Source code for binaryninja.downloadprovider

# Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Vector 35 Inc
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
# deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
# rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
# sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

import abc
import ctypes
from json import dumps
import sys
import traceback
from urllib.parse import urlencode

# Binary Ninja Components
import binaryninja
import binaryninja._binaryninjacore as core
from . import settings
from .log import log_error

[docs] def to_bytes(field): if type(field) == bytes: return field if type(field) == str: return field.encode() return str(field).encode()
[docs] class DownloadInstance(object): _registered_instances = [] _response = b"" _data = b""
[docs] class Response: def __init__(self, status_code, headers, content): self.status_code = status_code self.headers = headers self.content = content
def __init__(self, provider, handle=None): if handle is None: self._cb = core.BNDownloadInstanceCallbacks() self._cb.context = 0 self._cb.destroyInstance = self._cb.destroyInstance.__class__(self._destroy_instance) self._cb.performRequest = self._cb.performRequest.__class__(self._perform_request) self._cb.performCustomRequest = self._cb.performCustomRequest.__class__(self._perform_custom_request) self._cb.freeResponse = self._cb.freeResponse.__class__(self._free_response) self.handle = core.BNInitDownloadInstance(provider.handle, self._cb) self.__class__._registered_instances.append(self) else: self.handle = core.handle_of_type(handle, core.BNDownloadInstance) self._must_free = handle is not None def __del__(self): if self._must_free: core.BNFreeDownloadInstance(self.handle) def _destroy_instance(self, ctxt): try: if self in self.__class__._registered_instances: self.__class__._registered_instances.remove(self) self.perform_destroy_instance() except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _perform_request(self, ctxt, url): try: return self.perform_request(url) except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return -1 def _perform_custom_request(self, ctxt, method, url, header_count, header_keys, header_values, response): # Cast response to an array of length 1 so ctypes can write to the pointer # out_response = ((BNDownloadInstanceResponse*)[1])response out_response = (ctypes.POINTER(core.BNDownloadInstanceResponse) * 1).from_address(ctypes.addressof(response.contents)) # type: ignore try: # Extract headers keys_ptr = ctypes.cast(header_keys, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)) values_ptr = ctypes.cast(header_values, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)) header_key_array = (ctypes.c_char_p * header_count).from_address(ctypes.addressof(keys_ptr.contents)) header_value_array = (ctypes.c_char_p * header_count).from_address(ctypes.addressof(values_ptr.contents)) headers = {} for i in range(header_count): headers[header_key_array[i]] = header_value_array[i] # Generator function that returns a chunk of data on every iteration def data_generator(): while True: read_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(0x1000) read_len = core.BNReadDataForDownloadInstance( self.handle, ctypes.cast(read_buffer, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8)), 0x1000 ) if read_len == 0: break if read_len < 0: raise IOError() yield read_buffer[:read_len] try: py_response = self.perform_custom_request(method, url, headers, data_generator()) except Exception as e: out_response[0] = None core.BNSetErrorForDownloadInstance(self.handle, e.__class__.__name__) log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return -1 if py_response is not None: # Assign to an instance variable so the memory stays live until the request is done self.bn_response = core.BNDownloadInstanceResponse() self.bn_response.statusCode = py_response.status_code self.bn_response.headerCount = len(py_response.headers) self.bn_response.headerKeys = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(py_response.headers))() self.bn_response.headerValues = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(py_response.headers))() for i, (key, value) in enumerate(py_response.headers.items()): self.bn_response.headerKeys[i] = core.BNAllocString(key) self.bn_response.headerValues[i] = core.BNAllocString(value) out_response[0] = ctypes.pointer(self.bn_response) else: out_response[0] = None return 0 if py_response is not None else -1 except: out_response[0] = None log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return -1 def _free_response(self, ctxt, response): del self.bn_response
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def perform_destroy_instance(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def perform_request(self, url): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def perform_custom_request(self, method, url, headers, data_generator): raise NotImplementedError
def _read_callback(self, data, len_, ctxt): try: bytes_len = len_ if bytes_len > len(self._data): bytes_len = len(self._data) c = ctypes.cast(data, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)) writeable_data = (ctypes.c_char * len_).from_address(ctypes.addressof(c.contents)) writeable_data[:bytes_len] = self._data[:bytes_len] self._data = self._data[bytes_len:] return bytes_len except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return 0 def _write_callback(self, data, len, ctxt): try: str_bytes = ctypes.string_at(data, len) self._response = self._response + str_bytes return len except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return 0
[docs] def get_response(self, url): callbacks = core.BNDownloadInstanceOutputCallbacks() callbacks.writeCallback = callbacks.writeCallback.__class__(self._write_callback) callbacks.writeContext = 0 callbacks.progressContext = 0 self._response = b"" result = core.BNPerformDownloadRequest(self.handle, url, callbacks) return (result, self._response)
[docs] def request(self, method, url, headers=None, data=None, json=None): if headers is None: headers = {} if data is None and json is None: data = b'' elif data is None and json is not None: data = to_bytes(dumps(json)) if "Content-Type" not in headers: headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" elif data is not None and json is None: if type(data) == dict: # Urlencode data as a form body data = to_bytes(urlencode(data)) if "Content-Type" not in headers: headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" else: assert (type(data) == bytes) self._data = data if len(data) > 0 and "Content-Length" not in headers: headers["Content-Length"] = len(data) if "Content-Type" not in headers: headers["Content-Type"] = "application/octet-stream" callbacks = core.BNDownloadInstanceInputOutputCallbacks() callbacks.readCallback = callbacks.readCallback.__class__(self._read_callback) callbacks.writeCallback = callbacks.writeCallback.__class__(self._write_callback) callbacks.readContext = 0 callbacks.writeContext = 0 callbacks.progressContext = 0 self._response = b"" header_keys = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(headers))() header_values = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(headers))() for (i, item) in enumerate(headers.items()): key, value = item header_keys[i] = to_bytes(key) header_values[i] = to_bytes(value) response = ctypes.POINTER(core.BNDownloadInstanceResponse)() result = core.BNPerformCustomRequest( self.handle, method, url, len(headers), header_keys, header_values, response, callbacks ) if result != 0: return None response_headers = {} for i in range(response.contents.headerCount): response_headers[response.contents.headerKeys[i]] = response.contents.headerValues[i] return DownloadInstance.Response(response.contents.statusCode, response_headers, self._response)
[docs] def get(self, url, headers=None): return self.request("GET", url, headers)
[docs] def post(self, url, headers=None, data=None, json=None): return self.request("POST", url, headers, data, json)
[docs] def put(self, url, headers=None, data=None, json=None): return self.request("POST", url, headers, data, json)
class _DownloadProviderMetaclass(type): def __iter__(self): binaryninja._init_plugins() count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() types = core.BNGetDownloadProviderList(count) try: for i in range(0, count.value): yield DownloadProvider(types[i]) finally: core.BNFreeDownloadProviderList(types) def __getitem__(self, value): binaryninja._init_plugins() provider = core.BNGetDownloadProviderByName(str(value)) if provider is None: raise KeyError(f"'{value}' is not a valid download provider") return DownloadProvider(provider)
[docs] class DownloadProvider(metaclass=_DownloadProviderMetaclass): name = None instance_class = None _registered_providers = [] def __init__(self, handle=None): if handle is not None: self.handle = core.handle_of_type(handle, core.BNDownloadProvider) self.__dict__["name"] = core.BNGetDownloadProviderName(handle)
[docs] def register(self): self._cb = core.BNDownloadProviderCallbacks() self._cb.context = 0 self._cb.createInstance = self._cb.createInstance.__class__(self._create_instance) self.handle = core.BNRegisterDownloadProvider(, self._cb) self.__class__._registered_providers.append(self)
def _create_instance(self, ctxt): try: assert self.__class__.instance_class is not None, "instance_class is None" result = self.__class__.instance_class(self) if result is None: return None download_instance = core.BNNewDownloadInstanceReference(result.handle) assert download_instance is not None, "core.BNNewDownloadInstanceReference returned None" return ctypes.cast(download_instance, ctypes.c_void_p).value except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return None
[docs] def create_instance(self): result = core.BNCreateDownloadProviderInstance(self.handle) if result is None: return None return DownloadInstance(self, handle=result)
_loaded = False try: import requests if sys.platform != "win32": try: from requests import pyopenssl # type: ignore except: pass elif core.BNIsUIEnabled(): try: # since requests will use urllib behind the scenes, which will use # the openssl statically linked into _ssl.pyd, the first connection made # will attempt to walk the entire process heap on windows using Heap32First # and Heap32Next, which is O(n^2) in heap allocations. by doing this now, # earlier and before threads are started, hopefully we dodge some of the impact. # this should also help with some issues where when Heap32First fails to walk the # heap and causes an exception, and because openssl 1.0.2q's RAND_poll implementation # wraps this all in a __try block and silently eats said exception, when the windows # segment heap is explicitly turned on this leaves the heap in a locked state resulting # in process deadlock as other threads attempt to allocate or free memory. # # as an additional *delightful* addendum, it turns out that when the windows segment # heap is manually flipped on, Heap32First/Heap32Next being called while another # thread is interacting with the allocator can deadlock (or outright crash) the entire # process. # # considering that this can be reproduced in a 60 line C file that mallocs/frees in a loop # while another thread just runs the toolhelp example code from msdn, this is probably # a windows bug. if it's not, then it's an openssl bug. ugh. # # radioactive superfund site workaround follows: # RAND_status should cause the broken openssl code to run before too many threads are # started in the UI case. this drastically reduces the repro rate in the interim. it still # happens occasionally; threads spawned by the intel graphics drivers seem to still get hit here, # but only ~1/2 the time. on machines i've interacted with personally, this drops repro rate to 0%. # # TODO FIXME remove asap when windows patch/hotfix (hopefully) gets released import _ssl _ssl.RAND_status() except: pass class PythonDownloadInstance(DownloadInstance): def __init__(self, provider): super(PythonDownloadInstance, self).__init__(provider) def perform_destroy_instance(self): pass def perform_request(self, url): try: proxy_setting = settings.Settings().get_string('network.httpsProxy') if proxy_setting: proxies = {"https": proxy_setting} else: proxies = None r = requests.get(url.decode('utf8'), proxies=proxies) if not r.ok: core.BNSetErrorForDownloadInstance(self.handle, "Received error from server") return -1 data = r.content if len(data) == 0: core.BNSetErrorForDownloadInstance(self.handle, "No data received from server!") return -1 raw_bytes = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(data)).from_buffer_copy(data) bytes_wrote = core.BNWriteDataForDownloadInstance(self.handle, raw_bytes, len(raw_bytes)) if bytes_wrote != len(raw_bytes): core.BNSetErrorForDownloadInstance(self.handle, "Bytes written mismatch!") return -1 continue_download = core.BNNotifyProgressForDownloadInstance(self.handle, bytes_wrote, bytes_wrote) if continue_download is False: core.BNSetErrorForDownloadInstance(self.handle, "Download aborted!") return -1 except requests.RequestException as e: core.BNSetErrorForDownloadInstance(self.handle, e.__class__.__name__) return -1 except: core.BNSetErrorForDownloadInstance(self.handle, "Unknown Exception!") log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return -1 return 0 def perform_custom_request(self, method, url, headers, data_generator): proxy_setting = settings.Settings().get_string('network.httpsProxy') if proxy_setting: proxies = {"https": proxy_setting} else: proxies = None # Cannot have Content-Length if the body is chunked if b"Content-Length" in headers: del headers[b"Content-Length"] r = requests.request( method.decode('utf8'), url.decode('utf8'), headers=headers, data=data_generator, proxies=proxies, stream=True ) total_size = 0 for (key, value) in r.headers.items(): if key.lower() == b'content-length': total_size = int(value) break bytes_sent = 0 for chunk in r.iter_content(None): raw_bytes = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(chunk)).from_buffer_copy(chunk) bytes_wrote = core.BNWriteDataForDownloadInstance(self.handle, raw_bytes, len(raw_bytes)) if bytes_wrote != len(raw_bytes): core.BNSetErrorForDownloadInstance(self.handle, "Bytes written mismatch!") return None bytes_sent += bytes_wrote continue_download = core.BNNotifyProgressForDownloadInstance(self.handle, bytes_sent, total_size) if continue_download is False: core.BNSetErrorForDownloadInstance(self.handle, "Download aborted!") return None return DownloadInstance.Response(r.status_code, r.headers, None) class PythonDownloadProvider(DownloadProvider): name = "PythonDownloadProvider" instance_class = PythonDownloadInstance PythonDownloadProvider().register() _loaded = True except ImportError: pass if not _loaded and (sys.platform != "win32"): try: try: from urllib.request import urlopen, build_opener, install_opener, ProxyHandler, Request from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError except ImportError: from urllib2 import urlopen, build_opener, install_opener, ProxyHandler, URLError, HTTPError, Request # type: ignore
[docs] class PythonDownloadInstance(DownloadInstance): def __init__(self, provider): super(PythonDownloadInstance, self).__init__(provider)
[docs] def perform_destroy_instance(self): pass
[docs] def perform_request(self, url): try: proxy_setting = settings.Settings().get_string('network.httpsProxy') if proxy_setting: opener = build_opener(ProxyHandler({'https': proxy_setting})) install_opener(opener) r = urlopen(url.decode('utf8')) total_size = int(r.headers.get('content-length', 0)) bytes_sent = 0 while True: data = if not data: break raw_bytes = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(data)).from_buffer_copy(data) bytes_wrote = core.BNWriteDataForDownloadInstance(self.handle, raw_bytes, len(raw_bytes)) if bytes_wrote != len(raw_bytes): core.BNSetErrorForDownloadInstance(self.handle, "Bytes written mismatch!") return -1 bytes_sent = bytes_sent + bytes_wrote continue_download = core.BNNotifyProgressForDownloadInstance( self.handle, bytes_sent, total_size ) if continue_download is False: core.BNSetErrorForDownloadInstance(self.handle, "Download aborted!") return -1 if not bytes_sent: core.BNSetErrorForDownloadInstance(self.handle, "Received no data!") return -1 except URLError as e: core.BNSetErrorForDownloadInstance(self.handle, e.__class__.__name__) log_error(str(e)) return -1 except: core.BNSetErrorForDownloadInstance(self.handle, "Unknown Exception!") log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return -1 return 0
class CustomRequest(Request): """ urllib2 (python2) does not have a parameter for custom request methods So this is a shim class to deal with that """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if "method" in kwargs: self._method = kwargs["method"] # Need to remove from kwargs or python2 will complain about the unused arg del kwargs["method"] else: self._method = None Request.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def get_method(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._method is not None: return self._method return Request.get_method(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def perform_custom_request(self, method, url, headers, data_generator): result = None try: proxy_setting = settings.Settings().get_string('network.httpsProxy') if proxy_setting: opener = build_opener(ProxyHandler({'https': proxy_setting})) install_opener(opener) # Cannot have Content-Length if the body is chunked if b"Content-Length" in headers: del headers[b"Content-Length"] req = PythonDownloadInstance.CustomRequest( url.decode('utf8'), data=data_generator, headers=headers, method=method.decode('utf8') ) result = urlopen(req) except HTTPError as he: result = he total_size = 0 for (key, value) in result.headers.items(): if key.lower() == b'content-length': total_size = int(value) break bytes_sent = 0 while True: data = if not data: break raw_bytes = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(data)).from_buffer_copy(data) bytes_wrote = core.BNWriteDataForDownloadInstance(self.handle, raw_bytes, len(raw_bytes)) if bytes_wrote != len(raw_bytes): core.BNSetErrorForDownloadInstance(self.handle, "Bytes written mismatch!") return None bytes_sent = bytes_sent + bytes_wrote continue_download = core.BNNotifyProgressForDownloadInstance(self.handle, bytes_sent, total_size) if continue_download is False: core.BNSetErrorForDownloadInstance(self.handle, "Download aborted!") return None return DownloadInstance.Response(result.getcode(), result.headers, None)
[docs] class PythonDownloadProvider(DownloadProvider): name = "PythonDownloadProvider" instance_class = PythonDownloadInstance
PythonDownloadProvider().register() _loaded = True except ImportError: pass if not _loaded: if sys.platform == "win32": log_error("The pip requests package is required for network connectivity!") log_error("Please install the requests package into the selected Python environment:") log_error(" python -m pip install requests") else: log_error( "On Python versions below 2.7.9, the pip requests[security] package is required for network connectivity!" ) log_error( "On an Ubuntu 14.04 install, the following three commands are sufficient to enable networking for the current user:" ) log_error(" sudo apt install python-pip") log_error(" python -m pip install pip --upgrade --user") log_error(" python -m pip install requests[security] --upgrade --user")