def _get_instruction_info(self, ctxt, data, addr, max_len, result): try: buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(max_len) ctypes.memmove(buf, data, max_len) info = self.get_instruction_info(buf.raw, addr) if info is None: return False result[0].length = info.length result[0].archTransitionByTargetAddr = info.arch_transition_by_target_addr result[0].delaySlots = info.branch_delay result[0].branchCount = len(info.branches) for i in range(0, len(info.branches)): if isinstance(info.branches[i].type, str): result[0].branchType[i] = BranchType[info.branches[i]] else: result[0].branchType[i] = info.branches[i].type result[0].branchTarget[i] = info.branches[i].target arch = info.branches[i].arch if arch is None: result[0].branchArch[i] = None else: result[0].branchArch[i] = arch.handle return True except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return False def _get_instruction_text(self, ctxt, data, addr, length, result, count): try: buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length[0]) ctypes.memmove(buf, data, length[0]) info = self.get_instruction_text(buf.raw, addr) if info is None: return False tokens = info[0] length[0] = info[1] count[0] = len(tokens) token_buf = function.InstructionTextToken._get_core_struct(tokens) result[0] = token_buf ptr = ctypes.cast(token_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_token_lists[ptr.value] = (ptr.value, token_buf) return True except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return False def _free_instruction_text(self, tokens, count): try: buf = ctypes.cast(tokens, ctypes.c_void_p) if buf.value not in self._pending_token_lists: raise ValueError("freeing token list that wasn't allocated") del self._pending_token_lists[buf.value] except KeyError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _get_instruction_low_level_il(self, ctxt, data, addr, length, il): try: buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length[0]) ctypes.memmove(buf, data, length[0]) result = self.get_instruction_low_level_il( buf.raw, addr, lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction(self, core.BNNewLowLevelILFunctionReference(il)) ) if result is None: return False length[0] = result return True except OSError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return False def _get_register_name(self, ctxt, reg): try: if reg in self._regs_by_index: return core.BNAllocString(self._regs_by_index[reg]) return core.BNAllocString("") except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return core.BNAllocString("") def _get_flag_name(self, ctxt, flag): try: if flag in self._flags_by_index: return core.BNAllocString(self._flags_by_index[flag]) return core.BNAllocString("") except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return core.BNAllocString("") def _get_flag_write_type_name(self, ctxt, write_type: FlagWriteTypeIndex): try: if write_type in self._flag_write_types_by_index: return core.BNAllocString(self._flag_write_types_by_index[write_type]) return core.BNAllocString("") except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return core.BNAllocString("") def _get_semantic_flag_class_name(self, ctxt, sem_class): try: if sem_class in self._semantic_flag_classes_by_index: return core.BNAllocString(self._semantic_flag_classes_by_index[sem_class]) return core.BNAllocString("") except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return core.BNAllocString("") def _get_semantic_flag_group_name(self, ctxt, sem_group): try: if sem_group in self._semantic_flag_groups_by_index: return core.BNAllocString(self._semantic_flag_groups_by_index[sem_group]) return core.BNAllocString("") except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return core.BNAllocString("") def _get_full_width_registers(self, ctxt, count): try: regs = list(self._full_width_regs.values()) count[0] = len(regs) reg_buf = (ctypes.c_uint * len(regs))() for i in range(0, len(regs)): reg_buf[i] = regs[i] result = ctypes.cast(reg_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_reg_lists[result.value] = (result, reg_buf) return result.value except KeyError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) count[0] = 0 return None def _get_all_registers(self, ctxt, count): try: regs = list(self._regs_by_index.keys()) count[0] = len(regs) reg_buf = (ctypes.c_uint * len(regs))() for i in range(0, len(regs)): reg_buf[i] = regs[i] result = ctypes.cast(reg_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_reg_lists[result.value] = (result, reg_buf) return result.value except KeyError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) count[0] = 0 return None def _get_all_flags(self, ctxt, count): try: flags = list(self._flags_by_index.keys()) count[0] = len(flags) flag_buf = (ctypes.c_uint * len(flags))() for i in range(0, len(flags)): flag_buf[i] = flags[i] result = ctypes.cast(flag_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_reg_lists[result.value] = (result, flag_buf) return result.value except KeyError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) count[0] = 0 return None def _get_all_flag_write_types(self, ctxt, count): try: write_types = list(self._flag_write_types_by_index.keys()) count[0] = len(write_types) type_buf = (ctypes.c_uint * len(write_types))() for i in range(0, len(write_types)): type_buf[i] = write_types[i] result = ctypes.cast(type_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_reg_lists[result.value] = (result, type_buf) return result.value except KeyError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) count[0] = 0 return None def _get_all_semantic_flag_classes(self, ctxt, count): try: sem_classes = list(self._semantic_flag_classes_by_index.keys()) count[0] = len(sem_classes) class_buf = (ctypes.c_uint * len(sem_classes))() for i in range(0, len(sem_classes)): class_buf[i] = sem_classes[i] result = ctypes.cast(class_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_reg_lists[result.value] = (result, class_buf) return result.value except KeyError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) count[0] = 0 return None def _get_all_semantic_flag_groups(self, ctxt, count): try: sem_groups = list(self._semantic_flag_groups_by_index.keys()) count[0] = len(sem_groups) group_buf = (ctypes.c_uint * len(sem_groups))() for i in range(0, len(sem_groups)): group_buf[i] = sem_groups[i] result = ctypes.cast(group_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_reg_lists[result.value] = (result, group_buf) return result.value except KeyError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) count[0] = 0 return None def _get_flag_role(self, ctxt, flag: FlagIndex, sem_class: Optional[SemanticClassName] = None): if sem_class in self._semantic_flag_classes: assert sem_class is not None _sem_class = self._semantic_flag_classes[sem_class] else: _sem_class = None return self.get_flag_role(flag, _sem_class) def _get_flags_required_for_flag_condition(self, ctxt, cond, sem_class, count): try: if sem_class in self._semantic_flag_classes_by_index: sem_class = self._semantic_flag_classes_by_index[sem_class] else: sem_class = None flag_names = self.get_flags_required_for_flag_condition(cond, sem_class) flags = [] for name in flag_names: flags.append(self._flags[name]) count[0] = len(flags) flag_buf = (ctypes.c_uint * len(flags))() for i in range(0, len(flags)): flag_buf[i] = flags[i] result = ctypes.cast(flag_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_reg_lists[result.value] = (result, flag_buf) return result.value except KeyError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) count[0] = 0 return None def _get_flags_required_for_semantic_flag_group(self, ctxt, sem_group, count): try: if sem_group in self._flags_required_by_semantic_flag_group: flags = self._flags_required_by_semantic_flag_group[sem_group] else: flags = [] count[0] = len(flags) flag_buf = (ctypes.c_uint * len(flags))() for i in range(0, len(flags)): flag_buf[i] = flags[i] result = ctypes.cast(flag_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_reg_lists[result.value] = (result, flag_buf) return result.value except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) count[0] = 0 return None def _get_flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group(self, ctxt, sem_group, count): try: if sem_group in self._flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group: class_cond = self._flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group[sem_group] else: class_cond = {} count[0] = len(class_cond) cond_buf = (core.BNFlagConditionForSemanticClass * len(class_cond))() i = 0 for class_index in class_cond.keys(): cond_buf[i].semanticClass = class_index cond_buf[i].condition = class_cond[class_index] i += 1 result = ctypes.cast(cond_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_condition_lists[result.value] = (result, cond_buf) return result.value except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) count[0] = 0 return None def _free_flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group(self, ctxt, conditions): try: buf = ctypes.cast(conditions, ctypes.c_void_p) if buf.value not in self._pending_condition_lists: raise ValueError("freeing condition list that wasn't allocated") del self._pending_condition_lists[buf.value] except (ValueError, KeyError): log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _get_flags_written_by_flag_write_type(self, ctxt, write_type, count): try: if write_type in self._flags_written_by_flag_write_type: flags = self._flags_written_by_flag_write_type[write_type] else: flags = [] count[0] = len(flags) flag_buf = (ctypes.c_uint * len(flags))() for i in range(0, len(flags)): flag_buf[i] = flags[i] result = ctypes.cast(flag_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_reg_lists[result.value] = (result, flag_buf) return result.value except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) count[0] = 0 return None def _get_semantic_class_for_flag_write_type(self, ctxt, write_type): try: if write_type in self._semantic_class_for_flag_write_type: return self._semantic_class_for_flag_write_type[write_type] else: return 0 except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return 0 def _get_flag_write_low_level_il(self, ctxt, op, size, write_type, flag, operands, operand_count, il): try: write_type_name = None if write_type != 0: write_type_name = self._flag_write_types_by_index[write_type] flag_name = self._flags_by_index[flag] operand_list = [] for i in range(operand_count): if operands[i].constant: operand_list.append(operands[i].value) elif lowlevelil.LLIL_REG_IS_TEMP(operands[i].reg): operand_list.append(lowlevelil.ILRegister(self, operands[i].reg)) else: operand_list.append(lowlevelil.ILRegister(self, operands[i].reg)) return self.get_flag_write_low_level_il( op, size, write_type_name, flag_name, operand_list, lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction(self, core.BNNewLowLevelILFunctionReference(il)) ) except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return False def _get_flag_condition_low_level_il(self, ctxt, cond, sem_class, il): try: if sem_class in self._semantic_flag_classes_by_index: sem_class_name = self._semantic_flag_classes_by_index[sem_class] else: sem_class_name = None return self.get_flag_condition_low_level_il( cond, sem_class_name, lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction(self, core.BNNewLowLevelILFunctionReference(il)) ) except OSError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return 0 def _get_semantic_flag_group_low_level_il(self, ctxt, sem_group, il): try: if sem_group in self._semantic_flag_groups_by_index: sem_group_name = self._semantic_flag_groups_by_index[sem_group] else: sem_group_name = None return self.get_semantic_flag_group_low_level_il( sem_group_name, lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction(self, core.BNNewLowLevelILFunctionReference(il)) ) except OSError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return 0 def _free_register_list(self, ctxt, regs): try: buf = ctypes.cast(regs, ctypes.c_void_p) if buf.value not in self._pending_reg_lists: raise ValueError("freeing register list that wasn't allocated") del self._pending_reg_lists[buf.value] except (ValueError, KeyError): log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _get_register_info(self, ctxt, reg, result): try: if reg not in self._regs_by_index: result[0].fullWidthRegister = 0 result[0].offset = 0 result[0].size = 0 result[0].extend = ImplicitRegisterExtend.NoExtend return info = self.regs[self._regs_by_index[reg]] result[0].fullWidthRegister = self._all_regs[info.full_width_reg] result[0].offset = info.offset result[0].size = info.size if isinstance(info.extend, str): result[0].extend = ImplicitRegisterExtend[info.extend] else: result[0].extend = info.extend except KeyError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) result[0].fullWidthRegister = 0 result[0].offset = 0 result[0].size = 0 result[0].extend = ImplicitRegisterExtend.NoExtend def _get_stack_pointer_register(self, ctxt): if self.stack_pointer is None: return None try: return self._all_regs[self.stack_pointer] except KeyError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return 0 def _get_link_register(self, ctxt): try: if self.link_reg is None: return 0xffffffff return self._all_regs[self.link_reg] except KeyError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return 0 def _get_global_registers(self, ctxt, count): try: count[0] = len(self.global_regs) reg_buf = (ctypes.c_uint * len(self.global_regs))() for i in range(0, len(self.global_regs)): reg_buf[i] = self._all_regs[self.global_regs[i]] result = ctypes.cast(reg_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_reg_lists[result.value] = (result, reg_buf) return result.value except KeyError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) count[0] = 0 return None def _get_system_registers(self, ctxt, count): try: count[0] = len(self.system_regs) reg_buf = (ctypes.c_uint * len(self.system_regs))() for i in range(0, len(self.system_regs)): reg_buf[i] = self._all_regs[self.system_regs[i]] result = ctypes.cast(reg_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_reg_lists[result.value] = (result, reg_buf) return result.value except KeyError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) count[0] = 0 return None def _get_register_stack_name(self, ctxt, reg_stack): try: if reg_stack in self._reg_stacks_by_index: return core.BNAllocString(self._reg_stacks_by_index[reg_stack]) return core.BNAllocString("") except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return core.BNAllocString("") def _get_all_register_stacks(self, ctxt, count): try: regs = list(self._reg_stacks_by_index.keys()) count[0] = len(regs) reg_buf = (ctypes.c_uint * len(regs))() for i in range(0, len(regs)): reg_buf[i] = regs[i] result = ctypes.cast(reg_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_reg_lists[result.value] = (result, reg_buf) return result.value except KeyError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) count[0] = 0 return None def _get_register_stack_info(self, ctxt, reg_stack, result): try: if reg_stack not in self._reg_stacks_by_index: result[0].firstStorageReg = 0 result[0].firstTopRelativeReg = 0 result[0].storageCount = 0 result[0].topRelativeCount = 0 result[0].stackTopReg = 0 return info = self.reg_stacks[self._reg_stacks_by_index[reg_stack]] result[0].firstStorageReg = self._all_regs[info.storage_regs[0]] result[0].storageCount = len(info.storage_regs) if len(info.top_relative_regs) > 0: result[0].firstTopRelativeReg = self._all_regs[info.top_relative_regs[0]] result[0].topRelativeCount = len(info.top_relative_regs) else: result[0].firstTopRelativeReg = 0 result[0].topRelativeCount = 0 result[0].stackTopReg = self._all_regs[info.stack_top_reg] except KeyError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) result[0].firstStorageReg = 0 result[0].firstTopRelativeReg = 0 result[0].storageCount = 0 result[0].topRelativeCount = 0 result[0].stackTopReg = 0 def _get_intrinsic_class(self, ctxt, intrinsic): if intrinsic in self._intrinsic_class_by_index: return self._intrinsic_class_by_index[intrinsic] return IntrinsicClass.GeneralIntrinsicClass def _get_intrinsic_name(self, ctxt, intrinsic): try: if intrinsic in self._intrinsics_by_index: return core.BNAllocString(self._intrinsics_by_index[intrinsic][0]) return core.BNAllocString("") except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return core.BNAllocString("") def _get_all_intrinsics(self, ctxt, count): try: regs = list(self._intrinsics_by_index.keys()) count[0] = len(regs) reg_buf = (ctypes.c_uint * len(regs))() for i in range(0, len(regs)): reg_buf[i] = regs[i] result = ctypes.cast(reg_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_reg_lists[result.value] = (result, reg_buf) return result.value except KeyError: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) count[0] = 0 return None def _get_intrinsic_inputs(self, ctxt, intrinsic, count): try: if intrinsic in self._intrinsics_by_index: inputs = self._intrinsics_by_index[intrinsic][1].inputs count[0] = len(inputs) input_buf = (core.BNNameAndType * len(inputs))() for i in range(0, len(inputs)): input_buf[i].name = inputs[i].name input_buf[i].type = core.BNNewTypeReference(inputs[i].type.handle) input_buf[i].typeConfidence = inputs[i].type.confidence result = ctypes.cast(input_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_name_and_type_lists[result.value] = (result, input_buf, len(inputs)) return result.value count[0] = 0 return None except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) count[0] = 0 return None def _free_name_and_type_list(self, ctxt, buf_raw, length): try: buf = ctypes.cast(buf_raw, ctypes.c_void_p) if buf.value not in self._pending_name_and_type_lists: raise ValueError("freeing name and type list that wasn't allocated") name_and_types = self._pending_name_and_type_lists[buf.value][1] count = self._pending_name_and_type_lists[buf.value][2] for i in range(0, count): core.BNFreeType(name_and_types[i].type) del self._pending_name_and_type_lists[buf.value] except (ValueError, KeyError): log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _get_intrinsic_outputs(self, ctxt, intrinsic, count): try: if intrinsic in self._intrinsics_by_index: outputs = self._intrinsics_by_index[intrinsic][1].outputs count[0] = len(outputs) output_buf = (core.BNTypeWithConfidence * len(outputs))() for i in range(0, len(outputs)): output_buf[i].type = core.BNNewTypeReference(outputs[i].handle) output_buf[i].confidence = outputs[i].confidence result = ctypes.cast(output_buf, ctypes.c_void_p) self._pending_type_lists[result.value] = (result, output_buf, len(outputs)) return result.value count[0] = 0 return None except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) count[0] = 0 return None def _free_type_list(self, ctxt, buf_raw, length): try: buf = ctypes.cast(buf_raw, ctypes.c_void_p) if buf.value not in self._pending_type_lists: raise ValueError("freeing type list that wasn't allocated") _types = self._pending_type_lists[buf.value][1] count = self._pending_type_lists[buf.value][2] for i in range(0, count): core.BNFreeType(_types[i].type) del self._pending_type_lists[buf.value] except (ValueError, KeyError): log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _assemble(self, ctxt, code, addr, result, errors): """ This function calls the `assemble` command for the actual architecture plugin. If the plugin does not provide an `assemble(self, code, addr)`-style function, it uses the default function provided in CoreArchitecture. """ try: data = self.assemble(code, addr) if data is None: return False buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(len(data)) ctypes.memmove(buf, data, len(data)) core.BNSetDataBufferContents(result, buf, len(data)) return True except ValueError as e: # Overridden `assemble` functions should raise a ValueError if the input was invalid (with a reasonable error message) log_error(traceback.format_exc()) errors[0] = core.BNAllocString(str(e)) return False except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) errors[0] = core.BNAllocString("Unhandled exception during assembly.\n") return False def _is_never_branch_patch_available(self, ctxt, data, addr, length): try: buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length) ctypes.memmove(buf, data, length) return self.is_never_branch_patch_available(buf.raw, addr) except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return False def _is_always_branch_patch_available(self, ctxt, data, addr, length): try: buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length) ctypes.memmove(buf, data, length) return self.is_always_branch_patch_available(buf.raw, addr) except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return False def _is_invert_branch_patch_available(self, ctxt, data, addr, length): try: buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length) ctypes.memmove(buf, data, length) return self.is_invert_branch_patch_available(buf.raw, addr) except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return False def _is_skip_and_return_zero_patch_available(self, ctxt, data, addr, length): try: buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length) ctypes.memmove(buf, data, length) return self.is_skip_and_return_zero_patch_available(buf.raw, addr) except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return False def _is_skip_and_return_value_patch_available(self, ctxt, data, addr, length): try: buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length) ctypes.memmove(buf, data, length) return self.is_skip_and_return_value_patch_available(buf.raw, addr) except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return False def _convert_to_nop(self, ctxt, data, addr, length): try: buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length) ctypes.memmove(buf, data, length) result = self.convert_to_nop(buf.raw, addr) if result is None: return False if len(result) > length: result = result[0:length] ctypes.memmove(data, result, len(result)) return True except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return False def _always_branch(self, ctxt, data, addr, length): try: buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length) ctypes.memmove(buf, data, length) result = self.always_branch(buf.raw, addr) if result is None: return False if len(result) > length: result = result[0:length] ctypes.memmove(data, result, len(result)) return True except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return False def _invert_branch(self, ctxt, data, addr, length): try: buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length) ctypes.memmove(buf, data, length) result = self.invert_branch(buf.raw, addr) if result is None: return False if len(result) > length: result = result[0:length] ctypes.memmove(data, result, len(result)) return True except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return False def _skip_and_return_value(self, ctxt, data, addr, length, value): try: buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length) ctypes.memmove(buf, data, length) result = self.skip_and_return_value(buf.raw, addr, value) if result is None: return False if len(result) > length: result = result[0:length] ctypes.memmove(data, result, len(result)) return True except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return False
[docs] def get_associated_arch_by_address(self, addr: int) -> Tuple['Architecture', int]: return self, addr
[docs] def get_instruction_info(self, data: bytes, addr: int) -> Optional[InstructionInfo]: """ ``get_instruction_info`` returns an InstructionInfo object for the instruction at the given virtual address ``addr`` with data ``data``. .. note:: Architecture subclasses should implement this method. .. note:: The instruction info object should always set the InstructionInfo.length to the instruction length, \ and the branches of the proper types should be added if the instruction is a branch. If the instruction is a branch instruction architecture plugins should add a branch of the proper type: ===================== =================================================== BranchType Description ===================== =================================================== UnconditionalBranch Branch will always be taken FalseBranch False branch condition TrueBranch True branch condition CallDestination Branch is a call instruction (Branch with Link) FunctionReturn Branch returns from a function SystemCall System call instruction IndirectBranch Branch destination is a memory address or register UnresolvedBranch Branch destination is an unknown address ===================== =================================================== :param str data: a maximum of max_instruction_length bytes from the binary at virtual address ``addr`` :param int addr: virtual address of bytes in ``data`` :return: the InstructionInfo for the current instruction :rtype: InstructionInfo """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_instruction_text(self, data: bytes, addr: int) -> Optional[Tuple[List['function.InstructionTextToken'], int]]: """ ``get_instruction_text`` returns a tuple containing a list of decoded InstructionTextToken objects and the bytes used at the given virtual address ``addr`` with data ``data``. .. note:: Architecture subclasses should implement this method. :param str data: a maximum of max_instruction_length bytes from the binary at virtual address ``addr`` :param int addr: virtual address of bytes in ``data`` :return: a tuple containing the InstructionTextToken list and length of bytes decoded :rtype: tuple(list(InstructionTextToken), int) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_instruction_low_level_il_instruction( self, bv: 'binaryview.BinaryView', addr: int ) -> 'lowlevelil.LowLevelILInstruction': il = lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction(self) data =, self.max_instr_length) self.get_instruction_low_level_il(data, addr, il) return il[0]
[docs] def get_instruction_low_level_il(self, data: bytes, addr: int, il: lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction) -> Optional[int]: """ ``get_instruction_low_level_il`` appends lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex objects to ``il`` for the instruction at the given virtual address ``addr`` with data ``data``. This is used to analyze arbitrary data at an address, if you are working with an existing binary, you likely want to be using :func:`Function.get_low_level_il_at`. .. note:: Architecture subclasses should implement this method. :param str data: a maximum of max_instruction_length bytes from the binary at virtual address ``addr`` :param int addr: virtual address of bytes in ``data`` :param LowLevelILFunction il: The function the current instruction belongs to :return: the length of the current instruction :rtype: int """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_low_level_il_from_bytes(self, data: bytes, addr: int) -> 'lowlevelil.LowLevelILInstruction': """ ``get_low_level_il_from_bytes`` converts the instruction in bytes to ``il`` at the given virtual address :param str data: the bytes of the instruction :param int addr: virtual address of bytes in ``data`` :return: a list of low level il instructions :rtype: LowLevelILInstruction :Example: >>> list(arch.get_low_level_il_from_bytes(b'\\xeb\\xfe', 0x40DEAD)) <il: jump(0x40dead)> >>> """ func = lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction(self) self.get_instruction_low_level_il(data, addr, func) return func[0]
[docs] def get_reg_name(self, reg: RegisterIndex) -> RegisterName: """ ``get_reg_name`` gets a register name from a register index. :param RegisterIndex reg: register index :return: the corresponding register name :rtype: RegisterName """ return RegisterName(core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterName(self.handle, reg))
[docs] def get_reg_stack_name(self, reg_stack: RegisterStackIndex) -> RegisterStackName: """ ``get_reg_stack_name`` gets a register stack name from a register stack number. :param int reg_stack: register stack number :return: the corresponding register string :rtype: RegisterStackName """ return RegisterStackName(core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterStackName(self.handle, reg_stack))
[docs] def get_reg_stack_for_reg(self, reg: RegisterName) -> Optional[RegisterStackName]: _reg = self.get_reg_index(reg) result = core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterStackForRegister(self.handle, _reg) if result == 0xffffffff: return None return self.get_reg_stack_name(RegisterStackIndex(result))
[docs] def get_flag_name(self, flag: FlagIndex) -> FlagName: """ ``get_flag_name`` gets a flag name from a flag index. :param int flag: flag index :return: the corresponding flag name string :rtype: FlagName """ return FlagName(core.BNGetArchitectureFlagName(self.handle, flag))
[docs] def get_reg_index(self, reg: RegisterType) -> RegisterIndex: if isinstance(reg, str): try: index = self.regs[reg].index assert index is not None return index except KeyError: log_error(f"Failed to map string {reg} to register index: ") log_error(traceback.format_exc()) elif isinstance(reg, lowlevelil.ILRegister): return reg.index elif isinstance(reg, int): return RegisterIndex(reg) raise Exception("Attempting to get register index of non-existant register")
[docs] def get_reg_stack_index(self, reg_stack: RegisterStackType) -> RegisterStackIndex: if isinstance(reg_stack, str): reg_stack_info = self.reg_stacks[reg_stack] if reg_stack_info is not None and reg_stack_info.index is not None: return reg_stack_info.index elif isinstance(reg_stack, lowlevelil.ILRegisterStack): return reg_stack.index elif isinstance(reg_stack, int): return RegisterStackIndex(reg_stack) raise Exception("reg_stack is not convertable to index")
[docs] def get_flag_index(self, flag: FlagType) -> FlagIndex: if isinstance(flag, str): return self._flags[FlagName(flag)] elif isinstance(flag, lowlevelil.ILFlag): return flag.index elif isinstance(flag, int): return FlagIndex(flag) raise Exception("flag is not convertable to index")
[docs] def get_semantic_flag_class_index(self, sem_class: Optional[SemanticClassType]) -> SemanticClassIndex: if sem_class is None: return SemanticClassIndex(0) if isinstance(sem_class, str): return self._semantic_flag_classes[SemanticClassName(sem_class)] elif isinstance(sem_class, lowlevelil.ILSemanticFlagClass): return sem_class.index elif isinstance(sem_class, int): return SemanticClassIndex(sem_class) raise Exception("sem_class is not convertable to index")
[docs] def get_semantic_flag_class_name(self, class_index: SemanticClassIndex) -> SemanticClassName: """ ``get_semantic_flag_class_name`` gets the name of a semantic flag class from the index. :param int class_index: class_index :return: the name of the semantic flag class :rtype: str """ if not isinstance(class_index, int): raise ValueError("argument 'class_index' must be an integer") return self._semantic_flag_classes_by_index[class_index]
[docs] def get_semantic_flag_group_index(self, sem_group: SemanticGroupType) -> SemanticGroupIndex: if isinstance(sem_group, str): return self._semantic_flag_groups[SemanticGroupName(sem_group)] elif isinstance(sem_group, lowlevelil.ILSemanticFlagGroup): return sem_group.index return sem_group
[docs] def get_semantic_flag_group_name(self, group_index: SemanticGroupIndex) -> SemanticGroupName: """ ``get_semantic_flag_group_name`` gets the name of a semantic flag group from the index. :param int group_index: group_index :return: the name of the semantic flag group :rtype: str """ if not isinstance(group_index, int): raise ValueError("argument 'group_index' must be an integer") return self._semantic_flag_groups_by_index[group_index]
[docs] def get_intrinsic_class(self, intrinsic: IntrinsicIndex) -> IntrinsicClass: """ ``get_intrinsic_class`` gets the intrinsic class from an intrinsic number. :param int intrinsic: intrinsic number :return: intrinsic class :rtype: IntrinsicClass """ return IntrinsicClass(core.BNGetArchitectureIntrinsicClass(self.handle, intrinsic))
[docs] def get_intrinsic_name(self, intrinsic: IntrinsicIndex) -> IntrinsicName: """ ``get_intrinsic_name`` gets an intrinsic name from an intrinsic number. :param int intrinsic: intrinsic number :return: the corresponding intrinsic string :rtype: IntrinsicName """ return IntrinsicName(core.BNGetArchitectureIntrinsicName(self.handle, intrinsic))
[docs] def get_intrinsic_index(self, intrinsic: IntrinsicType) -> IntrinsicIndex: """ ``get_intrinsic_index`` gets an intrinsic index given an IntrinsicType. :param IntrinsicType intrinsic: intrinsic number :return: the corresponding intrinsic string :rtype: IntrinsicIndex """ if isinstance(intrinsic, str): return self._intrinsics[IntrinsicName(intrinsic)] elif isinstance(intrinsic, lowlevelil.ILIntrinsic): return intrinsic.index elif isinstance(intrinsic, int): return IntrinsicIndex(intrinsic) raise Exception("intrinsic is not convertable to index")
[docs] def get_flag_write_type_name(self, write_type: FlagWriteTypeIndex) -> FlagWriteTypeName: """ ``get_flag_write_type_name`` gets the flag write type name for the given flag. :param FlagWriteTypeIndex write_type: flag :return: flag write type name :rtype: FlagWriteTypeName """ return FlagWriteTypeName(core.BNGetArchitectureFlagWriteTypeName(self.handle, write_type))
[docs] def get_flag_by_name(self, flag: FlagName) -> FlagIndex: """ ``get_flag_by_name`` get flag name for flag index. :param FlagName flag: flag name :return: flag index for flag name :rtype: FlagIndex """ return self._flags[flag]
[docs] def get_flag_write_type_by_name(self, write_type: FlagWriteTypeName) -> FlagWriteTypeIndex: """ ``get_flag_write_type_by_name`` gets the flag write type name for the flag write type. :param str write_type: flag write type :return: flag write type :rtype: int """ return self._flag_write_types[write_type]
[docs] def get_semantic_flag_class_by_name(self, sem_class: SemanticClassName) -> SemanticClassIndex: """ ``get_semantic_flag_class_by_name`` gets the semantic flag class index by name. :param int sem_class: semantic flag class :return: semantic flag class index :rtype: str """ return self._semantic_flag_classes[sem_class]
[docs] def get_semantic_flag_group_by_name(self, sem_group: SemanticGroupName) -> SemanticGroupIndex: """ ``get_semantic_flag_group_by_name`` gets the semantic flag group index by name. :param SemanticGroupName sem_group: semantic flag group name :return: semantic flag group index :rtype: int """ return self._semantic_flag_groups[sem_group]
[docs] def get_flag_role(self, flag: FlagIndex, sem_class: Optional[SemanticClassIndex] = None) -> FlagRole: """ ``get_flag_role`` gets the role of a given flag. :param int flag: flag :param int sem_class: optional semantic flag class :return: flag role :rtype: FlagRole """ if flag in self._flag_roles: return self._flag_roles[flag] return FlagRole.SpecialFlagRole
[docs] def get_flag_write_low_level_il( self, op: LowLevelILOperation, size: int, write_type: Optional[FlagWriteTypeName], flag: FlagType, operands: List['lowlevelil.ILRegisterType'], il: 'lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction' ) -> 'lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex': """ :param LowLevelILOperation op: :param int size: :param str write_type: :param FlagType flag: :param operands: a list of either items that are either string register names or constant integer values :type operands: list(str) or list(int) :param LowLevelILFunction il: :rtype: lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex """ flag = self.get_flag_index(flag) if flag not in self._flag_roles: return il.unimplemented() return self.get_default_flag_write_low_level_il(op, size, self._flag_roles[flag], operands, il)
[docs] def get_default_flag_write_low_level_il( self, op: 'lowlevelil.LowLevelILOperation', size: int, role: FlagRole, operands: List['lowlevelil.ILRegisterType'], il: 'lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction' ) -> 'lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex': """ :param LowLevelILOperation op: :param int size: :param FlagRole role: :param operands: a list of either items that are either string register names or constant integer values :type operands: list(str) or list(int) :param LowLevelILFunction il: :rtype: ExpressionIndex index """ operand_list = (core.BNRegisterOrConstant * len(operands))() for i in range(len(operands)): operand = operands[i] if isinstance(operand, str): operand_list[i].constant = False operand_list[i].reg = self.regs[RegisterName(operand)].index elif isinstance(operand, lowlevelil.ILRegister): operand_list[i].constant = False operand_list[i].reg = operand.index else: operand_list[i].constant = True operand_list[i].value = operand return lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex( core.BNGetDefaultArchitectureFlagWriteLowLevelIL( self.handle, op, size, role, operand_list, len(operand_list), il.handle ) )
[docs] def get_flag_condition_low_level_il( self, cond: 'lowlevelil.LowLevelILFlagCondition', sem_class: Optional[SemanticClassType], il: 'lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction' ) -> 'lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex': """ :param LowLevelILFlagCondition cond: Flag condition to be computed :param SemanticClassType sem_class: Semantic class to be used (None for default semantics) :param LowLevelILFunction il: LowLevelILFunction object to append ExpressionIndex objects to :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.get_default_flag_condition_low_level_il(cond, sem_class, il)
[docs] def get_default_flag_condition_low_level_il( self, cond: 'lowlevelil.LowLevelILFlagCondition', sem_class: Optional[SemanticClassType], il: 'lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction' ) -> 'lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex': """ :param LowLevelILFlagCondition cond: :param SemanticClassType sem_class: :param LowLevelILFunction il: :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ _class_index = None _class_index = self.get_semantic_flag_class_index(sem_class) return lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex( core.BNGetDefaultArchitectureFlagConditionLowLevelIL(self.handle, cond, _class_index, il.handle) )
[docs] def get_semantic_flag_group_low_level_il( self, sem_group: Optional[SemanticGroupType], il: 'lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction' ) -> 'lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex': """ :param Optional[SemanticGroupType] sem_group: :param LowLevelILFunction il: :rtype: lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex """ return il.unimplemented()
[docs] def get_flags_required_for_flag_condition( self, cond: 'lowlevelil.LowLevelILFlagCondition', sem_class: Optional[SemanticClassType] = None ): if cond in self.flags_required_for_flag_condition: return self.flags_required_for_flag_condition[cond] return []
[docs] def get_modified_regs_on_write(self, reg: RegisterName) -> List[RegisterName]: """ ``get_modified_regs_on_write`` returns a list of register names that are modified when ``reg`` is written. :param str reg: string register name :return: list of register names :rtype: list(str) """ reg = core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterByName(self.handle, str(reg)) count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() regs = core.BNGetModifiedArchitectureRegistersOnWrite(self.handle, reg, count) assert regs is not None, "core.BNGetModifiedArchitectureRegistersOnWrite is not None" result: List[RegisterName] = [] for i in range(0, count.value): result.append(RegisterName(core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterName(self.handle, regs[i]))) core.BNFreeRegisterList(regs) return result
[docs] def assemble(self, code: str, addr: int = 0) -> bytes: """ ``assemble`` converts the string of assembly instructions ``code`` loaded at virtual address ``addr`` to the byte representation of those instructions. .. note:: Architecture subclasses should implement this method. Architecture plugins can override this method to provide assembler functionality. This can be done by simply shelling out to an assembler like yasm or llvm-mc, since this method isn't performance sensitive. .. note:: It is important that the assembler used accepts a syntax identical to the one emitted by the \ disassembler. This will prevent confusing the user. If there is an error in the input assembly, this function should raise a ValueError (with a reasonable error message). :param str code: string representation of the instructions to be assembled :param int addr: virtual address that the instructions will be loaded at :return: the bytes for the assembled instructions :rtype: Python3 - a 'bytes' object; Python2 - a 'bytes' object :Example: >>> arch.assemble("je 10") b'\\x0f\\x84\\x04\\x00\\x00\\x00' >>> """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def is_never_branch_patch_available(self, data: bytes, addr: int = 0) -> bool: """ ``is_never_branch_patch_available`` determines if the instruction ``data`` at ``addr`` can be made to **never branch**. .. note:: Architecture subclasses should implement this method. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be checked :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: True if the instruction can be patched, False otherwise :rtype: bool :Example: >>> arch.is_never_branch_patch_available(arch.assemble("je 10"), 0) True >>> arch.is_never_branch_patch_available(arch.assemble("nop"), 0) False >>> """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def is_always_branch_patch_available(self, data: bytes, addr: int = 0) -> bool: """ ``is_always_branch_patch_available`` determines if the instruction ``data`` at ``addr`` can be made to **always branch**. .. note:: Architecture subclasses should implement this method. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be checked :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: True if the instruction can be patched, False otherwise :rtype: bool :Example: >>> arch.is_always_branch_patch_available(arch.assemble("je 10"), 0) True >>> arch.is_always_branch_patch_available(arch.assemble("nop"), 0) False >>> """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def is_invert_branch_patch_available(self, data: bytes, addr: int = 0) -> bool: """ ``is_always_branch_patch_available`` determines if the instruction ``data`` at ``addr`` can be inverted. .. note:: Architecture subclasses should implement this method. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be checked :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: True if the instruction can be patched, False otherwise :rtype: bool :Example: >>> arch.is_invert_branch_patch_available(arch.assemble("je 10"), 0) True >>> arch.is_invert_branch_patch_available(arch.assemble("nop"), 0) False >>> """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def is_skip_and_return_zero_patch_available(self, data: bytes, addr: int = 0) -> bool: """ ``is_skip_and_return_zero_patch_available`` determines if the instruction ``data`` at ``addr`` is a *call-like* instruction that can be made into an instruction *returns zero*. .. note:: Architecture subclasses should implement this method. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be checked :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: True if the instruction can be patched, False otherwise :rtype: bool :Example: >>> arch.is_skip_and_return_zero_patch_available(arch.assemble("call 0"), 0) True >>> arch.is_skip_and_return_zero_patch_available(arch.assemble("call eax"), 0) True >>> arch.is_skip_and_return_zero_patch_available(arch.assemble("jmp eax"), 0) False >>> """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def is_skip_and_return_value_patch_available(self, data: bytes, addr: int = 0) -> bool: """ ``is_skip_and_return_value_patch_available`` determines if the instruction ``data`` at ``addr`` is a *call-like* instruction that can be made into an instruction *returns a value*. .. note:: Architecture subclasses should implement this method. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be checked :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: True if the instruction can be patched, False otherwise :rtype: bool :Example: >>> arch.is_skip_and_return_value_patch_available(arch.assemble("call 0"), 0) True >>> arch.is_skip_and_return_value_patch_available(arch.assemble("jmp eax"), 0) False >>> """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def convert_to_nop(self, data: bytes, addr: int = 0) -> Optional[bytes]: """ ``convert_to_nop`` reads the instruction(s) in ``data`` at virtual address ``addr`` and returns a string of nop instructions of the same length as data. .. note:: Architecture subclasses should implement this method. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be converted :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: string containing len(data) worth of no-operation instructions :rtype: str :Example: >>> arch.convert_to_nop(b"\\x00\\x00", 0) b'\\x90\\x90' >>> """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def always_branch(self, data: bytes, addr: int = 0) -> Optional[bytes]: """ ``always_branch`` reads the instruction(s) in ``data`` at virtual address ``addr`` and returns a string of bytes of the same length which always branches. .. note:: Architecture subclasses should implement this method. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be converted :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: string containing len(data) which always branches to the same location as the provided instruction :rtype: str :Example: >>> data = arch.always_branch(arch.assemble("je 10"), 0) >>> arch.get_instruction_text(data, 0) (['nop', ' '], 1) >>> arch.get_instruction_text(data[1:], 0) (['jmp', ' ', '0x9'], 5) >>> """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def invert_branch(self, data: bytes, addr: int = 0) -> Optional[bytes]: """ ``invert_branch`` reads the instruction(s) in ``data`` at virtual address ``addr`` and returns a string of bytes of the same length which inverts the branch of provided instruction. .. note:: Architecture subclasses should implement this method. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be converted :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: string containing len(data) which always branches to the same location as the provided instruction :rtype: str :Example: >>> arch.get_instruction_text(arch.invert_branch(arch.assemble("je 10"), 0), 0) (['jne', ' ', '0xa'], 6) >>> arch.get_instruction_text(arch.invert_branch(arch.assemble("jo 10"), 0), 0) (['jno', ' ', '0xa'], 6) >>> arch.get_instruction_text(arch.invert_branch(arch.assemble("jge 10"), 0), 0) (['jl', ' ', '0xa'], 6) >>> """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def skip_and_return_value(self, data: bytes, addr: int, value: int) -> Optional[bytes]: """ ``skip_and_return_value`` reads the instruction(s) in ``data`` at virtual address ``addr`` and returns a string of bytes of the same length which doesn't call and instead *return a value*. .. note:: Architecture subclasses should implement this method. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be converted :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: string containing len(data) which always branches to the same location as the provided instruction :rtype: str :Example: >>> arch.get_instruction_text(arch.skip_and_return_value(arch.assemble("call 10"), 0, 0), 0) (['mov', ' ', 'eax', ', ', '0x0'], 5) >>> """ return NotImplemented
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="3.1.3724") def is_view_type_constant_defined(self, type_name: str, const_name: str) -> bool: """ :param str type_name: the BinaryView type name of the constant to query :param str const_name: the constant name to query :rtype: None :Example: >>> ELF_RELOC_COPY = 5 >>> arch.set_view_type_constant("ELF", "R_COPY", ELF_RELOC_COPY) >>> arch.is_view_type_constant_defined("ELF", "R_COPY") True >>> arch.is_view_type_constant_defined("ELF", "NOT_THERE") False >>> """ return False
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="3.1.3724") def get_view_type_constant(self, type_name: str, const_name: str, default_value: int = 0) -> int: """ ``get_view_type_constant`` retrieves the view type constant for the given type_name and const_name. :param str type_name: the BinaryView type name of the constant to be retrieved :param str const_name: the constant name to retrieved :param int default_value: optional default value if the type_name is not present. default value is zero. :return: The BinaryView type constant or the default_value if not found :rtype: int :Example: >>> ELF_RELOC_COPY = 5 >>> arch.set_view_type_constant("ELF", "R_COPY", ELF_RELOC_COPY) >>> arch.get_view_type_constant("ELF", "R_COPY") 5 >>> arch.get_view_type_constant("ELF", "NOT_HERE", 100) 100 """ return 0
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="3.1.3724") def set_view_type_constant(self, type_name: str, const_name: str, value: int) -> None: """ ``set_view_type_constant`` creates a new binaryview type constant. :param str type_name: the BinaryView type name of the constant to be registered :param str const_name: the constant name to register :param int value: the value of the constant :rtype: None :Example: >>> ELF_RELOC_COPY = 5 >>> arch.set_view_type_constant("ELF", "R_COPY", ELF_RELOC_COPY) >>> """ pass
[docs] def register_calling_convention(self, cc: 'callingconvention.CallingConvention') -> None: """ ``register_calling_convention`` registers a new calling convention for the Architecture. :param CallingConvention cc: CallingConvention object to be registered :rtype: None """ core.BNRegisterCallingConvention(self.handle, cc.handle)
@property def default_calling_convention(self): """ Default calling convention. .. note:: Make sure the calling convention has been registered with `Architecture.register_calling_convention`. :getter: returns a CallingConvention object for the default calling convention, if one exists. :setter: sets the default calling convention :type: Optional['callingconvention.CallingConvention'] """ cc_handle = core.BNGetArchitectureDefaultCallingConvention(self.handle) if cc_handle is None: return None return callingconvention.CallingConvention(handle=cc_handle) @default_calling_convention.setter def default_calling_convention(self, cc: 'callingconvention.CallingConvention'): core.BNSetArchitectureDefaultCallingConvention(self.handle, cc.handle) @property def cdecl_calling_convention(self): """ Cdecl calling convention. .. note:: Make sure the calling convention has been registered with `Architecture.register_calling_convention`. :getter: returns a CallingConvention object for the cdecl calling convention, if one exists. :setter: sets the cdecl calling convention :type: Optional['callingconvention.CallingConvention'] """ cc_handle = core.BNGetArchitectureCdeclCallingConvention(self.handle) if cc_handle is None: return None return callingconvention.CallingConvention(handle=cc_handle) @cdecl_calling_convention.setter def cdecl_calling_convention(self, cc: 'callingconvention.CallingConvention'): core.BNSetArchitectureCdeclCallingConvention(self.handle, cc.handle) @property def stdcall_calling_convention(self): """ Stdcall calling convention. .. note:: Make sure the calling convention has been registered with `Architecture.register_calling_convention`. :getter: returns a CallingConvention object for the stdcall calling convention, if one exists. :setter: sets the stdcall calling convention :type: Optional['callingconvention.CallingConvention'] """ cc_handle = core.BNGetArchitectureStdcallCallingConvention(self.handle) if cc_handle is None: return None return callingconvention.CallingConvention(handle=cc_handle) @stdcall_calling_convention.setter def stdcall_calling_convention(self, cc: 'callingconvention.CallingConvention'): core.BNSetArchitectureStdcallCallingConvention(self.handle, cc.handle) @property def fastcall_calling_convention(self): """ Fastcall calling convention. .. note:: Make sure the calling convention has been registered with `Architecture.register_calling_convention`. :getter: returns a CallingConvention object for the fastcall calling convention, if one exists. :setter: sets the fastcall calling convention :type: Optional['callingconvention.CallingConvention'] """ cc_handle = core.BNGetArchitectureFastcallCallingConvention(self.handle) if cc_handle is None: return None return callingconvention.CallingConvention(handle=cc_handle) @fastcall_calling_convention.setter def fastcall_calling_convention(self, cc: 'callingconvention.CallingConvention'): core.BNSetArchitectureFastcallCallingConvention(self.handle, cc.handle)
_architecture_cache = {}
[docs] class CoreArchitecture(Architecture): def __init__(self, handle: core.BNArchitecture): super(CoreArchitecture, self).__init__() self.handle = core.handle_of_type(handle, core.BNArchitecture) = core.BNGetArchitectureName(self.handle) self.endianness = Endianness(core.BNGetArchitectureEndianness(self.handle)) self.address_size = core.BNGetArchitectureAddressSize(self.handle) self.default_int_size = core.BNGetArchitectureDefaultIntegerSize(self.handle) self.instr_alignment = core.BNGetArchitectureInstructionAlignment(self.handle) self.max_instr_length = core.BNGetArchitectureMaxInstructionLength(self.handle) self.opcode_display_length = core.BNGetArchitectureOpcodeDisplayLength(self.handle) self.stack_pointer: str = core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterName( self.handle, core.BNGetArchitectureStackPointerRegister(self.handle) ) link_reg = core.BNGetArchitectureLinkRegister(self.handle) if link_reg == 0xffffffff: self.link_reg = None else: self.link_reg = core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterName(self.handle, link_reg) count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() regs = core.BNGetAllArchitectureRegisters(self.handle, count) assert regs is not None, "core.BNGetAllArchitectureRegisters returned None" self._all_regs = {} self._regs_by_index = {} self._full_width_regs = {} self.regs = {} for i in range(0, count.value): name = RegisterName(core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterName(self.handle, regs[i])) assert name is not None, "" info = core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterInfo(self.handle, regs[i]) full_width_reg = RegisterName(core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterName(self.handle, info.fullWidthRegister)) self.regs[name] = RegisterInfo( full_width_reg, info.size, info.offset, ImplicitRegisterExtend(info.extend), regs[i] ) self._all_regs[name] = regs[i] self._regs_by_index[regs[i]] = name for i in range(0, count.value): info = core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterInfo(self.handle, regs[i]) full_width_reg = RegisterName(core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterName(self.handle, info.fullWidthRegister)) if full_width_reg not in self._full_width_regs: self._full_width_regs[full_width_reg] = self._all_regs[full_width_reg] core.BNFreeRegisterList(regs) count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() flags = core.BNGetAllArchitectureFlags(self.handle, count) assert flags is not None, "core.BNGetAllArchitectureFlags returned None" self._flags = {} self._flags_by_index = {} self.flags = [] for i in range(0, count.value): name = FlagName(core.BNGetArchitectureFlagName(self.handle, flags[i])) self._flags[name] = flags[i] self._flags_by_index[flags[i]] = name self.flags.append(name) core.BNFreeRegisterList(flags) count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() write_types = core.BNGetAllArchitectureFlagWriteTypes(self.handle, count) assert write_types is not None, "core.BNGetAllArchitectureFlagWriteTypes returned None" self._flag_write_types: Dict[str, FlagWriteTypeIndex] = {} self._flag_write_types_by_index = {} self.flag_write_types = [] for i in range(0, count.value): name = FlagWriteTypeName(core.BNGetArchitectureFlagWriteTypeName(self.handle, write_types[i])) self._flag_write_types[name] = write_types[i] self._flag_write_types_by_index[write_types[i]] = name self.flag_write_types.append(name) core.BNFreeRegisterList(write_types) count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() sem_classes = core.BNGetAllArchitectureSemanticFlagClasses(self.handle, count) assert sem_classes is not None, "core.BNGetAllArchitectureSemanticFlagClasses returned None" self._semantic_flag_classes = {} self._semantic_flag_classes_by_index = {} self.semantic_flag_classes = [] for i in range(0, count.value): name = SemanticClassName(core.BNGetArchitectureSemanticFlagClassName(self.handle, sem_classes[i])) self._semantic_flag_classes[name] = sem_classes[i] self._semantic_flag_classes_by_index[sem_classes[i]] = name self.semantic_flag_classes.append(name) core.BNFreeRegisterList(sem_classes) count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() sem_groups = core.BNGetAllArchitectureSemanticFlagGroups(self.handle, count) assert sem_groups is not None, "core.BNGetAllArchitectureSemanticFlagGroups returned Non" self._semantic_flag_groups = {} self._semantic_flag_groups_by_index = {} self.semantic_flag_groups = [] for i in range(0, count.value): name = SemanticGroupName(core.BNGetArchitectureSemanticFlagGroupName(self.handle, sem_groups[i])) self._semantic_flag_groups[name] = sem_groups[i] self._semantic_flag_groups_by_index[sem_groups[i]] = name self.semantic_flag_groups.append(name) core.BNFreeRegisterList(sem_groups) self._flag_roles = {} self.flag_roles = {} for flag in self.flags: role = FlagRole(core.BNGetArchitectureFlagRole(self.handle, self._flags[flag], 0)) self.flag_roles[flag] = role self._flag_roles[self._flags[flag]] = role self.flags_required_for_flag_condition: Dict[LowLevelILFlagCondition, List[FlagName]] = {} for cond in LowLevelILFlagCondition: count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() flags = core.BNGetArchitectureFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition(self.handle, cond, 0, count) assert flags is not None, "core.BNGetArchitectureFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition returned None" flag_names = [] for i in range(0, count.value): flag_names.append(self._flags_by_index[flags[i]]) core.BNFreeRegisterList(flags) self.flags_required_for_flag_condition[cond] = flag_names self._flags_required_by_semantic_flag_group = {} self.flags_required_for_semantic_flag_group = {} for group in self.semantic_flag_groups: count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() flags = core.BNGetArchitectureFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup( self.handle, self._semantic_flag_groups[group], count ) assert flags is not None, "core.BNGetArchitectureFlagsRequiredForSemanticFlagGroup returned None" flag_indexes = [] flag_names = [] for i in range(0, count.value): flag_indexes.append(flags[i]) flag_names.append(self._flags_by_index[flags[i]]) core.BNFreeRegisterList(flags) self._flags_required_by_semantic_flag_group[self._semantic_flag_groups[group]] = flag_indexes self.flags_required_for_semantic_flag_group[group] = flag_names self._flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group = {} self.flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group = {} for group in self.semantic_flag_groups: count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() conditions = core.BNGetArchitectureFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup( self.handle, self._semantic_flag_groups[group], count ) assert conditions is not None, "core.BNGetArchitectureFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup returned None" class_index_cond = {} class_cond = {} for i in range(0, count.value): class_index_cond[conditions[i].semanticClass] = conditions[i].condition if conditions[i].semanticClass == 0: class_cond[None] = conditions[i].condition elif conditions[i].semanticClass in self._semantic_flag_classes_by_index: class_cond[self._semantic_flag_classes_by_index[conditions[i].semanticClass] ] = conditions[i].condition core.BNFreeFlagConditionsForSemanticFlagGroup(conditions) self._flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group[self._semantic_flag_groups[group]] = class_index_cond self.flag_conditions_for_semantic_flag_group[group] = class_cond self._flags_written_by_flag_write_type = {} self.flags_written_by_flag_write_type = {} for write_type in self.flag_write_types: count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() flags = core.BNGetArchitectureFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType( self.handle, self._flag_write_types[write_type], count ) assert flags is not None, "core.BNGetArchitectureFlagsWrittenByFlagWriteType returned None" flag_indexes = [] flag_names = [] for i in range(0, count.value): flag_indexes.append(flags[i]) flag_names.append(self._flags_by_index[flags[i]]) core.BNFreeRegisterList(flags) self._flags_written_by_flag_write_type[self._flag_write_types[write_type]] = flag_indexes self.flags_written_by_flag_write_type[write_type] = flag_names self._semantic_class_for_flag_write_type = {} self.semantic_class_for_flag_write_type = {} for write_type in self.flag_write_types: sem_class = core.BNGetArchitectureSemanticClassForFlagWriteType( self.handle, self._flag_write_types[write_type] ) if sem_class == 0: sem_class_name = None else: sem_class_name = self._semantic_flag_classes_by_index[sem_class] self._semantic_class_for_flag_write_type[self._flag_write_types[write_type]] = sem_class self.semantic_class_for_flag_write_type[write_type] = sem_class_name count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() regs = core.BNGetArchitectureGlobalRegisters(self.handle, count) assert regs is not None, "core.BNGetArchitectureGlobalRegisters returned None" self.global_regs: List[RegisterName] = [] for i in range(0, count.value): self.global_regs.append(RegisterName(core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterName(self.handle, regs[i]))) core.BNFreeRegisterList(regs) count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() regs = core.BNGetArchitectureSystemRegisters(self.handle, count) self.system_regs: List[RegisterName] = [] for i in range(0, count.value): assert regs is not None, "core.BNGetArchitectureSystemRegisters returned None" self.system_regs.append(RegisterName(core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterName(self.handle, regs[i]))) core.BNFreeRegisterList(regs) count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() regs = core.BNGetAllArchitectureRegisterStacks(self.handle, count) assert regs is not None, "core.BNGetAllArchitectureRegisterStacks returned None" self._all_reg_stacks = {} self._reg_stacks_by_index = {} self.reg_stacks = {} for i in range(0, count.value): name = RegisterStackName(core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterStackName(self.handle, regs[i])) info = core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterStackInfo(self.handle, regs[i]) storage: List[RegisterName] = [] for j in range(0, info.storageCount): storage.append(RegisterName(core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterName(self.handle, info.firstStorageReg + j))) top_rel: List[RegisterName] = [] for j in range(0, info.topRelativeCount): reg_name = RegisterName(core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterName(self.handle, info.firstTopRelativeReg + j)) top_rel.append(reg_name) top = core.BNGetArchitectureRegisterName(self.handle, info.stackTopReg) self.reg_stacks[name] = RegisterStackInfo(storage, top_rel, RegisterName(top), regs[i]) self._all_reg_stacks[name] = regs[i] self._reg_stacks_by_index[regs[i]] = name core.BNFreeRegisterList(regs) count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() intrinsics = core.BNGetAllArchitectureIntrinsics(self.handle, count) assert intrinsics is not None, "core.BNGetAllArchitectureIntrinsics returned None" self._intrinsics: Dict[IntrinsicName, IntrinsicIndex] = {} self._intrinsic_class_by_index: Dict[IntrinsicIndex, IntrinsicClass] = {} self._intrinsics_by_index: Dict[IntrinsicIndex, Tuple[IntrinsicName, IntrinsicInfo]] = {} self._intrinsics_info: Dict[IntrinsicName, IntrinsicInfo] = {} for i in range(count.value): intrinsic_class = IntrinsicClass(core.BNGetArchitectureIntrinsicClass(self.handle, intrinsics[i])) name = IntrinsicName(core.BNGetArchitectureIntrinsicName(self.handle, intrinsics[i])) input_count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() inputs = core.BNGetArchitectureIntrinsicInputs(self.handle, intrinsics[i], input_count) assert inputs is not None, "core.BNGetArchitectureIntrinsicInputs returned None" input_list = [] for j in range(0, input_count.value): input_name = inputs[j].name type_obj = types.Type.create( core.BNNewTypeReference(inputs[j].type), confidence=inputs[j].typeConfidence ) input_list.append(IntrinsicInput(type_obj, input_name)) core.BNFreeNameAndTypeList(inputs, input_count.value) output_count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() outputs = core.BNGetArchitectureIntrinsicOutputs(self.handle, intrinsics[i], output_count) assert outputs is not None, "core.BNGetArchitectureIntrinsicOutputs returned None" output_list = [] for j in range(output_count.value): output_list.append( types.Type.create(core.BNNewTypeReference(outputs[j].type), confidence=outputs[j].confidence) ) core.BNFreeOutputTypeList(outputs, output_count.value) if intrinsic_class is not IntrinsicClass.GeneralIntrinsicClass: self._intrinsic_class_by_index[intrinsics[i]] = intrinsic_class self._intrinsics_info[name] = IntrinsicInfo(input_list, output_list) self._intrinsics[name] = intrinsics[i] self._intrinsics_by_index[intrinsics[i]] = (name, self._intrinsics_info[name]) core.BNFreeRegisterList(intrinsics) if type(self) is CoreArchitecture: global _architecture_cache _architecture_cache[ctypes.addressof(handle.contents)] = self @classmethod def _from_cache(cls, handle) -> 'Architecture': global _architecture_cache return _architecture_cache.get(ctypes.addressof(handle.contents)) or cls(handle)
[docs] def get_associated_arch_by_address(self, addr: int) -> Tuple['Architecture', int]: new_addr = ctypes.c_ulonglong() new_addr.value = addr result = core.BNGetAssociatedArchitectureByAddress(self.handle, new_addr) return CoreArchitecture._from_cache(handle=result), new_addr.value
[docs] def get_instruction_info(self, data: bytes, addr: int) -> Optional[InstructionInfo]: """ ``get_instruction_info`` returns an InstructionInfo object for the instruction at the given virtual address ``addr`` with data ``data``. .. note:: The instruction info object should always set the InstructionInfo.length to the instruction length, \ and the branches of the proper types should be added if the instruction is a branch. :param bytes data: a maximum of max_instruction_length bytes from the binary at virtual address ``addr`` :param int addr: virtual address of bytes in ``data`` :return: the InstructionInfo for the current instruction :rtype: InstructionInfo """ info = core.BNInstructionInfo() buf = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(data))() ctypes.memmove(buf, data, len(data)) if not core.BNGetInstructionInfo(self.handle, buf, addr, len(data), info): return None result = InstructionInfo() result.length = info.length result.arch_transition_by_target_addr = info.archTransitionByTargetAddr result.branch_delay = info.delaySlots for i in range(0, info.branchCount): target = info.branchTarget[i] if info.branchArch[i]: arch = CoreArchitecture._from_cache(info.branchArch[i]) else: arch = None result.add_branch(BranchType(info.branchType[i]), target, arch) return result
[docs] def get_instruction_text(self, data: bytes, addr: int) -> Optional[Tuple[List['function.InstructionTextToken'], int]]: """ ``get_instruction_text`` returns a list of InstructionTextToken objects for the instruction at the given virtual address ``addr`` with data ``data``. :param bytes data: a maximum of max_instruction_length bytes from the binary at virtual address ``addr`` :param int addr: virtual address of bytes in ``data`` :return: an InstructionTextToken list for the current instruction :rtype: list(InstructionTextToken) """ count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() length = ctypes.c_ulonglong() length.value = len(data) buf = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(data))() ctypes.memmove(buf, data, len(data)) tokens = ctypes.POINTER(core.BNInstructionTextToken)() result = [] result_length = 0 if core.BNGetInstructionText(self.handle, buf, addr, length, tokens, count): result = function.InstructionTextToken._from_core_struct(tokens, count.value) result_length = length.value core.BNFreeInstructionText(tokens, count.value) return result, result_length
[docs] def get_instruction_low_level_il(self, data: bytes, addr: int, il: lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction) -> Optional[int]: """ ``get_instruction_low_level_il`` appends lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex objects to ``il`` for the instruction at the given virtual address ``addr`` with data ``data``. This is used to analyze arbitrary data at an address, if you are working with an existing binary, you likely want to be using :func:`Function.get_low_level_il_at`. :param bytes data: a maximum of max_instruction_length bytes from the binary at virtual address ``addr`` :param int addr: virtual address of bytes in ``data`` :param LowLevelILFunction il: The function the current instruction belongs to :return: the length of the current instruction :rtype: Optional[int] """ length = ctypes.c_ulonglong() length.value = len(data) buf = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(data))() ctypes.memmove(buf, data, len(data)) if core.BNGetInstructionLowLevelIL(self.handle, buf, addr, length, il.handle): return length.value return None
[docs] def get_flag_write_low_level_il( self, op: LowLevelILOperation, size: int, write_type: FlagWriteTypeName, flag: FlagType, operands: List['lowlevelil.ILRegisterType'], il: 'lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction' ) -> 'lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex': """ :param LowLevelILOperation op: :param int size: :param str write_type: :param operands: a list of either items that are either string register names or constant integer values :type operands: list(str) or list(int) :param LowLevelILFunction il: :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ flag = self.get_flag_index(flag) operand_list = (core.BNRegisterOrConstant * len(operands))() for i in range(len(operands)): operand = operands[i] if isinstance(operand, str): operand_list[i].constant = False operand_list[i].reg = self.regs[RegisterName(operand)].index elif isinstance(operand, lowlevelil.ILRegister): operand_list[i].constant = False operand_list[i].reg = operand.index else: operand_list[i].constant = True operand_list[i].value = operand return lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex( core.BNGetArchitectureFlagWriteLowLevelIL( self.handle, op, size, self._flag_write_types[write_type], flag, operand_list, len(operand_list), il.handle ) )
[docs] def get_flag_condition_low_level_il( self, cond: LowLevelILFlagCondition, sem_class: SemanticClassType, il: 'lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction' ) -> 'lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex': """ :param LowLevelILFlagCondition cond: Flag condition to be computed :param str sem_class: Semantic class to be used (None for default semantics) :param LowLevelILFunction il: LowLevelILFunction object to append ExpressionIndex objects to :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ class_index = self.get_semantic_flag_class_index(sem_class) return lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex( core.BNGetArchitectureFlagConditionLowLevelIL(self.handle, cond, class_index, il.handle) )
[docs] def get_semantic_flag_group_low_level_il( self, sem_group: SemanticGroupName, il: 'lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction' ) -> 'lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex': """ :param str sem_group: :param LowLevelILFunction il: :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ group_index = self.get_semantic_flag_group_index(sem_group) return lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex( core.BNGetArchitectureSemanticFlagGroupLowLevelIL(self.handle, group_index, il.handle) )
[docs] def assemble(self, code: str, addr: int = 0) -> bytes: """ ``assemble`` converts the string of assembly instructions ``code`` loaded at virtual address ``addr`` to the byte representation of those instructions. :param str code: string representation of the instructions to be assembled :param int addr: virtual address that the instructions will be loaded at :return: the bytes for the assembled instructions :rtype: Python3 - a 'bytes' object; Python2 - a 'bytes' object :Example: >>> arch.assemble("je 10") b'\\x0f\\x84\\x04\\x00\\x00\\x00' >>> """ result = databuffer.DataBuffer() errors = ctypes.c_char_p() if not core.BNAssemble(self.handle, code, addr, result.handle, errors): error_str = errors.value core.free_string(errors) raise ValueError(f"Could not assemble: {error_str}") return bytes(result)
[docs] def is_never_branch_patch_available(self, data: bytes, addr: int = 0) -> bool: """ ``is_never_branch_patch_available`` determines if the instruction ``data`` at ``addr`` can be made to **never branch**. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be checked :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: True if the instruction can be patched, False otherwise :rtype: bool :Example: >>> arch.is_never_branch_patch_available(arch.assemble("je 10"), 0) True >>> arch.is_never_branch_patch_available(arch.assemble("nop"), 0) False >>> """ buf = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(data))() ctypes.memmove(buf, data, len(data)) return core.BNIsArchitectureNeverBranchPatchAvailable(self.handle, buf, addr, len(data))
[docs] def is_always_branch_patch_available(self, data: bytes, addr: int = 0) -> bool: """ ``is_always_branch_patch_available`` determines if the instruction ``data`` at ``addr`` can be made to **always branch**. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be checked :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: True if the instruction can be patched, False otherwise :rtype: bool :Example: >>> arch.is_always_branch_patch_available(arch.assemble("je 10"), 0) True >>> arch.is_always_branch_patch_available(arch.assemble("nop"), 0) False >>> """ buf = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(data))() ctypes.memmove(buf, data, len(data)) return core.BNIsArchitectureAlwaysBranchPatchAvailable(self.handle, buf, addr, len(data))
[docs] def is_invert_branch_patch_available(self, data: bytes, addr: int = 0) -> bool: """ ``is_always_branch_patch_available`` determines if the instruction ``data`` at ``addr`` can be inverted. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be checked :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: True if the instruction can be patched, False otherwise :rtype: bool :Example: >>> arch.is_invert_branch_patch_available(arch.assemble("je 10"), 0) True >>> arch.is_invert_branch_patch_available(arch.assemble("nop"), 0) False >>> """ buf = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(data))() ctypes.memmove(buf, data, len(data)) return core.BNIsArchitectureInvertBranchPatchAvailable(self.handle, buf, addr, len(data))
[docs] def is_skip_and_return_zero_patch_available(self, data: bytes, addr: int = 0) -> bool: """ ``is_skip_and_return_zero_patch_available`` determines if the instruction ``data`` at ``addr`` is a *call-like* instruction that can be made into an instruction *returns zero*. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be checked :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: True if the instruction can be patched, False otherwise :rtype: bool :Example: >>> arch.is_skip_and_return_zero_patch_available(arch.assemble("call 0"), 0) True >>> arch.is_skip_and_return_zero_patch_available(arch.assemble("call eax"), 0) True >>> arch.is_skip_and_return_zero_patch_available(arch.assemble("jmp eax"), 0) False >>> """ buf = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(data))() ctypes.memmove(buf, data, len(data)) return core.BNIsArchitectureSkipAndReturnZeroPatchAvailable(self.handle, buf, addr, len(data))
[docs] def is_skip_and_return_value_patch_available(self, data: bytes, addr: int = 0) -> bool: """ ``is_skip_and_return_value_patch_available`` determines if the instruction ``data`` at ``addr`` is a *call-like* instruction that can be made into an instruction *returns a value*. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be checked :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: True if the instruction can be patched, False otherwise :rtype: bool :Example: >>> arch.is_skip_and_return_value_patch_available(arch.assemble("call 0"), 0) True >>> arch.is_skip_and_return_value_patch_available(arch.assemble("jmp eax"), 0) False >>> """ buf = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(data))() ctypes.memmove(buf, data, len(data)) return core.BNIsArchitectureSkipAndReturnValuePatchAvailable(self.handle, buf, addr, len(data))
[docs] def convert_to_nop(self, data: bytes, addr: int = 0) -> Optional[bytes]: """ ``convert_to_nop`` reads the instruction(s) in ``data`` at virtual address ``addr`` and returns a string of nop instructions of the same length as data. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be converted :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: string containing len(data) worth of no-operation instructions :rtype: str :Example: >>> arch.convert_to_nop(b"\\x00\\x00", 0) b'\\x90\\x90' >>> """ buf = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(data))() ctypes.memmove(buf, data, len(data)) if not core.BNArchitectureConvertToNop(self.handle, buf, addr, len(data)): return None result = ctypes.create_string_buffer(len(data)) ctypes.memmove(result, buf, len(data)) return result.raw
[docs] def always_branch(self, data: bytes, addr: int = 0) -> Optional[bytes]: """ ``always_branch`` reads the instruction(s) in ``data`` at virtual address ``addr`` and returns a string of bytes of the same length which always branches. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be converted :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: string containing len(data) which always branches to the same location as the provided instruction :rtype: str :Example: >>> data = arch.always_branch(arch.assemble("je 10"), 0) >>> arch.get_instruction_text(data, 0) (['nop', ' '], 1) >>> arch.get_instruction_text(bytes[1:], 0) (['jmp', ' ', '0x9'], 5) >>> """ buf = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(data))() ctypes.memmove(buf, data, len(data)) if not core.BNArchitectureAlwaysBranch(self.handle, buf, addr, len(data)): return None result = ctypes.create_string_buffer(len(data)) ctypes.memmove(result, buf, len(data)) return result.raw
[docs] def invert_branch(self, data: bytes, addr: int = 0) -> Optional[bytes]: """ ``invert_branch`` reads the instruction(s) in ``data`` at virtual address ``addr`` and returns a string of bytes of the same length which inverts the branch of provided instruction. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be converted :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :return: string containing len(data) which always branches to the same location as the provided instruction :rtype: str :Example: >>> arch.get_instruction_text(arch.invert_branch(arch.assemble("je 10"), 0), 0) (['jne', ' ', '0xa'], 6) >>> arch.get_instruction_text(arch.invert_branch(arch.assemble("jo 10"), 0), 0) (['jno', ' ', '0xa'], 6) >>> arch.get_instruction_text(arch.invert_branch(arch.assemble("jge 10"), 0), 0) (['jl', ' ', '0xa'], 6) >>> """ buf = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(data))() ctypes.memmove(buf, data, len(data)) if not core.BNArchitectureInvertBranch(self.handle, buf, addr, len(data)): return None result = ctypes.create_string_buffer(len(data)) ctypes.memmove(result, buf, len(data)) return result.raw
[docs] def skip_and_return_value(self, data: bytes, addr: int, value: int) -> Optional[bytes]: """ ``skip_and_return_value`` reads the instruction(s) in ``data`` at virtual address ``addr`` and returns a string of bytes of the same length which doesn't call and instead *return a value*. :param str data: bytes for the instruction to be converted :param int addr: the virtual address of the instruction to be patched :param int value: the value to return :return: string containing len(data) which always branches to the same location as the provided instruction :rtype: str :Example: >>> arch.get_instruction_text(arch.skip_and_return_value(arch.assemble("call 10"), 0, 0), 0) (['mov', ' ', 'eax', ', ', '0x0'], 5) >>> """ buf = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(data))() ctypes.memmove(buf, data, len(data)) if not core.BNArchitectureSkipAndReturnValue(self.handle, buf, addr, len(data), value): return None result = ctypes.create_string_buffer(len(data)) ctypes.memmove(result, buf, len(data)) return result.raw
[docs] def get_flag_role(self, flag: FlagIndex, sem_class: Optional[SemanticClassIndex] = None) -> FlagRole: """ ``get_flag_role`` gets the role of a given flag. :param int flag: flag :param int sem_class: optional semantic flag class :return: flag role :rtype: FlagRole """ flag = self.get_flag_index(flag) _sem_class = self.get_semantic_flag_class_index(sem_class) return FlagRole(core.BNGetArchitectureFlagRole(self.handle, flag, _sem_class))
[docs] def get_flags_required_for_flag_condition( self, cond: LowLevelILFlagCondition, sem_class: Optional[SemanticClassType] = None ) -> List[FlagName]: _sem_class = self.get_semantic_flag_class_index(sem_class) count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() flags = core.BNGetArchitectureFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition(self.handle, cond, _sem_class, count) assert flags is not None, "core.BNGetArchitectureFlagsRequiredForFlagCondition returned None" flag_names = [] for i in range(0, count.value): flag_names.append(self._flags_by_index[flags[i]]) core.BNFreeRegisterList(flags) return flag_names
[docs] class ArchitectureHook(CoreArchitecture): def __init__(self, base_arch: 'Architecture'): self._base_arch = base_arch super(ArchitectureHook, self).__init__(base_arch.handle) # To improve performance of simpler hooks, use null callback for functions that are not being overridden if self.get_associated_arch_by_address.__code__ == CoreArchitecture.get_associated_arch_by_address.__code__: self._cb.getAssociatedArchitectureByAddress = self._cb.getAssociatedArchitectureByAddress.__class__() if self.get_instruction_info.__code__ == CoreArchitecture.get_instruction_info.__code__: self._cb.getInstructionInfo = self._cb.getInstructionInfo.__class__() if self.get_instruction_text.__code__ == CoreArchitecture.get_instruction_text.__code__: self._cb.getInstructionText = self._cb.getInstructionText.__class__() if self.__class__.stack_pointer is None: self._cb.getStackPointerRegister = self._cb.getStackPointerRegister.__class__() if self.__class__.link_reg is None: self._cb.getLinkRegister = self._cb.getLinkRegister.__class__() if len(self.__class__.regs) == 0: self._cb.getRegisterInfo = self._cb.getRegisterInfo.__class__() self._cb.getRegisterName = self._cb.getRegisterName.__class__() if len(self.__class__.reg_stacks) == 0: self._cb.getRegisterStackName = self._cb.getRegisterStackName.__class__() self._cb.getRegisterStackInfo = self._cb.getRegisterStackInfo.__class__() if len(self.__class__.intrinsics) == 0: self._cb.getIntrinsicClass = self._cb.getIntrinsicClass.__class__() self._cb.getIntrinsicName = self._cb.getIntrinsicName.__class__() self._cb.getIntrinsicInputs = self._cb.getIntrinsicInputs.__class__() self._cb.freeNameAndTypeList = self._cb.freeNameAndTypeList.__class__() self._cb.getIntrinsicOutputs = self._cb.getIntrinsicOutputs.__class__() self._cb.freeTypeList = self._cb.freeTypeList.__class__()
[docs] def register(self) -> None: self.__class__._registered_cb = self._cb self.handle = core.BNRegisterArchitectureHook(self._base_arch.handle, self._cb) core.BNFinalizeArchitectureHook(self._base_arch.handle)
@property def base_arch(self) -> 'Architecture': return self._base_arch @base_arch.setter def base_arch(self, value: 'Architecture') -> None: self._base_arch = value
[docs] @dataclass class InstructionTextToken: """ ``class InstructionTextToken`` is used to tell the core about the various components in the disassembly views. The below table is provided for documentation purposes but the complete list of TokenTypes is available at: :class:`!enums.InstructionTextTokenType`. Note that types marked as `Not emitted by architectures` are not intended to be used by Architectures during lifting. Rather, they are added by the core during analysis or display. UI plugins, however, may make use of them as appropriate. Uses of tokens include plugins that parse the output of an architecture (though parsing IL is recommended), or additionally, applying color schemes appropriately. ========================== ============================================ InstructionTextTokenType Description ========================== ============================================ AddressDisplayToken **Not emitted by architectures** AnnotationToken **Not emitted by architectures** ArgumentNameToken **Not emitted by architectures** BeginMemoryOperandToken The start of memory operand CharacterConstantToken A printable character CodeRelativeAddressToken **Not emitted by architectures** CodeSymbolToken **Not emitted by architectures** DataSymbolToken **Not emitted by architectures** EndMemoryOperandToken The end of a memory operand ExternalSymbolToken **Not emitted by architectures** FieldNameToken **Not emitted by architectures** FloatingPointToken Floating point number HexDumpByteValueToken **Not emitted by architectures** HexDumpInvalidByteToken **Not emitted by architectures** HexDumpSkippedByteToken **Not emitted by architectures** HexDumpTextToken **Not emitted by architectures** ImportToken **Not emitted by architectures** IndirectImportToken **Not emitted by architectures** InstructionToken The instruction mnemonic IntegerToken Integers KeywordToken **Not emitted by architectures** LocalVariableToken **Not emitted by architectures** StackVariableToken **Not emitted by architectures** NameSpaceSeparatorToken **Not emitted by architectures** NameSpaceToken **Not emitted by architectures** OpcodeToken **Not emitted by architectures** OperandSeparatorToken The comma or delimiter that separates tokens PossibleAddressToken Integers that are likely addresses RegisterToken Registers StringToken **Not emitted by architectures** StructOffsetToken **Not emitted by architectures** TagToken **Not emitted by architectures** TextToken Used for anything not of another type. CommentToken Comments TypeNameToken **Not emitted by architectures** AddressSeparatorToken **Not emitted by architectures** ========================== ============================================ """ type: Union[InstructionTextTokenType, int] text: str value: int = 0 size: int = 0 operand: int = 0xffffffff context: InstructionTextTokenContext = InstructionTextTokenContext.NoTokenContext address: int = 0 confidence: int = core.max_confidence typeNames: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) width: int = 0 il_expr_index: int = 0xffffffffffffffff def __post_init__(self): if self.width == 0: self.width = len(self.text) @staticmethod def _from_core_struct(tokens: 'ctypes.pointer[core.BNInstructionTextToken]', count: int) -> List['InstructionTextToken']: result: List['InstructionTextToken'] = [] for j in range(count): token_type = InstructionTextTokenType(tokens[j].type) text = tokens[j].text if not isinstance(text, str): text = text.decode("utf-8") width = tokens[j].width value = tokens[j].value size = tokens[j].size operand = tokens[j].operand context = tokens[j].context confidence = tokens[j].confidence address = tokens[j].address il_expr_index = tokens[j].exprIndex typeNames = [] for i in range(tokens[j].namesCount): if not isinstance(tokens[j].typeNames[i], str): typeNames.append(tokens[j].typeNames[i].decode("utf-8")) else: typeNames.append(tokens[j].typeNames[i]) result.append( InstructionTextToken( token_type, text, value, size, operand, context, address, confidence, typeNames, width, il_expr_index ) ) return result @staticmethod def _get_core_struct(tokens: List['InstructionTextToken']) -> 'ctypes.Array[core.BNInstructionTextToken]': """ Helper method for converting between core.BNInstructionTextToken and InstructionTextToken lists """ result = (core.BNInstructionTextToken * len(tokens))() for j in range(len(tokens)): result[j].type = tokens[j].type result[j].text = tokens[j].text result[j].width = tokens[j].width result[j].value = tokens[j].value result[j].size = tokens[j].size result[j].operand = tokens[j].operand result[j].context = tokens[j].context result[j].confidence = tokens[j].confidence result[j].address = tokens[j].address result[j].namesCount = len(tokens[j].typeNames) result[j].typeNames = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(tokens[j].typeNames))() result[j].exprIndex = tokens[j].il_expr_index for i in range(len(tokens[j].typeNames)): result[j].typeNames[i] = tokens[j].typeNames[i].encode("utf-8") return result def __str__(self): return self.text def __repr__(self): return repr(self.text)