import binaryninja
from .changeset import *
from .databasesync import *
from .file import *
from .folder import *
from .group import *
from .project import *
from .remote import *
from .snapshot import *
from .user import *
from .util import _last_error
Collaboration Remote API
Python wrappers around C++ wrappers around the various REST apis exposed by the collaboration server.
Many methods throw RuntimeError, as documented.
None of these classes are thread-safe. Python's GIL probably helps with this but if you are
doing heavily multi-threaded work with these you may want the C++ api.
def active_remote() -> Optional['Remote']:
Get the single actively connected Remote (for ux simplification)
:return: Active Remote, if one is set. None, otherwise.
value = core.BNCollaborationGetActiveRemote()
if value is None:
return None
result = Remote(handle=value)
return result
def set_active_remote(remote: Optional['Remote']):
Set the single actively connected Remote
:param remote: New active Remote, or None to clear it.
if remote is not None:
def known_remotes() -> List['Remote']:
List of known/connected Remotes
:return: All known remotes
count = ctypes.c_size_t()
value = core.BNCollaborationGetRemotes(count)
result = []
for i in range(count.value):
return result
def enterprise_remote() -> Optional['Remote']:
Get whichever known Remote has the same address as the Enterprise license server
:return: Relevant known Remote, or None if one is not found
for remote in known_remotes():
if remote.is_enterprise:
return remote
return None
def create_remote(name: str, address: str) -> 'Remote':
Create a Remote and add it to the list of known remotes (saved to Settings)
:param name: Identifier for remote
:param address: Base address (HTTPS) for all api requests
return Remote(core.BNCollaborationCreateRemote(name, address))
def remove_known_remote(remote: 'Remote') -> None:
Remove a Remote from the list of known remotes (saved to Settings)
:param remote: Remote to remove
def get_remote_by_id(id: str) -> Optional['Remote']:
Get Remote by unique id
:param id: Unique id of the Remote
:return: Remote, if known, else None
value = core.BNCollaborationGetRemoteById(id)
if value is None:
return None
result = Remote(handle=value)
return result
def get_remote_by_address(address: str) -> Optional['Remote']:
Get Remote by address
:param address: Base address of remote api
:return: Remote, if found, else None
value = core.BNCollaborationGetRemoteByAddress(address)
if value is None:
return None
result = Remote(handle=value)
return result
def get_remote_by_name(name: str) -> Optional['Remote']:
Get Remote by name
:param name: Name of Remote
:return: Remote, if found, else None
value = core.BNCollaborationGetRemoteByName(name)
if value is None:
return None
result = Remote(handle=value)
return result
def load_remotes():
Load the list of known Remotes from local Settings
:raises RuntimeError: If there was an error
if not core.BNCollaborationLoadRemotes():
raise RuntimeError(_last_error())
def save_remotes():
Save the list of known Remotes to local Settings
:raises RuntimeError: If there was an error
if not core.BNCollaborationSaveRemotes():
raise RuntimeError(_last_error())