| TypeBrowserModel (BinaryViewRef data, QObject *parent) |
virtual | ~TypeBrowserModel () |
BinaryViewRef | getData () |
std::shared_ptr< TypeBrowserTreeNode > | getRootNode () |
std::vector< std::string > | containerIds () const |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< TypeContainerTreeNode > > | containerNodes () const |
std::string | nameForContainerId (const std::string &id) const |
std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< BinaryNinja::TypeContainer > > | containerForContainerId (const std::string &id) |
std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< const BinaryNinja::TypeContainer > > | containerForContainerId (const std::string &id) const |
std::optional< BinaryViewRef > | viewForContainerId (const std::string &id) const |
std::optional< TypeArchiveRef > | archiveForContainerId (const std::string &id) const |
std::optional< std::string > | archiveIdForContainerId (const std::string &id) const |
std::optional< TypeLibraryRef > | libraryForContainerId (const std::string &id) const |
std::optional< DebugInfoRef > | debugInfoForContainerId (const std::string &id) const |
std::optional< PlatformRef > | platformForContainerId (const std::string &id) const |
void | updateFonts () |
void | runAfterUpdate (std::function< void()> callback) |
int | columnCount (const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const override |
int | rowCount (const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const override |
QVariant | headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role=Qt::DisplayRole) const override |
QModelIndex | parent (const QModelIndex &child) const override |
QModelIndex | index (int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const override |
QVariant | data (const QModelIndex &index, int role=Qt::DisplayRole) const override |
std::shared_ptr< TypeBrowserTreeNode > | nodeForIndex (const QModelIndex &index) const |
QModelIndex | indexForNode (std::shared_ptr< TypeBrowserTreeNode > node, int column=0) const |
bool | filter (const QModelIndex &index, const std::string &filter, TypeBrowserFilterMode mode) const |
bool | lessThan (const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right) const |
void | OnTypeDefined (BinaryNinja::BinaryView *data, const BinaryNinja::QualifiedName &name, BinaryNinja::Type *type) override |
void | OnTypeUndefined (BinaryNinja::BinaryView *data, const BinaryNinja::QualifiedName &name, BinaryNinja::Type *type) override |
void | OnTypeReferenceChanged (BinaryNinja::BinaryView *data, const BinaryNinja::QualifiedName &name, BinaryNinja::Type *type) override |
void | OnTypeFieldReferenceChanged (BinaryNinja::BinaryView *data, const BinaryNinja::QualifiedName &name, uint64_t offset) override |
void | OnTypeAdded (TypeArchiveRef archive, const std::string &id, TypeRef definition) override |
void | OnTypeUpdated (TypeArchiveRef archive, const std::string &id, TypeRef oldDefinition, TypeRef newDefinition) override |
void | OnTypeRenamed (TypeArchiveRef archive, const std::string &id, const BinaryNinja::QualifiedName &oldName, const BinaryNinja::QualifiedName &newName) override |
void | OnTypeDeleted (TypeArchiveRef archive, const std::string &id, TypeRef definition) override |
void | OnTypeArchiveAttached (BinaryNinja::BinaryView *data, const std::string &id, const std::string &path) override |
| This notification is posted whenever a Type Archive is attached to a Binary View.
void | OnTypeArchiveDetached (BinaryNinja::BinaryView *data, const std::string &id, const std::string &path) override |
| This notification is posted whenever a Type Archive is detached to a Binary View.
void | OnTypeArchiveConnected (BinaryNinja::BinaryView *data, BinaryNinja::TypeArchive *archive) override |
| This notification is posted whenever a previously disconnected Type Archive attached to the Binary View is connected.
void | OnTypeArchiveDisconnected (BinaryNinja::BinaryView *data, BinaryNinja::TypeArchive *archive) override |
| This notification is posted whenever a previously connected Type Archive attached to the Binary View is disconnected.
| BinaryDataNotification () |
| BinaryDataNotification (NotificationTypes notifications) |
virtual | ~BinaryDataNotification () |
BNBinaryDataNotification * | GetCallbacks () |
virtual uint64_t | OnNotificationBarrier (BinaryView *view) |
virtual void | OnBinaryDataWritten (BinaryView *view, uint64_t offset, size_t len) |
virtual void | OnBinaryDataInserted (BinaryView *view, uint64_t offset, size_t len) |
virtual void | OnBinaryDataRemoved (BinaryView *view, uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) |
virtual void | OnAnalysisFunctionAdded (BinaryView *view, Function *func) |
virtual void | OnAnalysisFunctionRemoved (BinaryView *view, Function *func) |
virtual void | OnAnalysisFunctionUpdated (BinaryView *view, Function *func) |
virtual void | OnAnalysisFunctionUpdateRequested (BinaryView *view, Function *func) |
virtual void | OnDataVariableAdded (BinaryView *view, const DataVariable &var) |
virtual void | OnDataVariableRemoved (BinaryView *view, const DataVariable &var) |
virtual void | OnDataVariableUpdated (BinaryView *view, const DataVariable &var) |
virtual void | OnDataMetadataUpdated (BinaryView *view, uint64_t offset) |
virtual void | OnTagTypeUpdated (BinaryView *view, Ref< TagType > tagTypeRef) |
virtual void | OnTagAdded (BinaryView *view, const TagReference &tagRef) |
virtual void | OnTagRemoved (BinaryView *view, const TagReference &tagRef) |
virtual void | OnTagUpdated (BinaryView *view, const TagReference &tagRef) |
virtual void | OnSymbolAdded (BinaryView *view, Symbol *sym) |
virtual void | OnSymbolRemoved (BinaryView *view, Symbol *sym) |
virtual void | OnSymbolUpdated (BinaryView *view, Symbol *sym) |
virtual void | OnStringFound (BinaryView *data, BNStringType type, uint64_t offset, size_t len) |
virtual void | OnStringRemoved (BinaryView *data, BNStringType type, uint64_t offset, size_t len) |
virtual void | OnSegmentAdded (BinaryView *data, Segment *segment) |
virtual void | OnSegmentRemoved (BinaryView *data, Segment *segment) |
virtual void | OnSegmentUpdated (BinaryView *data, Segment *segment) |
virtual void | OnSectionAdded (BinaryView *data, Section *section) |
virtual void | OnSectionRemoved (BinaryView *data, Section *section) |
virtual void | OnSectionUpdated (BinaryView *data, Section *section) |
virtual void | OnComponentNameUpdated (BinaryView *data, std::string &previousName, Component *component) |
| This notification is posted after the display name for a component is updated.
virtual void | OnComponentAdded (BinaryView *data, Component *component) |
| This notification is posted after a Component is added to the tree.
virtual void | OnComponentRemoved (BinaryView *data, Component *formerParent, Component *component) |
| This notification is posted after a Component is removed from the tree.
virtual void | OnComponentMoved (BinaryView *data, Component *formerParent, Component *newParent, Component *component) |
| This notification is posted whenever a component is moved from one component to another.
virtual void | OnComponentFunctionAdded (BinaryView *data, Component *component, Function *function) |
| This notification is posted whenever a Function is added to a Component.
virtual void | OnComponentFunctionRemoved (BinaryView *data, Component *component, Function *function) |
| This notification is posted whenever a Function is removed from a Component.
virtual void | OnComponentDataVariableAdded (BinaryView *data, Component *component, const DataVariable &var) |
| This notification is posted whenever a DataVariable is added to a Component.
virtual void | OnComponentDataVariableRemoved (BinaryView *data, Component *component, const DataVariable &var) |
| This notification is posted whenever a DataVariable is removed from a Component.
virtual void | OnExternalLibraryAdded (BinaryView *data, ExternalLibrary *library) |
virtual void | OnExternalLibraryRemoved (BinaryView *data, ExternalLibrary *library) |
virtual void | OnExternalLibraryUpdated (BinaryView *data, ExternalLibrary *library) |
virtual void | OnExternalLocationAdded (BinaryView *data, ExternalLocation *location) |
virtual void | OnExternalLocationRemoved (BinaryView *data, ExternalLocation *location) |
virtual void | OnExternalLocationUpdated (BinaryView *data, ExternalLocation *location) |
virtual void | OnUndoEntryAdded (BinaryView *data, UndoEntry *entry) |
| This notification is posted whenever an entry is added to undo history.
virtual void | OnUndoEntryTaken (BinaryView *data, UndoEntry *entry) |
| This notification is posted whenever an action is undone.
virtual void | OnRedoEntryTaken (BinaryView *data, UndoEntry *entry) |
| This notification is posted whenever an action is redone.
virtual void | OnRebased (BinaryView *oldView, BinaryView *newView) |
| This notification is posted whenever a binary view is rebased.
| TypeArchiveNotification () |
virtual | ~TypeArchiveNotification ()=default |
BNTypeArchiveNotification * | GetCallbacks () |
virtual void | OnTypeAdded (Ref< TypeArchive > archive, const std::string &id, Ref< Type > definition) |
| Called when a type is added to the archive.
virtual void | OnTypeUpdated (Ref< TypeArchive > archive, const std::string &id, Ref< Type > oldDefinition, Ref< Type > newDefinition) |
| Called when a type in the archive is updated to a new definition.
virtual void | OnTypeRenamed (Ref< TypeArchive > archive, const std::string &id, const QualifiedName &oldName, const QualifiedName &newName) |
| Called when a type in the archive is renamed.
virtual void | OnTypeDeleted (Ref< TypeArchive > archive, const std::string &id, Ref< Type > definition) |
| Called when a type in the archive is deleted from the archive.