►NBinaryNinja | |
►NCollaboration | |
CAnalysisMergeConflict | |
CCollabChangeset | |
CCollabGroup | |
CCollabPermission | |
CCollabSnapshot | |
CCollabUndoEntry | |
CCollabUser | |
CDatabaseConflictHandlerContext | |
CNameChangesetContext | |
CRemote | |
CRemoteException | |
CRemoteFile | |
CRemoteFolder | |
CRemoteProject | |
CSyncException | |
CTypeArchiveConflictHandlerContext | |
CTypeArchiveMergeConflict | |
►NEnterprise | API for interacting with Enterprise features, such as communicating with the Enterprise server |
CEnterpriseException | Custom exception class for all Enterprise functions that can throw exceptions |
CLicenseCheckout | RAII object for holding an Enterprise floating license in a scope |
►NHttp | |
CMultipartField | Structure for multipart form fields |
CRequest | Structure containing HTTP metadata for requests |
CRequestContext | |
CResponse | Basic HTTP response structure |
CActiveAnalysisInfo | |
CActivity | |
CAdvancedFunctionAnalysisDataRequestor | |
CAnalysisCompletionEvent | |
CAnalysisContext | |
CAnalysisInfo | |
CArchAndAddr | |
CArchitecture | Base class for all CPU architectures |
CArchitectureExtension | |
CArchitectureHook | |
CBackgroundTask | |
CBaseAddressDetection | |
CBaseAddressDetectionSettings | |
CBaseStructure | |
CBasicBlock | |
CBasicBlockEdge | |
CBinaryData | |
CBinaryDataNotification | |
CBinaryReader | BinaryReader is a convenience class for reading binary data |
CBinaryView | BinaryView implements a view on binary data, and presents a queryable interface of a binary file |
CBinaryViewType | The BinaryViewType object is used internally and should not be directly instantiated |
CBinaryWriter | BinaryWriter is a convenience class for writing binary data |
CCallbackRef | |
CCallingConvention | |
CComponent | Components are objects that can contain Functions and other Components |
CConfidence | |
CConfidence< Ref< T > > | |
CConfidenceBase | |
CConstantData | |
CCoreArchitecture | |
CCoreBinaryViewType | |
CCoreCallingConvention | |
CCoreDownloadInstance | |
CCoreDownloadProvider | |
CCoreFileAccessor | |
CCoreFlowGraph | |
CCorePlatform | |
CCoreRefCountObject | |
CCoreRelocationHandler | |
CCoreScriptingInstance | |
CCoreScriptingProvider | |
CCoreSecretsProvider | |
CCoreTransform | |
CCoreTypeParser | |
CCoreTypePrinter | |
CCoreWebsocketClient | |
CCoreWebsocketProvider | |
CCustomDebugInfoParser | |
CDatabase | Provides lower level access to raw snapshot data used to construct analysis data |
CDatabaseException | |
CDataBuffer | |
CDataRenderer | DataRenderer objects tell the Linear View how to render specific types |
CDataRendererContainer | Used for registering DataRenderers |
CDataVariable | |
CDataVariableAndName | |
CDebugFunctionInfo | |
CDebugInfo | |
CDebugInfoParser | |
CDisassemblySettings | |
CDisassemblyTextLine | |
CDisassemblyTextLineTypeInfo | |
CDisassemblyTextRenderer | |
►CDownloadInstance | |
CResponse | |
CDownloadProvider | |
CEnumeration | |
CEnumerationBuilder | EnumerationBuilder is a convenience class used for building Enumeration Types |
CEnumerationMember | |
CExceptionWithStackTrace | |
CExternalLibrary | |
CExternalLocation | |
CFileAccessor | |
CFileMetadata | |
CFindParameters | |
CFlowGraph | FlowGraph implements a directed flow graph to be shown in the UI |
CFlowGraphEdge | |
CFlowGraphLayoutRequest | |
CFlowGraphNode | |
CFormInputField | |
CFunction | |
CFunctionParameter | |
CFunctionRecognizer | |
CHighLevelILConstantDataInstruction | |
CHighLevelILConstantInstruction | |
CHighLevelILFunction | |
CHighLevelILIndexList | |
CHighLevelILInstruction | |
CHighLevelILInstructionAccessException | |
CHighLevelILInstructionBase | |
CHighLevelILInstructionList | |
CHighLevelILIntegerList | |
CHighLevelILOneOperandInstruction | |
CHighLevelILOperand | |
CHighLevelILOperandList | |
CHighLevelILSSAVariableList | |
CHighLevelILTwoOperandInstruction | |
CHighLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstruction | |
CILReferenceSource | |
CILSourceLocation | |
CIndirectBranchInfo | |
CInheritedStructureMember | |
CInstructionInfo | |
CInstructionTextToken | `InstructionTextToken` is used to tell the core about the various components in the disassembly views |
CInteractionHandler | |
CKeyValueStore | Maintains access to the raw data stored in Snapshots and various other Database-related structures |
CLanguageRepresentationFunction | |
CLinearDisassemblyLine | |
CLinearViewCursor | |
CLinearViewObject | |
CLinearViewObjectIdentifier | |
CLogger | Logger is a class allowing scoped logging to the console |
CLogListener | |
CLogRegistry | A class allowing registering and retrieving Loggers |
CLookupTableEntry | |
CLowLevelILConstantInstruction | |
CLowLevelILFunction | |
CLowLevelILIndexList | |
CLowLevelILIndexMap | |
CLowLevelILInstruction | |
CLowLevelILInstructionAccessException | |
CLowLevelILInstructionBase | |
CLowLevelILInstructionList | |
CLowLevelILIntegerList | |
CLowLevelILLabel | |
CLowLevelILOffsetInstruction | |
CLowLevelILOneOperandInstruction | |
CLowLevelILOperand | |
CLowLevelILOperandList | |
CLowLevelILRegisterOrFlagList | |
CLowLevelILSSAFlagList | |
CLowLevelILSSARegisterList | |
CLowLevelILSSARegisterOrFlagList | |
CLowLevelILSSARegisterStackList | |
CLowLevelILTwoOperandInstruction | |
CLowLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstruction | |
CMainThreadAction | |
CMainThreadActionHandler | |
CMediumLevelILConstantDataInstruction | |
CMediumLevelILConstantInstruction | |
CMediumLevelILFunction | |
CMediumLevelILIndexList | |
CMediumLevelILIndexMap | |
CMediumLevelILInstruction | |
CMediumLevelILInstructionAccessException | |
CMediumLevelILInstructionBase | |
CMediumLevelILInstructionList | |
CMediumLevelILIntegerList | |
CMediumLevelILLabel | |
CMediumLevelILOneOperandInstruction | |
CMediumLevelILOperand | |
CMediumLevelILOperandList | |
CMediumLevelILSSAVariableList | |
CMediumLevelILTwoOperandInstruction | |
CMediumLevelILTwoOperandWithCarryInstruction | |
CMediumLevelILVariableList | |
CMemoryMap | |
CMetadata | |
CNameAndType | |
CNamedTypeReference | |
CNamedTypeReferenceBuilder | |
CNameList | |
CNameSpace | |
CNavigationHandler | |
CParsedType | |
CPlatform | Platform base class |
CPluginCommand | Used for registering "commands" for Plugins, corresponding to code in those plugins to be executed |
CPluginCommandContext | |
CPossibleValueSet | |
CProgressContext | |
CProject | |
CProjectException | |
CProjectFile | |
CProjectFolder | |
CProjectNotification | |
CQualifiedName | |
CQualifiedNameAndType | |
CQueryMetadataException | |
CReadException | Thrown whenever a read is performed out of bounds |
CRef | |
CRefCountObject | |
CReferenceSource | |
CRegisterOrFlag | |
CRegisterValue | |
CRelocation | |
CRelocationHandler | |
CRepoPlugin | |
CReportCollection | |
CRepository | |
CRepositoryManager | |
CSaveSettings | |
CScriptingInstance | |
CScriptingOutputListener | |
CScriptingProvider | |
CSecretsProvider | Class for storing secrets (e.g |
CSection | The Section object is returned during BinaryView creation and should not be directly instantiated |
CSegment | The Segment object is returned during BinaryView creation and should not be directly instantiated |
CSettings | Settings provides a way to define and access settings in a hierarchical fashion |
CSimplifyName | |
CSnapshot | A model of an individual database snapshot, created on save |
CSSAFlag | |
CSSARegister | |
CSSARegisterOrFlag | |
CSSARegisterStack | |
CSSAVariable | |
CStackVariableReference | |
CStaticCoreRefCountObject | |
CStructure | Structure is a class that wraps built structures and retrieves info about them |
CStructureBuilder | StructureBuilder is a convenience class used for building Structure Types |
CStructureMember | |
CSymbol | |
CSymbolQueue | |
CTag | |
CTagReference | |
CTagType | |
CTemporaryFile | TemporaryFile is used for creating temporary files, stored (temporarily) in the system's default temporary file directory |
CTransform | Allows users to implement custom transformations |
CTransformParameter | |
CType | |
CTypeAndId | |
CTypeArchive | Type Archives are a collection of types which can be shared between different analysis sessions and are backed by a database file on disk |
CTypeArchiveNotification | |
CTypeBuilder | |
CTypeContainer | A TypeContainer is a generic interface to access various Binary Ninja models that contain types |
CTypeDefinitionLine | |
CTypeFieldReference | |
CTypeLibrary | |
CTypeParser | |
CTypeParserError | |
CTypeParserResult | |
CTypePrinter | |
CTypeReferenceSource | |
CUndoAction | |
CUndoEntry | |
CUpdateChannel | |
CUpdateException | |
CUpdateProgress | |
CUpdateVersion | UpdateVersion documentation |
CUser | |
CVariable | |
CVariableNameAndType | |
CVariableReferenceSource | |
CWebsocketClient | |
CWebsocketProvider | |
CWorkflow | A Binary Ninja Workflow is an abstraction of a computational binary analysis pipeline and it provides the extensibility mechanism needed for tailored binary analysis and decompilation |
CWriteException | Raised whenever a write is performed out of bounds |
►Nfmt | |
Cformatter< BinaryNinja ::HighLevelILInstruction > | |
Cformatter< BinaryNinja ::LowLevelILInstruction > | |
Cformatter< BinaryNinja ::MediumLevelILInstruction > | |
Cformatter< BinaryNinja::Confidence< T > > | |
Cformatter< BinaryNinja::Metadata > | |
Cformatter< BinaryNinja::NameList > | |
Cformatter< BinaryNinja::Ref< T > > | |
Cformatter< QString > | |
Cformatter< T, char, std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum_v< T >, void > > | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< BinaryNinja::HighLevelILOperandUsage > | |
Chash< BinaryNinja::LowLevelILOperandUsage > | |
Chash< BinaryNinja::MediumLevelILOperandUsage > | |
Chash< BinaryNinja::QualifiedName > | |
Chash< BinaryNinja::Ref< T > > | |
Chash< BinaryNinja::SSAFlag > | |
Chash< BinaryNinja::SSARegister > | |
Chash< BinaryNinja::SSARegisterStack > | |
Chash< BinaryNinja::SSAVariable > | |
Chash< BNHighLevelILOperation > | |
Chash< BNLowLevelILOperation > | |
Chash< BNMediumLevelILOperation > | |
CAddressDialogWithPreview | |
CAddressIndicator | |
CAddUserXrefDialog | |
CAnimation | Animation is a helper class for setting up UI animations |
CAnimationHelper | Provides simple static functions wrapping common transformations applied to Qt Widgets |
CAssembleDialog | |
CBackgroundThread | Helper class for running chains of actions on both the main thread and a background thread |
CBackgroundTreeWidget | |
CBaseStructuresTableWidget | |
CBinaryViewScopeLabel | |
CBNActiveAnalysisInfo | |
CBNAddressRange | |
CBNAnalysisInfo | |
CBNAnalysisParameters | |
CBNAnalysisProgress | |
CBNArchitectureAndAddress | |
CBNBaseAddressDetectionReason | |
CBNBaseAddressDetectionScore | |
CBNBaseAddressDetectionSettings | |
CBNBaseStructure | |
CBNBasicBlockEdge | |
CBNBinaryDataNotification | |
CBNBinaryViewEvent | |
CBNBoolWithConfidence | |
CBNCallingConventionWithConfidence | |
CBNChangelogEntry | |
CBNConstantReference | |
CBNCustomArchitecture | |
CBNCustomBinaryView | |
CBNCustomBinaryViewType | |
CBNCustomCallingConvention | |
CBNCustomDataRenderer | |
CBNCustomFlowGraph | |
CBNCustomPlatform | |
CBNCustomRelocationHandler | |
CBNCustomTransform | |
CBNDataVariable | |
CBNDataVariableAndName | |
CBNDataVariableAndNameAndDebugParser | |
CBndbImportDialog | |
CBNDebugFunctionInfo | |
CBNDisassemblyTextLine | |
CBNDisassemblyTextLineTypeInfo | |
CBNDownloadInstanceCallbacks | |
CBNDownloadInstanceInputOutputCallbacks | |
CBNDownloadInstanceOutputCallbacks | |
CBNDownloadInstanceResponse | |
CBNDownloadProviderCallbacks | |
CBNEdgeStyle | |
CBNEnterpriseServerCallbacks | |
CBNEnumerationMember | |
CBNFileAccessor | |
CBNFlagConditionForSemanticClass | |
CBNFlowGraphEdge | |
CBNFormInputField | |
CBNFunctionParameter | |
CBNFunctionRecognizer | |
CBNHighLevelILInstruction | |
CBNHighlightColor | |
CBNILBranchInstructionAndDependence | |
CBNILIndexRange | |
CBNILReferenceSource | |
CBNIndirectBranchInfo | |
CBNInheritedStructureMember | |
CBNInstructionInfo | |
CBNInstructionTextLine | |
CBNInstructionTextToken | |
CBNInteractionHandlerCallbacks | |
CBNLinearDisassemblyLine | |
CBNLinearViewObjectIdentifier | |
CBNLogListener | |
CBNLookupTableEntry | |
CBNLowLevelILInstruction | |
CBNLowLevelILLabel | |
CBNMainThreadCallbacks | |
CBNMediumLevelILInstruction | |
CBNMediumLevelILLabel | |
CBNMemoryUsageInfo | |
CBNMergedVariable | |
CBNMetadataValueStore | |
CBNNameAndType | |
CBNNameList | |
CBNNameSpace | |
CBNNavigationHandler | |
CBNObjectDestructionCallbacks | |
CBNOffsetWithConfidence | |
CBNParameterVariablesWithConfidence | |
CBNParsedType | |
CBNPerformanceInfo | |
CBNPluginCommand | |
CBNPoint | |
CBNPossibleValueSet | |
CBNProjectNotification | |
CBNQualifiedName | |
CBNQualifiedNameAndType | |
CBNQualifiedNameList | |
CBNQualifiedNameTypeAndId | |
CBNRange | |
CBNReferenceSource | |
CBNRegisterInfo | |
CBNRegisterOrConstant | |
CBNRegisterSetWithConfidence | |
CBNRegisterStackAdjustment | |
CBNRegisterStackInfo | |
CBNRegisterValue | |
CBNRegisterValueWithConfidence | |
CBNRelocationInfo | |
CBNScriptingInstanceCallbacks | |
CBNScriptingOutputListener | |
CBNScriptingProviderCallbacks | |
CBNSecretsProviderCallbacks | |
CBNStackVariableReference | |
CBNStringReference | |
CBNStructureMember | |
CBNSystemCallInfo | |
CBNTagReference | |
CBNTransformParameter | |
CBNTransformParameterInfo | |
CBNTypeArchiveNotification | |
CBNTypeContext | |
CBNTypeDefinitionLine | |
CBNTypeField | |
CBNTypeFieldReference | |
CBNTypeFieldReferenceSizeInfo | |
CBNTypeFieldReferenceTypeInfo | |
CBNTypeParserCallbacks | |
CBNTypeParserError | |
CBNTypeParserResult | |
CBNTypePrinterCallbacks | |
CBNTypeReferenceSource | |
CBNTypeWithConfidence | |
CBNUpdateChannel | |
CBNUpdateChannelFullInfo | |
CBNUpdateVersion | |
CBNUpdateVersionNew | |
CBNUserVariableValue | |
CBNValueRange | |
CBNVariable | |
CBNVariableNameAndType | |
CBNVariableReferenceSource | |
CBNVersionInfo | |
CBNWebsocketClientCallbacks | |
CBNWebsocketClientOutputCallbacks | |
CBNWebsocketProviderCallbacks | |
CCachedTokens | |
CClickableIcon | |
CClickableLabel | |
CClickableStateLabel | |
CCloseButton | |
CCommandList | |
CCommandListDelegate | |
CCommandListFilter | |
CCommandListItem | |
CCommandListModel | |
CCommandPalette | |
CCommentDialog | |
CCommentDialogTextEdit | |
CCompileDialog | |
CCompileOptions | |
CContentAlignmentAnimatingWidget | Helper widget that animates the alignment of a given child widget |
CContextMenuManager | |
CCopyableLabel | |
CCreateArrayDialog | |
CCreateStackVariableDialog | Dialog to enable arbitrary stack variable creation |
CCreateStructDialog | |
CCreateTypeDialog | |
CCrossReferenceContainer | |
CCrossReferenceFilterProxyModel | |
CCrossReferenceItemDelegate | |
CCrossReferenceSidebarWidgetType | |
CCrossReferenceTable | |
CCrossReferenceTableModel | |
CCrossReferenceTree | |
CCrossReferenceTreeModel | |
CCrossReferenceWidget | |
CCustomFusionStyle | |
CCustomStyleFlatButton | |
CDataComparedTableItem | |
CDataTypeList | |
CDefaultDockableTabStyle | |
CDialogTextEdit | |
CDisabledOptionsStatusBarWidget | |
CDisassemblyContainer | |
CDisassemblyFunctionHeader | |
CDisassemblyHistoryEntry | |
CDisassemblyView | |
CDisassemblyViewType | |
CDisplayOptions | Options for displaying an address or address range |
CDockableTabBar | |
CDockableTabBarWithCornerWidget | |
CDockableTabCollection | |
CDockableTabInfo | |
CDockableTabStyle | |
CDockableTabWidget | |
CDockContextHandler | |
CDockHandler | |
CDockProperties | |
CDockSizePrefs | |
CEmptyTreeNode | |
CEntryItem | |
CEntryItemMetadataView | |
CEntryItemMetadataViewDelegate | |
CExpandableGroup | |
CExternalLocationDialog | |
CFeatureMap | |
CFileContext | |
CFileContextBase | |
CFileOffsetDialogWithPreview | |
CFilterEdit | |
CFilteredView | |
CFilterTarget | |
CFlexibleTabBar | |
CFloatingSidebarStackedWidget | |
CFlowGraphHistoryEntry | |
CFlowGraphWidget | |
CFontParameters | |
CFormInputDialog | |
Cfunction_traits | |
Cfunction_traits< R(C::*)(Args...) const > | |
CGenericException | |
CGetStructuresListThread | |
CGetSymbolsListThread | |
CGetTypesListThread | |
CGlobalArea | |
CGlobalAreaCompatibilitySidebarWidgetType | |
CGlobalAreaTabStyle | |
CGlobalAreaWidget | |
CGraphLayoutCompleteEvent | |
CGraphTypeLabel | |
CHeaderImportDialog | |
CHexEditor | |
CHexEditorHighlightState | |
CHexEditorViewType | |
CHighlightTokenState | |
CHistoryEntry | |
CHistoryEntryItemDelegate | |
CHistoryEntryItemModel | |
CHistorySidebarWidget | |
CHistorySidebarWidgetType | |
CIconImage | |
CILChooserWidget | |
CInfoWidget | |
CInstructionEdit | |
CLinearView | |
CLinearViewCursorPosition | |
CLinearViewHistoryEntry | |
CLinearViewLine | |
CLinearViewType | |
CLineNumberArea | |
CLogItemDelegate | |
CLogListFilterProxyModel | |
CLogListItem | |
CLogListModel | |
CLogStatus | |
CLogTokenList | |
CLogView | |
CLogViewComboBox | |
CLogViewSidebarWidgetType | |
CMainMenuInstance | |
CMainThreadActionContext | |
CManagedTableDelegate | |
CManagedTableModel | |
CManagedTableView | |
CMatchCallbackContextForConstant | |
CMatchCallbackContextForDataBuffer | |
CMatchCallbackContextForText | |
CMemoryMapContainer | |
CMemoryMapItemDelegate | |
CMemoryMapSidebarWidget | |
CMemoryMapSidebarWidgetType | |
CMemoryMapView | |
CMemoryMapViewType | |
CMenu | |
CMenuHelper | |
CMenuInstance | |
CMergeVariableHeader | |
CMergeVariableItemDelegate | |
CMergeVariableListItem | |
CMergeVariablesDialog | |
►CMetadataChoiceDialog | MetadataChoiceDialog is a dynamic UI View and Controller that allows the user to make a selection given a list of entries, and metadata about those entries |
CExtraFilterState | |
CInfoColumn | |
CMetadataState | |
CMiniGraph | |
CMiniGraphSidebarWidgetType | |
►CNotificationEvent | |
CBinaryDataChangeInfo | |
CComponentInfo | |
CStringInfo | |
CSymbolInfo | |
CTypeArchiveInfo | |
CTypeChangeInfo | |
CNotificationsDispatcher | |
CNotificationsWorker | |
COptionsDialog | |
COrderedMenuHelper | |
CPane | |
CPaneHeader | |
CPaneHeaderContainer | |
CPaneHeaderFade | |
CParseException | |
CParseTypeThread | QThread subclass for handling type string parsing to avoid UI interruptions |
CPasswordEdit | |
CPlatformDialog | |
CPossibleValueSetDialog | |
CPreviewScrollHandler | |
CPreviewWidget | |
CProgressDialog | Dialog displaying a progress bar and cancel button |
CProgressTask | Wrapper around QThread and ProgressDialog that runs a task in the background, providing updates to the progress bar on the main thread |
CProjectBrowser | |
CProjectItemModel | |
CProjectStatusWidget | |
CProjectTree | |
CProjectTreeStyle | |
CQCheckboxCombo | QCheckboxCombo is a combobox widget that contains items with checkboxes |
CQFileAccessor | |
CQProgressIndicator | Lets an application display a progress indicator to show that a lengthy task is under way |
CRecentFileItem | |
CRecentsList | |
CRenderContext | |
CReportCollectionWidget | |
CReportWidget | |
CRootTreeNode | |
CScene | This is an internal object used for tracking Scene information |
►CSceneManager | Moving between different UI states can be very tedious and end up producing incredibly complex and often indecipherable code |
CSceneBuilder | Helper for the buildup/teardown process of a Scene |
CScriptingCompletionModel | |
CScriptingCompletionPopup | |
CScriptingConsole | |
CScriptingConsoleEdit | |
CScriptingConsoleOutput | |
CScriptingConsoleSidebarWidgetType | |
CSearchFilter | |
CSearchProgressBar | |
CSearchResultFilterProxyModel | |
CSearchResultHeaderWidget | |
CSearchResultItem | |
CSearchResultItemDelegate | |
CSearchResultModel | |
CSearchResultSidebarWidgetType | |
CSearchResultTable | |
CSearchResultWidget | |
CSectionDialog | |
CSectionWidget | |
CSegmentDialog | |
CSegmentWidget | |
CSelectionInfoForXref | This struct is used to pass selection information for cross references |
CSettingsDelegate | |
CSettingsEditor | |
CSettingsEntry | |
CSettingsFilterProxyModel | |
CSettingsOutlineProxyModel | |
CSettingsScopeBar | |
CSettingsTreeModel | |
CSettingsTreeView | |
CSettingsView | |
CSidebar | |
CSidebarFloatingWidgetState | |
CSidebarHeader | |
CSidebarHeaderTitle | |
CSidebarIcon | |
CSidebarIconDragIndicator | |
CSidebarIconInfo | |
CSidebarIconsWidget | |
CSidebarInvalidContextWidget | |
CSidebarMetrics | |
CSidebarStackedWidget | |
CSidebarWidget | |
CSidebarWidgetAndHeader | |
CSidebarWidgetContainer | |
CSidebarWidgetType | |
CSnapshotContext | |
CSortFilterProjectItemModel | |
CSplitButton | |
CSplitPaneContainer | |
CSplitPaneWidget | |
CSplitTabWidget | |
CSplitter | |
CSplitterWidget | |
CSplitterWidgetSizing | |
CStackView | The Stack View |
CStackViewLine | A single line in the stack view |
CStackViewSidebarWidget | Stack view sidebar widget wrapper |
CStackViewSidebarWidgetType | |
CStatusBarWidget | |
CStickyHeader | |
CStringItemDelegate | |
CStringsContainer | |
CStringsListModel | |
CStringsView | |
CStringsViewSidebarWidget | |
CStringsViewSidebarWidgetType | |
CStringsViewType | |
CSymbolList | |
CSymbolListDelegate | |
►CSymbolListModel | |
CNamedObject | |
CSymbolQueueAddContext | |
CSymbolQueueResolveContext | |
CSymbolsView | |
CSymbolsViewSidebarWidgetType | |
CSyncGroup | |
CSyncGroupWidget | |
CTabDragIndicator | |
CTagItemDelegate | |
CTagList | |
CTagListDialog | |
CTagListModel | |
CTagListSidebarWidgetType | |
CTagListWidget | |
CTagTypeDialogModel | |
CTagTypeItemDelegate | |
CTagTypeList | |
CTagTypeListModel | |
CTagTypeSelectDialog | |
CTaskContext | |
CTextBrowser | |
CTextBrowserDownloadCache | |
CTextBrowserDownloadQueue | |
CTextBrowserDownloadThread | |
CTextDialog | |
CTimerWithMaxTries | |
CTokenizedTextView | |
CTokenizedTextViewHistoryEntry | |
►CTokenizedTextWidget | QWidget that displays lines of InstructionTextTokens with the ability to make selections |
CLineMetadata | |
CTokenMetadata | |
CTokenizedTextWidgetCursorPosition | |
CTransformParameterDialog | |
CTypeBrowserContainer | |
CTypeBrowserFilterModel | |
CTypeBrowserItemDelegate | |
CTypeBrowserModel | |
CTypeBrowserModelData | Cursed data struct behind a shared_ptr so Qt stops deleting our model while the background updates run |
CTypeBrowserOptionsIconWidget | |
CTypeBrowserSidebarWidget | |
CTypeBrowserSidebarWidgetType | |
►CTypeBrowserTreeNode | |
CUpdateData | |
CTypeBrowserTreeView | |
CTypeBrowserView | |
CTypeBrowserViewType | |
CTypeContainerTreeNode | |
CTypeDefinitionLinesAndFilterStatus | |
CTypeDialog | |
►CTypeEditor | |
►CSavedCursorPosition | |
CPositionData | |
CTypeFilter | |
CTypeFilterEdit | |
CTypeReference | |
CTypesContainer | |
CTypeTreeNode | |
CTypeView | |
CTypeViewHistoryEntry | |
CTypeViewSidebarWidget | |
CTypeViewSidebarWidgetType | |
CTypeViewType | |
CUIAction | |
CUIActionContext | |
CUIActionHandler | |
CUIActionHandlerWidgetConnection | |
CUIBookmarkAction | |
CUIComment | |
CUIContext | |
CUIContextHandler | |
CUIContextNotification | Interface used to receive notifications related to files and contexts |
CUIHighlightColorAction | |
CUITransformAction | |
►CUpdateInfoFetcher | |
CChangelogEntry | |
CChangelogEntryItem | |
CChannel | |
CVersion | |
CVariableList | The main variable list dock widget |
CVariableListItem | An item part of VariableListModel |
CVariableListItemDelegate | |
CVariableListModel | The backing model for the variable list widget, holds VariableListItem |
CVariableListSidebarWidgetType | The main variable list dock widget |
CVariableSortFilterProxyModel | |
CView | |
CViewContainer | |
CViewFrame | |
CViewList | |
CViewLocation | |
CViewNavigationMode | |
CViewPane | |
CViewPaneHeader | |
CViewPaneHeaderILChooserWidget | |
CViewPaneHeaderSubtypeWidget | |
CViewType | |
CViewTypeContainer | |
CWidgetPane | |
CWidgetPaneHeader | |
CWorkerThreadActionContext | |
CXrefCodeReferences | |
CXrefDataReferences | |
CXrefFunctionHeader | |
CXrefHeader | |
CXrefItem | |
CXrefRoot | |
CXrefTypeHeader | |
CXrefTypeReferences | |
CXrefVariableHeader | |
CXrefVariableReferences | |